Global Sage Era

Chapter 255

Chapter 251 Supreme Inheritance

Together with the cultivator, the final Realm is called Mahayana.

After Mahayana, he went to the fairyland, which was a completely different level.

At this time, a word appeared, called ‘the difference between immortals and places’.

In the eyes of the cultivator, he is different from the mortals who can’t be cultivated, but in the eyes of the immortals, he is different from those in the world.

“Cheng Xian Jing”, as the name suggests, this is a Cultivation Technique that allows you to glimpse the avenue and evolve Immortal Ascension.

Its rank is the first rank of the heavens and Wanyu, and it is the first rank among all the methods that can practice Immortal Ascension.

Maybe there are some methods that can be compared with it, but if you want to overcome them, they all have some extremely terrifying pre-cultivation conditions, so you don’t need to think about that method.

Such a method, if it is the complete version, the number is naturally terrifying, so Xu Sheng’s exchange at this time is still the same as usual, it is the Cultivation Technique until the stage of transformation.

It is a boon to him that everything is equivalent so that it can be exchanged in installments. Otherwise, many seemingly arrogant methods can only be greedy and cannot be obtained.

Just like the Ninth Stage battle body, the full version has such a scary exchange number, he doesn’t even think about it.

But even until the transformation period, the exchange price of this celestial scripture is still very expensive.

【Cheng Xian Jing·Hua Shen Period】

Category: Heritage

Description: Immortal Ascension, all worlds can go

Required for exchange: 32 million incense

It’s almost equivalent to half of the Ninth Stage battle body. It looks average, and the price/performance ratio is far inferior to the first stage of the Ninth Stage battle body.

But it is not.

“Cultivation Technique” is a Cultivation Technique, yes, but it is not just a Cultivation Technique.

It can be regarded as a general outline, a source.

Different cultivators will have different perceptions from it, and those with superior aptitude can get inspiration from it and create their own Cultivation Technique.

“Cheng Xian Jing” is a Cultivation Technique very suitable for orthodox cultivators, especially suitable for those who focus on cultivation and fighting like Yin.

Although Yuhua and Qianmin can cultivate, they are not very compatible.

Xu Sheng also spotted two Cultivation Techniques for the two of them at this time, both of which were at the same level as the Chengxian Sutra, and it would take more than 60 million incense to exchange them.

That is to say, he still has more than 300 million incense on his body now, otherwise he would not dare to think about it.

The three supreme Cultivation Techniques will then become the supreme collection of cultivator cultivators, all of which can greatly increase their chances of ascending to immortals, which are not comparable to ordinary cultivation techniques.

Just like the dust-free world where they are now, their cultivator has never broken through to the god transformation stage because of their own energy level. It was impossible for them to see the Realm in the future, and the method they created was nothing at all in front of the Cheng Xian Jing.

The gap between each other is hundreds of times.

Even other students who are also on the earth can hardly obtain the method of using the celestial scriptures. Although the government can use incense to exchange it, the price is much higher than that of him. It is impossible to exchange multiple doors at the same time like him.

After Yin became the cultivator of the Nascent Soul period, he returned from this dust-free world.

Xu Sheng can choose to conquer the world of dust and plunder all its resources, but there is no need to do so. The humans here have a good life, and they are not oppressed. There are so many outer worlds that are suitable for plundering countless. , He doesn’t need to limit his gaze to this.

Yin’s breakthrough made Minor World’s strength level once again ascension. It didn’t take long for Xu Sheng to feel some insights appear in own mind.

It was a feeling of leaps and bounds, which he knew very well.

In a short period of time, his understanding of the law increased to 1.13%, and then went on, 1.14%, 1.15%… until 1.19% stopped.

Even if Xu Sheng had expected it, he was still surprised by the magnitude of this terrifying Ascension.

“The 0.07% Ascension margin… It’s just that the cultivator goes from Gold Core Ascension to Nascent Soul.”

Xu Sheng took a deep breath and immediately understood why the development of Minor World is so important.

The previous Ascension is insignificant compared to this one, and the effect is gradually manifested.

Gold Core Ascension to Nascent Soul has this range, but what about Nascent Soul to Huashen?

Xu Sheng’s expression kept changing, and finally his eyes were reinvested in own Minor World, and some ideas became firmer.

In the Minor World at this time, the strength of the Practitioner is still increasing. Five years later, another thousand Qi Sea realm cultivators appeared, and dozens of people broke through to the Martial Master Realm.

In just five years, the strength of the Practitioner has gone from being equal to that of the cultivator to completely surpassing the cultivator!

The number of cultivators is still too small. There are only a few hundred cultivators, even if it’s only a small world like the Dust-free World. A slightly larger Sect cultivator has more than that, and the largest sects have thousands of cultivators. ten thousand!

