Global Sage Era

Chapter 309

Chapter 305 No More Hidden, This Is My Power (4000 Chapter)

“No, I’m not talking about the ten people on your side, I mean…”

“All of you who are eliminated can go!”

Xu Sheng smiled lightly, looking at everyone in the West Campus and said.

At this moment, there was silence in the entire battle tower.

Everyone on the west campus felt like they heard it, and even on the east campus they felt that Xu Sheng was crazy!

Even if you are strong, but you are still a freshman, where can you be strong?

Do you think you alone are worth the more than seventy people over there? !

Xu Sheng’s wristband kept shaking, and all the students in the champion class were sending him crazy messages.

Fang Su, who was standing opposite Xu Sheng, lost his senses for a short time, and soon his face became gloomy.

Because he found that Xu Sheng’s expression on his face had not changed from the time he finished speaking, which showed that everything he just said was serious.

He is so confident that one person dares to deal with the top 70 students on their side.

For the students on the east campus, Xu Sheng’s remarks are lunatic, while for the students on the west campus, it is a pure insult!

They admit Xu Shengqiang, but one person wants to beat them so much, not even a sophomore!

“Xu Sheng, do you know what you are talking about?” Fang Su also knew a little about Xu Sheng’s character. He stared at Xu Sheng’s eyes and asked in a low voice.

Xu Sheng smiled and said: “I can repeat it again. I am willing to bear the price. Add me to our east campus. All the eliminated people on your side can join.”

From beginning to end, only one person did not speak and did not send a message to Xu Sheng.

This person is Xiao Feng standing next to Xu Sheng. He already knows Xu Sheng’s character very well, knowing that Xu Sheng would never do this if he had no absolute certainty.

Although he doesn’t know how specific Xu Sheng’s strength is now, there was a vague outline in the conversation before, which was already unimaginable for him.

At this time, Xu Sheng must have confidence in saying this, and he said so. If he were a student from the West Campus, he would not be able to refuse.

If you refuse, even if the battle between the two campuses wins this time, people will say that the entire campus is afraid of Xu Sheng alone, and will not be able to raise its head in the school in the future, and the impact on their east campus will be minimal.

From this perspective, if Xu Sheng’s strength is really that strong, then the situation is absolutely good for them no matter what!

The question now is, can Xu Sheng’s strength surpass the more than 70 people over there?

Of course he hopes this is the case, and he is willing to believe in the fact that he is not what he thinks. If he wants to see it, he has to wait until the West Campus agrees to show it.

In such a situation, Xiao Feng only supported Xu Sheng at a critical moment, showing everyone that he was firmly on Xu Sheng’s side.

Gradually, the originally restless East Campus was quiet. It was Xu Sheng’s self-confident temperament that gave them confidence and made them feel vaguely. Maybe Xu Sheng said this because he really had confidence.

The people on the west campus gradually had bad ideas in their hearts, but in the face of Xu Sheng’s ‘aggressive’, no one wanted to say disagree.

No matter what, they are more inclined to Xu Sheng to be talking big, how could the power of their more than seventy people be able to offset him alone.

“How about it? Don’t you agree to this? I’m a little disappointed in the West Campus. It seems that your courage is just like that.”

Xu Sheng’s face was mocking, and his body movements were fierce, showing contempt.

This caused the entire West Campus to explode.

“Who is afraid of you! We just don’t want to bully people.”

“Xu Sheng, you are too confident, we will let you know the result of the big talk later!””Wait to be crushed by us!”

Xiao Feng next to him sounded a little weird. He naturally knew that Xu Sheng’s personality was very peaceful, and such behavior was obviously a radical approach.

How sure is this guy…

He faintly had an answer in his heart. Maybe Xu Sheng’s strength in the endless ruins this time had a large Ascension, otherwise he wouldn’t have such sufficient confidence.

Fang Su stood at the forefront. He felt the surging attitude of the crowd behind him, and at the same time some anger surged in his heart.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Xu Sheng for a while, and said indifferently: “Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you.”

