Global Sage Era

Chapter 140

Chapter 139 My way, no one can insult (seeking subscription)

More and more people are seeing.

Even genius students like to watch the excitement of people at the same level.

Especially one of those involved is Xu Sheng.

Among the 521 students, Xu Sheng is special.

The name of the perfect score champion is a shiny sign wherever it goes.

Unless everyone is convinced, there will be a little bit of dissatisfaction in my heart.

For example, Xu Sheng’s current 100-game winning streak has already shown some signs of this, but after all there are more than 400 battles in the future, and he hasn’t encountered other evildoers of the same level, so he still can’t suppress all dissatisfaction.

In any case, the perfect score champion is so dazzling.

The crowd was not targeting Xu Sheng himself, but the ‘person who got the perfect score.’

It has nothing to do with character.

Whether it’s Xu Sheng, Zhang Sheng, or Li Sheng, it’s impossible to avoid similar things.

Farther away, a group of people from Qianjing University are coldly watching.

Although they said that Lin School came from the same place, they didn’t have a good impression of him in their hearts.

Lu Shan in the center lowered her head and glanced, and Loli Xiao Yalin, who was only 1.5 meters tall next to her, was laughing and eating, the light in her eyes was as weird as ever.

He said lightly: “Did you instigate?”

When the others heard this, they all looked at Xiao Yalin.

Then he felt that such behavior really fits Xiao Yalin’s character.

Among them, Xiao Yalin and Lin School were the most troublesome. More importantly, they had actually seen Xiao Yalin’s contact with Lin School before.

Xiao Yalin giggled: “Why are you looking at me like this? I just mentioned a few words at random. His current behavior is not caused by me. How can I say that everyone else’s family is Sage, which is better than mine.”

“You’re a bit too much.” Zhao Tongkai, who has been taciturn, said unexpectedly.

There was a trace of fear on Xiao Yalin’s face. If someone else said that to him, even Lu Shan would definitely answer her mouth, but facing Zhao Tongkai, she didn’t say anything.

“Let’s go.”

Lu Shan said lightly, turned around and went to the cafeteria, without taking a second look at Xu Sheng’s side.

Although he is proud and thinks that he is the strongest of all people, but he disdains other means. Xu Sheng is indeed strong, but he will tear his Practitioner frontally in battle.

Xu Sheng looked at the Lin school opposite coldly.

He also listened to the comments of the people around him. That’s right, the latter is now a mad dog.

He hasn’t met such a person for a long time.

To be precise, it was almost never encountered since the second mode started.

This brought back his memories.

Before the second model, he had never flinched from the various cynicisms of those from well-off families in the class.

When the same bullied people around swallowed their anger, he was the only one to show those people a good look.

How good is the family? This earth is not the last life. Under the five most holy ones, some can’t be concealed.

The power of the holy is unimaginable by ordinary people. Things like thieves and robberies have completely disappeared in more than a hundred years.

So even if he didn’t have any support or fear at that time.

I have to say that this is the advantage of having a strong government.

“Why, do you want to make a point for these junk? Others are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you. I have studied your battle records. When you meet me, I will let you know what a fiasco is!”

Lin Xiao’s words silenced the surroundings.

Everyone looked at him like a fool.

Defeat Xu Sheng? You’re afraid it’s not a foolish dream!

The companion next to him was also speechless. Now he felt like he couldn’t retreat. Originally, the protagonist was not him, but in the face of those sights, he felt a bit hot behind him, and he wanted to get out immediately.

“Don’t say anything, Xu Sheng can also be defeated by you? He is the strongest group of people! Even Lu Shan won’t necessarily be able to defeat him!”

Companion sweat has come down, Qianjing City is indeed very strong, but only Lu Shan is rated as the first tier by everyone, and even a pervert like Xiao Yalin is slightly weaker and is classified as the second tier.

As for Ximenqing, he is already in the third echelon.

And students with such strength as them can barely count as the fourth echelon, or even not reach it.

With your strength, you still have to say that you are better than Xu Sheng. In the eyes of others, it is as ridiculous as an ant stopping an elephant and saying that I can knock you over with one arm.

There was a sneer on the faces of the people around. They might not have been on Xu Sheng’s side before, but in the face of such a mad dog who didn’t know the height of the sky, they did not stingy with the contempt in their hearts.

But these gazes had no effect on Lin Xiao. He deserved to be fatal to an own lunatic, still staring at Xu Sheng with that kind of mocking smile.

“Xu Sheng, let us come, he is here for us.”

A few students who took the human course stepped forward and didn’t want Xu Sheng to be stunned.

This is the student who walks the road. Although it is not completely certain, in general, walking the road of human nature is the endorsement of honesty and honesty.

