Global Sage Era

Chapter 259

Chapter 255 Earth’s Ultimate Secret

“There is no standard.”

Xu Sheng was waiting for the next words, but what he didn’t expect to hear was such a sentence.

He couldn’t help but doubt his own ears.

There is no standard, what does it mean?

Seeing Sheng looked at him, Song Miao knew what he wanted to say.

“There is no absolute standard for the special training program. As long as the class guide is determined, it is reported to the school, and it can be carried out after passing the school’s identification.”

“Your situation has been reported to the Academic Affairs Office a few days ago, and it has been approved. Now I will ask your decision on behalf of the school whether you will also carry out this special training program.”

As a high sage, Song Ming is qualified to announce the results, and Xu Sheng’s matter was originally a decision made by ancient times.

In ancient times, Yi was one of the only three true saints in the school. As long as it was something he decided, he would not receive much opposition.

More importantly, the teachers in the school basically knew about Xu Sheng’s five towers, and even people outside heard his name, so naturally there would be no objection.

“I want to ask, what is the difference between this special training program?”

Xu Sheng’s expression was a little helpless. He didn’t know what a special training program was, so naturally it was impossible to rashly agree to it.

“First, you can accept the task and go outside the territory.”


Xu Sheng’s eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn’t help standing up from his seat.

Outside the domain corresponds to the inside domain.

The so-called intra-domain is actually an area drawn with the universe as the center of the earth.

This area is very small, and as long as it leaves this area, it is called an out-of-domain.

Of course, Xu Sheng only learned the knowledge from the textbook, and the introduction is only a few short sentences, and there is no deep concept for a clearer division.

It’s like the territory of the Ten Thousand Races that he went to last time. He didn’t know where it was. (On the way to go, he was in a drowsy state, and he didn’t see the surrounding scenes, such as bubble-like universes, world trees, etc. ).

“The division of intra-regional and extra-regional is a very important thing. Have you ever thought about why human beings have always been limited to the earth and have not traveled to other planets in this universe?” Song Ming suddenly asked another question.

“Of course I thought about it. I thought about it when I was in middle school. Everyone around me was wondering why. Obviously, with our human ability, it’s too easy to go to other planets… just one earth, even if Cypriots, how much can they fit?”

In fact, Xu Sheng has been holding back this question for a long time. In the previous life, everyone on that earth dreamed of going to space, but when he came to this world, he clearly had this ability, but found that the government did not have any idea of ​​going to space.

Obviously, things like spaceships have already been created, and even the terrifying technological civilization exists in those Sage worlds.

“Because only the earth can be sanctified!”

Song Ming’s expression became extremely solemn.

Xu Sheng’s face was first unbelievable, then various expressions appeared one after another, and finally became relieved.

This is the most reasonable explanation. Although he doesn’t know the deeper reasons for this, it has been verified countless times compared to human beings.

“In the past, people have traveled to other planets to Life and gave birth to children there… But without exception, these human beings born outside the earth cannot use the World Stone to create a Minor World… They can’t quickly Ascension own. Strength can only grow along the lines of the people of Minor World.”

These things were originally not until the sophomore year to be informed slowly, but Xu Sheng now has the qualifications for special training programs, so he can know some of the news.

The region where the earth is located is the only super-high energy world, which Xu Sheng knew when he was a few years old.

However, there weren’t many thoughts besides sighing at the time, and now I realize that the most special thing is only the earth!

Like an infinitely wide cube, there is a point made with a pen that is the most special.

Xu Sheng was still ready to continue listening, but Song Ming changed the subject again and did not continue to talk about this issue.

“Second, you can freely choose courses and teachers. Once you have any questions you don’t understand, you can always ask any teacher…including Mr. Gu.”

Xu Sheng was overjoyed. There is nothing better than this one. This is equivalent to giving yourself a small stove. Although things that are equivalent to everything can’t be said, sometimes when you encounter a problem, you can still modify it and bring it up.

Old Sage can also ask questions at any time. Isn’t this different from the apprentice?

“Third, every time you complete a stage of Ascension, you will be rewarded by the school… Take the law comprehension as an example, if at the end of your freshman year, your law comprehension is only 10%, there will be no reward. Every month in advance, you will get 10,000 credits. If you can understand 10% of the rules before the end of the semester, you will be rewarded 100,000 points! Every day in advance, an increase of 10,000!”

