Global Sage Era

Chapter 202

Chapter 199 One Ninth

Territory of Ten Thousand Races, the next day.

As the nests were wiped out, the boundaries of the students belonging to the eastern and western campuses also grew larger and larger.

Looking from the top to the bottom, it looks like a piece of black paper with sixty small white spots, and then these small white spots gradually expand, removing all the black stains on the paper.

The white spots are large or small, the smallest is only the size of a pea, and the medium is the size of a broad bean.

And there is one that stands out the most, it is located in the lower left corner and is the size of a ping-pong ball!

If you subdivide it, you can divide these white dots into white one and white two, both of which are thirty.

That is, the east and west campuses.

If this black paper is divided into sixty equal parts with the center circle as the center, it will always be arranged like white one white two white one white two, that is to say, the students on both sides of each east and west campus are people from the opposite campus. ——Meaning that they will definitely meet students on another campus before they meet someone on the same campus.

Full of traces involved, it is clear that this arrangement is intentional.

Because of these sixty white dots, the originally vast land of the entire Ten Thousand Races territory was swept away by the weird atmosphere that had originally enveloped it.

This piece of land, originally terrifying, was able to swallow all the creatures that came here, but now, it looks like a tiger with plucked minions, only to watch its own body be occupied and swallowed.

The whole continent is filled with countless nests. These nests occupy different areas. According to the law from the periphery to the center, the strength of the nests is getting stronger and stronger. The location of the sixty white dots is exactly the weakest point, but After they wipe out the weakest nests around them, they will definitely encounter stronger ones.

But without exception, no matter whether these nests are weak or strong, the creatures existing in them are deterred by a certain magnificent aura at this time, just like creatures that are afraid of natural enemies and dare not leave their own nest. Their range of activities is limited to own. In the lair.

However, this magnificent breath is getting weaker and weaker. The creatures in the nest have a foreboding that they will be able to go out for a while, even if they don’t have much wisdom at this time, it is still something that makes them cheer for joy. .

In the lower left corner, mark in a clockwise direction, the thirty-fifth area.

The Huntuo tribes are carrying the fruits of their own victory and are camping in place with high morale.

As more nests are destroyed, the distance from Minor World is getting farther and farther, so unless everyone is very homesick, they will not go back normally. After a few days of repairing on the spot, they will move on to the next nest.

Compared with the initial team, the current Practitioner queue has been drastically reduced, and the number has been reduced from over 15,000 to 3,000.

It was not that they were killed, but they were all sent back. Wars of increasing intensity were not suitable for people with low strength to participate.

The one who can still stay in the team now, the weakest is the Seventh Stage. This kind of strength has the minimum self-protection ability, and in the case of a bloody body, even if it is a continuous breakthrough, it will eventually become Qi Sea. Realm Practitioner is not impossible.

In addition, the people of Seventh Stage have a lot of experience and are a mature practitioner. They have understood that the road of Martial Dao is always accompanied by danger and death, and can pay for the owner’s choice, even if it is killed in battle. Seek the truth and die.

“It will take about half a day to clear all the other fifty-two nests except the four nests including the Great Sun Thunder Eagle.”

The sky was divided, Xu Sheng looked at the Huntuo Practitioner below, and a number appeared in his mind.

There are a total of fifty-six lairs around his Minor World. Now he has cleared thirty-two of them, and fourteen are left.

The strength of the lair is roughly proportional to its territory. Generally, the stronger it occupies the larger the territory and the more points it provides.

Occasionally there will be a few special ones, the weaker ones have a big territory, and the stronger ones have a small territory.

Now his score is 6142, and the entire East Campus is 54572, which already accounts for one-ninth of the total score.

In other words, at a normal level, others have probably laid ten nests.

Only when two or three people add up to Xu Sheng’s achievements.

Xu Sheng didn’t know the specific situation of the others, only learned from the team’s chat channel, it seems that Lu Shan has already laid fifteen lairs, and he is playing the sixteenth lair.

The West Campus would occasionally ridicule the public screen, saying that Fang Su on their side had already hit the nineteenth.

For Fang Su, Xu Sheng hasn’t dealt with yet… Actually, he hasn’t dealt with the 30 people in the entire West Campus. He just knows the faces corresponding to their names, and the specific strength is not clear.

According to rumors, Fang Su is the strongest person in the West Campus. Of course, two or three people are not convinced and are vying for this position with him. The rumors of the nineteen lairs were not caused by him on the public screen, but by him. The “teammates” over there said that the purpose is naturally to pull hatred and irritate people on the East Campus.

