Global Sage Era

Chapter 199

Chapter 196 Martial Soul advanced, the second Wu Ying!


Hun Tuo Practitioners have already red eyes. After these Bai You are killed, nothing like blood will flow out, only a sharp howl that pierces the eardrum.

Huntuo Practitioners have also been affected a bit, but since the cultivator and Qi Sea realm and above Practitioners were basically shot at this time, they suffered minor injuries at most and were directly killed.

The Practitioner was protected behind, and there were basically no casualties.

But this is not a good thing for them, because they have been protected by their elders and they cannot grow up. This time the battle of the Baiyou Lair has no effect on them.

Many Practitioners in the Body Refining Realm couldn’t help but want to take action, but they were scolded by the captain of the own Qi Sea realm as soon as they changed. Do.

These Practitioners who wanted to go out were all blushing with scolding. In the end, they didn’t mention it again, and only silently watched the elders fight in the rear.

At this time, the Practitioners in the Huntuo tribe, except for a small number of people who are indeed not well qualified, are mostly young people around the age of 20. Many of them have the qualifications of Qi Sea realm. What is lacking is just sharpening and growth.

When the last Bai You was also killed, Xu Sheng got a reminder.

“You wiped out Bai You’s lair and gained 172 points. Now the total score is 1409.”

The points are increasing faster and faster, and the proportion that occupies the entire East Campus is also increasing.

The magnitude is small, but it does exist, which means that the gap between Xu Sheng and others is still widening.

There is also the essential difference, that is, the widening of the gap means that Xu Sheng will kill the nest more, get more incense value, and exchange more things from the equivalent of everything, making the Huntuo people more powerful. .

If Xu Sheng’s integral growth from beginning to end is drawn on a line graph, he will find that he is in an accelerating state, which is almost linear. According to this trend, when the time is long enough, he can do it by one person. Comparable to the total of twenty-nine other people.

However, this situation depends entirely on how long the competition lasts and how many nests there are in the territory of ten thousand races.

This doesn’t have much to do with the area. No matter how large it occupies, he wouldn’t be able to get enough incense without killing thousands of races.

After the competition is in progress, the East and West campuses will definitely run into it. At that time, it was not a fight with the ten thousand races, it was a fight between the people of the two sides.

Yuan Susong talked at the beginning of the competition, except that it could not cause death, any means in this competition can be used.

Even scams are the same.

It is a bad character to swindle and deceive between people, and the battle between two Minor Worlds is just a difference in strategy. There are such things as tactics in the art of war.

Xu Sheng thought for a while, then opened the team channel and took a look.He was mostly diving, watching what was said, and seldom mentioned his own situation.

When I saw it before, most of them were vomiting words. The lairs in the territory of the ten thousand races are relatively strong, and many people’s people have lost. It is hard to cultivate, and watching them Death will still feel distressed.

“Where is your position? After the difference is not confirmed, we will unite.”

“I don’t know, besides the Ten Thousand Clan Lair, I am still around the Ten Thousand Clan Lair. I actually don’t really want to meet other people. I feel that if I do, I should first encounter those in the West Campus.”

“In short, try to gather together as much as possible. There are many people and the power is great. Some of the tens of thousands of people are very restrained, but it is different when we unite. We can set off in a targeted manner.”

“I have a guess, the current Ten Thousand Races lairs are passive defenses and will not actively come out of the lair… Will they take the initiative to attack our Minor World at a certain point in time?”

“Don’t be crow-mouthed. If that’s the case, don’t talk about ten nests. If you exceed five, I will be miserable.”

“Zhang Zi’s lobbying is very likely to be true, so I suggest cleaning up the surrounding nests first, and then arranging defensive measures at some gates, and taking precautions. I really have to wait for the accident to happen before preparing, then everything is too late. .”

Xu Sheng looked at the next few messages thoughtfully.

He also has this faint feeling. Although he has always used these ten thousand races as copies to ridicule, they are obviously more than this kind of existence. In the previous active attack, he felt that they were more of a kind of limited. State, it seems that there is something that forces them to keep them from leaving a certain range.

It’s kind of like “Novice Protection”?

Xu Sheng has an idea in his mind. If there is such an arrangement, it is undoubtedly the school’s method, in order to prevent them and the students from coming up and destroying the group, otherwise they don’t even give time to react, then integrate Minor World into it. Just die.

After closing the team channel, Xu Sheng glanced at his incense at this time, and there were already more than 1.2 million.

At this speed, three more ten thousand lairs will do.

“But you can’t rush for success. The Martial Soul way is really important, but if Huntuo Practitioners are allowed to go to the second lair non-stop, it will only increase the casualties.”

