Global Sage Era

Chapter 219

Chapter 216 Despair

The exchange of the Ninth Stage battle body is equivalent to the end of the first stage of Xu Sheng’s development.

In other words, it was the beginning of the real power of the entire Huntuo race.

Prior to this, the various exchanges were all enhancements on the original foundation, unlike the current situation, which directly consolidates and deepens the foundation.

Among all the exchanges, the talent type has the best effect, and it is also the most expensive.

The reason why the blood bathing body is cheap is that its effect is weak. It is only very useful for Qi Sea realm. It is more dependent on your own efforts, and the probability of breakthrough is like buying a lottery ticket.

The Ninth Stage combat body is different. In the next few months of the newly born children, although the destiny level is still that destiny level, at the same level, the physical fitness is much higher than before, and the growth rate is even higher. It is far beyond, almost as long as the qualification reaches the level, the speed of advancement can catch up with the level of Kuangyuan’s growth.

Regarding this, Kuang Yuan was naturally happy, but at the same time he also sighed, unknowingly, the Huntuo human race has become so powerful, and the speed of advancement he has always been proud of is no longer worth mentioning.

[Ninth Stage Battle Body] is a talent for Practitioner, and the equivalent of everything naturally has a corresponding cultivator talent.

But not to mention the higher price of the cultivator talent, the effect is not as good as the Ninth Stage combat body, and the price/performance ratio is weaker, so Xu Sheng temporarily put it on hold after taking a look.

[Ninth Stage battle body] Xu Sheng is naturally very eager, and he also wants to exchange it immediately, but the huge number makes him daunting and makes him stop temporarily.

So his current sight only dared to fall on the first stage.

【Ninth Stage Battle Body·Second Stage】

Category: Talent

Description: With a growth rate far exceeding that of a Hong-level race, the absorption rate of Spiritual Qi is greatly increased, and Qi Sea realm combat power is available in adulthood, and the minimum chance of being promoted to Martial Master is 1%.

Exchange required: 10 billion incense

The descriptions are almost the same, after all, they are exchanges of the same origin.

But the difference in some keywords can reflect the strength.

The Ninth Stage battle body of the Second Stage has Qi Sea realm combat power as an adult!

Think about that scene. Xu Sheng’s hundreds of thousands or even millions of people are all Qi Sea realm!

Even if there is no cultivator, the opponent will be all shiver at the moment of seeing it!

What is the West Campus, what is the son of Gao Sheng, all are clouds!

Of course, it is just an imagination now that the exchange price of 10 billion incense is far from what Xu Sheng can afford now.

Even if the two areas he currently occupies are wiped out, the incense that he can obtain in the end will be between 500 million and 1 billion.

He never thought of achieving this goal in this competition.

If it is really achieved, then other people don’t have to compare, just quit the competition.

After all, there are hundreds of thousands of Qi Sea realm Practitioners, and they are not their own opponents when they are tied together.

Hundreds of thousands of Qi Sea realm Practitioners are not just as simple as Qi Sea realm Practitioner, it also means at least a few thousand Practitioners, and hundreds of Wu Ying behind!

Wu Yingke is equivalent to Foundation Building Realm!

After Xu Sheng eliminated Yuanhai, everyone began to pay attention to the changes in points.

Although Xu Sheng himself did not say how much his points are, it is not impossible to calculate.

Led by Xiao Feng, everyone reported their current points, and then came up with Xu Sheng’s current personal points-24823!

And now, Lu Shan, who is currently second in the East Campus, has only 4515 points!

Not even a fraction of it!

Everyone was silent.

Everyone was shocked by this number.

What about top students?

How about Ganjing University ranking in the top 100?

In front of that huge number, everything is meaningless!

“How could it be, how could he be so tall…” Lu Shan muttered to himself in a daze. Not long ago, he said that he would catch up with Xu Sheng, but the current gap has made him feel the creeps.

He knows how difficult it is to wipe out the nest. Now his score is the result of his hard work, but it is still less than one-fifth of Xu Sheng’s. If this continues, he alone will be worth the whole The other twenty-nine people on the East Campus are not successful?

“This guy…” Mo Fei was dumbfounded, clearly that the gap between him and him was not big when he was selected, how come he has been pulled to such an extent now.

“Wow, he is too great, he is indeed the squad leader of our champion class… It’s a pity that he doesn’t pay much attention to me, otherwise it would be nice to chat with him and learn from the experience. It’s really a headache… I’m going back this time. Be sure to let him teach me…” Ruifeng, who seemed very quiet on weekdays, started chattering, but there was no chat partner in front of her, she was simply chatting with the air.

