Global Sage Era

Chapter 315

Chapter 311 Law Comprehension…12%! (Two-in-one chapter)

“One-star mission: to find the spiritual source of heaven, time: unlimited, reward: 1500 credits.”

“Time-consuming: 5 days.”

“Quantity brought back: 439.”

“Task evaluation: incredible.”

“643,500 credits have been transferred in.”

After Xu Sheng handed in the task, his own credits finally rose sharply again.

The 100,000 credits lost in the West Campus have also been credited, and now he has nearly 750,000 credits.

Even on the fourth floor of the Law Tower, so many credits are enough to stay twelve or three hours, and it takes two days to use these hours.

“I don’t know how long the Huoxin Clan incident will last…”

He just got hot on the West Campus, and now he has a bit of wanting to be a real swordsman.

The opponents that the Huntuo people have recently encountered can no longer bring them too much pressure, and the new generation of Practitioner and cultivator are obviously slack.

So what kind of pressure can really make people grow up, it’s just too right to be born out of sorrow and die out of well-being.

Xu Sheng returned to the position of the Five Towers and directly entered the fourth floor of the Law Tower.

He hadn’t missed an hour in total before, so he was still full of energy at this time and could be used to improve his understanding of the law.

“Taling, let’s start.”

Xu Sheng adjusted the state to the best to welcome the wave of laws.

Just a few seconds after his confirmation, when the anticipated scene arrived, he instantly revealed an expression of pain.

Under this wave of laws, he recalled the last time, and inevitably gave up the idea in his heart.

Give up, easy.

Persistence means constant struggle.

The two kept swaying in their hearts, and Xu Sheng’s expression became more and more tangled.

But finally, his comprehension of the law that he hasn’t moved for a while has improved again, which is a very clear sense.

The comprehension of the law rushed forward again, making him feel excited in addition to the suffering.

The first time I entered the fourth floor, I could improve my understanding of the 0.01% rule in almost one minute. This time it was not so fast, but it was also extremely impressive.

At the end of the first hour, his law comprehension increased by 0.5%, then 0.48%…

Xu Sheng couldn’t help being surprised by the little weakening, and then he was excited.

That kind of painful suffering doesn’t seem to be a big deal in the face of this rapid improvement.

In just over two hours, Xu Sheng’s understanding of the law has increased by 7%, and he has reached a new level again.

In his mind, each integer is a new milestone, which is equivalent to a hundred steps. Now he has reached the seventh-level.7% to 8% is still more than two hours, and the total has not yet reached five hours.

“It’s much better than I expected. It seems that I have the hope of hitting 11% this time!”

Xu Sheng was a little excited. Although the difference between 10% and 11% is not big, it means that the gap between him and the sophomore continues to narrow.

They are also growing while they are growing. After more than a month, the average level of sophomores has increased from 10% to about 12%.

In the seventh hour and forty-nine minutes after entering the Law Tower, Xu Sheng’s law comprehension exceeded 9%!

“My spirit has begun to fatigue, affecting the speed of Ascension, and I will come back tomorrow when I have the remaining time.”

Xu Sheng accurately judged his own state, and the uninterrupted high load for nearly eight hours made his mind unable to maintain the understanding of the law of telling. It would be too wasteful to go on like this.

He went directly back to the own dormitory and entered the maintenance cabin to develop his people.

Now Minor World has become two pieces, the Huntuo tribe controlled by the cultivator in the center, and Dahuang on the periphery.

A lot of the heritage in the Huntuo tribe was also brought out by Kuangyuan and cultivated and protected around Tongtian City.

This naturally means that the cultivator and the Practitioner are more separated, but it is also an unstoppable trend.

It is undeniable that when the country was established, the entire Huntuo race was under control, and the unprovoked internal friction has been reduced to a minimum. Kuang Yuan can be regarded as Mingjun, and he was originally the tribal chief, so he returned to his old profession at this time. , Put the state management in an orderly manner.

Of course, this is at the expense of his own cultivation time, but he is now at the peak of Martial Spirit and cannot enter the Martial King Realm in a short period of time, so it is also a reasonable use of time.

