Global Sage Era

Chapter 292

Chapter 288

Qianjing University, teaching area.

“Xu Sheng came back an hour ago and is now in the principal’s office.”

In the simple office, Song Mao stood respectfully by Gu Shiyi’s side.

In ancient times, Yi said ‘um’, his attention now is more in the world.

Just like Peng Yuanshang’s situation, he usually spends most of his energy on the world, even in the process of chatting with people and attending classes, he may have destroyed many civilization systems at will.

And in situations where he is absent for a period of time, there are very important tasks to be done, and the power of the clone alone is not enough to solve the situation, and the body needs to go.

Normally, the tasks are within half a month, and the time flow that a level like them can withstand outside the domain is almost unlimited. For example, the time for a knowledge nap is the birth of a universe to its extinction.

Even countless generations of certain high-energy worlds.

This is also the most basic performance of the true holy time without a body.

“You call him, the power of the paperweight was used by him once, and I will make up the number of times. After all, this time is a trap set by him as a bait, and it cannot be attributed to the consumption of his own experience.”

Gu Shiyi was very optimistic about Xu Sheng, but he couldn’t always “charge” Xu Sheng. Although it was not troublesome for him, and the consumption was not painful, it would definitely make Xu Sheng psychologically dependent.

Therefore, the protection he gave to Xu Sheng was three times. Once the three times were used up, either find a way to regain protection for himself, or get energy from him through exchange.

“Yes.” Song Mao replied respectfully and retired from the office. He was a little envious of Xu Sheng’s kid. He didn’t have such a good thing when he was a student.

The paperweight Erxiang that was infused with energy by the teacher himself can definitely be regarded as the best type of self-defense treasure below the holy realm.

After coming out of the principal’s office, Xu Sheng was still digesting the things the principal just said.

It is now very clear that what the confuses the mind is that the school deliberately did it, and his actions from the beginning were seen by the school.

Thinking of the moment when he was excited to obtain a spiritual source celestial crystal, there was the school’s sight behind him, but he couldn’t help but smile.

My level is still too weak in front of Qianjing University.

“Thinking about it this way, when Old Sage was talking to me, he should have mentioned something…” Xu Sheng recalled the scene when he was given the paperweight two directions.

The Confusion Clan possesses the ability to confound the mind. It is natural to have an insight into the mind. Although it is impossible to pry into it completely, it is normal to derive some key information from the escaped mental fluctuations.

Even if the principal didn’t say that he knew the school didn’t tell him the reason for this in advance. As for Han Su, Sage should have done amnestics in advance, so don’t worry about being known about the plan.

Although he was encouraged from beginning to end, Xu Sheng didn’t feel much upset in his heart.

Because he knows that these things are normal, and there are so many enemies on the earth right now, it can be said that the world is enemies, so he must have the corresponding strength to know the corresponding things.

He is performing well now, but he is only showing his potential. There is still a long way to go to truly become the mainstay of the human race. He should use this as a motivation to continuously improve his own strength.

Before I met Han Su, I got 63. One hundred years after I met her, I got 83. It took a total of more than one hundred and fifty years, which is equivalent to more than five days on Earth.

“This time I have obtained one hundred and fifty spiritual source heaven crystals. I should be able to increase my Ascension to more than 6%… so it’s almost half of the average…” Xu Sheng thought of it. I finally got a little happy.

However, 6% is only half the value of 12%. The real strength gap is far more than doubled. The later the law degree, the more difficult the Ascension per 1%, and the more changes in strength.

After the law comprehension reaches 90%, the difficulty of 1% per Ascension is more likely to be higher than that from 0% to 20%!

“Hand in the task to get credits, go to the Law Tower immediately!”

Xu Sheng couldn’t help speeding up when he thought of this, and walked to the mission building.

But he had just walked for a few minutes, and he saw a familiar figure waiting for him in front of him, he paused, and then walked over there.

“Ms. Song.”

“Xu Sheng, come with me to the teacher’s side. He has something to tell you.” Song Miao said without any muddle. After speaking, he turned and took Xu Sheng to the nearby teaching area.

This scene made Xu Sheng twitched the corners of his mouth, always feeling like he had known each other, as if he was taken to the principal’s office when he just walked out of the central secret realm more than an hour ago.

Song Miao was a person who said few things, so he kept silent all the way. Xu Sheng had known his character a long time ago, so he just followed behind silently.

After arriving at Gu Sheng’s office, Song Ming knocked on the door outside.

“come in.”

Xu Sheng followed Song Ming into the office and saw the appearance of easy reading in ancient times.

