Global Sage Era

Chapter 296

Chapter 292: Minor World’s Internal Friction

When the last Zimin Tower also passed the tenth floor, the only thing Xu Sheng felt was ease.

“Too tired, running five towers in a row is really a challenge to the limit.”

Xu Cheng was in the Zimin Tower, and he didn’t want to get up for a long time.

He admits that there are more or less obsessive-compulsive factors in it, but more still want the 1,900 credits.

Now he has more than 30,000 credits, and he has been able to stay in the Tower of Law for more than half an hour.

But now he doesn’t have this energy at all, his eyelids are fighting, and the only thing he wants to do is to lie on the bed and take a good rest.

There is mental exhaustion, but more of it is physical.

When Xu Sheng walked out of the Zimin Tower, there were not many people around, only a dozen’iron rods’ were still guarding outside.

Among the crowd, Zhang Shan stood at the outermost position, looking at the figure walking out of the Zimin Tower, his eyes were full of awe.

The five towers are all above the eleventh floor. This kind of strength is too terrifying. It is estimated that by the next semester, his strength will be able to catch up with the last group of sophomores.

He didn’t even feel too much envy, because since entering Qianjing University, he never thought about this step. What he thinks most is trying to catch up with the Tianzi class, and one day he will be able to enter the champion class. Look.

But it was too far away, and it seemed like an unattainable dream now.

Xu Sheng’s appearance certainly excites the students of the East Campus, after all, he has earned a lot of honors for the campus.

But it also severely affected their self-confidence. Who can walk here is not the pride of heaven?

From childhood to most of the people of the same age, there are tens of millions of people in a province, but only a few dozen people at the same level as them, one in a million.

They have long accepted the label of being a genius, thinking that they are different from ordinary people, and they are destined to become the backbone of the human race in the future, and even climb to a high position.

But only after they really entered Qianjing University did they know that they are indeed geniuses, but there will always be better geniuses above them.

Confidence was destroyed again and again, and rebuilt again and again.

Some people sink because of this, but some people work hard for it, realize the gap and demand themselves more severely.

Sanctification… is a process of constant screening. He didn’t show up in the light, but it was far more cruel than the college entrance examination.

When I first entered Qianjing University, seeing the achievements of the evildoers in previous years was enough to blow my self-confidence, but I could comfort that it was not the same.

But when Xu Sheng, an unreasonable person who surpassed all previous students, appeared, all the excuses were gone. All they could admit was that they were not good enough.

Everyone felt Xu Sheng’s fatigue at this time. They silently watched Xu Sheng drag his tired body towards the direction of the dormitory, and subconsciously stopped talking.

He didn’t even follow behind, only when Xu Cheng walked away, he made a low voice that seemed to be sighing.

“He is too good.”


back to dorm.

Xu Sheng felt that his eyelids couldn’t be opened completely, especially the moment he saw the bed, he couldn’t wait to lie down directly, and then every time he sleeps.

But with a terrifying willpower, he restrained this impulse for life.

Because the maintenance cabin is on the side, although the maintenance cabin cannot eliminate mental fatigue, when inside, the body is also in a state of rest, and the good physical condition will gradually be fed back to the spirit, and finally relieve the spirit. Tiredness.

The difference between the two is that when you go to bed, you don’t know everything. When you wake up, it will be a brand new day. Everything is restored to the best. The maintenance cabin is to slowly eliminate fatigue and you can feel the process of changing your state. , Although it is not uncomfortable, it is definitely not comfortable.

At least it’s not as comfortable as sleeping.

In the bedroom, there is a bed on one side and a maintenance cabin on the other.

Xu Sheng only paused for a while, then opened the door of the maintenance cabin and lay in.

Then, as the sky revolves around the world, consciousness descends on the sea of ​​the world.

In the sea of ​​the world, Minor World is lying there quietly.

It has been only half a day since Xu Sheng came back, and Minor World has only passed half a year, so everything looks the same as when he watched it before.

Now that the entire Huntuo race has a population of more than 100 million people, most of them don’t need him to adjust. It belongs to the general direction, and he can relax a little bit and he does not need to do everything himself.

However, Xu Sheng is accustomed to observing the development of his own people. Sometimes he will bring in the perspective of ordinary people to observe their emotions.

With his ascension of law, he can only bring in the perspective of one person from the beginning to the perspective of many people at the same time. As long as he wants to, it is normal to live thousands of life at the same time.

It’s no different from his personal experience, but after all, it can’t completely replace his actual situation. Subjectively, it’s a matter of great influence.

