Global Sage Era

Chapter 280

Chapter 276: The Rule of Faster Than Riding a Rocket Ascension Speed!

After advancing in the void for more than a month, Xu Sheng reached the predetermined position and boarded the spacecraft.

It didn’t take long for him to return to the earth from the endless ruins.

If you start counting from getting on the spacecraft, the whole process will take more than an hour.

It was the afternoon when I returned to Qianjing University. At this time, there were a lot of people on campus, so I met many people along the way.

But he hasn’t made a sensation in school for a while, so even if the freshman students knew him, they didn’t take the initiative to say hello.

However, I met the classmates of the champion class at the same time, and after nodding and greeted each other, they left separately.

“Why are you so long this time?”

Xiao Feng soon learned the news of Xu Sheng’s return. There was nothing to do. So many people saw it. It was difficult to know whether or not to know. So he rushed over immediately. At this time, Xu Sheng just passed the teaching building and left the mission building. It’s ten minutes away.

“Good luck, I found a spiritual source world group, and got a lot of spiritual source heaven crystals in it.”

Xu Sheng talked about the general things.

Relying on Kuang Yuan’s golden luck to obtain the Spirit Source Tianjing, he hadn’t planned to hide it from others, because everything was upright and fair.

The appearance of Kuang Yuan is entirely luck, not the result of the equivalence of everything. It can only be said that his luck has produced such a citizen. Although others do not have golden luck, some people still have purple luck. .

After hearing this, Xiao Feng showed envy on his face, “This task is really the right choice. Now that you have so many spiritual source celestial crystals, your law comprehension is estimated to be able to improve a lot.”

He had known that Xu Sheng had a golden lucky citizen, and he was envious when he knew it at the time.

“Oh, by the way, there is something I think you need to know… Your ranking of the five towers is overtaken.”

Xu Sheng said without any surprise: “I haven’t been in for more than half a month. This long time is enough for Fang Su to catch up.”

“Not only Fang Su, but also Xiao Lei…I also refreshed your record.” Xiao Feng said silently.

Xu Sheng was a little surprised: “Have you progressed so fast recently?”

“The school has given a lot of resources this time, and each of us has a substantial Ascension, but Xiao Lei surpassed you by the Citizen Tower, and I am the Strategy Tower. If the overall ranking of the five towers is concerned, you are still the first.”

“okay, I get it.”

“Are you going to refresh the ranking?”

“Don’t use it for the time being, let’s talk about it when the credits are missing.”

Xu Sheng thought for a while, his Ascension during this period is not very big, now it will be overtaken after refreshing, so it will be troublesome to come and go, and I will talk about it when I am confident that I will leave the people behind next time. Bar.

“A big dog.” Xiao Feng said silently.

Xu Sheng almost staggered, suspicious of own ears, but when he looked at Xiao Feng, he found that this guy was walking forward without squinting, as if he was not what he was talking about just now.

When they arrived in front of the mission building, the two were separated. It would take him at least half an hour to get in, and this half an hour could not be wasted.

“Authorized permissions, passable.”

Entering the mission building, there were more people this time, and there were almost three hundred people in the entire hall.

“Xu Sheng?”

“I heard that he was awarded a special training program by the school before, and now I am finally affirmed.”

“I don’t know how his task is. With his current understanding of the law, it should be very difficult, right?”

“That’s for sure, no team will want him with his strength, I guess the mission has failed, haha.”

As there are more people, the probability of Xu Sheng being recognized will increase. After all, he is now a man of the Qianjing University.

Most of them are simply discussing with their peers, without any malice, but some people don’t have a cold with Xu Sheng, and not everyone likes to see a student who is far better than himself.

Xu Sheng was very calm about these discussions, and he couldn’t hurt himself anyway.

When he walked to the terminal, Xu Sheng began to hand in the task.

“One-star mission: to find the spiritual source of heaven, time: unlimited, reward: 1500 credits.”

“Time-consuming: 7 days.”

“Quantity brought back: 100 pieces.”

“Task evaluation: incredible.”

“150,000 credits have been transferred in.”

Xu Sheng couldn’t help being amused by the penultimate sentence. He didn’t expect the system to give such an evaluation.

But it was just a moment of distraction. Looking at the 150,000 credits on his current student card, Xu Sheng felt that he had finally turned into a big family.

At ten credits per minute on the second floor of the Law Tower, he can now stay for 15,000 minutes, which is more than 250 hours and more than ten days.

So the second floor is not suitable for Xu Sheng now, he can go to the third floor, and the cost will be increased ten times, one hundred credits per minute.

The effect of the second layer is about eight times that of the second layer, and the third layer is about six times that of the second layer. The damage is still great, but in the past ten days, Xu Sheng can get it in the endless ruins. At least one hundred spiritual source heaven crystals, so even wastefulness can’t be taken care of.