Originally, the two people were still torn apart from the state of the well water.

But this is inevitable. In the freshman year, the differences in positions of each other are almost impossible to become partners. Everyone is in a state of competition and is an opponent.

It takes from the sophomore year to become less hostile, and gradually it is possible to become a companion.

Although Xu Sheng doesn’t care much about winning or losing on the campus, he is still a bit angry about the behavior of the West Campus this time, otherwise he would not say that, because after he wins, the entire West Campus His face will be severely trampled under his feet.

“The time is up to half a day later, when the fighting will continue.”

After Fang Su said these words, his figure disappeared in front of him, and as he left, the other ninety-nine people in the West Campus also left.

Only one hundred and one people from the East Campus are left above.

Among the 101 people, only 13 people had the qualifications to participate in the war–yes, the situation on the East Campus was so miserable at this time, and 80 people had already been eliminated by the West Campus.

Although those who have been eliminated can also communicate here, there is nothing to do with them in the rest of the matter.

“Xu Sheng, you are too impulsive. We know you want to join this battle, but you don’t need so many numbers, you can increase them slowly.”

A student from the East Campus said that there was a bit of complaint in his tone.

“What should we do now? Later, we will push the people over with a hundred people. How can we resist it? We can’t resist it for three days!”

Someone frowns, no matter what he thinks, he can’t think of any hope of victory.

“It’s all quiet, I believe Xu Sheng.”

Xiao Feng’s scolding voice appeared. After all, he was the person in charge of the command this time. The prestige had been erected in everyone’s hearts. When he spoke, everyone shut their mouths.

Faced with all kinds of questions from these people, Xu Sheng’s expression did not change, but he still said relaxedly: “Just wait for the battle and hand it over to me.”

Everyone was taken aback.

What is entrusted to you?

Gradually, someone came out, does it mean that you want to resist the 100 people in the West Campus alone?

are you crazy? ! ! !

Everyone looked at Xu Sheng like a lunatic. More than seventy people felt incredible enough, and now they knew that Xu Sheng had a hundred in his heart!

Xiao Feng was also one of the stunned members just now. He asked Xu Sheng softly: “You want to deal with them all by yourself? How sure are you?”

“I wanted to say 90%, but I don’t have to be humble with you, so…10%.” Xu Sheng said with a chuckle.

With the current strength of the Huntuo human race, he just saw the level of the first-year students, and he could win with just a few young children.

“You guy has become so strong unknowingly. You should barely catch up to the level of a sophomore?” Xiao Feng punched Xu Sheng in the shoulder.

Xu Sheng said non-committal: “Almost.”

No matter how much discussion there are on the East Campus, Xu Sheng’s position in the entire East Campus is already very stable. Coupled with Xiao Feng’s absolute support, he quickly accepted this fact.

They slowly became more curious in their hearts. No one had seen Xu Sheng’s recent strength with his own eyes. They wanted to see how far Xu Sheng was now.

Half a day is fleeting for everyone.

And when the time was about to come, the people who were eligible to participate in the war were all in the rear, and the Minor World of 13 people gathered in one place, silently watching the Minor World in front.

That is a Minor World many times more than their Minor World.

Even if they didn’t see the power in Minor World, just this size gave them a lot of confidence.

As the time for the start of the battle approached, both sides also saw each other’s strength.

On the West Campus, there are naturally a hundred Minor Worlds arranged in a formation. It is not the same as the initial formation. This time it is more offensive. Obviously, the students in the West Campus are also holding a sigh of relief. Defeated here in the East Campus, and taught them to behave like a man.

But when they saw the layout of the East Campus, they couldn’t help but stop thinking.

An extremely huge Minor World is in front, and there are 13 Minor Worlds gathered far behind. What does this mean?

At first, everyone didn’t think about that, but after a few rounds of thought, they immediately understood.

All the faces of the West Campus were flushed at the moment.

Even Fang Su’s eyes were about to breathe fire at this time.

Xu Sheng… is really bullying! ! !