The area of ​​Minor World is already very large now, nearly five million square kilometers, if it is an ordinary person, it is enough to squeeze more than two billion.

However, Practitioners are not ordinary people. Due to the Practitioner’s demand for martial arts, they need a lot of space for activities.

In addition, there are also the cultivation of those spiritual things, which consumes the bulk of the land, so at this time, under the pressure of the area, the number of population growth has begun to decline.

In addition to the biggest factor of size, people’s concept of fertility has also begun to change.

The more powerful and knowledgeable a Practitioner is, the lower his willingness to have children. When the Huntuo tribe was precarious, there were many things that became biological children at the age of fourteen or five. Now, twenty years old is just a step away. In adulthood, there are still a lot of goals waiting to be achieved.

In the hearts of almost all Huntuo races, cultivation and Martial Dao are more important things than being a biological child. For the sake of Ascension cultivation and the strength of Martial Dao, everything can be compromised.

Of course, this concept also caused some bloodshed, but Xu Sheng anticipated such a situation from the beginning, so he did a good job of restraining, and even set up law enforcement teams to conduct inspections everywhere, even if they were not mutually exclusive. The two cities dealt with did not dare to brazenly wage war.

But it is like an explosive bag that is forcibly held down, and endless chemical changes are already taking place inside it. As long as the time is up, it will eventually explode.

It is impossible for the Huntuo tribe to maintain its current state forever. In the foreseeable future, a major internal battle will definitely occur.

At that time, let alone population growth, the number of Huntuo races will definitely decrease on a large scale. Xu Sheng didn’t want to see this, and has been avoiding such things, but it is a pity that he has not been able to achieve it completely until now.

“Internal conflicts are all resolved by turning to the outside. It was because of being in the Spirit Source World Group that this process has been delayed. If it were still in the World Sea, it would have erupted long ago.” Xu Sheng sighed, feeling helpless about this kind of thing. .

He knew this was not an own problem, because even Sage could not completely avoid internal friction.

Terran is not a robot, it is chaotic in nature. According to the design of the model, it is to launch hundreds of marbles on a chessboard.

The process of restraint is to unify the launching direction of these hundreds of marbles. This is useful when the number is small and can avoid collisions, but when these hundreds of marbles become thousands and tens of thousands, even if it is only a small angle The difference will also cause two marbles to hit, and then there will be a chain reaction.

It is extremely incredible that the Huntuo tribe has not had that kind of large-scale war on this scale.

If it were not for Xu Sheng’s strength ascension too fast, the contradiction would have erupted early, just like the inevitable contradiction between the Practitioner and the cultivator, it would be a big trouble, most people can only force it when facing this kind of thing. inhibition.

Shifting contradictions to the outside means launching a war. This can naturally reduce internal friction by a large margin, but a large margin will always be a large margin, not all.

As long as things like the catastrophe of genocide, the power of the entire race can almost be gathered, but there are still very few people who will abandon themselves.

Xu Sheng didn’t expect to be able to completely avoid this problem, only thinking that his own power could be reduced less when it broke out.

While observing the development of his people in the world, Xu Sheng felt that his own spirit was constantly getting better.

Probably every few days the feeling of exhaustion can be weakened by one point, which allows him to feel his mental state in real time.

In a blink of an eye, four months have passed, and the real time has now passed eight months.

But Xu Sheng felt that Own’s body was still a little tired, and finally he stayed in the world for two months before he felt Own’s fatigue completely removed.

“Ten hours…”

When Xu Sheng walked out of the maintenance cabin, he felt refreshed.

He opened the curtains, and the sun was just right outside, it was a good day.

“Go to the Law Tower first to use up the credits, and then go directly to the Spirit Source World Group!”

Xu Sheng made up his mind and immediately quickened his pace to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

When he went out, Xiao Feng was already waiting outside. This was an appointment he had made last night. Every time he came back, he would chat with Xiao Feng about his gains during this time.

Most of the time, Xu Sheng said that a lot of his experience is very valuable to Xiao Feng, and he can use it when he goes to the battlefield outside the territory.

After half an hour, the two separated, Xu Sheng went directly to the fourth floor of the Law Tower and used up all the more than 30,000 credits in his body.

I don’t know if it is because of the fact that Xu Sheng has gained a lot of insights after breaking through the barriers. This time, Xu Sheng’s speed of Ascension has returned to the initial state, and it can be ascension 0.01% in nearly one minute.

When the time comes, his law comprehension has reached 5.62%!

This is a situation that makes him a little bit happy. In the same time, the higher the law comprehension, the better!

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