Global Sage Era

Chapter 126

Chapter 126 The 99th Champion! (Please subscribe!)

He does not mean that.

Just as the voice over there just fell, the four people next to Xu Sheng had already subconsciously looked at him.

This movement was naturally noticed by many people, and then they understood after a moment.

The boy with a smile on his face in the middle is Xu Sheng in the ‘legend’.

The country’s first full score champion in the college entrance examination!


All of a sudden, almost half of the people stood up.

Many people who hadn’t paid attention to the situation also looked up to see what happened, and then immediately knew what had happened in the surrounding conversation.

Except for a few people, almost everyone turned to look at the door, Xu Sheng in the center.

Regardless of whether Xu Sheng is the strongest or not, his reputation must be the greatest among so many people.

No matter which province you are from, you all know that Baiwan Province won a top prize in the college entrance examination this year.

On the one hand, they are curious about what kind of evildoer can break the record, on the other hand, they are also not convinced.

There is no full score in the college entrance examination, but there are a lot of 899 points every year. Nearly 200 provinces around the world, at least more than 20 provinces have such evildoers.

For example, the two municipalities directly under the central government, Qianjing and Kunhai, will have the same scores. Finally, the Ministry of Education will make a unified decision before selecting the champion.

“You’re Xu Sheng? It doesn’t look great.”

“Are you interested in a match? If you dare not pretend to be, I didn’t say it.”

“Haha, have a chance to learn from each other.”

“It’s amazing. The first full score champion must be very strong.”

There are all kinds of voices, and the person who speaks looks or looks at it, or is indifferent, or dissatisfied, or sneers, most of them have a bad tone.

There are also people who express admiration and want to make friends, but they are very few compared to the previous category.

Xu Sheng didn’t answer a single sentence. He had thought about the current situation in advance.

It is a strange thing for a person who can become a champion, who is not confident, like he has a perfect champion, and is not hostile by everyone.

Who doesn’t want to be the one who broke the record?

If everyone doesn’t have one, then forget it, they are all at a starting line.

But now that this ‘heterogene’ of myself has appeared, it will naturally become the point of all people.

However, he didn’t have any fear in his heart. No matter what other people’s attitudes toward him, he would spend all his mind on developing Minor World and the law of perception as usual for countless days and nights.

Zheng Jingjing and Fang Chengyi both quietly moved away from Xu Sheng. Although the extent was not large, they let everyone understand what they meant. It has nothing to do with me, so don’t get involved with me.

Wang Kun did not change his expression. The grievances between the students could not affect him, but after thinking about it, he whispered to Xu Sheng, “Don’t take those words to heart, I believe you.”

Xu Sheng felt a touch of warmth in his heart, nodded and smiled: “Brother Wang, don’t worry.”

Surprisingly, Su Linrui didn’t mean to be far away, on the contrary, she got closer.

When Xu Sheng looked over, he met with a pair of clear eyes like a spring of water, followed by a slightly playful smile.

She…why is she on this side, she’s not familiar with it, more like Zheng Jingjing and Fang Chengyi.

No matter what you think, Xu Sheng smiled at this girl of the same age who was also from Luyuan.

In the corner, a boy who looked gentle and clear withdrew his gaze.

“What’s wrong with Kong Yan, don’t you go up and say hello?”

Next to him, a student from the same province chuckled.

Kong Yan shook his head and said, “No, I’ll run into it sooner or later anyway.”

At a point next to him, there are three students from another province. The middle one is a gloomy boy. His name is Lan Ying. Because of his inability to speak, he has barely communicated with two students from the same province along the way.

At the far east, two women and one man were silently looking at the entrance.

The three of them have obviously known each other a long time ago, and get along easily with each other.

However, the girl in the orange dress of the two girls looked a little dull, and only occasionally said a few words.

“Look, Ruifeng doesn’t speak anymore.”

“Hey, you don’t know who she is, don’t turn on her switch.”

Suddenly, Ruifeng, who has been silent for a long time, looked up and said: “What’s wrong with me? I think I’m normal. It’s just chatting. I will participate when I feel good, and I won’t participate when I feel bad. Isn’t this normal?”

“Also, we also saw Xu Sheng…”

“Hey, why didn’t you talk anymore? It was you who said that I didn’t talk, and it was you who didn’t talk now, huh!”

The other girl looked at the boy with faint resentment, and the boy also looked regretful.

Under everyone’s gaze, Xu Sheng silently walked to a middle position and sat down.

Su Linrui, Zheng Jingjing, and Fang Chengyi were also sitting next to each other. Anyway, they belong to Baiwan Province after all. Just keeping a little distance can show that Zhe is safe. Now if he is directly away from Xu Sheng, he will be looked down upon.