Everyone in the East Campus was sighing that they had fought with Xu Sheng and knew where his strength was, but now they found that they couldn’t understand him more and more.

Why is he also participating in the competition, his Ascension can be so big, but he is only so small?

I can’t figure it out at all.

A few minutes after the East Campus calculated Xu Sheng’s points, the West Campus also knew the situation.

The first reaction is naturally unbelief.

“Impossible, this must be false. I admit that he is powerful and may be better than us, but the gap will never be so big. I don’t believe it!” A student from the West Campus shouted in the team channel. Both parents are Gao Sheng. In the past eighteen years, he has known countless senior deeds, but each of those deeds is so exaggerated by Xu Sheng!

This is not beyond transcendence, it is a complete crush!

Fang Su was silent. He looked at the number and felt that it was so dazzling. The grades that were satisfactory to him are now a kind of ridicule. He is saying to him: Look, what is your point, and see how many others are. .


As the first and currently the only student on the East-West campus with a score of more than 5,000-without Xu Sheng, he is undoubtedly surpassing everyone and possessing a dominant strength.

But he, who should have been regarded as the biggest opponent by the East Campus, was bleak beside that person at this time.

It can’t be said to be bleak, it’s totally ashamed.

The gap is always compared.

Are Fang Su, Xiao Feng, Lu Shan and others weak?

Not weak!

Strictly speaking, they are better than previous freshmen!

But they were unfortunately in the same class as Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng’s own talent may not be good, but he worked hard enough!

This kind of effort allowed him to surpass everyone.

The 34th area.

After solving 20 nests around Yuanhai Minor World, the remaining nests are relatively powerful.

So Xu Sheng quickly arranged Qiyin and others to let them attack. The four guarding bosses are also in the plan. As long as these four are resolved, then the initial energy can be placed in his Minor World area. .

As for the 33 area next to it, there is no need to support it by yourself. When you get through the lair, the monsters over there will come to an end, and the opponent may think that you have deliberately past to grab points.

Xu Sheng didn’t want to do this when his area nest was still enough. After all, such behavior can be called “eating the bowl and looking at the pot”.

(Repeat the text below…Don’t ask, ask is that the time is not up, full attendance is not guaranteed)

“Wow, he is too great, he is indeed the squad leader of our champion class… It’s a pity that he doesn’t pay much attention to me, otherwise it would be nice to chat with him and learn from the experience. It’s really a headache… I’m going back this time. Be sure to let him teach me…” Ruifeng, who seemed very quiet on weekdays, started chattering, but there was no chat partner in front of her, she was simply chatting with the air.

Everyone in the East Campus was sighing that they had fought with Xu Sheng and knew where his strength was, but now they found that they couldn’t understand him more and more.

Why is he also participating in the competition, his Ascension can be so big, but he is only so small?

I can’t figure it out at all.

A few minutes after the East Campus calculated Xu Sheng’s points, the West Campus also knew the situation.

The first reaction is naturally unbelief.

“Impossible, this must be false. I admit that he is powerful and may be better than us, but the gap will never be so big. I don’t believe it!” A student from the West Campus shouted in the team channel. Both parents are Gao Sheng. In the past eighteen years, he has known countless senior deeds, but each of those deeds is so exaggerated by Xu Sheng!

This is not beyond transcendence, it is a complete crush!

Fang Su was silent. He looked at the number and felt that it was so dazzling. The grades that were satisfactory to him are now a kind of ridicule. He is saying to him: Look, what is your point, and see how many others are. .


As the first and currently the only student on the East-West campus with a score of more than 5,000-without Xu Sheng, he is undoubtedly surpassing everyone and possessing a dominant strength.

But he, who should have been regarded as the biggest opponent by the East Campus, was bleak beside that person at this time.

It can’t be said to be bleak, it’s totally ashamed.

The gap is always compared.

Are Fang Su, Xiao Feng, Lu Shan and others weak?

Not weak!

Strictly speaking, they are better than previous freshmen!

But they were unfortunately in the same class as Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng’s own talent may not be good, but he worked hard enough!

This kind of effort allowed him to surpass everyone.

The 34th area.

After solving 20 nests around Yuanhai Minor World, the remaining nests are relatively powerful.

So Xu Sheng quickly arranged Qiyin and others to let them attack. The four guarding bosses are also in the plan. As long as these four are resolved, then the initial energy can be placed in his Minor World area. .

As for the 33 area next to it, there is no need to support it by yourself. When you get through the lair, the monsters over there will come to an end, and the opponent may think that you have deliberately past to grab points.

Xu Sheng didn’t want to do this when his own area of ​​the nest was enough. After all, such behavior can be called “eating the bowl and looking at the pot”.

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