Global Sage Era

Chapter 192

Chapter 189 The growth rate of horror, brush incense!

In Minor World.

Practitioners have tentatively stepped out of the boundary and reached the wider world outside.

“Is this the place the ancestors said?”

A young Qi Sea realm Practitioner who has just turned twenty years old curiously feels everything around him.

He has several companions around him, all young men and women of the same age, but all of them are Qi Sea realm Practitioners.

“It feels dangerous to me. Looking at the mountain range in the distance, what is the dark shadow that keeps circling?” A young woman said first, with shock on her face behind.

Everyone was busy looking at it.

On the mountains in the distance, there is a giant eagle that is only eleven or two meters long!

There has never been such a creature in Minor World. Even the eagle in the monster world is only four or five meters in size. Like what you see now, the lowest is eleven or two meters long!

This is just one of them. When the Huntuo Practitioner spread out to inquire about the surrounding situation, no less than 20 nests of various beasts were found!

The nearest one is only four miles away, which is equivalent to a short distance away!

At this moment, above Minor World, a pair of huge pupils that no one can see are looking down at everything on the earth.

“There are many copies around…”

When the tribe Practitioner saw the nests, Xu Sheng, who used them as his eyes, naturally saw them.

The territory of the Ten Thousand Races is worthy of his name. The races in the more than 20 surrounding lairs are all different, but one thing is the same, that is, they are not smart enough.

Xu Sheng thought that these races might have been wise before, but they changed after being shot by the Old Sages.

From the mode point of view, these races will continue to Samsara, but it is exactly the same as the copy in the online game.

Brushing a copy is naturally from easy to difficult.

First get rewards from the easy ones, Ascension own strength and level, and then go to the more difficult dungeons.

The surrounding lairs are relatively average in strength. Most of them are Qi Sea, Qi Lian, and Foundation Building. Only two or three are relatively strong. The leader inside is the Gold Core Realm… This is also the dungeon boss.

Killing these races can be rewarded, and there are various rewards. Xu Sheng is not interested in other rewards, but is bound to win incense.

Others can only exchange for incense, the price is high, he is different, he can directly exchange everything at the same price, it is very cheap!

He also had an idea in his mind…to develop Minor World with the incense obtained from the continuous extermination of these ‘ten thousand races’, and then use this to feed back to himself, with a great sense of Ascension’s own law!

From the very beginning, Minor World is to speed up the law perception service!

Just do it.

This time there is no waiting time for the competition, and the West Campus is not mediocre. A little delay may lead to backwardness!

The order is issued!

The hesitating Practitioners felt a pair of extremely deep pupils looking at themselves at this moment, and then they immediately realized that these were the eyes of the ancestors!

The moment is immediately panic saluting.

“My children, the outside world is full of all kinds of alien races. This is a fatal danger, and it is also your greatest opportunity in your life to eliminate those alien races.”

A magnificent voice rang in everyone’s mind.

Everyone saluted respectfully.

The same is true for the cultivator who is already in the Foundation Building period.

Like some kind of guidance, almost everyone immediately knows what their own goal is.


Martial Master Realm’s Xuan Yi held a spear and yelled in front of all the Practitioners.

A full 10,000 people are divided into ten small arrays in front of him!

That’s not all, the Huntuo Practitioner at this time has doubled the quota at that time, almost 15,000 people!

Among them, Qi Sea realm Practitioner has only a few hundred people, but with them as a small array of twenty people, everyone’s strength can be greatly enhanced!

In addition, all cultivators have also moved, a total of thirty-five cultivators, although except for one Gold Core and two Foundation Buildings, the other cultivators are only Foundation Buildings, and more than half are only early stages of Qi training, but They all took the Fu Zhuan and set off with the Practitioners.

Xu Sheng’s sight has been following them, and the origin of his body is abundant enough now. The intensity of Minor World is different from the past. Before the equivalent of everything is opened, he can only obtain about a little origin point in the real world every day, but now, every day The origin points obtained are all over 30!

This speed is still increasing!

Now his origin has exceeded 20,000 points!

So many sources are enough for him to use the method many times.

However, the more origin points, the better. Often, a high-intensity battle requires several thousand points, and no amount is enough.

The first one was aimed at a race that looks like a wild boar.

There is a detailed introduction on the Sage interface. This tribe is called the Gangmen tribe. They are infinitely powerful. They are also extremely resistant to various negative forces. The low-level poison amulet such as the cultivator is almost useless for them.

