Global Sage Era

Chapter 179

Chapter 176 The Law Soars

The classes at Qianjing University are divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang, and Yellow.

In the case of Tiandi Xuanhuang, there are divisions such as Tianyi Class and Tianyi Class.

There are 30 students in each class, and there are nearly 200 classes in the whole grade.

The children of civilians are on the east campus, and the children of Gao Sheng are on the west campus.

The division of heaven, earth and Xuanhuang is to make it easier for teachers to teach students.

The strength of the university stage Ascension is fast, and it also brings the strength of each other’s expansion.

Take the Tianyi class as an example. By the end of the freshman year, the excellent ones have reached the level of semi-sage, while the worst ones have only a few percent of his law progress.

Teachers can’t take into account different strengths in class. If the content is too esoteric, the poor can’t understand it or won’t be able to use it after listening for a long time; if the content is too simple, the strong will have no effect at all.

Normally, as long as you study hard, you can keep up with the progress of the class, and once you lag behind or make a big improvement, you must adjust the class.

This also caused the weak connection between the class tutor and the students during the college years.

There is no way, the content of the education that students receive has to be adjusted accordingly with the progress of their strengths.

Some people have also mentioned letting students choose their own teachers to attend classes, but the result is that students’ enthusiasm for lectures and teachers’ enthusiasm for lectures decreases.

The teaching methods adopted in the closed world of immortality are not suitable for the real world.

In the process of university, teachers often create a world in the world to demonstrate to students. In addition, there are actual combat drills at regular intervals. All of these need to be fully enthusiasm.

This year’s champion class is an exception.

At the beginning, the 30 most elite students gathered in one place. If nothing happens, the students in this class will not change much. At most one or two people cannot keep up with the progress and are lowered to a lower level. That’s it for the class.

The original intention of the champion class was to fight against Gao Sheng’s children, that is, the Tianzihao class on the west campus——

That’s right, there is also a set of divisions between heaven and earth, mysterious and yellow.

In the whole freshman year, there are different Tianyi and Tianyi classes…

In order to distinguish, the names of the respective communities will be added, that is, Xitianyi and Dongtianyi.

The competition can be seen from the name alone.

The school’s resources are limited, and the two campuses compete for resources every year.

Unfortunately, given the same educational resources, students in the West Campus are generally better than those in the East Campus.

“This is the situation, and your responsibilities are very heavy.”

After telling the matter about the two campuses, Gu Shiyi looked at the thirty students in the classroom.

Xu Sheng nodded. He had a faint understanding of these things before, but he didn’t know much. Now they are all strung together.

“Now you should all have some credits. My suggestion is…not to be a suggestion. My requirement is that each of you should get as many credits as possible.”

“I believe you have seen the importance of the five towers in the freshman handbook. In the afternoon, you can go to the five towers to experience it. The first level of the first level requires only one credit per minute. Based on your situation, It should be possible to go in for more than three hours at least, and to five towers, each one can stay for more than half an hour.”

“There are tests in it. After passing the tests, you will get credits of different values. This is the most important source of credits for your freshman year. Once your strength is ascension, it is best to go for it immediately, and then divide the rewarded learning into strength.”

In ancient times, Yi patiently explained various things about the school.

At the end of a class meeting for an hour and a half,

“Xu Sheng stayed.”

When get out of class was over, when Xu Sheng was about to stand up from his seat, he was stopped by Gu Shiyi.

The others looked at him enviously, but Xu Sheng was calm.

It should be done by himself. This is the duty of the squad leader and the reason why he worked so hard to win the first place.

“I don’t know you well yet, I have only seen some battles… It is not easy to get to this point in a human way.”

Xu Sheng heard a touch of emotion in Gu Shiyi’s words, and couldn’t help but feel a little strange. This tone was something he didn’t feel in other Sages.

“I am also following the human path.”

Gu Shiyi’s next words surprised Xu Sheng. He raised his head to look at the true sage. There was an own gaze in the true sage’s eyes.

This made him feel a little strange, it seems that the class coach own is different from what he thought before.

“In fact, there are not many things in the class. Your freshman’s task is to keep Ascension. There are not a lot of curriculum arrangements, but there is a tilt of resources. As students in the top pick, the school will pay great attention to you. growing up.”

“Resource tilt?” Xu Sheng was a little puzzled, so far he has not felt any difference in resources.

The 800 credits earned are extra and not standard for the champion class.

