Global Sage Era

Chapter 129

Chapter 128 The Selection Starts (Subscribe!)

The visitor is personable and dressed in a Confucian robe. Although he has just grown up, he has a sense of freedom and maturity.

Qianjing City champion, Lu Shan!

Although his tone was plain, Xu Sheng felt a hint of sharpness in it.

“I also look forward to it.”

Xu Sheng nodded.

The first communication between the two people ended in this way. There was no spark splashing around, but they all knew each other’s will.

Lu Shan returned to the team of Qianjing University.

As soon as he came back, someone next to him asked: “How about it, is this so-called top scorer in good shape?”

Lu Shan glanced at the speaker, who ranked in the middle among them, and the college entrance examination score of Qianjing City was about 20: “Is it a good-looking thing? You are not qualified to say, at least the strength is better than you. A lot.”

The man’s face flushed suddenly, and he looked at Lu Xian in disbelief, “Why did you speak for him?”

Lu Shan smiled disdainfully. Although they came from the same place, it didn’t mean they belonged to the same group.

The weak are not qualified to underestimate the strong.

With so many people from Qianjing City, there are only four people who can make him care, and the other dozen people are all cannon fodder.

Even if it is re-watering, the scores of the top scorers are real, and how can such a weak person be questioned.

In the hall, many people were watching the conversation between Xu Sheng and Lu Shan just now.

But to their disappointment, ‘the thunder is heavy and the rain is little’, Lu Shan actually left after saying a few words in the past.

Among a group of people in Kunhai City, the boy in the middle sits in the middle as if being held by the stars.

Unlike the group of people in Qianjing City, this group of people in Kunhai City seemed to persuade the boy in the middle very much.

From the outside, this boy gave people a natural goodwill, the smile on his face was extremely sincere, and his tone of voice was very calm and organized.

“Xiao Feng, don’t you go over there to say hello? Lu Shan can all go.” said a beautifully smiling girl next to her. Her name is Li Ziqiu, who is ranked third among the students from Kunhai City this time. .

This year, because of the champion class, Qianjing University achieved a bumper harvest for the students, and both the champions of Qianjing and Kunhai were in the bag.

Let Kunhai University do not know how many words of cursing in the back.

“I don’t think it’s necessary. Now it seems to be going to write a battle book, hehe.” The guy next to him who looked very simple and honest touched his head. He was very tall, sitting there a lot taller than the others.

“I said Zhang Meng, in such a good situation, it would be a waste not to get out of the limelight. I suggest that all of us go and say hello to him.” A very gorgeously dressed boy said, afraid that the sky would not fall. Not just talking, but sincerely wanting to bring everyone together over there.

At the outermost periphery, a guy bowed his head and listened to his companions. He looked very inconspicuous, but if he underestimated him for this reason, he would be wrong, because his name is Zhang Ziyou, second only to Kun Hai. Xiao Feng’s evildoer!

Faced with the words of his companions, Xiao Feng shook his head and smiled: “I agree with what Zhang Meng said. You can meet whenever you want. After all, there is a high probability that you will become a classmate in the future, so there is no need to froze the relationship.”

There are 30 places in the champion class. Although the number is small, many people are confident to get a position. At least these five people are confident.

There are too many strong players.

When everyone left the hall and went to record information, many people were stressed.

The people of Qianjing and Kunhai will not talk about it. The Shenshi of Xihua, the Wu Su of Donghua, Mo Fei of Nanhua, and Chen Yuruo of Beihua, these four are also evildoers of 899 points in the college entrance examination.

Everyone’s temperament is not comparable to others.

Soon, those with good things will list the strong ones in this selection.

This information is normally not easy to obtain, but in this case, some information can be obtained through his peers.

It also circled the people who are most likely to enter.

Because the strength of some people is really difficult to judge, the list of 30 people has doubled, and more than 60 people have been selected.

In Baiwan Province, Xu Sheng, no matter how low-key, would not be overlooked, and apart from him, the other three were not selected.

Although the three of them knew their own strength, when the list came out, they no longer had strength, and they still felt uncomfortable.

Wuhua is divided into five areas, each taken by several teachers.

It was Xuan Tong who was in charge of the China region before, and he led more than a hundred people into it.

Everyone quickly followed him to the accommodation area.

The lodging area is a vast building with a general style leaning toward the future. From this point, it can be judged that the path taken by the Gao Sheng, Song Ming, should be trendy.

“Except during the battle, you can act at will during the rest of the time. There are various entertainment venues in the accommodation area… But I hope you don’t spend too much time on this.” Xuan Tong is a very traditional teacher, thinking that students Our entertainment time should be as little as possible. The Holy Path is difficult, and it is impossible to climb to the peak without great perseverance.

