Global Sage Era

Chapter 267

Chapter 263 Forbidden Curse VS formation

An army of hundreds of thousands of alien races finally arrived.

More than 20,000 Qi Sea realm Practitioner saw own opponents.

Although they are not humans, they are very similar to humans in terms of form.

“Because of the endless destruction by us all the year round, the resulting races are more and more similar to humans.”

Xu Sheng looked at the orcs, elves, and dragons, and information kept appearing in his mind.

These races, whether in the previous life or more than a hundred years ago on this earth, have appeared in those fantasy works, and many of them have even become citizens of the earth.

“Those guys look similar to the monsters in the monster world, but they don’t have the aura of the monsters, which is strange.”

Huntuo Practitioners have almost all experienced in the monster world. When they saw the orcs, they couldn’t help but have doubts in their minds.

“They are completely different from the monster race, please be careful!”

The captain of Martial Master Realm is shouting, their vision is much better than Qi Sea realm Practitioner, they can see the difference between the two.

Across the plain of tens of miles, the two sides looked at each other.

The coalition army belonging to the continent of Moss originally followed the instructions of the gods to drive back the’Devil’ who dared to invade their world-they have a lot of experience against the abyss Devil, almost every few decades. Disasters affecting the entire continent.

But this time they saw a completely different scene.

The creatures in the distance are completely different from Devil. Their aura is so brilliant. Compared with them, they seem to be Devil’s side.

“Your Majesty, what are they?”

In the army of the elves, the Elders of the elves are surrounded by the elven queens. They all have the strength of legendary ranks. They can travel across the continent in a few hours. But in terms of strength, they already have the strength of the Foundation Building period. The most powerful high-rank legend is between the Foundation Building and the Gold Core. Through some special methods, you can kill the gods!

The core of the power of the deity system comes from their beliefs. The godhead condensed from beliefs represents authority and is also the most powerful manifestation of power.

Depending on the world’s energy level, the power provided by this authority is also different. The energy level of this deity world is only twice the standard, which is the world at twice the concentration of Spiritual Qi.

Races formed in such a world would not have a high destiny level. According to Xu Sheng’s eyes, most of the destiny levels of these god races were in the first and third tiers.

Even greystone spirits have a natural quality of life stronger than them.

Of course, there are also creatures like dragons and Bimon who have extremely high destiny levels, even reaching the level of Hong level, but these are just some peculiar changes. There are very few in this deity world, and the growth time is hundreds of years. .

“The strongest dragon grows up to be the strength that has just entered the Foundation Building level, but it usually grows for more than three hundred years…too weak.”

Xu Sheng has no idea how many times he has expressed such feelings. The Wuying needed for the Huntuo Practitioner to grow from an ordinary person to the Foundation Building is as fast as 30 years, or as slow as 70 years. It is not what these lizard-shaped dragons can do. Comparable.

Although there is a huge gap between the numbers on both sides, it is the side of the deity race who dare not act rashly now.

These mundane races, hundreds of thousands of them seem to be huge, but they are almost nothing more than cannon fodder.

According to the strengths of Tier 1 to Tier 5 here, Tier 1 occupations and races that account for more than 90% of their strength are no more than equivalent to the Body Refining Realm.

Tier 2 is also between the body refining realm and Qi Sea realm, Tier 3 corresponds to Qi Sea realm, Tier 4 corresponds to the Qi training period, Tier 5 is also legendary. In the entire army of hundreds of thousands of gods, the total number is less than one hundred.

But don’t forget the most important point!

Huntuo Practitioner and Huntuo cultivator have the best inheritance in all aspects. The strength of each of them is not comparable to these ordinary races of the same rank!

The same is Realm, Huntuo Practitioner at least one can beat the deity race three or five!

Therefore, although the number of deity races is large, the cohesive momentum is far inferior to that of the Practitioner!

More than 20,000 Qi Sea realm expands the breath of the Practitioner, condensing one place to make the entire sky become drowsy, and there is thunder in it!

Among the deity races, those with Qi Sea realm strength are less than five thousand!

Yin had already made a decision in his mind after analyzing the opposite situation.

“All cultivator, spell preparation.”

Hundreds of cultivators uniformly kneaded the magic tricks, and the Magic power surged.

The deity army began to feel uneasy, and many giant beasts were no longer under the control of their knights, frantically trying to break free, turning around and fleeing.

The beast’s perception of danger is much higher than that of the common wisdom race, so at this time the deity race does not know what it is about to welcome.

Countless Dao Shushu fell.

Strong wind! rainstorm! hail! Meteorite! Lava! Thunder!

sword! Array!

Hundreds of methods of attack fell in the army of gods.

