Global Sage Era

Chapter 298

Chapter 294

In the entire Minor World, the first sky-passing city built was already a well-deserved behemoth at this time.

It was like a huge wild beast crawling on the ground, looking from a distance, like a huge black shadow with no edge in sight, silently converging its minions, waiting for a fatal blow when the time came.

The population of Tongtian City is more than one million, and the surrounding walls are dozens of feet high. They are all covered with black rocks of the highest quality. Even if it is a Martial Master, it is extremely difficult to leave a mark on it.

Originally, this city wall did not exist, because Tongtian City had absolute force, and the surrounding cities would never dare not open their eyes to attack here.

Later, it was because the Demonic Beasts, which were kept in captivity, became stronger and stronger, and this wall was built to protect ordinary talents.

Those Demonic Beasts were very weak at first, and they were all small cubs from the world of the demon race, there would not even be a big demon.

But over time, after Demonic Beasts enjoyed a hundred times the concentration of Spiritual Qi, their strength has also improved by leaps and bounds, and many of them have successfully awakened the blood in the body and become extremely powerful.

Don’t talk about the big demon now, even the Gold Core Demon King has many.

But even the Gold Core Demon King, in front of Tongtian City, can’t actually overcome too much wind and waves, because the strength of the Huntuo human race is more powerful, and it is only a matter of minutes to clean up.

Therefore, Demonic Beasts’ ability to grow to this point is a deliberate indulgence. Whether it is a cultivator or a Practitioner, there are methods to train the beasts. Demonic Beasts can be a great help for them. So many people release the cubs of Demonic Beasts in large numbers, let them grow freely outside, and then capture them when needed.

The demonic beasts and spirit beasts of the entire Minor World are far inferior to those of the Huntuo human race, but it is very simple to destroy several cities.

It is worth mentioning that during this process, there were also Demonic Beasts who successfully awakened their wisdom and transformed into a demon race. Once such an example appeared, they would immediately be hit by the Huntuo tribe. For the demon race, they felt It is impossible for them to show up.

“The ones behind are faster, and the gates will be closed in a while.”

Outside Tongtian City, several city gate guards are checking the pedestrians entering the city. Each of them is the Martial Master Realm at the lowest level. The aura on the body is exposed, mixed with a trace of Blood Qi. It can be seen that they have experienced a lot of killings. .

In fact, most of the troops in Tongtian City have participated in the war against the spirit source world. If anyone has not killed a few spirit source beasts, then they will be laughed at.

“There have been a lot more people entering the city recently, and I guess many of them are spies from other cities.”

“This is not normal. Fang Tiancheng and Xuantiancheng have long wanted to take the place of our Tongtian City. Now each of them is secretly accumulating strength, and the above also instructs us to pay twelve points of attention.”

The city gate guards were talking in a low voice, guarding the gate is not a good job, they are tired of this kind of life in their hearts, and it is better to kill the spirit source beast to be more comfortable.They have also slandered many times in their hearts. There is an ancestral land there, and they even tried to start a war. Those people are really not afraid of death.

Anyway, they didn’t want to take the initiative to attack other cities in Tongtian City. He had personally seen the terrible cultivator and Practitioner of the ancestral land. No amount of shrimp like them would be enough to kill.

But no matter what the people of Sky-Sky City think, most of the other cities have war ideas.

At this time, among the crowd entering the city, a strong man in coarse linen glanced at the guard at the door intentionally or unintentionally.

At the back of the team, a thin old woman crouched, her whole body wrapped in clothing, but a small piece of skin that was occasionally exposed was greasy that was not suitable for the elderly.

On the avenue in the city, a trader pushing a car was watching enthusiastically, and wondering which firm could sell medicinal materials at a higher price in the future, but there was a hint of shrewdness in his eyes from time to time. Let people know that he is also not that simple.

There are too many people like this. Although the city gate guards are still careful to observe and uncover a few suspicious people, more people are still hidden in the crowd.

All of these were seen by Kuang Yuan, who was standing in the sky.

“A bunch of restless boys.”

He snorted in his nose and his expression was dissatisfied. With his eyesight, he would naturally be able to see who was normal and who had a ghost in his heart.

With just such a slight sweep, he could see that there were no fewer than a thousand spies active in Tongtian City at this time, and these people were distributed in various locations in Tongtian City, and they were sending information to the outside world at all times.

However, when Kuang Yuan was a little satisfied, the City Lord’s Mansion was not entirely aware of this. Almost most of the people were under their surveillance, and only a few hidden spies were not discovered.

