Global Sage Era

Chapter 233

Chapter 229: The Gate of Secret Realm

After the death of the leader of the night practitioner of the Nascent Soul middle stage, the other night practitioners who were entangled with the Huntuo people all appeared stagnant.

Many night practitioners who were lurking in the shadows suddenly fell out of the shadows. Something strange happened to them, and then they were given the opportunity by the Huntuo people next to them.

[Record]: You killed Qi Sea realm 夜色 practitioner…

[Record]: You killed…

The news of Xu Sheng drifted very fast, and thousands of night practitioners disappeared at a very fast speed.

Without a leader to lead them, relying on instinctive wisdom alone cannot give them too much advantage. They can’t even choose according to the situation.

Under such circumstances, the pressure on the Huntuo tribe was greatly reduced.

“Seeing that this is the nest is the leader-oriented…”

Xu Sheng was a little surprised when he saw this situation. This night practitioner looked like a lone ranger-like race, but he did not expect that most of the affairs were decided by the leader.

This is a good thing, now is the closing time.

The high-end combat power of the nest ** was swept away, and the freed-up Yin and others continued to eliminate the stronger practitioners in the night, most of which were close to the strength of the Nascent Soul in the late stage of the Foundation Building.

Although the Huntuo tribe now has Foundation Building late stage cultivator, they do not have the ability to leapfrog.

Ten thousand races are “weak”, not really weak. Their weakness will only show up when facing the people of the earth. In those small worlds, they are still frightening existences of the same level.

After a few hours, all the night practitioners were killed.

The useful parts of their bodies have also been stripped off to create the equipment Magical Item.

These Huntuo tribes are familiar with the road.

Yin and others stopped intervening after dealing with the Foundation Building-level strength of the night practitioners, just like Xu Sheng did to them, they are also training the younger generations in the clan.

Let the younger generations have enough experience to grow. They know too much about the importance of experience, and they don’t have enough experience and comprehension. Even if they have the opportunity, they can turn it into strength.

“You have completely wiped out the lair of the Ten Thousand Races in the current area, triggering a special condition: open the door of the central secret realm, is it open?”

At this time, when there was no more ten thousand races in the entire 34 area, a message suddenly appeared in front of Xu Sheng’s eyes.

After Xu Sheng saw this message, he was extremely happy.

You guessed it!


Without the slightest hesitation, it is enough to eliminate the ten thousand races now, and he needs to develop the ontology.

The increase in the understanding of the laws of the ontology can also allow the own people to develop faster.


An extremely complex voice appeared.

It’s like some kind of pioneering voice.

Xu Sheng looked to the north, and at the end of his line of sight, a white light shot up into the sky.

The white light was dotted into lines, and then continued to spread, finally becoming a portal!

“what happened?”

The students in the other fifty-nine areas looked horrified.

They thought there was something terrible.

Only Xiao Feng had a guess in his heart, as long as he thought of that possibility, he would feel the complex emotions in his heart.

In the West Campus, Fang Su raised his head and looked at the huge portal that appeared in the distance. His eyes became extremely complicated. In his line of sight, the portal was so dazzling!

He has to react before others, this is the appearance of the central secret realm being opened!

But he didn’t know what the conditions were.

From the position, it can be calculated that it is exactly 34 area, which means that this portal was opened by Xu Sheng.

There is no doubt that now they are not only at a disadvantage in the acquisition of points, but even the possibility of a second victory is also pulled down!

No, absolutely can’t do this!

Fang Su’s eyes were fierce. The Central Secret Realm was their hope for victory in the West Campus. Xu Sheng must not let their victory that lasted for decades ended in his hands!

Although Fang Su is not the leader of the West Campus, there are two other people who compare with him, but in his own mind, he is the whole day of the West Campus. Before long, he will suppress those two people and let them admit themselves!

“The door of the secret realm has been opened and only one person can pass through.”

The reminder appeared before his eyes again.

Xu Sheng slowly approached this position from the sky.

If you want to go to other areas, you need to break through the world barrier, but you don’t need to be close to the central secret realm.

Because the central secret realm is connected to the top of each area, it is a huge spherical area.

Xu Sheng has always been at the northernmost end of the 34th area. After coming here, he broke away from that diffuse state, and he once again felt his body.

A body several hundred feet tall appeared in front of the secret realm gate. Xu Sheng touched the secret realm gate with his hand, and found that it actually had a substantial touch.

“You have contacted the gate of the secret realm, have you entered the central secret realm?”

