Global Sage Era

Chapter 170

Chapter 168 Advanced! Medium-sized city!

Looking at the situation in Minor World, Xu Sheng nodded in satisfaction.

When the various ‘evil deeds’ of Xu Hang appeared in the picture created by Yin waving his sleeves, the sentiment below immediately aroused anger.

Xu Sheng, as an ancestor, could feel that these feelings of Ao were sincere, so he was very satisfied in his heart, and he deserved to make this happen to him.

Xu Hang’s ending was naturally very miserable. After experiencing allegations of a thousand husbands, he was not killed directly, but was placed on the gate of the city and exposed to the scorching sun.

Among a group of people clapping their hands and applauding, many people also felt their hearts tremble, and some who had been cautious and scared wiped out all the thoughts in their hearts.

The lesson from Xuhang’s previous car is right in front, a dignified city lord, who can’t escape being investigated after committing a crime, let alone other inferior status.

After this incident, the atmosphere in Tongtian City became clear, and it seemed that even the relationship between the neighbors had improved a lot.

The new Tongtian City Lord was selected by Yin and Kuangyuan through consultation, and obtained is a righteous and peaceful person, and they believe that this person can make some achievements.

Without the secret obstruction of Xuhang, the survey of the new city has also become fast, and soon there is good news. A great place to build the city has been found dozens of miles away, close to the edge.

The location of the construction of the city and the water source are extremely important. In addition, there must be enough flat ground to build on the mountain range, but there may be various situations in this way, and there may be natural disasters someday.

In a flash, it was the eighth day since Xu Sheng returned home. On September 7th, after nearly two years of building the city, a new city rose from the ground.

This new city was built on a medium scale from the beginning, which can accommodate 100,000 people, enough for decades of development.

At the same time, the population of Tongtian City has continued to increase during the development of the past few years, and finally crossed the 100,000 mark.

At the moment of crossing one hundred thousand, Xu Sheng received a notice after a long absence.

[Record]: A medium-sized city has appeared in your Minor World, and the progress of civilization has risen

In an instant, countless insights surged into my heart, far more intense than before when Yin and Kuangyuan made their breakthrough.

Obviously not long after entering 0.04%, Xu Sheng felt that he had taken a big step forward, and 0.05% was not far away.

The strength brought by Ascension is extremely huge. Every point of law perception increases, which is the overall ascending of strength. On the eve of enrollment, it is naturally an excellent thing.

The ascending of the population is in exponential form. In the early stage, when the population is only three digits, any accident may stop the number or even regress, but once it reaches the number of’ten thousand’, the increase will be extremely rapid. Sheng knows that with his current situation, the population will double every twenty years at most.

However, if the land area is sufficient, with the current situation of Minor World, the limit of life that can be supported is only one million.

This is still under the condition that the area of ​​Minor World has been expanded again, and now it has reached a radius of 178 miles from a radius of 193 miles, which is not far from two hundred. When converted into a square kilometer, it is already more than 20,000. The huge number is more than twice that of Luyuan City in the real world, and more than a quarter compared with the entire Baiwan Province!

Such a large area, according to the population density of the real world, should be able to easily supply a population of more than 20 million people, but the production efficiency of Minor World is low, and it is far from reaching this standard.

Tongtian City, the central Vermillion Bird Street.

“Fragrant and crispy pancakes!”

“Sugar Calabash, selling sugar Calabash~”

“Pinch the clay figurines, take a look, it’s not like you don’t need money.”

There are shouts along the way, and pedestrians are like weaving, some wearing commoner clothes and some wearing silk.

The scent of the food attracted a few young children. They watched eagerly with their fingers, and soon ran back home. They didn’t know if they were coming or where they got the money, and then they bought some of their favorites. Snacks.

Many weird snacks are created by the Huntuo people themselves. In the inheritance from generation to generation, they have improved the skills taught by the previous generations, or created new things with their own ideas.

This is a benign progress brought about by social development. Even ordinary food, if you want, you can embark on a corresponding path. For example, through Ascension cooking, you can enhance your own strength, and then in the battle of the enemy, You can drag it into the Realm you created, and deal with him like cooking.

Of course, this kind of approach is relatively new and trendy, and there are more of them in places like Kunhai University. There are many strange power systems in it, which is dazzling.

However, no matter what its’shape’ is, the holy way is ultimately above everything else. The earth people who walk on the holy way as the pioneers derive nourishment from it. Ascension own perception, walk on the holy way. Farther.