Xu Sheng now doesn’t need any specific measures for the development of the Huntuo human race. It is roughly to make up for the shortcomings, which is much easier than at the beginning.

Only when some major reforms are needed should he devote more energy.

At this point, the Practitioner does not need to spend too much effort, more is on the cultivator side, the number is still too scarce, you need to wait until the Qingwei Dao body is exchanged before this situation can be changed.

However, at this time, the number of his cultivator has surpassed many sophomores. The characteristic of the cultivator is to accumulate.

Either a long enough time, or a large enough population base, only when one of the two is satisfied can a large-scale cultivator be formed.

On the cultivator’s side, Yuhuan, Qianmin, and Wang Fan have all started to establish Sect.

However, the land boundary around the Huntuo tribe is still too small to carry the development of the three Sects, so their sights are also devoted to the outside world, and they are ready to move some cultivators in the past if there is a good place.

This is also discussed in advance with Kuang Yuan. The existence of the cultivator is also good for their Practitioner. Some methods can solve the things that the Practitioner can’t do.

If a cultivator is willing to come out as an offering, Dahuang is also extremely welcome.

At 7 o’clock the next morning, Xu Sheng felt that his spirit had almost recovered. He walked from the maintenance cabin and returned to the law tower again to start the second phase of the law Ascension.

“This kid is here again, what a headache.”

In an area where Xu Sheng didn’t know, a high sage who was responsible for the energy supply of the five towers couldn’t help but feel a headache when he saw the scene in the law tower.

He glanced at the spar at his hand, he had obviously only changed it, but after Xu Sheng’s use yesterday, it was mostly dimmed.

This spar has been used by sophomores for a long time, but on Xu Sheng’s side, it can’t even last a day.

This spar is extremely precious, and it is not easy even for Qianjing University to obtain it. At least Sage can obtain it, and it can be formed by condensing the power of the laws of the broken world.

If it is not in school, it would be extremely difficult for people outside to obtain.

In this way, they, Sage, are just like babysitters, and sometimes he is a little envious of these little boys.

However, he actually came here in the same way. At that time, he didn’t know much about these things. He just knew that the five towers must be very powerful, and they are the foundation of the school.

The five towers exist in every university, but depending on the strength of the school, the spar provided is different, so that the growth rate of students is also different.

There is an unlimited supply like Qianjing University, and there are very few cases where you can use it as long as you have credits. Only Kunhai University can do the same thing. Other schools have more or less time to suspend their use.

In contrast, the credits that students get by doing tasks are nothing at all. They are just a rule set by the school to allow students to use the five towers.

After all, no matter how rich Qianjing University is, it is impossible for everyone to enjoy the same resources. It is like Xu Sheng’s rate of consuming resources. When he is in his junior year, the school can support ten people at the same time.

“Taling, fourth floor.”

After entering the Law Tower, Xu Sheng directly ordered Ta Ling, and the familiar situation reappeared.

The power of infinite laws struck him, but this time he didn’t feel as suffocated as before.

With the improvement of the law’s comprehension, Xu Sheng’s ability to withstand the Ascension has also increased a lot. Now when he faces such a fourth-story law tower, he can no longer feel the torment.

This kind of progress is naturally very exciting for him.

Now he has nearly five hours of use time, and his current goal is to work hard towards 11%!

Ascension with constant understanding of the law, Xu Sheng is like a sponge, constantly absorbing the insights from the wave of the law.

Countless changes in the laws were realized by him, allowing him to use the original value to make more changes. His Law Comprehension Ascension also means that the Huntuo race can get more support from him when fighting against alien races.




Xu Sheng’s comprehension of the law steadily went towards 10%.

10% is a key node, which is equivalent to the completion of the first phase, so Xu Sheng’s mood also became excited.

Finally, when he entered the fourth floor of the Law Tower for two hours and thirty-seven minutes, his law comprehension reached 10%!

The Ascension speed of this rule is actually not much slower than yesterday, and a rest night really shows its benefits. According to normal laws, the Ascension speed of the later rule is actually slower.

The current rate of progress has actually surpassed Xu Sheng’s previous imagination.

Now he can use three hours of time, according to the situation just now, there is indeed a chance to hit 11%!