Being able to forcibly resist the rapid ascension brought about by taking the path of sacredness, this kind of will will outperform many people from the very beginning.

It is unceremonious to say that if these students who follow the path of humanity take the path of sacredness, it cannot be said for sure, but at least 80% of them may be higher than their current strength.

Humanity and sacredness, one is like the early accumulation of late stage harvest, and the other is the rapid entry into the early stage. Late stage has various hidden dangers.

Just think about it. The way of humanity means to cherish the lives of the people, so that when there are opportunities that need to be obtained with life, they will be abandoned; the way of sacredness is to get all the opportunities, but in the people There are different hearts and ethics there. Right now the strength of the people is still low and it doesn’t seem to have any effect, but after Realm advanced and even Immortal Ascension, the impact will be too great.

“This is no longer just your business, it’s an insult to all of us.”

Xu Sheng did not step back. Lin Xiao’s words were not only aimed at a few others, but also at all those who followed the human path.

He walked a few steps forward until he reached the front of Lin School.

Xu Sheng was half a head taller than Lin Xiao, and in terms of momentum, he was a complete victory.

The two stood face to face, Lin Xiao looked at him without fear, and continued to provoke: “Why, you want to beat me so close to me? Come on, fight here.”

He patted Own’s cheek with his hands, very confident.

Fighting between students is prohibited.

In this secret realm, everyone understands that every move is under the gaze of Ganjing University, and everyone is afraid of all fights.

Xu Sheng suddenly smiled when he saw his movements.

Just as he laughed, the expressions of almost everyone who looked at him changed.


A very loud slap in the face.

Lin Xiao was beaten directly.

who am I? where am I? What am i doing?

Other people’s brains were also a little confused, and everyone didn’t expect Xu Sheng to really dare to do it.

This is in the secret realm!

This kind of behavior is more mad than the lunatic of Lin school!

Xiao Feng, who had been watching in the crowd, smiled, and then turned around and left. This person who slapped the face was happy. If it was him, he would definitely be able to beat him. Now he has some appreciation for Xu Sheng. .

Although Wu Su, Kong Yan and others have different personalities, they all have some appreciation for Xu Sheng’s behavior.

What if a dog bites you?

Bite back?

No, that’s what a dog can do, and people will naturally slap the dog over.

“You will have trouble like this.”

Several other people looked at Xu Sheng worriedly.

Xu Sheng smiled and said, “I know, but there are some things I have to do.”

What Lin Xiao did is equivalent to trampling his way.

Seeking the way is not to be blasphemed by others. You can express your opinion on my way and point out my shortcomings, but pure insults will not work.

If he tolerated such a thing, and would not do it because he was afraid of being punished, then he really couldn’t think of what he could hold on in the future.

“You dare to hit me!”

After being confused, of course he was furious, and Lin Xiao wanted to fight back on the spot.

But with his small body, Xu Sheng’s opponent at that time.

Xu Sheng is a good fighter. He used to secretly fight with those wealthy children after school.

Generally speaking, he fights when he is sure, runs when he is not sure, and never eats at a loss.

With a single kick, he glared Lin Xiaoshi at a shit, how miserable he looked.

Speaking of it, one by one they must become semi-saints who are still fighting like this a bit of a loss, but there is no way.

This is the case on Earth. Although it is in the secret realm now, it is clear that Gao Sheng Song Ming did not give them higher abilities.

If they are in the sea of ​​the world, what they are fighting for is the law and comprehension, and the power at that time is to shake the sea of ​​the world.

At this time, Lin Xiao finally showed fear in his eyes, watching Xu Sheng walking towards him step by step, constantly moving back on the ground.

He retreated to the corner, and finally waved his hand in fear, yelling: “Don’t come over.”

How rampant it was before, how embarrassed it is now.

Everyone was amused by him like this, and they were a little shameless in their hearts.

Xu Sheng stood still in front of him, looking at him condescendingly.

Without doing anything, I just looked down at him quietly and said: “I hope I will never hear similar words from your mouth again. Although I am walking the road of humanity, I respect your holy road. It’s just a different choice. It is the practice of our philosophy, and no one can be insulted.”

“If I hear something similar in the future, Xu Sheng, I will treat you as an enemy.”

After saying this, he stopped speaking and turned to leave.

Only the forest school, which was somewhat sluggish and fearful, remained in place.

The surrounding students looked at Xu Sheng, who was walking away, and for the first time met the only perfect score champion in more than 100 years.

Suddenly they understood a little bit why he could take the road of humanity to the present stage.

With this belief, with this understanding,

Be outstanding.

“Xu Sheng, deserves to be the top scorer.”

Many people whispered in their hearts.

They didn’t expect that what they thought was a farce, but turned into one of them’s beliefs.

All that is left is admiration.

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