Global Sage Era

Chapter 152

Chapter 151 Have You Ever Experienced Real Despair? (Please subscribe!)

Xu Sheng adopted conventional tactics.

That is to let Xuan Yi lead the Practitioners to form a universe to defend against the enemy in the frontal battlefield.

And Yin is used as a high-end force to deal with the opposite high-end force.

However, there are some changes this time. Kuang Yuan, who was previously allowed to act freely, is very close to Yin, and is in a position where Yin can be assisted at any time.

This is also to prevent Gong Ziwen from launching a surprise attack on Kuang Yuan, or to arrange several powerful flying zombies to exchange lives with Kuang Yuan.

Kuang Yuan, who has the ability to break through to Gold Core at a critical time, is far from comparable in value.

In terms of priority, Kuang Yuan has followed Yin’s rank.

One of these two is the strongest cultivator of the Huntuo tribe, and the other as the strongest Practitioner of the Huntuo tribe. They have been the cards of the Huntuo tribe for dozens of years.

The difference is that Kuang Yuan’s restrictions are a little bit bigger. If Huntuo Practitioners suffer too much casualties, his strength Ascension will also be affected, and eventually he will probably stop if he can’t reach the Gold Core realm.

Said to be the Gold Core realm, in fact, it is just similar to the strength of the Gold Core. At the level of the Practitioner, it should be Martial Master’s next level Wu Ying.

Wu Ying is the third Realm of the Practitioner road (body refining and Qi Sea are collectively referred to as Practitioner), which corresponds to the Gold Core of the cultivator. Although its strength is still not as strong as the cultivator of Realm, Wu Ying also has the strength to reach the Gold Core realm.

Therefore, Kuang Yuan’s strength breakthrough is directly from Martial Master Dzogchen to Wuying Dzogchen, which is the strength of the entire Realm.

If it is the next Realm, the fourth Realm Martial Spirit, its strength will once again narrow the gap with the cultivator. The Practitioner of the Martial Spirit early stage will have the strength to match the Gold Core middle stage cultivator.

“Be careful, don’t be found by the other side.” Yin spoke to Kuangyuan. He was worried that during the war, Kuangyuan would run away with the rise of a kill.

At that time, if he happened to be dragged by the zombie, it would be too late to rescue him.

“Don’t worry, I still know about this.” Kuang Yuan’s expression is also very solemn, and he has been cool off the last time, and from the beginning of this one, he will bear the burden of being cool.

The other party will definitely not give himself a chance, and he must always worry about being attacked and killed by the other party. In the past few days, he has been mentally prepared.

Gong Ziwen’s strongest Realm’s flying strength has just reached Gold Core.

Moreover, because of the special nature of the Zombie, it is extremely difficult to increase the strength of the explosion. At least in the past two battles with other enchanting students, he has not seen him use a similar method.

In this way, it is basically certain that his strength has been fully demonstrated.

In Xu Sheng’s mind, there are still three hidden estimates of current strength, Lu Shan, Xiao Feng, and Wu Su.

In addition to the three of them, if someone shows something new in the battle, it must be a new breakthrough made in the near future.

The war broke out instantly.

The Zombie Clan soon rushed towards the Practitioners who were not afraid of death.

The zombies who first encountered the Universe array were immediately shattered, but the zombies behind did not have any fear and continued to follow.

The Huntuo Practitioner is an old acquaintance with the Zombie. Although these new generations of Practitioners have not experienced the second and third modes, the old generation’s word of mouth has already let them know the various shortcomings of the Zombie, and soon Gained an advantage in the fight.

“Oh, you really don’t let go of any water. If this goes on, I will lose in a few days.”

Xu Sheng was paying full attention to the fighting below, and suddenly Gong Ziwen who was on the opposite side spoke to him.

This made him have to look up at him and replied: “Your zombies are very strong, especially the flying zombies of the Gold Core Realm, so I dare not relax in the slightest.”

Gong Ziwen’s Gold Core Realm Feizheng was confronting Yin, Feizheng did not make a move, and Yin did not make a move.

Obviously it was Gong Ziwen’s jealousy, knowing that even if own flying is in the Gold Core state, it is difficult to resist the suppression of a Magic Treasures.

Yin is here that the enemy does not move, I do not move.

It is impossible for him to take the initiative to sacrifice the earthshaking seal to attack, so the probability of being avoided by the other party is greater. His existence is like a nuclear bomb, in a strategic deterrent position.

Anyway, as long as the two do not move, it will be beneficial to Xu Sheng’s side.

The overall strength of the Huntuo Practitioner is still very strong. The reproduction speed of the human race is not weak. The number of his Practitioner is almost the largest among all people. With the blessing of various formations, Medicine Pills, and inheritance, if it is not high-end He hasn’t had time to cultivate more strength, and he can basically crush anyone now.

But if it’s always just a if, Xu Sheng can’t think too much. The current situation is pretty good for him. At least he is walking steadily on the road to number one.

