Global Sage Era

Chapter 305

Chapter 301

Four hundred and twenty-nine spiritual source celestial crystals!

This is Xu Sheng’s final gain.

The spiritual source world he can handle now is 435, but six of them are Kuang Yuan who has not found the middle world for a while, so he can only give up.

The six mere spiritual source celestial crystals were nothing in Xu Sheng’s eyes, so after he carried the 429 spiritual source celestial crystals, he called the school’s spaceship.

“Unknowingly, it’s December 10th, and this semester will be over at a little more than a month.”

Xu Sheng recalled the time since the end of the college entrance examination, and felt that the time was full every day.

In contrast, the kind of life in high school can be regarded as leisurely.

From the selection of quotas to the territory of ten thousand races, and from the territory of ten thousand races to the endless ruins, the scope of activities is getting bigger and bigger, and it is getting farther and farther from the earth.

He gradually saw more aspects of the earth, and he also knew that what he used to know was only the tip of the iceberg. Although the earth was strong, he could not relax in the slightest.

Qianjing University, East Campus.

“Xiao Feng, they are here again, what should we do?”

In a classroom, there are dozens of people sitting in Tuan Tuan, both men and women, and their aura is not weak, and they are considered relatively strong in the entire freshman year.

But at this time, the expressions on the faces of these dozens of people were resentful, unwilling, and impatient.

Sitting in the middle is Xiao Feng, everyone’s eyes are looking at him, waiting for him to make a decision.

The expression on Xiao Feng’s face was calm, but the hand under his sleeve was already tightly grasped.

After Xu Sheng left on the 28th, the West Campus provoked them, and the other party’s meaning was very clear. We couldn’t raise our heads if Xu Sheng pressed them. Then our entire West Campus would not be able to raise your heads. Come!

The strength of the previous East Campus is indeed not as good as that of the West Campus. However, this year because of the victory of the Ten Thousand Race Territory, the strength of the East Campus is stronger than in previous years. Everyone, including Xiao Feng, believes that the strength of the East Campus will not be weaker than that of the West Campus.

This is also reflected in the ranking of the five towers, the two campuses are very tight, and the combined strength is almost beyond the same level.

So in the face of the aggressive posture of the West Campus, Xiao Feng took up the challenge of the West Campus with the support of everyone.

The two sides had a big battle, single-player battles, group battles, campus battles…the scale was getting bigger and bigger each time, but the end result was that everyone in the East Campus was unwilling-almost all the games in the East Campus were lost.

This result made all the people on the East Campus unbelievable. No one thought of this result before the battle.

Until now, everyone in the East Campus still doesn’t know how the West Campus is doing it. How could they be so powerful?


Xiao Feng spit out such a word.

He also wanted to go out and defeat the provocative people in the West Campus, but the results of the previous battle told him that he was just giving away credits when he went out, and the current strength of the East Campus was not as good as the West Campus.

Among these people is a familiar Qianli figure, Su Linrui.

After Xiao Feng said the word, everyone else looked at her subconsciously.

Su Linrui blushed and lowered her head slightly without speaking.

“When will Xu Sheng be back? It’s been twelve days.” Someone murmured.

After hearing this sentence, other people agreed. The reason why the West Campus dares to do anything now is to take advantage of Xu Sheng’s absence.

As for the people on the west campus saying, “What are you guys if it weren’t for Xu Sheng,” they just sneered. This is a typical example of not being able to eat grapes and saying grapes are sour. We have Xu Sheng in the east campus. What’s wrong, do you have?

Everyone in the East Campus was discussing countermeasures here, but something unexpected happened to them——

“Cowards of the East Campus, what’s the matter, now I only dare to be a turtle?”

The sound actually appeared downstairs in the teaching building, and people from the West Campus ran to their east campus!

In an instant, everyone exploded.

Xiao Feng’s face, who was sitting in the middle, also turned pale.

Bullying…too much!

Crashing, the sound of a chair rang, everyone got up from their seats and ran out.

In front of the teaching building, more than a dozen people from the West Campus were standing there with their shoulders on their shoulders.

Around them, for hundreds of students from the East Campus, everyone was staring at them with angry eyes.

I have to say that the selection time for the West Campus is a bit tough. Now it is the time for class, and all students come from the dormitory.

“You are so courageous, dare to come to our east campus to cause trouble, are you afraid that everyone here will drown you all alone?”

The biggest difference in language is more restraint.

Things like bastards have basically disappeared. After all, no one knows the level of their parents, especially at Qianjing University. No one dares to say that you are a bastard to a son of Gao Sheng.

Like this, Gao Sheng will give birth to a sense of darkness.