Xu Sheng’s plan is still very clear. Now he is steadily coming. The competition of the ten thousand races is a long-term job, at least it will last for more than ten years.

Although it’s not like the time for quota assessment, you can’t control it, but there is no doubt that you can’t relax at all. The only advantage may be that the time is arranged by yourself.

You can attack several nests in a row when you are in good condition, and wait a few months before attacking when you are in a bad condition.

About ten days later, Xu Sheng arranged for Huntuo Practitioners to attack the next lair.

In this nest is a kind of bird, flying extremely fast, and their long beak has extremely strong penetrating power, even if it is the combination of a large array and a small universe, it is difficult to resist, so in this battle , The casualties of the Huntuo Practitioner exceeded five hundred!

In the end, despite Yuhua’s efforts, most of the people’s lives were held, but the number of Death also exceeded one hundred. For Huntuo Practitioner, it was the biggest loss in so many years.

The last time there was such a big loss had to be traced back to the Yaozu world.

So the end of the long-beaked birds in this nest is very miserable. Almost every one of them has been broken into pieces by the Practitioner, but even such retaliatory behaviors are not very effective, because these long-beaked birds are not considered intelligent creatures, they I have very little consciousness and act instinctively.

This lair provided Xu Sheng with more than 1.3 million incense sticks, and the total number of incense sticks exceeded 2.53 million, which was half of the planned number.

However, the time house still did not appear. It seems that even in the territory of the ten thousand races, such special rewards are rare. Before, it was a combination of luck and the harpy’s lair.

The third nest is a kind of giant stone statues, each of which is fifty meters high. Its internal source of action is a luminous core. The stronger the core, the larger the body that can run and the stronger the strength. Several bodies with the strength of Foundation Building late stage are over 70 meters.

From Xu Sheng’s perspective, these stone statues are not a kind of life at all, but a kind of object created by Houtian, but in the territory of ten thousand races, it is a kind of existence.

The incense that this nest finally brought to Xu Sheng was only 1.1 million. It was not that they were weak, but in the process of obtaining rewards, many of them were made of various materials, and most of them were various types of stones.

Xu Sheng himself is not very happy, because these stones are not as cost-effective as incense for him, but they are cheaper than Li Min. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for him to exchange so many refining materials, and now these materials are all placed by him. In the warehouse of the Huntuo tribe.

“I see if you can stay calm this time.”

Xu Sheng murmured that even he rarely saw Qian Min and other emotions exposed. In terms of emotional control, it is estimated that Yin is far inferior to this kid.

But it’s okay, if you spend all your energy on practice, you can go further in the future.

“I hope that the next lair will receive more than 1.4 million incense.”

Xu Sheng watched the Huntuo Practitioner march towards the fourth lair, and said in a low voice, he didn’t know how much incense each lair could get.

The fourth lair is a place similar to a zombie. The race inside is invulnerable and difficult to deal with.

[Record]: You killed the blood puppet and gained 350 incense

[Record]: You killed the blood puppet and gained 372 incense

[Record]: You killed the blood puppet and gained 364 incense

As the blood puppets were killed, Xu Sheng’s mood was also lifted. The chance of this blood puppet producing incense was very high, and there were a lot of them provided individually.

After the entire nest was wiped out, the last incense provided exceeded 1.5 million.

The goal is reached!

Xu Sheng glanced at the current’balance’.


[Sage interface]


[Incense]: Five hundred and eleven thousand and four hundred and thirty-seven




Xu Sheng made the exchange without hesitation.

A light ball appeared in his hand.


He snapped it onto Xuan Yi below.

[Record]: You have added a heritage to your Minor World, with high integration and a new advanced system

After the information appeared, Xu Sheng glanced at it and didn’t pay attention. His attention at this time was entirely on Xuan Yi below.

“This is…”

In my residence, I tried the advanced Xuan Yi countless times as usual, and suddenly felt a kind of dim sentiment.

The next moment, he rushed out of the tribe like crazy, came to a lair next to him, and killed a big bird here.

He dragged the badly wounded body and brought the big bird back to the tribe.

Then he absorbed all the spirits of this big bird with the thoughts that had just appeared in his mind, and then outrageously chose to advance!

Dantian is like a world opened up.

When he reached the point where the heroic souls were condensed, he felt a great obstacle, and he knew immediately that he could not complete the advancement with this method.

At this moment, a ghost of a big bird appeared.

Replaced the position of the heroic soul!

Martial Soul!

He realized in his heart that the aura on his body increased rapidly, and in a very short period of time, he broke through the limitations of the Martial Master and entered the Wuying Realm!

The second Wu Ying of the Huntuo tribe has appeared!

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