“Understood.” The students all responded.

“It’s very big here, it seems very interesting.” Qian Jing’s Xiao Yalin’s eyes still flashed strangely, and the corners of her mouth curled up with a strange arc, and indirectly revealed a hint of unknown laughter.

Lu Shan frowned. This black belly Loli didn’t know what he was making, so it’s better to stay away from her.

Xiao Yalin’s dark-bellied character is not a secret in the Gan Jing team. There are many people who have been scammed by her, and she is often deceived by her appearance. Whenever she blinks her big eyes innocently, she thinks she is The words are extremely sincere.

On the side of the four of Baiwan Province, Zheng Jingjing and Fang Chengyi did not speak, only Xu Sheng and Su Linrui were talking quietly along the way.

“I plan to spend all my time on the development of Minor World. Now I am inferior to human strength. It is really useless if I don’t work hard.” Su Linrui has a kind of resilience in her personality and her ability to adjust her mentality is also very strong. After knowing the rank of the owner, there is some meaning of’knowing the shame and then courage’.

Xu Sheng faintly knows why Su Linrui can surpass Han Yu and Xiao Ruiming in the college entrance examination. He admires her character very much, and he is very comfortable with her today and can be a friend.

After entering the university, it is natural to make some friends, otherwise, there is no need to find someone to help you when you are in trouble.

The dormitory area is a single room, you can choose the room yourself.

“Let’s live together, you choose this one and I will choose this one, so that I can take care of everything.”

In front of a room, Su Linrui generously pointed to Xu Sheng in front of and next to her.

“Okay.” Xu Sheng responded.

Zheng Jingjing and Fang Chengyi didn’t choose to stay close, but chose the own room a little further away.

“See you during dinner.” Su Linrui and Xu Sheng smiled playfully, then opened the own door and walked in.

Xu Sheng smiled and entered the own room.

After entering, he found that the area of ​​this room was very large, about 90 square meters, two rooms, one living room, one kitchen, one bathroom, sofa and refrigerator.

When I opened the refrigerator again, he was dazzled by the full of drinks, snacks and other things.

“It deserves to be Qianjing University.”

Xu Sheng really wanted to say something to a local tyrant. It is no exaggeration to say that the place where he lived before was not as good as this dormitory.

“According to Teacher Xuan, the information recording device is in the bedroom.” He walked into the bedroom thinking about it, and then burst into laughter.

A familiar maintenance cabin is being placed on the side of the bed.

“There is a little difference. This maintenance compartment seems to have more functions.” Xu Sheng stepped forward and looked at it, and found that the maintenance compartment seemed to have many more buttons.

After thinking for a while, he lay down in the maintenance cabin.

Immediately, a voice rang in his mind.

“Checked the target.”

“Full body scan.”

“Scanning is complete, do you want to record information and synchronize Minor World?”

Xu Sheng was not surprised by the appearance of this voice. Teacher Xuan had also told it in advance.


“Information recording… Information recording is complete, Minor World has been synchronized.”

“I am reporting Minor World information now, around the corner…”

As the information was reported, various images appeared in front of Xu Sheng, which was a completely three-dimensional visual interface.

In the upper right corner of this interface, a ‘Syncing’ sign is conspicuous.

“Have you completed everything now?” Xu Sheng asked.

“Yes, you can choose to enter the world sea or leave the maintenance cabin in the next time.”

“Enter the sea of ​​the world.” Xu Sheng ordered, now there is more than an hour before the meal time, this time should be used to develop Minor World.

In the evening, Xu Sheng came out of Minor World. After Su Linrui had a meal together, the two chatted for a while, separated at the door of the room, and each entered the maintenance cabin to develop their own Minor World.

This night, some people are sleeping, some are entertaining, and some are thinking about it.

But people like Xu Sheng are racing against time and don’t waste any Ascension own time.

At 8:30 in the morning on August 9th.

“The selection time has come, please exit the world sea and go to the selection hall.”

When Xu Sheng saw the notice sent, he immediately left the maintenance cabin. He went to the selection hall with Su Linrui who came out at about the same time.

Along the way, students from all over the world kept coming out of the own room.

Compared with yesterday, everyone’s mental state has changed a little at this time.

One night is enough for people to figure out where they are now and have a general understanding of powerful people, so when they see Lu Shan, Xiao Feng, Kong Yan and others, many people have awe in their eyes.

The reason why a genius is a genius is that it is set off by many ordinary people.

And there are a group of geniuses, and it is destined that most of them will become ‘ordinary people’, the green leaves of even more geniuses.

After arriving in the hall, Song Ming’s figure came out like yesterday.

He glanced around at the crowd, and said loudly: “I announce that the selection of the champion class will begin now!”

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