Global Sage Era

Chapter 208

Chapter 205

The earth is roaring.

Countless alien races stepped on the ground, and even if nothing appeared in front of them, they could still feel the vibration that made people stand unstable.

All kinds of terrifying roars were intertwined, coming from the distant sky, making the faces of the people in Minor World pale.

Outside this bubble in the territory of the Ten Thousand Races, Yuan Susong, who knows the margins, is staring down.

“It’s finally started, I hope you don’t let me down.”

He muttered to himself, watching the movement of the tens of thousands of people running down below, his concentration was unprecedented.

From his perspective, in the entire territory of the ten thousand races, all the lairs no longer confine the ten thousand clans inside, and more than 99% of the ten thousand races actually only attacked their nearest lair, swallowing each other and growing, repeating the usual Samsara countless times. .

But there are also a few that have clear goals and move towards the nearest Minor World.

Like sixty sugar balls thrown in a huge ant nest, the nearest ants desperately stepped forward.

But one of the sixty ‘sugar clusters’ is so special that all the ants that were next to it have been emptied, and only the last ant is left alone in the north of the sugar cluster.

At this time, some escaping small particles appeared from the sugar mass, and the only ant left could only wait for these small particles to come over, shivering in place.

“This Xu Sheng… the improvement in strength is too fast, it’s incredible.”

At this time, Yuan Susong’s mind was also full of questions. He wanted to explore what happened in this. It is a pity that although his vision can penetrate everywhere in the territory of tens of thousands of races, it is only the Minor World of the students. Can’t see through.

This is also the most sacred law that has an effect. In the sea of ​​the world, although they can see all the conditions of Minor World at a glance, they have to get the permission of the students themselves.

The Territory of the Ten Thousand Races is not in the sea of ​​the world. Without this method, it is impossible for him to see the reality of the students. However, he already knew all this before he came, so although he was a little curious in his heart, there was nothing uncomfortable. .

He guessed that this student named Xu Sheng had too good luck, and he kept getting good rewards, and he could quickly transform into the strength of his citizens.

Such air transporters have always existed, and strictly speaking, he himself is considered to have air transport.

However, when atmospheric luck meets atmospheric luck, they always compare each other. He is undoubtedly inferior to Xu Sheng in terms of air luck. At least he will be placed in the territory of ten thousand races when he is the same age. , It is impossible to achieve this step.

Except for this student named Xu Sheng, the other fastest people have only completed 26 lairs.

Like him, the speed is extremely constant from beginning to end, and there is no tendency to slow down at all.

“But now the West Campus still has an advantage. Fang Su and others are more than three lairs ahead of Xiao Feng from the West Campus. If this continues, even with Xu Sheng, the East Campus will not be able to beat the West Campus.” Yuan Susong thought. There have always been calculations. As the teacher of the West Campus, he naturally stands on the side of the West Campus.

However, he didn’t dare to make any small actions or do favoritism. If he was discovered by Old Sage, then he would be miserable.

Territory of Ten Thousand Races, the thirteenth region.

When the lair rioted, Xiao Feng, who was in his Minor World, knew what had happened, and his expression became extremely ugly.

He issued various orders almost as quickly as possible, allowing his people to respond.

When attacking the lair before, he actually felt this sign and made some arrangements, but these arrangements could not be too many, and more power must be used to attack the lair.

The speed of his people is very fast, and it is not long before they gather together under the organization of the strong.

Compared with the selection of places, Xiao Feng’s strength has also greatly increased. Now there are two strengths in the Gold Core stage among the people, in addition to dozens of Foundation Building Qi training cultivators and some powerful Practitioners.

He does not have as many resources as Xu Sheng, and he obviously prioritizes cultivator in terms of development, and first meets the resource needs of cultivators. At this time, there are not many powerful players in his Practitioner.

However, the Practitioner in the Body Refining Realm also had 10,000 people, and by consuming the time house in hand, it also quickly catalyzed two strong Wu Ying with the strength of the Foundation Building.

Such strength actually lags behind Xu Sheng by a large amount, and Xu Sheng’s Ascension speed after the quota assessment far surpasses him.

Roar! hiss! Huh!

Three days later, dust and smoke appeared at the end of the line of sight, and the ten thousand races rushed towards Minor World.

Xiao Feng solemnly issued an ordinance to his people on the sky, and then the original source of own was used. At this time, he could no longer pay attention to rewards or not. In this situation, whether the vitality of the owner can be guaranteed. Is a problem.