Xu Sheng didn’t stop, and didn’t waste even a second.

But when the law Ascension reaches 10%, he feels that the speed of own Ascension begins to decrease drastically.

In the process of Ascension, he also felt a sense of stagnation.

This made him feel extremely uncomfortable in his heart, as if there was a strong wind blowing on his face while running, Ascension was extremely strenuous.

It used to be able to comprehend the 0.4% rule of Ascension in one hour, but now only 0.22% of Ascension in one hour, which is directly reduced by half!

This made Xu Sheng laugh bitterly.

“Or I was too naive, thinking that the previous rate of improvement could be maintained without much reduction.”

Obviously below 10% and above 10 are two completely different worlds.

It also verified the previous two-stage idea.With this trend, 11% is definitely hopeless.

Another hour passed. This time, the Ascension rate was even smaller, only 0.19%. At this time, Xu Sheng’s understanding of the law reached 10.41%.

When all the time was used up, Xu Sheng’s law comprehension reached 10.56%.

Although it is far from the goal of 11%, it can be considered to have completed the initial goal.

Gao Sheng, who has been injecting Xu Sheng Ascension, couldn’t help but whispered: “At this time, it exceeded 10%. The requirements of the special training program have been met. The school can lose a lot this time~”

Of course, what he said was just a joke. The sooner Xu Sheng meets the standards, the better he is, and he will be able to help the school more in the future. It is definitely a good thing to have a long-term vision.

Naturally, Xu Sheng did not forget this. It is December 13th. According to the school’s plan, this semester ends on January 31st, which means that he has advanced forty-eight days, according to 10,000 per day. In terms of credits, it is 480,000 credits.

There is also a basic reward of 100,000, which adds up to 580,000!

This is no less than the credits he got this time, and he can stay in the Tower of Laws for ten hours.

But what surprised Xu Sheng was that when he was thinking about going out to find the Old Sage, the wrist ring vibrated, and it turned out to be a message from the Old Sage.

“Could it be…” There was a possibility in his mind.

“I already know that your comprehension of the law has exceeded 10%. According to the standard of the previous special training program, the school now rewards you with 580,000 credits. The credits have been credited to your card. You can continue to comprehend in the law tower. The law.”

There was joy on Xu Sheng’s face. Naturally, he didn’t wonder how the true sage knew the comprehension of own law. It was too normal to be able to do some things at that level.

Gao Sheng, who was watching silently, saw Xu Sheng’s mouth twitching as he continued to comprehend the law, and subconsciously looked at the new spar next to him. He originally thought that after Xu Sheng was gone, he would be able to support a period of time, but now it seems I guess I can’t even survive today…

The new 580,000 credits will allow Xu Sheng to stay on this fourth floor for nearly ten hours.

Compared with yesterday’s situation, he can’t use it all at once. It needs to be divided into two parts to use a little today, and come back tomorrow.

He divided the two parts into three hours and six hours and forty minutes.

After three hours, his law comprehension finally achieved his wish by more than 11%, reaching 11.01%!

This made Xu Sheng feel very happy all night after returning to the dormitory, and the eyes of those people in his Minor World also added a little more kindness.

Continue to Ascension the next day.

Xu Sheng has fallen into a desperate state.

During this process, both Xiao Feng and Su Linrui sent messages, but Xu Sheng really didn’t have time to allocate more time for them, so they could only hurriedly parted after eating together in the cafeteria.

“It’s the last day, I don’t know how much Ascension can still understand the law.”

Xu Sheng now dare not take it for granted to estimate the Ascension degree of own law, the only thing he can do is not waste any credits as much as possible.

Three hours later, Xu Sheng’s law comprehension reached 11.39%.

After another three hours, his law comprehension reached 11.73%.

In the last forty minutes of sprinting, Xu Sheng comprehended the law of own in Hong Tao to 11.80%!

Now he is only 0.2% away from the average of 12% for sophomores!

It can almost be said that he has caught up with the standard level of a sophomore!

“After so long, I finally caught up!”

On the fourth floor of the Law Tower, Xu Sheng opened his closed eyes, and his eyes revealed a little excitement that was rare!

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