Global Sage Era

Chapter 231

Chapter 227 Extraordinarily Many Rewards

Nascent Soul middle stage nest, night practitioner.

The night practitioner is a pitch-black creature. In terms of attributes, they belong to the assassin type.

Where there are shadows, they can disappear, extremely difficult.

The reason why it is called the night is because at night, their strength will double Ascension, and the moonlight will greatly Ascension their various abilities.

The night practitioner’s lair in area 34 has been standing there for a long time, and the Huntuo tribe has also fought against them.

When they wiped out other nests near it before, they also came out to prey, and they had some fights with each other.

However, because they have long been wary of them, when there are night practitioners around, the Huntuo tribe is reminded, and then avoided as quickly as possible.

“This lair is far from comparable to the ones we eliminated before, and we need to be careful. You and I should take good care of the people. Once a few are leaked, it will cause huge casualties.”

Before the war, Yin and Kuang Yuanzi looked at the night practitioner’s lair from a distance. In their sight, the upper part of the lair seemed to be covered by a layer of mist, even with their current Cultivation Base.

Although there is only one Yese practitioner from the Nascent Soul middle stage in the Yese practitioner’s lair, there are as many as nine in the Gold Core stage, one in the late stage, three in the middle stage, and five in the early stage.

There are dozens of Foundation Building phases, more than 100 Qi training phases, and Qi Sea realm nearly 1,000.

“You only need to drag the strength of the opposite Nascent Soul middle stage, and leave the rest to me.”

Kuang Yuan knows his own strength very well. He is not able to intervene in the Nascent Soul-class battle, but he is not afraid of the Gold Core-class battle, even if it is the late-stage strength of the Gold Core.

After the two discussed, they called Yuhuan, Qianmin, Xuanyi, and Xuanzheng. All four of them were Gold Core Realm. With the blessing of Magic Treasures, they could almost leapfrog. Can not leapfrog to kill the opponents of Gold Core middle stage strength, but in the face of Gold Core early stage, it can already be called invincible.

The task of the four people this time is to cooperate with Kuang Yuan, and the five people work together to kill the nine Gold Core practitioners at the fastest speed.

Don’t give them the possibility of sneak attack on the Huntuo human race, these ten thousand races, as long as they are not paying attention, they will disappear from the front, and they must be killed for a time.

When the subjects discussed, Xu Sheng also had his own plan.

He looked at the huge lair below, and was already using the source to surround it in secret.

This night practitioner’s lair is different from the previous lairs, and it may have a significant impact on own strength. To avoid that, it doesn’t matter if the final incense is less.

He even had the idea of ​​directly beheading the leader of the opposite Nascent Soul middle stage.

Although a group time house is precious, it cannot be abandoned.

“I’m about to start destroying the last lair in Area 34. If it succeeds, I will tell you the first time.”

Xu Sheng thought for a while and sent a message to Xiao Feng that the East Campus is a whole. If the exit of the Central Secret Realm really appears in this way, everyone on the East Campus will also speed up the progress.

In addition, he also needs teammates. Since the development of Minor World, he has not yet entered a place that can threaten his life. He really wants to go in alone. If there is no one to help him in danger, then he will be miserable.

He is not arrogant enough to think that he can get benefits and not run into danger after he enters.

Xiao Feng was naturally shocked the first time he saw this information. He glanced at the lair that he had only solved the seventy now, and Xu Sheng actually had only the last one left.

And from this meaning, it can also be known that he has wiped out the other four Nascent Soul-class lairs.

Nascent Soul-class lair! That is several times the strength of myself now.

From this information, he probably knows the strength of Xu Sheng’s people now. He understands Xu Sheng and knows that the latter will not kill all races by himself because of the pursuit of speed, that is, his people must exist. Nascent Soul-class combat power!

“Make him?”

An image of a cultivator that burned himself calm and indifferent appeared in his mind. The cultivator that could leapfrog gave him a deep impression.

This incident was hidden in his stomach. He glanced at the news in the team channel and couldn’t help feeling that there was something in pediatrics.

There are occasional provocations from the West Campus, but under the influence of Xu Sheng, their provocations appear pale and weak. At first, the East Campus can’t help but retort, but now it all seems like a breeze. There is no feeling anymore.

As the lair in front approached, everyone in the entire team became serious.

This is a team of 2,500 people.

In the team, there are six auras that are particularly powerful, and they are as striking as the burning sun.

Two thousand five hundred people, the lowest is Qi Sea realm’s strength. Judging from the face, many of them are very young, perhaps just in adulthood.