Several Martial Master Realm’s Practitioners yelled and took the initiative to greet them. Minor World is their home, and it is impossible for them to let these ten thousand races into it.

Among the ten thousand races, there are various types, and many of them seem to be natural enemies. At this time, they are all in one place and are rushing toward the Minor World.

A tragic battle broke out.

Different from actively attacking the lair, the ten thousand races are no longer confined to one place at this time, they will sneak attack and escape, and when the situation is not good, they will go to other places.

On Xiao Feng’s side, there was raging smoke on all sides, and thousands of peoples invaded from all directions of Minor World, causing his power to be greatly dispersed.

The luster belonging to the origin exploded in one place, and all the tribes within the range disappeared out of thin air as if they were erased by a giant hand.

The damage continued to increase, and soon more than 300 Practitioners were killed, and even one of the cultivators died. Xiao Feng’s face looked hard to see from above.

For him, each of the cultivator is extremely difficult to appear, and a lot of resources are spent on everyone. At this time, dying like this makes him want to give life to the following ten thousand races.

Three days later, after finally repelling the first wave of invasions, Xiao Feng opened the Sage interface and looked at the situation of other people.

He was also helpless. Xu Sheng felt like he had no sense of existence from entering the territory of the Ten Thousand Races. He rarely spoke on the team channel.

If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t get to the guy’s side now, he would want to punch him in the shoulder hard to let him know the consequences of picking.

On the contrary, his occasional private chat replied extremely quickly. Obviously he was not busy, and the progress of the attack on the lair was also orderly. This made him wonder for countless times, what is the big thing that guy is ‘conspiring’.

Opening the Sage interface, Xiao Feng’s eyes fell on the team channel, and he found that the information was mad!

“What the hell is going on! These ten thousand races are like dying, they are desperately attacking my Minor World, and my dead people are almost 500!”

“Don’t tell me, the situation on my side is worse. I didn’t pay attention just now and let one of the wavelets enter my Minor World, directly destroying all of my spiritual gardens, causing heavy losses.”

“Why is the school set up like this? It was very difficult to attack the nest, but now it’s still coming out like this.”

“Who knows, anyway, I just don’t want us to develop steadily. I originally wanted to speed up the attack on the nest after this trimming, but now it’s all gone.”

“Oh, I just want this monster siege to end soon, and if this continues, no matter how much my source is, I can’t stand the consumption!”

“I have used thousands of sources now! There are places that need to be used everywhere, and the reserves are not enough!”

“Help! Is there anyone to help me? The four guard bosses on my side have come together, four Gold Cores! There is only one Gold Core on my side, and I can’t hold it!”

“We must hold on! We are all unable to protect ourselves now, we can’t get out at all!”

“If the situation is really irreversible, at least save the seeds in Minor World, and don’t let those ten thousand races destroy Minor World.”

“No, I have started the second wave here, I will hide first.”

“There has been movement on my side too, everyone will talk later.”

Xiao Feng looked at the information, his face was as black as Tan. Everyone’s situation is not good. If this continues, there must be problems with the progress of the subsequent attack. If this continues, compete…


Never give up, resources are everything!

There was no second wave on Xiao Feng’s side. Actually it was not over, but his first wave had just retreated, and the Ten Thousand Clan also needed to accumulate strength to start the second wave.

About a day later, when he was able to catch his breath, those familiar voices appeared again, and he directed his own people to resist the second wave of monster siege.

In fifty-nine areas, everyone is resisting monsters to attack the city.

It’s not easy on the east campus, and there is no laughter on the west campus. The pressure they encountered was no less than that on the west campus.

Since a few days ago, they had no time to taunt the East Campus on the public channel.

The weakest ones in the West Campus were also invaded by the Ten Thousand Clan in Minor World, and the loss was not small. The blood dripped in his heart to wipe out all the invading Ten Thousand Clan.

Fang Su and others, the strongest in the West Campus, couldn’t stop facing the invasion of more than 30 lairs at this time.

The ordinary lair of tens of thousands of races is nothing. The key is that the four guarding bosses bring more pressure than ordinary lairs. The Gold Core leader inside is extremely difficult to deal with.

Whether it is strong or weak, as long as it fails to clear all the nests before this monster attack, then there will be an invasion.

Just when the other fifty-nine people were all overwhelmed, the thirty-fifth area was a completely different scene.

There are also riots here.

But it was not the riots, but the people of Minor World.

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