“Ascension’s law is the most important. The other four towers are temporarily abandoned.”

For Xu Sheng himself, the Law Tower is definitely the most important thing. After all, the strength of the people is only part of it, and the training of the people is also to let the law of own ascension comprehend.

Not long after, Xu Sheng came directly to the Tower of Law.

There is no need to worry about the Huntuo tribe, there is no problem at all for half a year.

“the third floor.”

After entering the tower, Xu Sheng said directly to Ta Ling, and soon he entered the third floor.

The sight of the laws on the third level is even more shocking. Xu Sheng stays here, feeling that even if he doesn’t deliberately cultivate, his own law comprehension will be ascension.

In just a few minutes, his understanding of the law has Ascension!

It was also at this time that Xu Sheng really knew that the stage before Half Saint was nothing at all!

He was delighted that he hadn’t had an understanding of Ascension’s 0.01% rule before, but what is 0.01% now? But it only takes a while to get through!






In just 25 hours, Xu Sheng’s law soared by more than 2%!

When he came out of the Tower of Laws, he couldn’t believe this terrifying progress!

Everything is like a dream, it feels like a dream.

He tried so hard, and it was difficult to Ascension his own law to close to 1.6%, but he couldn’t make it in one day.

The price of all this is only 150,000 credits, one hundred spiritual source crystals!

Xu Sheng shook his head, not knowing how to express his feelings at this time.

Maybe it’s just that I have reached this level that I feel that the 1% rule of comprehension is not a big deal. If you are replaced by other people in the freshman year, even if it is Fang Su and other high-sage children, 0.01% Ascension can also give them information.

But even they can’t make Ascension so fast, because a place like the Tower of Law cannot be created by a high sage. It can only be created at a high cost by the true sage, and it consumes a lot of energy every time it is used.

Like credits, it is actually equivalent to Xu Sheng providing what he needs for the operation of the Law Tower.

“However, it is obvious that the law comprehension has slowed down later, and if you want to achieve the same effect later, the required belief value will definitely become more.” Xu Sheng can clearly feel the stagnation in comprehension, not the effect of the law tower. It’s getting weaker, but cultivation is getting more and more. The difficulty of 65% Ascension to 66% is definitely not comparable to 2% Ascension to 3%.

So now he still needs more credits.

The remaining spiritual source world group may still get four hundred spiritual source celestial crystals, which is 600,000 credits. With his strength Ascension, maybe more, which can almost enable him to Ascension the law. To 15%.

But when everything went well, he didn’t dare to think things so naively.

So after thinking about it, he decided to say hello to Huang Xuanlang when he went this time, to make him pay more attention to his side, and he must not appear to be busy obtaining the spiritual source heaven and then being stolen by others.

I stayed in the Tower of Law for 25 consecutive hours. I was able to support my spirit but my body couldn’t support it. I didn’t feel it when I understood the law, but now Xu Sheng felt that his hungry chest was pressed against his back and he walked on the road. After a few steps, I realized that Venus was in front of me, so I hurried to the cafeteria to have a meal, only to make up for the shortfall in my body.

“It’s really troublesome on the earth.” Xu Sheng complained in his heart. If it weren’t for the earth to be sanctified, no one would want to come back.

He was just about to sleep in the dormitory, but suddenly received a message, which turned out to be from the Old Sage.

“Come to my office and I have something to tell you.”

The message was brief, and Xu Sheng couldn’t sleep anymore, so he moved directly to the teaching building.

When he walked into the Old Sage’s office, Xu Sheng keenly felt that the Old Sage who hadn’t seen him for many days had a scent of killing.

‘The Old Sage’s Realm can’t hide this piece of information. Compared to him, he should be dealing with a very difficult opponent during this period of time’

This thought came to Xu Sheng’s mind.

Gu Shi Yi raised his head and glanced with some appreciation in his eyes: “Yes, the law has been Ascension close to 4%. It seems that you will have a good chance to get the law ascension to 10% before the end of this semester.”

“Good luck.” Xu Sheng said modestly.

“It’s really good luck, but there are also elements of strength. If you didn’t have the golden luck and cultivated him, you wouldn’t be able to seize the opportunity.”

At the level of the ancient Yi, naturally from Xu Cheng handing over one hundred spiritual source crystals, he can know what he has encountered, and luck is also part of his personal strength.

“Master Gu, do you have anything to tell me when you come to me?”

“Recently, I noticed that a foreign race has targeted you. You must be cautious at every moment in the endless return to the ruins.” Gu Shiyi’s voice became serious.

Xu Sheng felt tight and said cautiously: “Thank you, Master Gu for reminding me that students must always be cautious.”

“Foreign race methods are invincible. Even with the strength of the earth, they are powerless for some actions…Let’s take this thing with you.” In ancient times, Yi took something out of his body.

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