Xu Sheng focused his gaze on certain people and felt their life day by day. In this case, he shared the vision of the projected person, felt everything he felt, and when necessary, he could control his body and do it. Make some desired moves…Of course, he is not often so boring.

Now he is transformed into a craftsman who makes clay figurines, sitting on the side of the bustling Vermillion Bird Street, watching the passing pedestrians, and yelling.

It is not correct to say that it was made by him. More accurately, it was made by the person he projected. He just followed the experience.

In addition to this sense, there are more bodies in the world, and his current consciousness can also achieve many points at the same time.

When a fragrant wind hit, Xu Sheng sniffed his nose and looked up. First, a pair of embroidered shoes, with red peonies on top, blooming delicately, and looking on the Internet, it was a white undergarment.

This is a young girl.

Xu Sheng has an idea in his heart, and his mood is naturally very calm. For him, appearance is not important to his people. Even a beautiful beauty who is allure can be instantly regarded as a pink skull in his eyes. It is classified as low-level interest.

If you change to the earth of the previous life, it would not be beautiful to encounter such a good situation, but he is now more and more like a person on this earth.

“How much is it?”

The young girl has an oval face, fair complexion, and eyebrows like willow leaves. Maybe she is Miss from a big family.

She was referring to a rabbit clay puppet on the stall-life is not easy, clay figurines are the mainstay, and by the way, some small animals are pinched in order to please children and young women.

“Wuwenqian… The girl looks so good-looking, why not pinch a clay figure? My Zhang San’s craftsmanship is known to everyone nearby, and it is absolutely satisfactory to you.” Xu Sheng’heared’ when he was talking, this was his projection The person’s opening.

The young girl hesitated for a while, and finally thought that it was only five cents, which was not expensive, and nodded in agreement.

In the follow-up, the girl was sitting on the pony, Xu Sheng began to pinch the clay figurines according to her appearance, let alone, the clay figurines that were finally pinched out were extremely like.

The young girl fell in love with it, as a result, the clay figure with her own appearance that Xu Cheng handed over, she couldn’t put it down, she was already thinking about how to give her father a card.

Seeing the girl walking away happily, Xu Sheng sighed.

The next moment, the consciousness was separated, and his vision changed from near to far. In the Minor World below, the girl who had just walked away from the booth was walking towards a large courtyard to the north.

The owner of this yard is a Qi Sea realm Practitioner, who is considered a middle-to-upper class person in Tongtian City.

It was just a short time of projection possession, Xu Sheng suddenly felt a lot of sentiment in his heart.

It is not the perception of the law, but the perception of human nature and life.

Everyone has their own life. Those who watch Xu Sheng from a higher perspective, who may have a very short life, still have their own ordinary or wonderful life.

It doesn’t necessarily need to be vigorous, maybe just ordinary rough tea and light rice is also a kind of happiness.


Xu Sheng’s eyes were a little bit melancholy. He didn’t know how to describe his mood at this time. The behavior he did just now was rarely done before he changed it, because he didn’t have too much feeling of substituting someone, but this At this moment, he has made a decision.

Do this more in the future!

“This may be some kind of alternative life experience…”

Xu Sheng shook his head and smiled.

[Record]: The Spiritual Qi time in Minor World has reached

At this time, a message suddenly appeared, and Xu Sheng’s little boy was frozen on his face.

The headache is coming again!

A few months ago, when the equivalence of everything was just opened, he thought that Spiritual Qi was very cheap because only one incense per square kilometer was needed a year.

The early stage has indeed brought great benefits to myself, even the biggest helper who can reach the current level.

But up to now, Spiritual Qi, which originally looked very cheap, has become a big problem.

Do the math and you will know.

His current Minor World area is more than 20,000 and 30,000 square kilometers. When the concentration is doubled, it is almost 30,000 incense in a year.

One hundred times the concentration is three million incense!

This is only the consumption of Minor World for one year, and it is only one day in real time!

If it stays on all year round…the last need more than a billion incense!

One billion!

What a huge expenditure!

So a long time ago, Xu Sheng began to divide the scope and put it in key places, so that the consumption is still being accepted.

But now that there are more people, his area will also be expanded. Taking Tongtian City as an example, it is impossible for him to bathe the people in Spiritual Qi. After all, only a high concentration of Spiritual Qi can make the future generations better aptitudes and be strong for the future. The probability of the person will be Ascension.

Not only that, the growth of those spirit beasts also requires a high concentration of Spiritual Qi, and their appetite is nourished.

However, no matter how the scope is drawn, it is an indisputable fact that there are more and more trade-offs.

Most of the incense that Xu Sheng has obtained so far has been consumed here!

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