“Why should you be afraid? We are here to write the battle book. Is it possible that you dare not accept it?”

A person in the middle of the West Campus took a step forward and lit up the upper right, really holding a battle book.

Hearing this, everyone around looked ugly.

The West Campus is preparing to make death feuds with their East Campus!

But I knew what was going on in my heart. Everyone in the West Campus was pressed too hard by Xu Sheng. If you don’t get some Face back, then the current West Campus students will be a shame, even with the tall people standing behind them. The holy capital has no light on its face, so this kind of thing can’t last forever.

This provocation has been brewing a long time ago, but at that time Xu Sheng hadn’t shown the strength of crushing, and all the students in the West Campus believed that there was still a chance.

However, the last five tower rankings completely made the West Campus students desperate. Xu Sheng’s strength of Ascension far exceeded their imagination, and he was approaching the sophomores at a terrifying speed.

Unless there are people in the West Campus who have obtained special training programs, the West Campus will only be pushed farther and farther by Xu Sheng.

Even Fang Su, who had always regarded Xu Sheng as his goal and wanted to catch up one day, basically gave up this idea at this time, at least he had already given up this goal in college.

Fang Su has basically taken the first place in the West Campus, and the other people are not as strong as him.

The dozen or so people who appeared on the East Campus at this time were not the strongest group on the West Campus. Those who had been to the territory of the Ten Thousand Races did not come here. They all knew that facing the pressure of Xu Sheng, they were willing to be at the key. Take action at all times, like this kind of little things, or protect yourself.


The war book was thrown over.

Xiao Feng caught this battle book.

The line of sight fell on it, and after seeing the content clearly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Everyone in the West Campus had been staring at Xiao Feng’s expression, and they couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed when they saw that there was no emotion that they had imagined.

“It is worthy of being Xiao Feng, who is known as a’think tank.’ Only he can stabilize this situation.”

“If it weren’t for Xiao Feng, we might have completely suppressed the West Campus by now.”


More than a dozen people in the West Campus are secretly using their wristbands to communicate. On the surface, they are extremely arrogant, but this is actually just a means for them to achieve their goals. They can get to their current position. No one is stupid.

The struggle between the West Campus and the East Campus is also for the sake of face.

Sage can treat these as nothing, but they are just ordinary people and cannot be exempt from vulgarity.

Schools also support this kind of struggle. They started with temptation from the beginning. Once the school had the intention to stop it, it ended immediately. However, after more than ten days passed, the school not only didn’t mean to stop it, but also provided convenience. This made the rocks in all of them fall.

Humph, we can’t do anything with Xu Sheng, but there’s no problem with you ordinary East Campus students.

This is the current thinking of most people in the West Campus.

“What’s on it?”

Someone next to Xiao Feng came to see.

It’s okay if you don’t look at it, it explodes immediately.

The words written above are too dazzling, basically they are saying they are waste!

How can this be tolerated?

Some people who had read the battle book immediately yelled to make the West Campus look good. They were already irritated and lost their minds.

More than a dozen people in the West Campus were very happy to see this scene. What they wanted was this effect.

Isn’t the East Campus able to calm down?

We line up to your place, and then we start the war, we don’t believe you can hold it back!

“Xiao Feng, let’s fight with them! This time we sent a hundred people. The cooperation of our east campus is not comparable to that of their west campus!”

“Yeah, they seem to have eaten us, and our East Campus is not easy to mess with.”

The fighting method written in the battle book is that each side will have a hundred people, as long as they can win in the end, no matter what means are used.

This mode of engagement has not appeared before, and the number of people before it was only 30 people.

The cooperation of 30 people is completely different from the cooperation of 100 people, and everyone in the East Campus still has confidence in their hearts.

Su Linrui also read the content of the battle book at this time. She did not speak like the person next to her. If it is a battle of a hundred people, then with her current strength, she will definitely participate. What she thinks now is, if she also participates. In this battle, how can we help the East Campus to win?

Xiao Feng did not speak.

He raised his head and glanced at the east campus students around him.

The faces of the hundreds of people surrounded by them were filled with righteous indignation. They did not need to ask, their answers were very clear.

Xiao Feng sighed in his heart.

Controversy of spirit… doesn’t make much sense to him.

After all, this is not like the territory of ten thousand races, no matter what the final result is, it has no effect on own strength.

“No? Is it all like this, do you still want to be a tortoise?”

Seeing Xiao Feng’s silence, more than a dozen people in the West Campus could not help but deliberately said.

The people next to him also exaggerated and laughed, which made the East Campus students who were looking at them couldn’t help it anymore.

Xiao Feng’s eyes suddenly changed.

“This battle, our East Campus should be down!”

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