Global Sage Era

Chapter 239

Chapter 235 The Truth About the Territory of Ten Thousand Races

In the central secret realm, Xu Sheng and other seven people are constantly deepening their understanding of the law of own.

Their will is constantly being tempered in this environment.

Compared with now, all kinds of exercises like that are really a paradise, just treating them like children.

“It’s strange to say that universities will quickly Ascension, and they don’t disclose relevant information about the university.”

Without the government’s explanation, Xu Sheng understood the truth himself.

It’s like everything he encountered in the territory of ten thousand races, which is indescribable in words. The high school students have not reached the level, have not experienced the corresponding things, and will never be able to comprehend them.

Instead, let them think about it, develop Minor World distracted, and slow down their own process.

In such a situation, it is normal for parents not to say, everyone wants their own children to have a better development.

And now all the people have gone to college, have experienced similar things, their mood has been tempered, and can control their own mouths and not speak out.

These peculiar existences in the secret realm are now called ‘regular creatures’ by Xu Sheng.

They may not have wisdom, they may have weird shapes, but it is no problem to describe them as creatures, because they will eat everything around them, not like stones, and will not change even if they exist in place for thousands of years.

“Xu Sheng, do you have a law comprehension of more than 0.3% now?”

Xiao Feng sent news that as partners in the same campus, they would chat with each other from time to time.

“Well, over, how about you?”

“My side is only 0.15%, far worse than you.”

Xu Sheng and Xiao Feng were chatting together, and they kept advancing to the second floor.

The position after entering the secret realm is also related to the area on the territory of the ten thousand races, so the two of them are far away, almost face to face. If they want to meet, they have to go around a large group, in the secret realm where regular creatures are everywhere. The thing is definitely impossible.

The law comprehension degree is getting higher and higher. At the tenth thought that Xiao Feng and others came in, Xu Sheng’s law comprehension degree has reached 0.4%, which can increase by 0.1% almost every five years.

Calculated according to the time of the earth, it will take about fifteen to twenty days, that is, he came in early, otherwise, when the competition is over, his law may not reach 1%.

There is a qualitative change in the comprehension of 1% rule than that of 1%.

Below 1%, what is displayed on the Sage interface is touch, which means touching the fur, from 0.01% to 1% is at this stage.

Starting from 1%, touch becomes an entry.

I already have my own understanding of the law, and I am more flexible in using it.

Getting started with the law is not a simple matter. In the worst third-rate universities, there are not enough resources in the school. It is impossible for a trial site such as the Territory of Ten Thousand Races to exist. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the law there. It depends on time.

With so many regular creatures in the central secret realm, it is enough for them to have 60 students, and they can be used for 600, but it is not enough to expand to sixty and sixty thousand.

There are hundreds of millions of students entering the university through the college entrance examination every year!

Therefore, the best resources can only be used by a small group of people. No matter how rich the resources are, they will never be enough.

In the 20th year that Xiao Feng and others have entered, Xu Sheng’s understanding of the law has reached 0.6%.

At this time, a new portal finally appeared, and the students of the second stair outside could finally enter the central secret realm.

In the following ten years, people entered every year, and in the seventieth year of the competition, all the students entered.

Yuanhai, who was eliminated by Xu Sheng, was also granted permission to enter. After all, the central secret realm’s understanding of Ascension is a very important resource. If Yuanhai missed this time, he would be far behind the other fifty-nine people.

The duration of the entire competition is one month, and the time when it is replaced by the territory of ten thousand races is ninety years.

Xu Sheng, who was the first to enter, spent a full 62 years in the Central Secret Realm, while Yuanhai was the worst, only 20 years!

This is directly the difference between the three categories!

Even if there is information about the person coming in, the people behind are unlikely to catch up with the progress of the person in front. If you want to go deep into the core area, you can only cross to the area of ​​the next person, and then follow the path they have walked. Go forward, this is unimpeded.

Many people choose this path. They all know that they have been delayed. It is just a waste of time to continue digesting these’low-level’ regular creatures. Follow their companions to find those powerful regular creatures. Although the danger will increase, But the Ascension speed of own law will also increase rapidly.

“Xu Sheng, I want to enter your area, okay?”

“The squad leader, take me.”

In the team channel, it has long become as lively as the outside world. Many people are shouting Xu Sheng. For these words, Xu Sheng just said to follow the own route and move forward together to avoid it, because the current encounter is not enough. Digest it alone.

