Global Sage Era

Chapter 270

Chapter 266 Slaughter the True God, the Twilight of the Gods II

On the side of the god civilization, after seeing the appearance of six ‘main artifacts’, their complexions changed drastically.

Even the deity races realize how terrifying this is.

In the entire world, there are only three main artifacts that have been passed down since ancient times, and countless people are chanting their names.

But today, six of them appeared together in front of them. The horrible fluctuation made them feel that the whole world was about to be shattered.

Each of the six members of Yin took a Magic Treasures in their hands, and each of them had already made their own goals clear before they shot them.

Hundreds of gods wanted to fight according to their familiar rhythm, but Xuan Yi and others directly shrouded the attack and circled the targets they could bear into their own area.

The authority of the gods is very powerful, and within the scope of their Realm, they can mobilize a lot of power.

But at this time, when they mobilized their own authority, they found a sense of stagnation, as if there was some existence preventing them from using their power.

Xu Sheng’s gaze fell on the three main gods below. With Yin’s strength, it was still difficult to face the three of them, but now he can’t take any action, just like Gaia was dragged by him, and he was also caught. Gaia restrained his hands and feet.

However, he has already felt a breakthrough. As long as after a while, he can find a gap to block his own power breakthrough and send it down.

Among the gods who have the ability to recover are the first to attack the target. Yin and others are very clear about this, and the opponents who are good at recovering before are solved by them as soon as possible.

So when gods like the god of nature were targeted, all the gods rushed forward to protect them.

Once the gods of nature are killed, even if they can triumph, there are not many gods that can survive in the end.

“Father God!”

Regarding the deity race, the elves showed fear after seeing the creation god of their own race being targeted. Those powerful outsiders, under their attack, can own god father survive?

But they did not see the possibility of this scene. Just after the gods were targeted by the most powerful group of the Huntuo human race, the remaining people did not stop their own footsteps. Under the leadership of the Practitioner of Wuying Realm, they faced the gods. Race offense.

More than 20,000 Qi Sea realm Practitioners are exerting a powerful force. The Blood Qi on everyone is sprayed like a sea, gathering in a place that changes the color of the world and a quarter of the deity races that have been wiped out. There were a large number of casualties again, just a few interspersed, the number was once again reduced by one-third, and only half of the original amount was left!

Half of the casualties, no matter what the army, the morale damage is devastating, the survival instinct will drive them out of here, even if there is a firing squad around, it can no longer block the idea of ​​the army to escape.

“Don’t retreat, the escapee will die!”

The firing squad continued to kill deserters, but they couldn’t kill them. When most people turned and retreated, the entire army was already in an avalanche state.

The deadliest time finally arrived. When many firing squads were targeted by Wu Ying and Martial Master strong, the number of firing squads dropped sharply, and the reaction speed was reduced to less than half with an untimely response.

This time, even the determined firing squad began to frighten, some of them fleeing with the ordinary deity race because of fear.

The faces of more than 20,000 Qi Sea realm Practitioners are extremely tough. They have not become crazy because of the killing. In the past exercises, they have already honed their will very hard.

The Death of nearly half a million gods has brought Xu Sheng more than one million incense. On average, a god race has three incenses, which is the lowest batch provided to Xu Sheng.

The so-called trash fish is nothing more than that.

The frontal battlefield ended very quickly, but it was only half a day’s time. The army of nearly a million gods had only less than 100,000 left. In the end, they escaped by dispersing and fleeing.

Huntuo Practitioner and cultivator did not chase these deserters, but in accordance with the way in the world of Dire, they started to move in one direction and eliminated all the gathering points on the road.


The Lord Guangming roared, and his face, who had maintained the upright image of Guangwei, began to twist. A large part of the gods below were his followers, and their death would seriously frustrate his strength. This is Things that He cannot accept.

But for his rant, Yin didn’t change his mood. He didn’t think his own behavior was just, but he had been cultivating for so many years, he had already understood the nature of this world.

The Weak are Prey to the Strong, survival of the fittest.

Just like that snowy night many years ago, the entire tribe didn’t have enough food to survive the long night. In the end, the ancestors gave guidance so that the old patriarch brought back enough prey.

The prey of Life in the snow-capped mountains is not wrong, but in order to survive they must kill them.

Xu Sheng also heard the words of the Lord Guangming, his eyes were cold, and he said indifferently in his heart: “You are the invaders.”

All the civilization systems in the endless ruins are the enemies of mankind, and each other is a deadly relationship.