Suddenly, the screams that shook the sky appeared.

The neat array of the original army of gods suddenly seemed to have been bitten by hundreds of giant mouths, and it was nearly one-tenth less!

More than fifty thousand god races were lost in this attack by the Huntuo cultivator!

Such a terrifying change made all the deity races terrified.

“This is the magic of the gods!” The high priest of the orc empire screamed, and fear was growing on its wrinkled face.

“No, let us disperse our army.” The elf queen’s beautiful face is full of anxiety, the staff in her hand shines, and as a spellcaster, her attacks are equally powerful.

The deity race is not without the power to fight back.

Among them, the high-rank mages immediately counterattacked, chanting the forbidden spell together, and the aura of destruction gradually appeared.

Dozens of huge meteorites appeared above the sky.

Forbidden spells are methods that can only be used by legendary mages, but they are extremely expensive and require a long preparation time. Although there are several legendary mages present at this time, it is impossible to release the forbidden spells at the beginning.

High-rank mages of a certain scale can also cast spells jointly, so that sharing the pressure will not cause fatal danger.

Among the cultivator, a young cultivator who has always been expressionless glanced at the meteorite above, and said indifferently: “Get up.”

The middle-aged cultivator next to him respectfully said: “I will follow the master’s order.”

Among them, the youngest cultivator stepped forward, and several phalanx flags appeared in his hands.


He whispered softly, the flag rose up against the wind, and soon grew from the size of a palm to the sky.

“The cultivator shot.”

The Huntuo Practitioners below are no strangers to this scene. They are now cooperating with the cultivator very well. They will take over the situation if they know such a situation.

What their Practitioner needs is to defeat the enemy in frontal combat!

Dozens of meteorites are more than 100 meters in diameter, and they carry blazing flames to the area where the Practitioner is located. If they are hit, even Qi Sea realm Cultivation Base cannot support it.

But when these meteorites were still a few miles away from the Practitioner, several huge array flags appeared underneath the meteorite like a teleport, blocking them and protecting the Practitioner underneath.

Such a shocking situation caused the cheers of the deity army to stop suddenly, and they stared at the scene in the distance as if they had seen a ghost.

This is a forbidden curse!

“Impossible, a random person will block the forbidden curse?”

Riding on a war horse, the temple knights wearing full-body armor couldn’t believe their eyes, and the scene in front of them subverted their cognition.

But this is how the meteorite is blocked.

The original huge kinetic energy was crazily dissipated after being blocked by the formation flag, and the flames entrained in it soon disappeared.

With a wave of the young cultivator’s hand, the formation flag changed, and the meteorite turned into dust and scattered in the sky, and then several square formation flags fell back into his hands.

“The disciple does not humiliate his mission.” The young cultivator respectfully saluted Qian Min, his breath was not disturbed at all, and the forbidden curse cast by hundreds of high-rank mages was eliminated, as if he had done a trivial thing.

It was originally a trivial matter, at best, it was hundreds of crude spells cast by the middle stage cultivator before the Qi training period. Not to mention that he has now succeeded in the Foundation Building. Even in the late stage of Qi training, he is confident to block it.

The few disciples led by Qian Min are the rare formation teachers in the Huntuo cultivator. The formation teachers have higher requirements for qualifications. Generally speaking, they have to be superior in understanding. In addition, they have to endure loneliness, otherwise. Decades of study is not something normal people can tolerate.

The several formation divisions brought by Jian Min and the several pill refining divisions brought by Yuhua are all key protection objects in the cultivator. Xu Sheng also pays close attention to their growth daily. They are strictly divided into logistics. of.

For example, in the deity system, auxiliary professions such as priests are basically not on the frontal battlefield. There are only cultivators. Both formation and pill refining are their part-time jobs. Their main profession is only one: cultivator.

This is also the strong point of the cultivator. If you are willing to distract yourself and work hard on the Cultivation Technique, then the last shortcoming will also make up for it, but usually there is not much necessary, because its own advantages have completely concealed these. shortcoming.

Silence fell in the deity army.

There are even many low-level professionals who are full of fear and want to escape from this place.

Those creatures are simply not what they can resist!

They are more terrifying than the abyss Devil!

There are dozens of races, large and small, including trolls, goblins, dwarves, and rat people. They have different racial personalities, but the ideas that arise at this time are all the same. If you stay here again, you will face the same. It’s just Death.

But they dare not turn around, because the firing squads are staring at everyone!

Anyone who dares to escape will be put to death for the first time!

“What are they?”

The elf queen with an extremely enchanting face shook the scepter in the handshake, her exquisite body was trembling impenetrably.

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