He actually saw this scene many times, basically every time he came to look for him, he did not know the meaning of it before, but now he knows, although the ancient sage is sitting in front of him, but the clone is in Important tasks are being carried out in the universe, and they are on the side of the human race.

“Take out the paperweight in two directions.”

After Xu Sheng heard this, he knew that Gu Shiyi was definitely not very busy at this time, otherwise he would definitely let himself wait for a while.

He took the paperweight out of his body, and when he took it, he thought about the piece of paper he wanted to transform the confuse heart into a piece of paper.

“This is the puzzled clan that the students suppressed next to the spiritual source world group, and they also obtained a twisted orb.”

When the twisted orb arrived on the earth, it became a marble-like thing, covered with a layer of gray, like that kind of inferior mud ball.

Xu Sheng tried it before. It is useless on the earth. It is just an ordinary object. According to this kind of thinking, is it also a great thing to take a leaf on the earth outside the domain?

In ancient times, Yi took both pieces of paper, but the one that confused the Xin Clan, he just glanced lightly and placed it on the table.

At this moment, Xu Sheng saw a peculiar force emerge from Gu Shiyi’s body, and then he input it into the paperweight in his hand.

Xu Sheng’s eyelids twitched, and a guess suddenly appeared in his heart…

Before he could ask a question, Gu Shiyi handed the paperweight Erxiang again, and he hurriedly caught it.

“What happened this time made you consume an opportunity to use the paperweight two-way. It was originally arranged by the school, so I will give you this opportunity to make up, but you need to know that I will not help you in the normal experience. Added.” Gu Shiyi’s voice was very calm, but it was full of a kind of catching feeling.

Xu Sheng had a strange feeling that Old Sage seemed to have become different during this period, and he couldn’t tell where it was different.

“Students know, they will definitely use the paperweight two-way.”

“I know your response this time, and you made a lot of mistakes in the process…but I believe you have learned the lessons and will improve in the future.”

Xu Sheng blushed a little when he was said to have made too many mistakes in this incident.

If you are not a human race, and you change to another race, it is estimated that there will be no leftovers that have been swallowed by the confused heart race a long time ago.

“The principal should have told you everything. Prepare yourself. When you take action against the Confusion Clan, you will get involved… If you meet my requirements in this event, I will accept you. As a disciple.”

Song Ming, who had been listening to him all the time, raised his head in surprise, and then dropped his head again. In fact, his energy was more in the world.

Xu Sheng looked at Gu Sheng in surprise after hearing these words, and then replied: “Thank you teacher, the students will definitely do well!”

Although Song Ming had told him about this before, it was only an intention at that time, and he might never officially accept a disciple, just like a named disciple.

But now that the ancient sage himself said it, all that happened.

As long as he performed in the task of destroying the misleading heart clan, he could finally be accepted as an apprentice by the ancient sage.

The old sage has received very few disciples up to now, and only Song Yu currently knows one, but Xu Sheng vaguely knows from daily conversations that there should be at least three disciples, and each of them is at the level above the high sage!

“The puzzled mind is not good for the Fa. You have to continue to improve your strength during this time. The Spirit Source World Group is an opportunity for you. It has been there for so long and has not been discovered, but you have found it, which proves you. It’s very good on the road.”

Gu Sheng said lightly, Xu Sheng’s luck is considered to be a very good group, and his growth has been beyond his expectations.

“Students will definitely grasp it, and strive to increase their understanding of the law to more than 10% before the task!”

Xu Sheng is not talking big words, but according to the current progress, he has a great opportunity to achieve this step, and then will complete the school’s requirements, and will be able to receive a lot of credit awards at that time!

This will also increase his growth rate again!

By that time, other people’s law comprehension of the freshman year should be only over 3%.

“Well, there is a great chance. It will be good for you to meet the requirements as soon as possible.”

When Gu Shiyi proposed a special training program at the time, he thought that even if Xu Sheng could meet the conditions, it might only be a few days in advance, but he did not expect that he would find a spiritual source world group, which made his progress much faster. Increase.

If it were someone else, there would be no way to obtain the spiritual source celestial crystal even if it was found.

It can only be said that it is time and fate.

By that time, other people’s law comprehension of the freshman year should be only over 3%.

“Well, there is a great chance. It will be good for you to meet the requirements as soon as possible.”

When Gu Shiyi proposed a special training program at the time, he thought that even if Xu Sheng could meet the conditions, it might only be a few days in advance, but he did not expect that he would find a spiritual source world group, which made his progress much faster. Increase.

If it were someone else, there would be no way to obtain the spiritual source celestial crystal even if it was found.

It can only be said that it is time and fate.

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