“Oh, no matter what, you can’t let me lose too badly. Otherwise, when others come to see our battle record, it will be the Losing face.” Gong Ziwen shook his head and sighed. Do not report any hope.

Xu Sheng comforted: “Don’t worry, your strength is obvious to all, everyone…”

At this moment, his expression on Huo Ran changed dramatically, and he looked down somewhere in disbelief.

I don’t know when, more than a hundred extremely strange zombies broke through the large formation outside the base camp, approached the energy crystal, and bombarded the energy crystal!

Bang bang bang!

The loud noise from the energy crystal caught the attention of the surrounding guards, Huntuo Practitioner, and then he was shocked.

“We had a dignified battle…”

“No stealing is allowed…”

“Be sure to release water…”

Those words of Gong Ziwen were still in his ears, and the enthusiastic expressions of the past also appeared in front of his eyes. Xu Sheng looked at the opposite side in disbelief and said with an ugly expression: “You pretended everything before?”

Gong Ziwen still had a dazed and puzzled expression, and the innocent looked at Xu Sheng and said, “What are you talking about, why can’t I understand?”

But the smirk from the corner of his mouth revealed his true face.

He…Gong Ziwen is not an enthusiastic and outgoing person at all, he is a sinister villain!

Xu Sheng asked himself if he could distinguish between good people and bad people, but he didn’t expect to look at him here. He really hadn’t doubted Gong Ziwen. The other party’s disguise was really good!


A battle victory is indeed worth disguising.

Moreover, the communication between them is invisible to others during the battle. Even if it is a sneak attack in the battle record, others will only consider it as a ploy, which has nothing to do with character!

“Ha ha ha.” Xu Sheng laughed to himself. He originally thought that he had no friends in high school. He should have started to make some friends when he was in college. Before, he naively thought that Gong Ziwen was a good partner. It was a lesson for myself.

Gong Ziwen suddenly laughed and stopped pretending, “Xu Sheng, Xu Sheng, although you still have defenses against me and did not adjust your strength to the front, you still have nothing in front of my special zombie clan. Yes, now you have no time to get back your help. The winner of this battle is me. I will end all the undefeated and the top scorers!”

In the base camp below, the defense of the energy crystals fell quickly. Although the remaining Practitioners desperately wanted to kill these special zombies, they couldn’t keep up with the speed at which they bombarded the energy crystals.

Following this trend, Xu Sheng’s final defeat seems to be a foregone conclusion.

Above the fusion planet, after Xu Sheng’s initial self-deprecation, there was already a hint of coldness on his face, besides that there was a kind of deceived anger.

He now wants to punch Damn it in the opposite face fiercely!

But he can’t do it, so he needs to give play to the bad breath in his heart from another aspect!

Gong Ziwen, who was laughing out loud, gradually realized something was wrong, why didn’t the guy on the opposite panic from start to finish?

Then he noticed one more thing: the formation division who stayed in the base camp did not move from start to finish, and kept sitting in the Lotus Position.

Could it be…

A bad idea suddenly came to my mind.

The previous record of the battle between Mo Fei, Chen Yuruo and Xu Sheng appeared in his mind again, and he screamed crazy in his heart, no, it would definitely not be such a coincidence.

He knew that Xu Sheng must still have a hole card.

But how can someone’s hole cards be able to deal with all situations and will always be revealed at a critical time?

But no matter how Gong Ziwen resembles, he belongs to Xu Sheng’s people. Specifically, Qian Min’s changes are not transferred by his will.

When he reached a certain node, Qianmin, who had been keeping secret, suddenly opened his eyes, and then the defensive formation that had been surrounding the base camp suddenly became a killing formation under his control!

Sword Qi formed by countless Spirit Power came out of midair, and then severely chopped it down at the invading zombie!

In just a very short time, all the invading zombie races were beheaded!

But after killing the Zombie, the big formation that was originally used as a defensive role also disappeared. Looking intently, the base of the formation had been completely broken.

“Do not!!!”

Seeing that the own special zombie clan was completely annihilated, and Xu Sheng’s energy crystal was destroyed by less than one-fifth, Gong Ziwen let out a daring roar. In addition, there was despair inside. Meaning.

At this moment, Xu Sheng, who had been expressionless, smiled at him.

This smile made his hair horrified.

Then two shocking fluctuations appeared in the frontal battlefield.

Both Yin and Kuang Yuan carried out extreme sublimation at the same time.

Both combat power jumped into the Gold Core realm!


The two joined forces to chase the Gold Core Realm Zombie Clan. The latter made a roar, but was bombarded and killed by the two of them before they persisted.

The whole process also lasted more than a dozen breaths.

At this time, both Yin and Kuangyuan still have a lot of time for activity.

So the next step was a slaughter belonging to both of them, and all the high-level zombie races were slaughtered.

When they finally disappeared, the number of Zombies still standing on the field was less than five hundred, and this number was quickly killed by the Huntuo Practitioners.

Just when Gong Ziwen’s face was pale and thinking that this battle was about to end like this, something broke his psychological bottom line and made him yell crazy: “No! You can’t insult me ​​like that!”

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