Global Sage Era

Chapter 181

Chapter 178 Unlimited Acceleration and Long River of Time

Before the Tower of Law, following the boy’s words, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

The son of Gao Sheng who was going to pass by shaking his head also turned cold, and turned around and walked towards the boy.

“Can you say that again!”

Obviously, taking resources as an example made these Gao Sheng children extremely unhappy, as if they were touched by Ni Lin, all of them stared at the boy with cold eyes.

There are not many people around, but there are almost 20 people, half of them on both sides.

Xu Sheng was walking to the strategy tower next to him, but now he has stopped.

If it was the boy who caused the trouble, he would not pay too much attention, but the cause of this incident was the mocking words of the two sons of Gao Sheng over there, and he was extremely uncomfortable when he heard it just now.

Since the competition between the two sides has become so clear, it is natural that cynicism is indispensable when meeting each other. Xu Sheng knows that there will be many such things in the future.

“Why, do you want to fight because of people? I’m not afraid of you.”

Although this boy was surrounded by several Gao Sheng children, he was still stubborn, and he was not afraid of stalking his head.

The school rules are there, whether the children of ordinary people or children of Gao Sheng are treated equally as long as they fight, the credits are deducted completely without mercy, and they may even be locked up.

Bullying by force does not exist here, and the only advantage of Gao Sheng’s son is the strength of Ascension’s faster.

“I said, there is a kind of you say it again!”

The talking boy had narrow and long eyes, and he stood there with squinted eyes, like a poisonous snake.

“Why? Just now you were wrong, and now you still want to beat people?” Other civilian children next to them spoke, and they all gathered next to the man who had just started talking.

There is no need for anyone to organize, and two distinct camps are formed on both sides, with Gao Sheng’s son on the left and the civilian’s son on the right.

Xu Sheng did not leave, but stood a little further away.

As for people like him, there are some people around, who belong to the kind of people who don’t like quarrels, but in the face of this situation, they have to stay.

There were still people coming out of the Law Tower, and more and more people quickly noticed what was happening here.

Xiao Feng also walked out of the Tower of Laws. After he was puzzled for a while, he quickly figured out what happened. He was naturally angry with Gao Sheng’s children, but he didn’t want to be involved in this kind of temperament dispute. Too much time wasted.

At this time, he saw Xu Sheng not far away, so he wanted him to walk over.

“What do you think?” he asked.

Xu Sheng saw Xiao Feng for the first time, and now the two are standing in the back position. As the leaders of the East Campus, they know many students, so they feel more confident.

Gao Sheng’s son also learned some news soon, so he walked over and stared at Xu Sheng and the others: “I heard that you are the first and second place in this session of the East Campus? Why didn’t you see your names in the ranking? Is the strength insufficient or is he afraid to participate in the assessment at all?”

“Hahaha, I don’t think I dare.” The person next to him laughed exaggeratedly.

The eyes of Xu Sheng and Xiao Feng turned cold, these Gao Sheng children really hate them.

The two looked at each other, and in the end they both shook their heads. A cat or a dog asked them to respond, and their time was too cheap.

Originally, when they saw the ranking, they still felt a little in awe, and felt that these high-sage heirs were very strong.

But now it seems that the boy was right, no matter it was some second generation ancestor who had no resources.

If they were placed in the same position, they would not have the advantage of resources, let alone enter Qianjing University. It is estimated that they would not even be able to go to a university that is one-tier inferior.

If some irritable people were here, it would be necessary to say a word of “trash” to these people, but neither Xu Sheng nor Xiao Feng had such a personality.

Therefore, both of them glanced at this person faintly, and then directly saw him.

His eyes were full of expressions of passers-by.

From beginning to end, the son of Gao Sheng was not put in their eyes. Such a person is probably not an excellent person over there.

There must be excellent people on the west campus, but these have nothing to do with the exporters.

“You guys stop for me!”

The son of Gao Sheng shouted from behind, but only two backs were left for him.

“The first time I met, I was a little disappointed.”

On the way, Xiao Feng spoke faintly. There were some complicated lights in his eyes. If they had such a personality, then the resources were really wasted for them. It was really like saying on the Internet that they had a good tire. Good dad.

“Of course, there are no good people who can directly ridicule. What I am most concerned about now is the other content in their words.”

Xu Sheng said what he had heard before.

Because Xiao Feng came out later, he was not very clear about some things.

