Global Sage Era

Chapter 158

Chapter 157 Xu Sheng VS Lu Shan! (Please subscribe!)

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Looking forward to when the first four people will meet each other.

Lu Shan, Xiao Feng, Wu Su, and Xu Sheng each possess extremely powerful strength, and they have not shown their full strength so far!

This is recognized by everyone. Five to fifteen opponents have not forced their full strength. Only when facing the other three can they show the possibility.

Round after round.

When each round of the list appeared, everyone looked forward to it, but the final result was a little disappointed.

No, no, still no.

Until the four hundred and thirty-two rounds.

Everyone was completely excited when they saw the list, and even punched fiercely, shouting in the own planet.

Xu Sheng VS Lu Shan!

Finally ran into it!

Lu Shan, who has always occupied the first place, ran into Xu Sheng, the first full score champion.

One is possessing the extremely sharp Baihe Jianxiu, and the other is that the hole cards have emerged in an endless stream until now it is lingering in a layer of unknown.

No one dared to say what the final result of these two collisions would be.

Even if everyone is optimistic about the candidate, they are also very clear that the other also has the possibility of victory.

“Is he the first one to run into? Oh, that’s okay.”

On his own planet, watching Baihe Jianxiu who was dancing his sword, there was a sharpness in Lu Shan’s eyes, and the spirit of his whole person continued to rise.

At the beginning, he didn’t pay too much attention to Xu Sheng, and even talked specifically on the day he came.

But with the gradual progress of the battle, especially when facing one after another enchanting opponent, the hole cards displayed by the opponent made him feel a deep crisis. To be honest, he does not know Xu Sheng’s bottom line. Where, he couldn’t guess exactly how powerful Xu Sheng was now.

Only one thing is certain, this battle, according to the truth, was the fiercest battle since he stepped into the Holy Path!

“I didn’t expect to be the first to meet him.”

At the moment when he saw his opponent, Xu Sheng thought a thousand times, and in that moment, many thoughts came into being.

He was naturally too familiar with Lu Shan, and as a simulation of his opponent, he appeared the most times.

There is no way, this guy has always occupied the first place, even if it is difficult to not pay attention, and the first person to be exposed to the Gold Core realm, attracted a wave of attention for him, other than that , His people’s appearance is so good, the sword-dancing Baihe Jianxiu fits the path of cultivating immortality very well. Many girls couldn’t move their eyes away the moment they saw it, even Su Linrui was chatting with him. In, they have talked about it many times.

“Interesting…” Xiao Feng showed a faint smile on his face. This result is a good thing for him, because from this battle, he will be able to get a glimpse of the reality of the two strengths.

This is a matter of luck, and if he meets them first, the same is true.

However, in the holy way, luck is also a very important factor, so it seems that own luck is good.

The last of the four, Wu Su just glanced at the list and then withdrew his gaze. His expression was still as indifferent as before. No one could derive useful information from her appearance, even if it was a companion who came with her, usually I didn’t dare to talk to her more, the pressure brought by those unsentimental eyes was too great.

“Is this your arrangement?”

“No, I just made the rules, and the rest are truly random.”

“It seems that neither of us is very lucky.”

It was the young Gao Sheng who spoke, and Song Mao was the one who answered.

The former is optimistic about Lu Shan, and the latter is optimistic about Xu Sheng. If you meet first at this time, it is naturally bad luck.

Song Ming said flatly: “It’s not much difference. Before they meet other people, the remaining two will also meet.”

“Speaking of this, are Xiao Feng and Wu Su met behind…” Young Gao Sheng’s eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that he was not very unlucky.

The middle-aged Gao Sheng is optimistic about Wu Su, the tall female Gao Sheng and the elderly Gao Sheng are optimistic about Xiao Feng, and the peaceful female Gao Sheng is still optimistic about Xu Sheng.

If their ideas are known to the students outside, they will surely cause a round of rounds. Unexpectedly, Lu Shan who has always been in the limelight is only optimistic about it.

“Well, from now on, our gambling agreement is about to begin, see who can win in the end.” The young Gao Sheng said with a smile.

The other five people nodded. They had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Although what came here was only a ray of consciousness, and more consciousness was still in the original plane of own, it was a rare adjustment.

The 432nd round of engagement officially began.

The planets belonging to Xu Sheng and Lu Shan are close to each other, and finally blend together!

After the fusion, the phantom of the two appeared above the planet.

Xu Sheng looked at the opposite side, and the opposite side also looked over.

Lu Shan’s eyes were the same as usual, the kind of faint smile with pride, which was a sign of him. If the eyes can distinguish a person, then Lu Shan is definitely the easiest type of person to identify.

“A dozen days have passed in a flash. Although the process of fighting seemed very lengthy, but looking back on that day, it seems that it was still yesterday.” Lu Shan’s voice came.