“This place belongs to your students, my position is over there, please contact me if you have something to do.” Wang Kun shook his own wristband before leaving.

“With you, I really want to be low-key and can’t be low-key.” Su Linrui smiled beside her, her eyes curled like crescent moons.

“Hmph, there wasn’t that much at all, now it’s fine, every move is being watched by others.” Zheng Jingjing said unceremoniously.

Fang Chengyi was also a little unhappy and said: “It feels like everyone is looking at this side… If only Xu Sheng, you didn’t get a full score.”

Xu Sheng received the words of the three people in his ears, sighing in his heart that the difference between people is really great, if everyone is like Su Linrui, then the world will be full of love.

At this time, someone arrived at the entrance again, which temporarily attracted the attention of others.

In the later time, Xu Sheng learned from the surrounding chats that more than 20 provinces had been reached at this time, and among these provinces, 11 provinces were recruited by Qianjing.

This is only the China region, and there are more than 100 provinces in the other four regions that have not been reached. According to the practice of Qianjing University and Kunhai University, there are almost 80 champions.

In total, there are more than 90 champions!

Each of these 90 champions has reached the highest point in a province, and none of them is simple.

In addition to the more than 90 champions, there are also some who have the strength of champions.

To put it simply, it’s not a good match for anyone here to pick it out. It’s not that evildoers can’t come here.

Suddenly, someone shouted

“The people from Qianjing City are here!”

Everyone, including Xu Sheng, saw it.

As the capital of Qianjing City and the location of Qianjing University, its educational strength is so powerful that more than 1,000 people enter the two universities of Qianjing and Kunhai every year!

No one is not curious about how many people will come from Ganjing University in this selection.

In the passage, nearly twenty people walked over, each with a trace of inherent pride on their faces.

“It’s Lu Shan! I heard that his law perception has reached 0.03%, and his subjects are Feihe Jianxiu, who are extremely powerful!”

“The girl in the green dress next to it is Xiao Yalin. I heard that the law also has 0.03%, and there is a Gold Core cultivator among the people!”

“Not only the two of them, do you see the taciturn boy behind the crowd? His name is Zhao Tongkai, not weaker than the other two!”

Listening to the discussion next to him, Xu Sheng’s heart was stunned. He knew that Qianjing’s students would not be weak, but he felt the pressure regardless of the number of people or the strength.

Even the Gold Core cultivator appeared, and Yin was only promoted to the Foundation Building late stage this morning. I don’t know how long it will take to become a Gold Core.

The students in Qianjing City seemed very proud, perhaps from their own strength, or from the city of Qianjing. In short, when they walked through the crowds, they randomly drove a large number of people around.

Lu Shan, who was walking, suddenly heard what was said in the crowd, and then looked in the direction of Xu Sheng in the hall, staying on Xu Sheng’s face for several seconds.

“He’s Xu Sheng? He looks very ordinary.” Xiao Yalin, a petite figure, showed a small tiger tooth, and a strange look appeared in her eyes.

Zhao Tongkai glanced over there silently, did not speak, but his eyes became deeper.

After going to Beijing, people continued to come, but they were not too noticeable.

It wasn’t until the people from Kunhai City appeared that the hall boiled again.

A glance at Qianjing City, the number of people from Kunhai City is also close to 20, and a few of them are extremely noticeable.

Especially the boy in the middle who smiles with the wind is the most heartwarming, as if he is born with an excellent affinity.

After the city of Kunhai, almost all the people belonging to the Chinese region came, and there were almost 15 champions.

The Chinese region is the first to come because it is recently.

After everyone waited for half an hour, people from other Sihua districts finally arrived late.

In terms of appearance, Wuhua District is all Chinese, and there is no difference.

At most, there are differences in teaching and fighting methods.

For example, the initial race on the Chinese side is half of the human race and the other races, while the Donghua district tends to choose other races.

The structure of the other four districts is the same as that of the Chinese district. They are saved one by one, followed by the college entrance examination.

Because of the number of people, there are more provinces there, and naturally more champions appear.

There are 23 champions in Beihua District.

There are 19 champions in Donghua District.

There are 21 champions in Xihua District.

There are 21 champions in Nanhua District.

A total of 99 champions!

One less, the number of champions reaches 100.

A hundred champions staying together is naturally an amazing thing.

Even if many people are confident in themselves, they still feel heavy breathing when faced with such a number.

On Xu Sheng’s side, Zheng Jingjing, who had always been above the top, couldn’t laugh since just now, and Fang Chengyi was similar. Su Linrui looked stressed but still natural.

Xu Sheng was naturally a little stressed, but he still told himself in his heart, don’t think too much, you can!

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