Gu Shiyi could see at a glance what Xu Sheng was thinking and couldn’t help but smile: “Let’s not talk about the specific resources, but for the high sage who teaches you, that’s something other class students can’t envy…Yes. More than ten high sages are giving you lessons.”

Xu Sheng was a little surprised, and then he was overjoyed. Naturally, he wanted to teach Own teacher that the higher the strength, the better.

“I have a lot of things, and I will often not be in school, so a lot of things will be released by Song Meng. You can communicate with him later.”

After Gu Shiyi finished speaking, Xu Sheng nodded. Song Miao Gaosheng had said goodbye during the quota assessment, but he did not expect that now he changed his mind and became a teaching assistant in his class.

After talking to Xu Sheng a few more things, Gu Shiyi asked Xu Sheng to leave without leaving any specific matters from beginning to end. It was more like chatting with Xu Sheng alone.

Walking out of the teaching building, Xu Sheng glanced at the five towers in the distance, and finally decided to go in and feel it as the ancient sage said.

Soon, he came to the law tower.

As the most important tower among the five towers, the Law Tower must be the first one to choose.

Xu Sheng swept his own wristband at the entrance, and was soon allowed to walk in.

But as soon as he stepped through the door, the sight in front of him made him hold his breath.

It’s not a huge hall.

In front of his eyes, there is a space full of chaos.

He glanced back and found that there was a light gate far away from him.

That light gate is the entrance of the time tower.

But how could it be that the five towers are also some kind of secret realm?

Xu Sheng naturally thought of the secret realm for the selection, but obviously, the time tower was more complicated than he thought.

“Are you beginning to perceive the law?”

A voice appeared in his mind.

No one is in charge of the Time Tower. Was he still a bit weird before, but now he has all figured out.


After Xu Sheng gave the order, he felt the chaos in front of him began to rotate.

In an instant, his spirit seemed to be out of the body, rising, rising…

Countless insights flooded in.

He felt a breath that belonged to the origin of water. He was so familiar with this breath. He had also felt it when he was taking Bodhi fruit.

But the feeling now is countless times stronger than then!

In just a short period of time, he felt his own understanding of the law greatly Ascension!

Some of the application of the law naturally appeared in my mind.

In the source of water, there are countless avenues. The protection laws he is currently touching are only a trivial one. Now in the time tower, he feels many laws.

The law of protection is the most suitable for him. He touched it effortlessly at the time, but other laws besides the law of protection, he could naturally perceive their existence, but he didn’t know how to touch them.

And now, Xu Sheng can clearly feel these laws, and he even has a feeling that if he wants to, he can touch them.

Maybe it can be changed to touch another rule!

Of course, this idea just passed away in a flash. Xu Sheng is not so crazy. Although his current anti-rule rule is less than 0.05%, it is also the result of several months of time spent by himself.

Although the law of protection is not strong, it has done a good job in many previous battles, protecting the Huntuo Practitioner and allowing them to beat their opponents in the battle.

Xu Sheng looked at the time subconsciously, and then he was taken aback.

“What?! Half an hour has passed!”

Obviously it was only a moment, but the time was already half an hour!

Although the Ascension of the Time Tower is fast, it consumes equally powerfully.

One moment is half an hour, then a few more moments will consume all your own credits?

Eight hundred credits, which can last for more than 13 hours in exchange of time, he originally thought it was quite a lot, but now it seems that it is not very useful!

If he takes longer to respond, it is likely that the current credits will not be long left.


Xu Sheng hurriedly said, and then the incomparably refreshing feeling in his consciousness disappeared, and a chaotic space appeared in front of his eyes again.

Although I was fascinated by the experience just now and wanted to try again, Xu Sheng knew that he did not have the capital to try more.

The purpose of the school to give them credits is to let them experience it from the beginning, let them type you out after they have tasted that kind of beauty, so that they will continue to work hard in order to obtain the credits.

Xu Sheng felt pain in a certain place again.

No matter where it is, why do students like them so much?

“Look at the challenge.” Xu Sheng whispered and began to operate the time tower.

As his thoughts appeared, a light curtain appeared in his present, with various explanations on it.

The first one at the entrance is the ranking of the Law Tower.

This ranking is based on the ranking of all those who have entered the Time Tower over the years.

Many of the names above are names from decades or even more than a hundred years ago, and the powerful among them have already become true saints or even supreme saints!

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