At this time, he heard Xu Sheng say that the strongest batch of those Gao Sheng’s descendants hadn’t taken a shot yet, and their pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip. If this is the case, the gap between the two sides is a bit too large.

“Although I don’t want to admit it, I think this is very likely to be true. Generally, true strong people don’t rush to expose their strength. Even if there are very few who like to perform, they only account for the overall A small part.” Xu Sheng’s expression was solemn, as if he and Xiao Feng were in this situation.

It is not reasonable to think that the top players over there are all from the West Campus because the people at the top of the ranking are all from the West Campus.

“Well, I think the same as you. As a result, our pressure will be even greater.” Xiao Feng sighed.

Other students on the east campus may not have to consider what happened to Gao Sheng’s son. They can’t. The goal of the champion class is to point directly to the west campus.

According to what Yi said before in the class meeting, the collision between them and Gao Sheng’s son is estimated to be one in a few days at the latest.

At that time, Yi Ke told everyone that they must win in the competition a few days later. This is the first step in fighting for resources!

“The soldiers will come to block, the water will cover the earth, we will try our best to improve our strength these few days.”

Xu Sheng and Xiao Feng are the strongest two of the freshmen in the East Campus today. They can be said to be the last line of defense, and all the pressure is on them.

At the class meeting, Gu Shiyi also pointed it out directly.

It didn’t take long to go from the Law Tower to the Strategy Tower, so when they stepped into the tower, they said to each other and waited for a meeting.

Strategy Tower.

What Xu Sheng saw was an endless void.

He thought about this emptiness for a moment, and then remembered, it was just the appearance of the world!

“Do you want to start a strategy simulation?”

A voice similar to the Tower of Law appeared in his ears.


After Xu Sheng responded, in front of his eyes, a scene of opening up of heaven and earth appeared.

First, it was a round, pure white stone, and then the stone exploded, and soon a Minor World appeared in its original location.

He had experienced this scene once, when he used World Stone to develop Minor World in his freshman year.

Now in the strategy tower, it completely simulates this process.

The initial area of ​​Minor World is fifty li.

The initial race is the most mortal human being.

Xu Sheng quickly knew how to do it.

As long as he thinks through his mind, corresponding changes will occur in Minor World. The specific process is the same as when he developed Minor World, except that after he has made a plan, he can greatly increase the flow of time.

In just a few seconds, hundreds of thousands of years can pass in Minor World.

This powerful computing power naturally consumes energy, and Xu Sheng also knows why the credits consumed here are the same as the Law Tower.

In this way, you can also specify conditions to allow various terrains and races to appear in Minor World.

So the best way to use it is to simulate the current situation of your Minor World, and then use the power of the strategy tower to simulate the future of your Minor World.

This undoubtedly greatly reduces the probability of danger in Minor World!

The use of some strategies may cause unbearable harm in Minor World!

Even direct genocide.

At this time, there is a strategy tower. If you want to experiment with some ideas in the future, you can come here and apply it to own Minor World after the experiment is successful.

Although it was only the first time to come, Xu Sheng felt that he already knew the meaning of the strategy tower. Indeed, it was also an extremely important place, not much better than the law tower.

After experimenting, Xu Sheng called up the rankings, first swept the general rankings, and then turned into the grade rankings.

Although he was mentally prepared, after seeing that the top ten were all students from the West Campus, his chest still seemed to be blocked, and his breathing became difficult.

After a few glances, Xu Sheng closed the list and walked out of the strategy tower.

He didn’t wait for Xiao Feng. The two didn’t know how long they were going to stay before they came in, so they had already told each other who would come out and go to the side directly.

The third place to go is the Time Tower.

The time tower is not a chaos, nor is it a void.

The moment he entered, a long river appeared before his eyes.

This long river is endless, it seems to flow from countless years ago, and then flow away countless years later.

At this time, he was on the right side of the river.

Before he got even closer, he felt a sense of depression in his soul.

He knew that this river was a long river, and as long as he walked in, he would suffer the baptism of the long river.

Being baptized will increase your resistance to time, and at the same time, you will be impacted by the long river of time. As long as you can’t hold on, you will be beaten up by the billowing waves.

He settled down and walked slowly towards the river.

The length of time is infinite, no matter where he is in the later part, he will not endure the impact of time.

The moment he walked in, his soul seemed to be beaten, making him groan.

But he didn’t stop. After feeling that he had endured it, he lifted his leg and walked forward.

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