Global Sage Era

Chapter 133

Chapter 132 Absolutely fair ranking method (seeking monthly ticket for subscription!)

Who is the number one?

Gan Jing champion Lu Shan?

Kunhai champion Xiao Feng?

Or is Xu Sheng, the country’s first “full score champion”?

Or is it Kong Yan, Wu Su and others who are as strong as their names?

At this moment, countless people have similar thoughts in their minds.

Many people who understand that own strength cannot be the first, are constantly guessing.

But when everyone saw the top name, they were deeply puzzled.

[Ranking at the end of the first round of selection]

First place, nine in a row, 1 point.

“Who is Lian Jiu?”

This little-known name made the atmosphere in the entire star chart a bit strange.

And in the northeast corner of the star map, on a huge black planet, a thin and tall boy fell into ecstasy after experiencing a brief period of blindfold.

“I am number one? I turned out to be number one!”

This is an official recognition, he is the undisputed number one!

At first he thought that his own strength was at most in the middle reaches, but now it seems that it is not like that. Song Ming Gao Sheng is more optimistic about himself.

“Hahaha, mom and dad, you must have never thought that I won the first place, this champion class, there must be a place for me.” Lian Jiu thought in his heart, and then looked down subconsciously.

But immediately, he felt something was wrong.

“The second is Hao Jian, the third is Yang Di…who are these?”

Even the most unresponsive person understands that something is wrong at this time.

The way of ranking… seems to be different from what they thought at the beginning!

Xu Sheng was a little surprised when he saw the rankings, but after seeing the own rankings, he knew that the rankings were not based on the results-

His ranking is 147.

It is not that he is arrogant, but that he has a basic understanding of own strength, saying that his strength is not in the top ten, and even the top thirty can be accepted, but it is definitely impossible that he has not even entered the 100.

“This ranking is based on the time of the end of the battle, which is absolutely fair.”

Song Ming’s voice rang in everyone’s ears, and then everyone’s heart moved and they immediately understood.

Some are happy and some are disappointed.

“It turned out to be like this.” On a white planet, Lu Shan showed a slight smile. He was ranked ninth. The moment he saw it, he almost fell into a loss.

On another yellow planet, Xiao Feng nodded and said, “Is it ranked according to time… also fair.”

His ranking is twenty-three, but his mood does not fluctuate much from beginning to end, and he is not surprised.

“Hahaha, that Lian Jiu is going crazy now, right?”

“I think he just estimated that he could even think about the future for a while.”

“Hahaha, no, no, no, no one is so stupid, right?”

Some people are chatting privately, their tone is full of schadenfreude.

And the Lian Jiu who was discussed by them, the Lian Jiu who was still in heaven just now was beaten into the region, and the ups and downs of life came so fast.

“Hehe…ranked by time…hehe…” His expression was dull.

A look of being played badly.

The mentality collapsed.

“Time ranking…”

Xu Sheng looked at the star stele surrounded by countless planets in the distance, and his gaze stayed at the top position.

Although this ranking method makes everyone unable to refute, he still wants the own name to appear there.

In the first round of the battle, 260 winners and 260 losers were decided, and the lucky one bye ranked 261th.

At the end of the battle, there were seven days of trimming.

At the same time, the random match started again, and all the students’ opponents for the second round appeared.

Xu Sheng looked at his opponent this time, and he also had no memory.

However, it is equivalent to no reference in the first round, this round can be used to call up the first round of each player’s battle record.

In doing so, everyone’s approximate strength and fighting style can’t be concealed.

But this is what Qianjing University wants to see.

It is to test the students’ ability to see and do tricks.

But not all strengths can’t be hidden. The synchronization of the Practitioner’s strength is based on the beginning of the battle, that is, during this period, no one can see it for a week.

Don’t underestimate this week’s time. It is impossible to say that the cultivator among the people will be able to break through. If the judgment of the opponent’s strength still stays before the breakthrough, it will undoubtedly be a very bad thing.

Xu Sheng looked at Own’s opponent in the second round.

The opponent’s ranking is 298, which means that he lost in the first round.

But after looking at the battle records, he discovered that the opponent’s strength is not weak, at least a lot stronger than the first round of Wang Ke. The reason why he lost was because the opponents he encountered were too strong and he appeared among the people. He was the cultivator of the Foundation Building late stage, but in this way he also fought hard to the end of the seventh day, and finally was sentenced to lose because of the higher damage ratio.

“Here, his layout is a bit radical.”

Above the fusion world of the two parties, Xu Sheng’s huge half-body appeared, and then as his line of sight fell, he kept appearing in all directions.

He can also see the energy crystals on the two planets very clearly, and he can also draw conclusions through the changes in the Practitioner for every scheduling and decision made by the other party.

In general, the opponent’s strength is still some distance from his own, after all, his strongest cultivator is only the Foundation Building middle stage.