After all, Wuchenjie also has a history of hundreds of thousands of years. After so many years of accumulation, many talented bloodlines have been inherited.

But the most important thing is their huge population. In the entire clean world, there are more than hundreds of billions of human beings?

There are hundreds of millions of people in a small dynasty, and there are dozens of such dynasties in a single domain.

For the Universe scale, the unit of 100 million is really small.

These outer worlds are just the lowest dust world, and there are small worlds, medium worlds, and big worlds on them.

The world of dust is like dust sticking to the wall film of the small thousand world, and the small world is like dust sticking to the wall film of the middle thousand world, and so is the big thousand world.

The number has long been meaningless. In Sage’s eyes, less than a certain level of combat power can’t have any effect on him at all.

Just like in the scientific world, a three-dimensional human drew a villain on paper. The villain can never hurt himself.


The Big Thousand World is still not the highest.

However, Xu Sheng didn’t know enough about the Realm. Even the “common sense” of the Little Thousand World, it was only when he entered the Qianjing University that he gradually learned about it. Need a level of semi-holy.

“Master, are you back?!”

In Minor World, when Yuhuan felt the familiar air, she immediately rushed out of the pill refining room, and for this reason, she gave up a pot of pill and didn’t care about her spare time at all.

The girl who followed her pill refining was turned black and gray by the explosion of the pill furnace. She looked very funny, and her eyes were full of grievances. What happened to the Master? He rushed out without saying anything.

“Your Master is back, so quickly clean it up.”

The girl’s expression was startled, and then she moved quickly. It turned out to be like this, no wonder the Master was so anxious!

Yin’s return caused the highest level of the Huntuo tribe to move.

After Kuang Yuan felt the unfathomable breath of the bright sun, his face was full of incredible.

“Isn’t that at least ten years? This is only five years!”

He looked at Yin, actually is not unhappy, just think… Realm breakthrough is too sloppy!

“After I went out, I realized that Hongchen’s heart training is important. I was only speculating before. This time in that dust-free world, the speed of progress is far beyond my imagination… If you also think that bottleneck appears in the future, you might as well do the same. Take it for a while.”

Kuang Yuan curled his lips and said, “I am different from you. You are a cultivator and I am a Practitioner. The Practitioner doesn’t take the state of mind set.”

Yin still smiled kindly: “You will know it then.”

Xu Sheng nodded while listening, Yin’s sentiment was good, who said that Practitioner doesn’t need a state of mind?

If the state of mind is not enough to control the strength of own, then it is just a beast led by power, and it is also going astray. Kuang Yuan, the boy, has not yet understood this point, which proves that his foundation is still a lot worse, and he wants to achieve This step of Yin still has some way to go.

For the next more than a month, Yin was teaching own two disciples. Although they were both Gold Core, they still had many shortcomings. With his current Nascent Soul vision, he was able to teach them more.

Both Yuhuan and Qianmin have benefited a lot and have a clearer grasp of the way forward.

Seeing that Yin Jiang’s handling of the matter was almost done, Xu Sheng gave an order.

Let the Huntuo race prepare before the war. After half a year, he will open the world channel and conquer the outer world behind the channel.

This kind of thing is not unfamiliar to the Huntuo race, because the monster world is such an existence.

There have always been people who wanted to go to the outside world. After all, it was just that the scope of activities in the outside world was too small, and the resources they could obtain were also limited.

If a new world emerges, in accordance with the rules of the Huntuo race, a considerable part of the resources obtained by oneself can be left, which can make own strength ascension by a large margin.

Therefore, facing this Tianyu, almost the entire Huntuo race was extremely excited.

Even Yin and others are equally happy. Cultivator and Practitioner have an endless thirst for resources. Although their Cultivation Base is fast enough, it is not impossible to continue Ascension.

However, the surrounding resources are limited, and they cannot improve any more. If they want to improve, they have to find more outer worlds to plunder resources.

“As I expected.”

Xu Sheng whispered, casting his sights on the outside world.

With his current level of strength, the world that is too inferior is definitely no longer needed. The best outer world is the level that is more turbulent and tribal, so that after plundering the resources there, you can get enough Ascension.

You need to avoid those powerful outer worlds. If you accidentally encounter some Little Thousand Worlds, although he is not afraid, it is not very easy to deal with, because there are relatively high-level cultivators in Little Thousand Worlds, and those who exist can wave their hands. Yin and others killed.

“Of the more than one hundred worlds I’ve seen before, a few are more appropriate.”

Previously, the conditions for finding the world for Yin Hongchen’s heart training were relatively harsh, and some worlds occupied by foreign races were skipped by him, but now, such a world is undoubtedly the most suitable!

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