There was fear in their eyes, even though the front was a terrifying lair with powerful opponents, they were not afraid.

When Xu Sheng looked at the people of own, a sense of accomplishment came to life.

Although he can’t pay attention to the growth of each one now, he has read most of the information.

Many of them were excited and happy when they were born.

In a flash, after so many years, in their bodies, he also saw the traces of his own growth.

“I hope you can be safe.”

He whispered to himself, the source in his hand was ready to be used at any time.

The lair is here.

Tens of miles away, the night practitioner inside had already made a hissing noise, and the night practitioner who was in the center of the lair opened his eyes and looked towards the direction of the Huntuo race.

“Suo Shuo!”

Its cry is extremely sharp.

Yin, who was separated by dozens of miles, suddenly raised his head, and then his complexion became serious.

Kuang Yuan noticed the change in his attitude, did not ask why, but quietly followed Yin and came to the forefront of the team.

The two came to a place several miles apart in a way that no one else could notice.

With them as the boundary, the night practitioner’s lair is separated from the Huntuo human race.

The two of them are in this position and naturally take a lot of risk. If the night practitioner desperately surrounds them, they will immediately be in danger.

Xu Sheng’s attention was extremely concentrated. He began to pay attention to the movement of the practitioner’s lair. In his line of sight, if there was any change in the latter, he would activate it for the first time.

At this time, he would naturally not worry too much, and would directly send down the heavenly encyclical. Other influences were not worth mentioning compared with the comfort of Yin and others.

Several hours passed in a flash.

Xu Sheng’s expression on the top condensed. He saw thousands of black lines flickering out of the lair. These black lines were invisible for a huge part of the time, and only a tenth of the time had a shallow outline.

Ye Se practitioner took the initiative!

The leader of the Nascent Soul middle stage is at the forefront, followed by nine Gold Core practitioners!

Ten black lines, like ten Death blades, rushed in the direction of the Huntuo race.

From feeling the breath of the Huntuo human race to when they came out in full force, it took only a few hours in total!

This is also the first nest Xu Sheng has encountered since he wiped out so many nests.

“As expected of Nascent Soul class…”

He muttered to himself. It seems that the decision to not let the people approach before was correct. At that time, he stopped the activities of the human race and couldn’t approach it any more than a hundred miles away.

“They are here!”

Kuang Yuan suddenly roared and warned all the Huntuo tribes.


Everyone is ready to attack.

At this time, facing the active attacking enemy, they chose not to defend, but to attack!

Many Huntuo Practitioners are even more excited to tremble. The boiling blood in their bodies is telling them that their own bodies are eager to kill!

The bloody body and the Ninth Stage battle body, such talents are not the kind of defensive talents, and they need to be constantly tempered to enhance their own strength!

Only by killing, can you go further!

Brave, but not bloodthirsty.

Boiling, but not violent.

This is the best portrayal of Huntuo Practitioners at this time.

Xu Sheng is to restrain their big pockets and let them continue to move forward according to the most correct path!

‘Suo Shuo! ’

A shrill sound appeared in the ears, as if rubbing the eardrums. This was no longer a mental interference, but a real force attack.

So at this moment, many Huntuo Practitioners showed pain on their faces.

The bloodbath body’s ability to be immune to negative states, when faced with the night practitioner, the effect is greatly reduced, and it hardly gains any advantage.


Kuang Yuan gave an order, and the two figures moved quickly.

Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng, the master and the apprentice, were one on the left and the other on the right, forming two huge formations, quickly organizing the entire Huntuo Practitioner.

Yin had no words, but Yuhua and Qianmin, who stood behind him, moved quickly, with various formation flags in their hands, and the cultivators all entered the big formation.

The cultivator array is completely different from the Practitioner array.

The two are one on top and the other on the bottom, echoing each other, interlacing like human breath, showing great power.


Dozens of black shadows appeared from the empty place around them. They had long and thin bodies, sharp fangs, and blade-like arms.

These are all night practitioners of Qi Sea realm’s strength. I don’t know when they will start, they are already close to the position near the Huntuo race!

These night practitioners who were bombarded still wanted to act, but dozens of thunder lights fell, and the Thunder Practitioners in the universe used the long-range attack method of time to kill these night practitioners for the first time!

[Record]: You killed a Qi Sea-level night color practitioner and obtained 2424 incense

[Record]: You killed a Qi Sea-level night practitioner and gained 2573 incense

[Record]: You killed a Qi Sea-level night color practitioner and got 2289 incense points

These night practitioners gave a lot of incense, and they are worthy of the ten thousand races of the Nascent Soul-class lair!

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