No one in the West Campus was so angry at this moment for a moment. The team channel began to frantically swipe the screen, and everyone was expressing their anger in words.

Everyone’s words are different, but the ultimate goal is only one: to crush Xu Sheng’s Minor World!

The east campus also felt the state of the west campus, and felt a little nervous. What they were looking forward to now was that Xu Sheng could really show the strength in line with his previous self-confidence.

Many people have thought about it. Maybe Xu Sheng now has more cultivators, maybe there are tens of thousands of Qi Sea Practitioners in the Practitioner, so that he can be confident enough, otherwise there is no way to explain Xu Sheng’s behavior.

In the different mentalities of the east and west campuses, this continued battle has finally begun!

In the battle hall, all the people watching the situation suddenly raised their throats.

They are all in a state of watching the game, unable to participate in the exchange from start to finish, and can only watch and worry outside.

But just like the people participating in the game, their moods have changed in the same way.

“Xu Sheng, don’t let us down!”

“Crush Xu Sheng!”

This is what the people on both sides of the campus think.

The moment the battle began.

All the people on the West Campus have emerged from Minor World. Everyone is an army of tens of thousands, which adds up to millions.

But most of these millions are Practitioners in Body Refining Realm, and Qi Sea realm Practitioner is less than one-tenth.

But this kind of strength is already an extremely powerful force in the eyes of all the freshmen on the east and west campuses who are looking at them. They direct their own citizens to rush to the east campus area for a long distance.

Because of the absolute difference in numbers, the West Campus almost gave up the defense. The 30 Minor World citizens with the strongest attack power were at the forefront, and the 20 Minor World citizens on their flanks were assisted.

It can be said that Fang Su showed all the power on the West Campus from the very beginning, and what he wanted was to quickly crush Xu Sheng’s Minor World and let him know that this world could never be too rampant.

“What is Xu Sheng doing, why can’t his people come out?”

“It’s halfway through on the West Campus, is he scared?”


The east campus students saw that Xu Sheng hadn’t been moving for a long time, and after anxious, their hearts began to become depressed, and they began to complain about Xu Sheng.

But at this moment, there was the sound of drums of war.

This voice was extremely loud, as if it spread all over the world, hitting everyone’s hearts.

Then an unforgettable scene for everyone appeared:

In Xu Sheng’s Minor World, there are powerful auras appearing.

Hundred Ways!

Thousands of ways!

Ten thousand ways!

One hundred thousand roads!


There are a million powerful breaths, and each of them is Qi Sea realm’s Practitioner!

At this moment, the whole world is silent.


Everyone in the West Campus seemed to be frightened at this moment. Almost all of them shuddered like a conditioned reflex, causing their own citizens to stop.

On the East Campus, the thirteen students standing behind them stared blankly at the continuous and powerful aura ahead.

Their minds are blank now.

Is this Xu Sheng’s power?

Is this Xu Sheng’s confidence?

They instantly understood why Xu Sheng said that!

If they had this kind of strength, the performance they would have to make would be many times that of Xu Sheng!

It turns out that Xu Sheng is really not arrogant, he has been low-key to the extreme!


In the battle hall, everyone who saw them had their eyes widened, and their mouths grew slowly, and they couldn’t close.

Millions of Qi Sea realm Practitioners.

Is that human being!

No matter how much they overestimated Xu Sheng’s power, they had never expected such an exaggeration.

Fang Su, Xiao Feng and others are already the strongest force at the freshman level, and at the same time they can represent the strongest group of the same age.

But among their people, Qi Sea realm Practitioner is only a few thousand people, and the total number of them is less than 500,000.

Maybe the number of Qi Sea realm Practitioners on both sides can add up to one million.

And this was achieved by Xu Sheng alone.

The shock brought by millions of Qi Sea realm Practitioners is unimaginable.

The face of Fang Su, who was standing in the center of the West Campus, was full of disbelief, and he couldn’t recover for a long time.

The boundless Blood Qi surges, and the whole world is surrendered to the power of Huntuo Practitioner!

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