This kind of perspective is very interesting. It is different from the world, and the various presentations are also very intuitive. He has to lament the convenience of secret realm.

In addition to changing positions, he can also’fast forward’ and’fast rewind’, focusing on the state of a certain target, the moves that have been released and the moves that are still accumulating. The various magical functions are amazing.

It is impossible to spend all time on this. After clarifying the general situation, Xu Sheng began to accelerate.

In the end, it probably took a long time to get a feel for the other party’s situation.

He also believes that when he studies the other party, the other party is also studying himself.

After spending a day making arrangements based on the opponent’s displayed strength and raising several levels higher, Xu Sheng began to look at other players’ battle records.

The first choice is naturally people like Lu Shan.

The last thing he saw caused his pupils to shrink and put great pressure on him.

The rumors outside are true, Lu Shan’s child Baihe, has already appeared in the Gold Core stage sword repair.

In the entire China region, people who choose humans as their subjects occupy the mainstream.

But it doesn’t mean that you can’t be strong if you choose other races. People like Lu Shan have won the top spot in Qianjing with the white crane sword repair.

The White Cranes are a relatively strong Xiantian race. They have the advantage that Xiantian can fly. In the early development, they are not weaker than the human race.

And Lu Shan’s choice is better, let them turn to sword repair, so that their own advantages will be used to the extreme-Baihe sword repair is not like human sword repair, only refining a sword, they will sacrifice their own wings. Refined into a sword, while flying, it also has the effect of an offensive weapon. As for the long-range attack function, Ling Yu can blast out, and it is extremely easy to penetrate the gold and crack the stone.

Alien races like Baihe do not take the two paths of Human Race cultivator and Practitioner, but a unique route that suits their race itself.

Baihe Jianxiu is a profession with two powers similar to those of Practitioner and cultivator. Qi Sea and Realm sets such as Qi training cannot be used in its strength stage. It can only be said that their strength is equivalent to what level.

In addition, the ghost Practitioner of the ghost clan, the flying zombie of the zombie clan, and the great witch of the witch clan also exist in the same way.In the battle record, Lu Shan’s three thousand white crane sword repairs were lined up, just a round of feather volleys, causing heavy losses to the opponent’s people. If the opponent was not relying on the original source to support it, it is estimated that it will not be used for a day. Blast the crystal.

Xu Sheng simulated the situation of the battle with the opponent in his mind, the form is not optimistic, his winning side is smaller than the opponent’s winning side.

The strength of Huntuo Practitioner is of course very strong, but Baihe Jianxiu’s attack is too sharp, and the flying ability is also very troublesome. In addition, there is a Baihe equivalent to the strength of Gold Core, which is really difficult to solve.

What he thinks now is that the strength of Minor World will continue to develop and use the equivalent of everything to exchange more things to improve his own strength.

Xu Sheng’s current strength is weak because the Realm of the cultivator and the number are not as good as those of Lu Shan. In terms of the Practitioner, no one can outperform him in terms of quantity and quality.

Seven days in the blink of an eye.

The second round of engagement soon arrived.

“I know you are strong, but I will not lose to you, I have found your weakness!”

While the two sides showed up, the opponent looked at Xu Sheng solemnly. This was a sturdy student with an iron-blooded temperament.

Xu Sheng remained unmoved, just smiled as usual: “It’s useless to say more, come on.”

The battle began instantly.

Both have done a lot of research and simulation on the strength of the other side, so at the moment of contact, they felt a sense of resistance.

Even Xu Sheng felt a little uncomfortable. Some of the targeted arrangements made by the other party gave him a feeling of powerlessness.

The roots of both sides are constantly used.

They collided with each other and entangled, rushing to the other people.

Huntuo Practitioner was swept away by hundreds of people by the source of the opponent, many of them turned into white light and disappeared in the screams.

Even the Qi Sea realm Practitioners who can be counted as powerful, are not able to resist one by one.

The strongest people, such as Yin and Kuang Yuan, are the focus of care, and the other party wants to concentrate on destroying them.

But at this moment, the opportunity Xu Sheng has been waiting for has arrived.

In the record of the first battle, he saw that the opponent’s style was more aggressive, and he made a strategy to lure the enemy deeper. Now, as he expected, all the opponent’s cultivators are under the cover of the Practitioners. Di Chao Yin and others rushed to kill, almost a life-for-life style of play.

But when they arrived, they found that the target turned into water and exploded in place after several attacks.

Then he heard the call of his ancestors, and the energy crystal was sneak attacked.

Yin and the others, who had reached the base camp of the opponent under the protection of the origin of water by Xu Sheng, had already killed all the Practitioners who remained behind, and were now desperately attacking the energy crystal.

With a loud explosion.

Yin and others rushed to break the energy crystal before the opponent’s cultivator returned to defense!

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