Song Ming’s tone is rarely fluctuating. Such a reward is something ordinary students can’t even think of. If Xu Sheng can reach the 10% rule comprehension this month, then he will get more than 1 million credits!

This is a huge sum of money for sophomores!

Although Xu Sheng was excited at first, his expression gradually became hesitant…It’s impossible not to ask for such a huge amount of training in school, right?

“I know what you are thinking… For Qianjing University, this resource is not a big deal, as long as you can become a holy realm as soon as possible, and even go further in the holy realm in the future, it will be helpful to mankind. Then this is what the school wants to see most.”

Xu Sheng was silent a little, and bent over and said, “Students have been taught.”

“The most important thing is these three points, in addition to other aspects of training, a total of thirty-two, I will post to your wristband later, you will know by yourself.” Song Mao said slowly. : “You think about it tonight and give me an answer tomorrow.”

“Okay, thank you Teacher Song.”

After returning to the dormitory, Xu Sheng felt a little complicated.

The special training program is of course a good thing.

But what followed was a deep sense of danger.

There is nothing in this world that can be obtained for no reason. If you want to improve your own strength more quickly, you have to take risks that others will not take.

The first one is that you can go to the battlefield outside the territory. It is good to be able to take on the task, but it is dangerous. Then it will not be like in the territory of ten thousand races, with the escort of the ancient sage, and there will be no protection by oneself at that time. With his current comprehension of 1.19% of the law, he may encounter fatal danger at any time.

But it is impossible for him to give up this opportunity. Among the five towers, there are so many dazzling names in the overall ranking, and he wants to be one of them.

The special training program did not appear because of him. Before him, many people must have been trained in this way. Although he did not know how many people chose to agree, he expected that it should account for most, or even all.

“The 10% rule comprehension… I am still far behind.”

In Article 3, Xu Sheng is the most concerned about the stage rewards. In addition to going to the five towers, the credit rewards can also be exchanged for various precious resources at the school, and you can directly understand the speed of Ascension’s own law.

Generally speaking, the more excellent freshman students will reach the 10% rule of understanding before the end of the school year. During the two months of summer vacation, no one will really take a break. During this time, almost everyone will continue. If you continue to comprehend the 10% rule, the outstanding ones will reach more than 15%.

At the end of the first semester, there are very few people who can reach the 3% rule comprehension. It is not easy to reach 10% at this time.

School awards are not so easy to get, but since such a standard is set, it means that it is possible to achieve.


There was firmness in Xu Sheng’s eyes. His current goal is to reach 10% of the law’s comprehension before the end of this semester. On this basis, every day in advance is a huge victory!

The Ten Thousand Clan Territory broke the central secret realm, and the rewards he obtained were only 10,000 points. Such a good opportunity must not be wasted.

As for whether to agree to a special training program?

Do you have to think about it, a fool will refuse!

Although Xu Sheng was worried about danger, this was an instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

But if you really give up because of this, isn’t it just because of choking?

After making the decision, Xu Sheng directly sent a message to Song Mao.

“Teacher Song, I think it over, and I agree to the special training plan.”

Song Ming responded quickly.

“Not thinking much?”

“I have been thinking long enough.”

“Okay, I will inform the Academic Affairs Office of your thoughts now.”

After finishing the conversation with Song Ming, Xu Sheng looked at the maintenance cabin in the room and took a deep breath.

Now Yin and the others are conquering in the world of Dire, their progress is very fast, they have destroyed several large Dire gathering places, and brought him more than 30 million incense.

But the speed of reconciliation is still too slow!

If they were to conquer an outside world in 20 days, even at the end of this semester, the own law would at most reach about 3.5%, let alone 10%, even half of 5% would be a big difference!

So starting tonight, the conquest in the world of Dire will speed up!

He will directly help the Huntuo race to conquer this outer world without hesitating the origin, absorb it as its own subsidiary world as quickly as possible, and become a place of experience for the descendants of the Huntuo race.

“I think I will not spend much time with Xiao Feng in the future… I was planning to form a team together in the sophomore year.” Xu Sheng shook his head, Xiao Feng’s growth rate is not slow, and the province is also a genius at the evildoer level. Among them, he is also one of the closest to own in strength.

It’s a pity that the plan can’t keep up with the changes, and he didn’t know the school’s various arrangements in advance.

“There will always be a chance in the future.”

After this thought flashed, Xu Sheng walked into the maintenance capsule, and his consciousness descended on the world of Nightmare!

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