Global Sage Era

Chapter 123

Chapter 123 The No. 1 Resource World (first more ask for subscription!)

Earth, Luyuan City.

As time enters August, the weather has become hotter and hotter.

Xu Sheng came out of the maintenance cabin and looked at the selection for less than a week, and gradually raised his heart.

“If the expedition in the Monster Race World hasn’t ended on the 8th, it would really be a headache…”

The method of selection is not yet known, but at least the Minor World people are needed. Yin and others are all conquering the monster world. It is still at a critical period. Once you get away, it may cause the entire human camp to rout.

The indigenous human race now has a population of 30 million, and if it is defeated, it will be at least tens of millions of casualties.

The turn of time came to the seventh.

That night, Xu Sheng watched for a while in the maintenance cabin, and finally determined that Yin’s breakthrough would take at least ten days, and it might even fail.

In desperation, he had to give up the idea of ​​letting Yin breakthrough on his own. I wish him a helping hand.

He did not rely on the equivalence of all things, but by consuming the origin and incense, directly caused the environment around Yin Closed Door Training to change, so that Yin’s sensitivity to Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi was accelerated, and the speed of his comprehension of Dharma tactics also became faster.

This kind of ability is something he has only recently, and when his understanding of the law deepens, the means he can use will deepen.

After all, whether it is the equivalent of everything or the Minor World, it is part of its own strength, but not all of it. Its own strength is truly powerful.

Yin, who was in the Closed Door Training, suddenly felt like a divine help. His original slow progress increased tenfold. This was a surprise while he was puzzled.

In just over a month, with a long roar, he successfully reached the late stage of the Foundation Building from the middle stage of the Foundation Building!

“Big Elder is out! Big Elder is out!”

Everyone knew the news immediately, and then the cheers of the entire human race.

The tiger and wolf tribes who had been arrogant and arrogant suddenly felt that the human race was no longer passively avoiding war, and not only did not give in on the front battlefield, but also began to take the initiative to attack.

Many tiger tribes and wolf tribes were still upholding their previous ideas and were immediately hit head-on. Many powerful monster tribes were killed by Human Race Practitioners, and even their bones and blood were brought back as trophies and became powerful nutrients for Human Race Practitioners.

Although the Demon Tiger King and the Demon Wolf King hated each other extremely, at this time they both let go of their grievances and first aimed at the human race.

According to their previous experience, the Human Race Practitioner would retreat in a hurry at this time, but what they did not expect was that this time facing the threat of their two Demon Kings, the Human Race did not retreat at all, still proceeding with the demon race on the front line. Hurry and kill.

This angered the two demons, and at the same time knew that the Daoist clan must have relied on.

Soon, they knew what they were relying on.

When Yin’s figure came to the forefront of the Human Race from the rear, stopped in the air, and opposed the two Demon Kings of the Demon Race at a distance, the entire Human Race shouted in excitement.

Kuang Yuan raised his head to look at the Daoist shadow, and sighed softly, “You stand up at this time.”

Although he knew that the position faced more pressure and the possibility of death at any time, every battle was a bet on everything, but he still hoped that it could be himself in that position.

“Are you their backing? A mere human equivalent to the late stage of the big demon?”

The Demon Tiger King uttered a sky-shattering laugh, and he didn’t hide his disdain. The big demon was late stage, and he turned his palm to destroy it.

“This human being is not right…” The Demon Wolf King was cautious. In his induction, the human being in the distance brought him a powerful threat.

“As expected of the Demon King, it is indeed powerful.”

Yin did not answer. At this time, he could clearly feel the gap between each other. Even in the late stage, he still felt a big gap. In a head-on fight, he did not have the slightest confidence to defeat the opponent.

But at this moment, he suddenly looked up.

At the end of the line of sight, infinite blue brilliance fell from the sky.

At this moment, both the Demon Tiger King and the Demon Wolf King showed horror on their faces.

It is the horrible existence hidden behind the human race, the existence that makes them unable to produce the slightest heart of resistance!

[Record]: You mobilized 500 points of the origin of water, forming a water barrier

[Record]: You mobilized 500 points of the source of water to form a weak water area

[Record]: You have mobilized 500 points of the source of water, which speeds up the recovery of the people

In the sea of ​​the world, Xu Sheng used 1500 points of origin in a blink of an eye.

His application of the law of protection has become more and more sophisticated. Although it is the same source of consumption as in the college entrance examination, the power of Ascension is more than 30% higher. With the protection of these three laws, the gap between Yin and the demon king can be narrowed. To not count.


Both the tiger and the wolf clan were stunned. They were fighting with the human race on the front line, and soon discovered that there was a tortoise shell on the human race that could not be broken, and it was hard to break the tortoise shell. The human race inside was seriously injured, but the latter recovered at a speed that they could not believe, and in the blink of an eye they became the same as they were before the injury.