The two sides are fighting and attacking the heart. Although they have not yet met together, if they can use words to make the opponent advance and retreat, make some irrational behavior, or rush to advance, and lose a lot when attacking the lair, then it is a one A huge advantage.

It can be said that everyone is a powerful force in their respective camps, and it is inseparable from the efforts of any one person to win.

Take Fang Su as an example. Although his progress is amazing, he has a record of nineteen lairs, but even the weakest student, the two together can outweigh him. In this case, even in the East Campus. The overall strength is not as good as the West Campus, as long as you seize the opportunity to eliminate a few people on the opposite side, you can lock in victory in advance.

For the same reason, there is a similar way to win on the West Campus.

In this competition, there are two ways to eliminate the opponent. One is to destroy the opponent’s Minor World, and the other is to let the opponent surrender.

As for directly killing the student himself, it was repeatedly stressed that it was not allowed, and no one would automatically think that what Own did could not be discovered under the eyes of the true sage.

Xu Sheng opened the panel and took a look.

Personal Points: 6142

Campus total score: 54572

West campus total score: 58219

The gap is slowly widening.

According to the current nest strength, there is probably one nest ahead of the East Campus on average.

Of course, other people do not have the equivalent of everything and cannot have the ability to transform their own strength, but some special rewards can also be obtained. Ascension strength, such as the time house, can quickly cultivate some higher-end combat strength.

Although many nests have been destroyed, everyone’s loss is within the scope of the owner’s tolerance, that is, during the cycle, there will be enough fresh blood to be replenished, but this situation cannot be maintained forever. The strength of the lair becomes stronger, and eventually reaches a critical point. At that time, the individual’s strength will fall into a downward trend, and it will become more and more difficult to attack the lair at that time.

Xu Sheng didn’t have so many headaches at this time, because according to his estimation, he would not lose much of his strength before encountering the last four lairs.

The only trouble is the four lairs of Da Ri Lei Ying. Among them, the strength of the ten thousand races is too strong. Even if it can win, it will greatly reduce his strength. Such a thing is impossible for him to accept.

Moreover, these four lairs are not the final lairs, there are more and stronger ones outside. It can be said that the Ten Thousand Clan at this time is training for themselves and others.

“It’s too difficult.”

Xu Sheng was a little worried. It was so difficult for the school to assess them. He had been thinking about it for so long, but there was still no good way.

He looked at the time house he had obtained so far.

Time House (Single) 25 years X1

Time house (single body) 30 years X1

Time house (single body) 35 years X2

Time House (Single) 40 Years X1

No, there are only five time houses in total.

The probability of this guy coming out is horribly low. On average, only two lairs can be obtained. He originally estimated it according to the standard of the harpy lair. He felt that at least one lair in the back is one, but it is realistic. It was telling him what is naive.

However, it can also be seen that the time house is rare.

Up to now, Xu Sheng hasn’t figured out how to use the five time houses. If he can, he naturally wants to use it.

According to the current time ratio, about ten days of his personal time, Xuan Zheng is almost ready for use.

According to his estimation, this competition should last for more than ten days. After all, one day has passed (Minor World nearly three years), and he has not even played ‘novice village’.

Xiao Xuanzheng is finally one year old now, but Xu Sheng still didn’t tell Yin and Kuangyuan about his existence. He rather hoped that Xuanzheng would have a happy childhood.

Of course, some people with good vision in Tongtian City have already set their sights on Xuan Zheng – of course, it is not something like digging bones and robbing houses, but wanting to accept him as an apprentice and want someone to take care of him in the future.

However, Xuan Zheng’s parents are both Qi Sea realm Practitioners, and they have good vision. Although they are not arrogant enough to have Elder and Dazu old as apprentices, at least they have to be forced by their husband and wife.

According to this standard, only a few dozen people can be reached, and they are all within the Huntuo tribe.

The couple are also planning for their son’s future. They started to contact the Huntuo tribe and wanted to send their own son in. If it was a few years ago, this kind of thing would not be too difficult, but in recent years, Huntuo The tribe has already apparently rejected visits by’outsiders’, and only a handful of people are allowed to enter the tribe each year.

However, the couple still had some interpersonal relationship after all, and finally through a period of activities, brought Xiao Xuan Zheng into the Huntuo tribe.

At this time, the couple did not know that the person who approved them to come in was not someone else, but the second-race elder, Xuan Yi, who had just advanced to Martial Soul by Wu Ying.

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