The Gangmen Life is in a huge valley. In addition to mating with each other, they are looking for food everywhere. Maybe when the territory of the ten thousand races is not destroyed, they are also high-level intelligent races, but now, they are not too big with ordinary wild boars. the difference.

The number of these temples totals 3,000, and there are only five temples at the Foundation Building level.


Xuan Yi roared and took the lead and rushed into the valley.

At the same time, Xu Sheng descended his own consciousness on him.

He found that in the territory of ten thousand races, he wanted to make an impact on his own people much easier than in the world.

At this moment, he became Xuan Yi.

Xuan Yi’s body is his body, and at the same time he can feel the existence of his own body. This kind of experience is a bit peculiar, which makes him wonder in his heart.

kill! kill! kill!

Xuan Yi’s eyes were all red. With the strength of his Martial Master Realm, apart from the five-headed Foundation Building-level Gangside, the other Gangsides are not his opponents at all.

But he has forgotten that in the war the most fearful of going deep alone.

I don’t know when, the Huntuo Practitioner who has been fighting with him has fallen behind.

When he reacted, there were red-eyed sideburns on the front, back, left and right sides. These sideburns may not be as strong as his single body, but the combined strength has long made him unable to eat.

So soon, Xuan Yi felt Own’s head numb and screamed inwardly.

Kuang Yuan, who was just working on his temples in the Foundation Building, changed his face and cursed in the distance.

Then his offensive became fierce. The Foundation Building in front of him could have been able to support it, but in the offensive that he suddenly increased, he was quickly wiped out.

But when he turned around and prepared to rush to the past, his complexion became weird…

When did that kid become so powerful?

The body of the surrounding temples was scattered a little, and the Xuan Yi at this time was surrounded by the temples, like God of War.

His eyes were blazing, the spear in his hand was blue all over, and the infinite thunder continued to erupt from it.

A random shot is like an antelope hanging a horn, and the skill is as short as a few seconds, which shocked all the Practitioner who saw this scene.

too strong!

The old lady of the Xuan clan is amazing!

Worthy of being a powerful Practitioner in the tribe second only to the patriarch!

What they didn’t know was…Xuan Yi had already lost consciousness at this time. The ancestor who controlled his body at this time was the ancestor who made them extremely awe-inspiring!

“These strong sideburns have very strong defenses and all qualities are high. If they are in a wise state, they are definitely difficult opponents in the same rank.”

Xu Sheng tilted his head, and the strong wind brushed his forehead.

Just now when Xuan Yi was in a bad situation, he took over the control of the body. At this time, the former was in a special state. When he returned control of the body to him, he would never know what happened just now. What, only when he is in a state of shaking the gods, his combat power is bursting.

[Record]: You killed a temple and got one hundred and fifty-four incense sticks

[Record]: You killed a temple and got 132 incense

[Record]: You killed a temple and got 207 incense

[Record]: You killed a temple and got ten catties of iron ore

[Record]: You killed a sideburn and got a spiritual herbs

Xu Sheng The information on the interface of Sage has been refreshed.

His incense is increasing at a terrifying speed!

Even the weakest temple can get more than 100 incense points!

At this time, he no longer thought that there were as many as three thousand temples here, just wanted it to come a little more.

The more the better!

Among them, things other than incense are occasionally obtained, but the proportion is extremely small, and it often appears only once in hundreds, which is still very rubbish.

If it’s someone else, you might care about the rewards of these other things, but in Xu Sheng’s case, he only wants incense!

Before he came, his incense had crossed the million mark with difficulty.

But just for a while, the temple in this valley hasn’t been solved yet, and his incense has exceeded 1.5 million!

What kind of speed is this?

It’s just like brushing incense!

The total time spent is only a few days, even if it is changed to those outside worlds, the speed is far worse than that!

Therefore, the more excited Xu Sheng’s eyes are as he goes to the back.

It is no exaggeration to say that he doesn’t need anything, just incense!

As long as there is enough incense, he can exchange everything.

These exchanged things greatly increase the strength of their people, and then use this feedback to greatly strengthen the understanding of own law!

As your own law comprehension strengthens, the speed of the people’s strength Ascension will increase again. It is a positive correlation!

Hum hum!

When the last gangbang was also killed in the hum, only the Huntuo tribe remained in the entire valley.


[Sage interface]


[Incense]: One hundred and ninety-two thousand and three thousand five hundred and twenty-one



Seven hundred thousand incense!

This increase was terrifying. Xu Sheng looked at the incense column of his Sage interface, and felt his own heart beating fast every time he looked at it.

He doesn’t care what happens to others, his only idea now is,




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