This is naturally an excuse. The other people in the champion class are not very trustworthy. If they are suddenly attacked while digesting the law creatures, it will be called daily refusal, and the earth is not working.

There must be no harm to others, and no defensiveness.

Xu Sheng didn’t think about plotting against others, but he was not sure that others would not plot against himself.

Human personality is always complicated. He may be better with your brother in front of him, but secretly he is cursing why you are better than him and make faster progress than him.

After all, he has made such a big show since he entered the territory of the ten thousand races. It is normal if some people think that he is not pleasing to the eye.

Moving on, Xu Sheng finally came to the boundary of the outermost area when he killed a ruled creature.

Behind him, there is an area of ​​nothingness that can’t be seen at a glance, but in front of him, there is a clear real area.

The leap from nothingness to substance.

After stepping into this area, a familiar sense of oppression came, and Xu Sheng felt that he could no longer expose his own consciousness as he wanted.

This is a pure white world, a vast expanse of whiteness, but the soil under your feet is incomparably real, just like stepping on the earth.

A forest appeared in front of him, with all kinds of weird trees growing in it.

There are also some weird animals foraging in it.

Such a scene naturally made Xu Sheng think of the pirated world tree for the first time.

However, after his specific feelings, he was able to be sure that this area was not formed by weird regular creatures. On the contrary, the weird trees in the forest were regular creatures.

These regular trees all exist in this world, as if he was suppressed by this area, and these regular trees are also suppressed by this area.

As soon as Xu Sheng’s belief moved, the law began to condense, and large tracts of dark clouds appeared above his head, followed by heavy rains, filling the entire forest.

The rain of law has been falling, and the trees of law are swaying and struggling in the rain, and some of the tree trunks show human-like mouths and eyes. They look at Xu Sheng in resentment, and then their breath dissipates.

The death of the regular trees, one by one, quickly turned into a piece of light. Xu Sheng waved his hand to gather them into his hand, and after absorbing it, he found that his own Ascension was negligible.

“The 0.6% rule, these low-level rule creatures can no longer produce an Ascension effect on me.”

Xu Sheng was a little disappointed. There are not powerful regular creatures everywhere in this second-layer area, and it is not easy to find them.

“Hey, no, there is still underground!”

Xu Sheng was happy, and then the rain turned into cones of ice and pierced into the soil below.


With a weird cry, the root system of countless regular trees intertwined appeared before his eyes.

A higher first-level regular creature!

The roots of the tree gathered in front of him are roughly at the same level as the pirated world tree he encountered before, and at the very least, they can understand the law of 0.01%.

With the illusion, the root of the tree entangled towards Xu Sheng. When it approached, countless illusions appeared in front of Xu Sheng’s eyes.

However, these illusions only affected Xu Sheng for an instant and he would be destroyed.

After exercising in this central secret realm for so long, he has long been accustomed to these methods!

The roots of the tree did not cause much trouble to Xu Sheng. Only three days later, the entire entangled root system of the tree roots was completely separated.

Just like human beings are dismembered, when these entangled root systems are separated, this higher first-level regular creature is dead, leaving only a thick, fluorescent root.

Xu Sheng took the root of the tree in his hand and began to absorb the power inside.

The long-awaited rule began to increase drastically, and it directly became 0.62%!

Take a look at the time, only seven days have passed!

The ‘digestion’ time in this second layer area is much shorter than that in the outermost area.

“In this case, my efficiency can be greatly Ascension.”

“All have entered the secret realm… As expected, Xu Sheng is making the fastest progress, not bad.”

Gu Shiyi, who had been paying attention to the secret realm, showed a smile in his eyes.

As the squad leader of the champion class, Xu Sheng’s performance after entering the territory of the ten thousand races was very satisfactory to him.

Although endless Samsara has been broken by him and the other two true sages, after all, the Hundred-legged Worm is dead and not stiff. If it weren’t for him to oppress each other with his power here, Xu Sheng and other students would be destroyed the moment they entered the territory of the ten thousand races. Kill.

The previous lairs were afraid to step out of the own range because of his existence, but as time changed, after they became familiar with the own Qi machine, they began to go out tentatively.

It is impossible for him to kill all those nests directly, so it is equivalent to destroying a chance for the students.

“Consciousness has awakened, you are watching them…”

As soon as the familiar breath appeared, he immediately noticed that it was in a silent state, and it could not be completely destroyed. Only like this, can it be completely shattered based on the students inside.

It’s like a confidential operation. The student is a nanorobot. He finds the hidden lesion, and then he removes it completely!

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