Xu Sheng knew what he meant. He was the day he came. Before going to the dormitory area, he came over and said that he was looking forward to playing against own.

At that time, whether it was him or Lu Shan, although others knew their fame, they were still somewhat dissatisfied in their hearts.

But now, after a battle, the two have thoroughly proved their own strength, even if it is the second place in each region, they will maintain the utmost caution when facing them.

Zhang Ziyou, Zhao Tongkai, Lan Ying, Ruifeng, which of these people is not a genius? Even in the past, they are still students who can shine, but this year, when facing them and the other two people, the light is absolutely suppressed, and it is wrong.

This is not a blow out, but a solid record!

They have all encountered these supreme geniuses, but the final result is to win the battle, and without relying on any surprise attacks, they use the method of frontal crushing to push and win.

While the two chatted, the downwind battle was not delayed in the slightest.

When the people from both sides appeared, both Xu Sheng and Lu Shan’s eyes condensed.

Seven Thousand Huntuo Practitioner!

Three thousand white crane sword repairs!

Compared with the combat power shown in the last battle, Xu Sheng and Lu Shanguang’s strengths were ascension by half!

The reason why Xu Sheng has such strength is that after more than ten days of development, a new batch of Practitioners have appeared in Minor World.

With the supply of Yaozu world resources, both the population and the Practitioner in Minor World have increased much faster, and Xu Sheng’s number of people has almost reached 100,000.

It’s the destiny level of the Tuo Terran at this time. You can become a Practitioner with a little exercise. There are often cases where a thirteen or four-year-old boy reaches the middle stage of body refining. It is not like before, it is extremely difficult to enter the body refining state. .

Seven thousand Practitioners are not the number of Practitioners in Xu Sheng, but the remaining Practitioners who are still in Minor World are 13 or 4 children. At this age, they cannot bear the fear caused by Death and the fighting in the secret realm. Not suitable for them.

“You have hidden so many Practitioners.” Lu Shan looked at Xu Sheng fixedly.

“Aren’t you the same?”

Both of them suddenly laughed, and then the next second, their eyes suddenly became sharp.

Three thousand white crane sword repairs, of which one is Gold Core Realm, one hundred is Qi training Realm, and the rest are Qi Sea and Body Refining Realm.

Purely lethality, Huntuo Practitioner is not as good as Baihe Jianxiu. The speed of these white cranes is not only shown in attack and flight, but also in dodge.

If Hun Tuo Practitioner encounters one-on-one, he may not even touch the opponent, and his own heart will be pierced by the opponent.

This is a racial difference, and it is precisely relying on this strength that Lu Shan can always firmly hold the first position, and every time he encounters, no matter who he encounters, he ends very quickly.

Flashing flashing.

Yin’s Spiritual Sense has spread far and wide. With his current Gold Core late stage Cultivation Base, once he looks in one direction, he can protrude more than a dozen miles.

And not long after he reached out of the Spiritual Sense, an extremely sharp feeling pierced his Spiritual Sense.

His eyes opened suddenly, and Yin looked towards the northeast with a solemn expression.

There was a very powerful breath approaching quickly, and it was the owner of this breath that pierced his Spiritual Sense just now.

The opponent’s strength is extremely powerful, and he feels that even if he sacrifices the world-shaking seal, his victory or defeat is only between five and five.

Although he knew that in this battle, he would encounter a stronger enemy, but Yin did not expect that as soon as he encountered it, he would suffer a small loss. Spiritual Sense was directly destroyed, causing him to have a faint pain in his skull.

Kuang Yuan noticed what was wrong with him, and his face immediately became serious.

“The enemy is strong?”

“Very strong, far better than the one we met last time. Don’t stay too far away from me, otherwise I can’t protect you.”

Kuang Yuan nodded. He knew that although he could possess the strength of the Gold Core realm, it was only in the case of hundreds of Practitioners. And before that, his own strength barely had the level of Foundation Building, and the Gold Core realm was completely destructible for him.


First there was a very harsh cry.

The Huntuo Practitioners below all felt pain, and the lowest batch of Realm had blood oozing from the nose and mouth.

Upon seeing this scene, Xu Sheng’s expression changed slightly. He had never thought that Yi Huntuo’s Practitioner’s strength was actually injured just by hearing the opponent’s Gold Core White Crane’s call.

This kind of strength is much stronger than previously demonstrated.

“It seems that I got the Ascension during this time.”

Xu Sheng glanced at Lu Shan, who also happened to look over at this moment and smiled at him.

Yin’s strength has gained a lot in the past ten years. Ascension, he has approached Gold Core and felt the bottleneck.

And the opponent’s Gold Core White Crane Sword will naturally not stand still, it is normal to have Ascension!

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