“Ah, despicable humans!”

The powerful monsters uttered unwilling roars one after another, and then died in extreme humiliation amidst the excited expressions of the human race.

The indigenous tribes don’t know much about these, but the Huntuo Practitioners are too familiar!

The ancestors and his elders really felt sorry for their children and grandchildren, and helped them at the critical moment!

The conquest of Minor World has such a huge advantage. The use of the original aspect can make the people stronger with weak attacks, surpassing the existence of several times their own strength.

After all, at the level of human beings in the main world, although it is not easy to fully interfere with the external world, it is still simple to create advantages for oneself.

After receiving the blessing of the source, Yin laughed and took the initiative to attack the two demon kings.

This made the Demon Tiger King very angry, thinking that he was underestimated, and even a big demon in the late stage dared to make a move.

The Demon Wolf King is very cautious, and all these years of hiding have eliminated the impulsive side of his character.

Yin’s main target was the Demon Tiger King. He knew the jail between the Demon Tiger King and the Demon Wolf King. This was a place worth taking advantage of.

“Impossible! How could the mere demon late stage be so strong!”

The Demon Tiger King yelled at him in disbelief after being hit by Yin and flew out.

“Those who are short-sighted, Pan Dao will kill you here today.” Yin’s voice was tepid, but what he said made the Demon Tiger King angry.

The Demon Tiger King was about to attack, but The next moment was shrouded in great terror. He fled in horror, but the blue brilliance falling from above still made its small half of its body become nothingness.


The Demon Tiger King screamed sternly.


In the world, Xu Sheng, who finally found an opportunity to attack the Demon Tiger King, sighed. Although his own attack is fast, it can also be snatched in time with Monster Core’s Realm.

Just now, 500 points of origin are missing. Although a few more shots may also wipe out the opponent, it is undoubtedly a cannon hitting mosquitoes, which is too wasteful.

He has always been able to use this method, but he has been holding the idea of ​​training and saving others, and has not considered directly using the source, but now is running out of time, so he can only do so.

The Demon Tiger King was seriously injured. Not only did Yin feel that the opportunity had come, but even the Demon Wolf King was fierce. Although he was afraid of the existence behind the human race, he felt that the opportunity was not to be missed. The revenge is here!

Yin did not communicate with the Demon Wolf King, and attacked the Demon Tiger King tacitly.

The Demon Tiger King was originally superior in strength, but at this time he was seriously injured by Xu Cheng’s original source. His strength has gone for the most part. Although he tried his best to resist, he could not resist the joint efforts of Yin and the Demon Wolf King. The land was useless and was intercepted by Yin and the Demon Wolf King.

“I’m unwilling… I’m unwilling, a rebellious court thief, a mere late stage big demon, unexpectedly…”

The Demon Tiger King yelled up to the sky, his eyes staring straight into the sky, trying to see clearly what the deterrent existence was like decades ago.

But he didn’t say anything, the injuries he had been pressing on could no longer be suppressed, his body exploded and shattered in mid-air, Yuan Shen and Monster Core were put away by the Monster Wolf King and Yin respectively.

Then Yin and the Demon Wolf King stood on both sides tacitly.

“How are we talking? The Wolf and Humans divide the world?” The Demon Wolf King said tentatively. The existence behind the Humans is too terrifying. If possible, he would rather divide the territory into half.

The answer to him was Yin’s tactics.


No one knows how the battle was carried out. The human, tiger, and wolf tribe only knew that there was only one figure that appeared in the end.

Terran cultivator, Yin!

The monster camp was deadly silent.

In sharp contrast to the human race, the trembling cries endure for a long time.

Big Elder wins, and the two demon kings are his sorrow!

Without the Monster Queen of Monster core Realm, the Tiger and Wolf tribes retreated steadily under the offensive of the Human Race. At first they were able to resist, but later they were slaughtered one-sidedly.

The Terran soldiers were divided into two groups, on the one hand, under the leadership of Yin, attacked the stronger wolf clan, while under the leadership of Kuang Yuan, eliminated the remaining power of the tiger clan.

In just a few months, the wolf tribe and tiger tribe were slaughtered, and there was not even a single demon left.

Then the Human Race took another month to wipe out all the remaining small stocks of other monster races.

In the entire world of the demon race, there is not a wise demon race left, only the human race is a wise tribe!

At this point, the monster world has been completely conquered, and the indigenous human races do not have to worry about external attacks, and can develop themselves wholeheartedly.

In the sea of ​​the world, after the last monster clan was also killed, Xu Sheng was notified.

[Record]: You have been rewarded with World Sea Origin, and get 10,000 origin points.

[Prompt]: The Minor World has been completely occupied by you. You can spend 3000 points to link it to make it an affiliated world of your Minor World. Do you want to link?


[Record]: The current world has been linked to your Minor World

[Prompt]: Please name it

“Just call it…the number one resource world!”

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