Another miserable voice came out. Not far away, a god of medium power fell. Opposite him, the declaration of a sword in his hand was shifting Own’s attention to another god of medium power.

There are also Gold Core cultivator and Wu Ying Dzogchen on the Huntuo human race, but when they are injured, they will take out the Medicine Pill from their body to take them, and then the injury will quickly recover, but within a time, they will return to their heyday.

With so many resources in the world, Yuhuan never had to worry about pill refining materials. In addition, Xu Sheng often exchanged some from the equivalent of everything, so she refined a lot of Medicine Pill.

Over time, everyone has a large amount of Medicine Pill, enough to support dozens of battles.

The deities have fallen continuously, and they, who used to enjoy the offerings of believers, cannot protect themselves at this time.

Gods with weak divine power and weak divine power do not have any ability to protect their own. They are in the weakest part of the entire battlefield. Any cultivator or Practitioner of the Gold Core level of the Huntuo human race can easily kill them.

The life-and-death struggle between the cultivator and the Practitioner is not like that of the gods. It takes hundreds of years to produce results, and the victory may be divided as soon as they meet each other. This is also a situation that makes it difficult for the gods to adapt.

“It’s now!”

Xu Sheng’s eyes flashed, and the gap he had been waiting for finally arrived, and a large amount of original power fell!

At the moment when his origin fell, the Huntuo people below were extremely excited.

Yin felt the familiar breath again, and when he swept away his Spiritual Sense, he found that own was blessed by the ancestors.

In his heart, facing the opponent’s three most powerful main gods, although he barely supported the situation, he has never found a chance to change the situation.

But now that the ancestors are here, this battle has come to an end!

The main god of light, the main god of war, and the main god of destruction discovered the changes in the opponent’s creature at the first time, and the first thing he felt was the main artifact with sharply increased fluctuations.

The three main gods have existed for tens of thousands of years, and almost at the moment when this fluctuation appeared, they tore up the space without thinking, and wanted to escape from this position.

But the black space cracks only appeared, and they sensed that everything around them was frozen.

Yin controlled the Heaven-shaking Seal, and the force of suppression fell, and the world was constrained, and no one could leave in his sight.

At this time, under the blessing of Xu Sheng’s origin, Yin’s strength soared rapidly, and he already had the strength of Nascent Soul middle stage close to the late stage!

It has exceeded the strong god-tier power limit of this deity world!

The remaining gods watched in horror as the three main gods were suppressed.

When the main artifact in the distance fell, a huge roar was heard, and then they couldn’t feel the breath of the god of war!

A powerful god was killed!


Only fear is left!

“Good job!” Kuang Yuan laughed. Since Yindu has already achieved such a result, his progress cannot be too far behind. The infinite thunder converged, and he aimed at the five medium-sized supernatural powers at the same time. Deity!

“Do not!”

“I want to leave!”

“Let me go~”

“I am willing to serve you…”

“I am the god of killing!”

The reactions of the five targeted deities were different, but their fate was the same. They fell one after another under the wave of Kuang Yuan’s Fang Tianji!

More and more deities were destroyed.

This is the real twilight of the gods!

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, the twilight of the gods that appeared is nothing compared to this. Almost all the gods have come here, but they have also been killed cleanly.

When Xu Sheng shot, all the people above the Gold Core level of the Huntuo human race began to explode, killing the surrounding gods in a very short time.

Hundreds of gods, each of them lived for thousands of years at least, but under the attack of the Huntuo human race, they didn’t even last a few seconds.

This is a huge gap in combat power!

God of War Shortly after Death, the God of Destruction followed in his footsteps, and the Heaven-shaking Seal suppressed this, and all the breath disappeared.

In the end, only the God of Light remained in the entire battlefield.

His golden eyes looked at everything around him, and his eyes exuded a tyrannical atmosphere.

Then a spatial channel appeared behind him, and the abyss gushed out of it.

“I knew you were not the same kind of creatures as them.”

Yin didn’t have any surprises at this scene, he looked at the abyss channel that suddenly opened, and suddenly something shot out of the Qiankun bag.

The turbulent flames rose up, and in the passage, the Devil who was heading towards this side let out a miserable howl and died in the scorching fire.

This is a spiritual fire unique to the cultivator, its power is extremely powerful, it is immortal in water, and it can only be extinguished if its strength exceeds his existence.

Such a sight distorted the face of the god of light.

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