A line of words appeared in front of him.

At this time, Xu Sheng did not answer immediately.

He turned and glanced at his current Minor World, Yin and others were still in the night practitioner’s lair, and naturally it was not time for him to go directly in.

“Next, you follow the normal steps to clean up the lairs of the ten thousand races around Minor World.”

He issued a heavenly order, and soon, Yin and others understood what he meant.

“Follow the ancestor’s order.”

Yin took the lead and knelt down, and there were more than two thousand people behind him.

Seeing this scene, Xu Sheng felt calm.

He didn’t know what would happen if he entered the central secret realm, or how long he would stay in it.

It’s a pity that Old Sage didn’t tell them clearly about some things. I wonder if I can separate some consciousness and stay here?

Thinking of this, he suddenly moved.

In his current state, he should be able to do this step.

So next, Xu Sheng sensed his own consciousness and tried to divide his own consciousness into a very small part.

With his efforts, after a few hours, about one percent of his consciousness was separated from him, and a ‘little man’ over one meter tall appeared in front of him.

In fact, it is the size of the earth, which is his most normal state.

This separated consciousness is completely controlled by it. Xu Sheng threw it on top of own Minor World, and soon discovered that although it could not make some complicated commands, some basic strains were still possible, and he could also store them in it. Command, what kind of ability is executed in any situation.

It can also store the original source in it. Although not much can be applied each time, it is also a great help at critical times.

“Some are like sub-AIs from AI…”

Some intelligent life theories that he had seen in previous lives appeared in Xu Sheng’s mind. He didn’t notice it when he tried it just now, but now that I think about it, he has already used such a concept subconsciously.

Intelligent life is not a taboo topic for the current earth, because no matter how powerful intelligent life is, they will never catch up with human beings.

The energy level of intelligent life has to rise step by step, while human beings are leap-forward. The development from ordinary people to half-lengths only takes a few years. This terrifying speed requires countless years to change to other systems.

The countless years here means that they cannot be counted.

It can’t be measured in years. Maybe how many epochs and how many Samsara have passed, and the external system can’t give birth to a semi-holy existence.

“My side has already wiped out the last lair, and now the secret realm door has appeared, so please speed up on your side, and I will wait for you inside.”

Xu Sheng sent a message to Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng showed a wry smile on his face after receiving the information, and he guessed it. Xu Sheng wiped out the entire 34 area.

“I know the matter, and I will speed up as soon as possible… Be careful after you enter. If you encounter a dangerous place, try not to move forward. After we come in, we will move forward together.”

No one knows what exactly it looks like in the central secret realm.

No one has a general impression in his mind until now.

Whether it is Xu Sheng or Xiao Feng Fangsu, everyone only knows one name, and then knows that there is something in it that speeds up their understanding of the law.

Otherwise, everything else is at a loss.

“Don’t worry, I still cherish my own life.”

Xu Sheng said something jokingly.

Life is always the most important thing. He still wants to be a semi-holy, quasi-holy, or even a true Sage, but he doesn’t want to lose his life just because of a little experience.

“If you can, give up some rewards appropriately…” Xu Sheng hesitated and said so. He has solved almost the problem now. It is a bit of a suspicion that speaking like this is not painful to speak, but from the perspective of his own strength Ascension Considering that it is absolutely no problem to say that.

After all, the progress of Xiao Feng and others is still too slow, and there are nearly 300 nests. This speed may be more than 40 years. That is to say, when they wipe out all the nests of the ten thousand races in their area, they will finally be left. The next time is estimated to be one week.

What is enough for a week?

Just as Xu Sheng and Xiao Feng were communicating, a pair of huge eyes suddenly opened at an infinite height outside the territory of the ten thousand races.

The eyes were very familiar, it seemed that they were the pair that Yi had saluted respectfully in ancient times.

“This little guy is fast… I thought he could stay in the central secret realm at most for a week, but now he can stay for 20 days. For such a long time, it is estimated that he can understand the law. Significantly Ascension…but the degree of danger has also greatly increased.”

There are thoughts in the eyes of the huge eyes, and Qianjing University’s arrangement of such a trial site in the own domain is naturally reported with him. In fact, he is also the backer of Qianjing University.

Paying attention to some excellent seedlings is something he likes to do very much. Watching those little guys go from immature to mature, from ordinary people to Sage, it makes him feel a kind of joy.

“The little guy asks for his own blessings. If you can get enough opportunities inside, then your growth rate will increase again…maybe you can catch up with that opportunity.”

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