To be honest, Kuang Yuan has always hated these intrigues. From his birth to the present hundreds of years, when he has almost no intrigue, the Huntuo tribe has always been in one place.

However, if he doesn’t like it, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t. With his Realm, the speed of thinking is thousands of times that of ordinary people per second, and all kinds of situations are results at the first thought.

The reason why he is here now is because he is thinking about the thing that Yin said before-unifying the city and building the country.

The classics left by the ancestors have already stated that when the city has developed to a certain scale, it needs to go to the next stage. He has also thought about actively guiding this process at a certain period of time in the past.

But for a long time, he has not found the person that he likes. In his opinion, it is undoubtedly necessary to be able to become the master of a country.

More importantly, the goal must be consistent with them. Otherwise, if you become an enemy with them after the founding of the nation, then it would be a disaster for the Huntuo tribe.

“Indeed, it is a better choice for me to build a country.”

When Yin said the proposal, Kuang Yuan immediately realized that it was indeed a better solution.

He hadn’t thought about this before. Once that layer of window paper was broken, everything was a matter of course.

Naturally, he doesn’t have any feelings of embarrassment in his heart, thinking that he will occupy too much power if he wants to be the leader of a country.

Is there an essential difference between the head of a country and the head of a clan?

The answer is no.

Since he was the patriarch of the Huntuo tribe, even now the strength of the Huntuo tribe is not what it used to be. It is quite normal to establish a country and then become the leader of the country by himself.

But he thought further.

Practitioner and cultivator cannot always be integrated in one place.

There are still differences in their paths, especially in terms of the concept of life. The cultivator is different from the Practitioner.

It is also a good choice if… take this opportunity to separate the Practitioner and the cultivator.

He didn’t have any selfishness in thinking like this, it was purely for the consideration of the entire Huntuo race.

Sometimes being too close is not a good thing.

The first point before us is that cultivator and Practitioner have different time concepts.

In the early stage, a Closed Door Training of the cultivator is likely to last several months or even one or two years, while the Practitioner is extremely important every day.

This situation is destined to be difficult for the two to become friends at the same age.

On the other hand, cultivator pays attention to peace of mind and does not engage in quarrels of spirit, but Practitioner is different. It is too common to fight if you don’t agree with each other. After all, everyone cultivates blood and energy, and it is normal to occasionally cause violent fluctuations in blood and energy.

Kuang Yuan didn’t choose to show his face after watching in Tongtian City for a while. Then he went to the top of other cities and observed the situation there in the same way.

Under his observation, he found that the conditions of each city were similar, basically all of them were infiltrated and riddled with holes.

Some cities are more keen and basically hold all the spies in their hands, while others are silly and have very little information at hand.

If he does not intervene and continues to develop in this state, the latter will definitely be the first to be annexed. There will be no hello, me, everyone, and there will be life and death at every turn.

If it is a peaceful reunion, for example, if you and I are united in strength, he can still accept such a scene, but he can’t watch it when it comes to life and death.

These people are fighting and killing in other worlds, but there is a group of people in own hometown who are making troubles. If it weren’t for the saneness, he couldn’t wait to slap those who danced the most in the palm of one to death.

A few days later, Kuang Yuan returned to the Huntuo tribe.

At this time, Yin was silently waiting for his arrival in his own residence.

“How is the situation outside, what are your thoughts on going out this time?”

Although Yin was a question, he actually had the answer in his mind.

Those information is very clear, the external situation has been corrupted to the extreme, and only they can avoid the tragic situation that may occur.

“Is there any idea, just like you said, Jianguo.”

Kuang Yuan said angrily, the more people outside are actually Practitioners, who are his juniors, making him feel a little irrelevant on his face.

A smile appeared on Yin’s face, and it was good for Kuang Yuan to agree to this matter.

“So when are you going to act?”

“As soon as possible, but there is something I need to discuss with you.”

“What’s the matter?”

“I want to separate the Practitioner from the cultivator. The created country is all composed of the Practitioner, and the Huntuo tribe is left to the cultivator.”

Yin’s eyes condensed slightly. After staring at Kuang Yuan for a while, he finally nodded and said: “Your proposal is good, I think it can.”

The relationship between the two of them now has no feelings of suspicion.

What Kuang Yuan can think of, Yin can also think of.

So when Kuang Yuan said his idea, Yin immediately knew that it was indeed necessary to separate the Practitioner from the cultivator.

After the two looked at each other, they both smiled slightly.

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