Global Sage Era

Chapter 317

Chapter 313: Evil Cultivation Is Growing!

“It feels like it’s not peaceful these days.”

“You mean the death of the east side the day before yesterday?”

“Who said no, I heard… it’s haunted!”

In a teahouse, three Practitioners are whispering.

When the people next to them heard their words, their expressions changed slightly. They also heard about this, which can be said to be very wicked.

There are many Practitioners in this teahouse. There are always thirty or fifty people in Zero Zero, and the aura on their bodies varies in strength, including Qi Sea realm and Martial Master.

Today’s Huntuo people, Qi Sea realm can only be regarded as ordinary people. They don’t need much cultivation at all. As long as they grow naturally, they can have such strength in adulthood.

The degree of difficulty is probably on the earth, as an adult has a hundred kilograms of strength, and it has long become an inherent attribute of the Huntuo race.

Talking about haunting is naturally nonsense. For Minor World, Xu Sheng is Heavenly Dao, and things that he does not allow will never appear here.

It’s like Heavenly Tribulation where the cultivator is extremely fearless in many worlds, and it hasn’t existed at all since then.

Depending on the world, some cultivators in the world will have Heavenly Tribulation in the Transcends Tribulation phase, and some will have Heavenly Tribulation early in the Nascent Soul phase.

It is largely related to the intensity of the world.

According to a consistent statement after all, cultivator is the source of ingesting the world, and the growth of cultivator is essentially seizing the source of the world. If there are more cultivators, the world will be less.

Therefore, in order to avoid too much loss of own origin, many weaker worlds will restrict cultivator at a very early stage, and in these worlds, cultivator will also practice own as ‘heaven-defying’.

In essence, this statement is not wrong. If the world is also regarded as a living body, the cultivator seems to be a cancerous transformation of a cell in one’s own body. Apart from plundering its own nutrition, it will not do any good to oneself.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the world is naturally not a living body, it is ignorant, so it can plunder resources without psychological pressure, and all purpose is to grow one’s own.

But for people at Xu Sheng’s level, the world has truly become a living body. Instead, the intelligent race in Life has turned into cancerous cells, which is harmful and unhelpful to them.

However, the Huntuo tribe didn’t mean this to him at all.

He is from a completely different perspective from those worlds.

For him, the growth of Huntuo cultivator is equivalent to conceiving a descendant. The stronger the descendant grows, the happier he is.

Naturally, his ‘nutrition’ in the process of growing up is also a kind of predation, but the most important thing is that Xu Sheng is also growing up. Compared with his growth, the nutrition distributed to his people is negligible.

But is there a day when his subjects are too powerful and he needs to restrict them?

The answer is yes.

The growth rate of the subject is positively correlated with his growth rate, but the difference is that although his start is high, his growth is linear, and the subject’s start is low, but the growth is exponential.

When the two lines intersect for the first time, it is when he is under pressure. At a certain time, he will no longer be able to continue to support the endless demands of the people, and they need to limit their growth.

This is an inevitable law of development, an iron law written in teaching materials, even Sage has no way to change this situation.

Xu Sheng’s gaze left the restaurant and shifted to a mountain forest dozens of miles away, and a chill gradually appeared in his eyes.

“Unexpectedly, there will be crooked ways among my people so early!”He has been trying his best to avoid this, and there is no similar method in the inheritance left.

But the wisdom of the human race is always infinite, even if he takes precautions, such people still appear.

There was no chance in the Huntuo tribe before. They hide it better, even Xu Sheng didn’t find it. After all, there are so many Huntuo tribes and there are more than 10,000 cultivators, although he can perceive their thoughts. , It is impossible to perceive everyone’s thoughts all the time, it is unrealistic and unnecessary.

Now that the Sects have left the Huntuo tribe, these people have also found opportunities, and after they have come out, they will quickly Ascension their own strength.

The reason why crooked ways cannot be cut off is entirely because their ascension speed is too fast compared to the orthodox cultivation method.

There are also many reasons for it. It may be limited to aptitude, it may be from ridicule, it may be from madness…

But the general is okay. Xu Sheng can still bear it if Human Race is not involved, but the one that appears right now has touched his bottom line-the so-called “ghost” is actually ordinary people refined by some cultivator using special methods. soul!

They abducted ordinary people, then used special methods to concoct them, and finally pulled their souls away in their pain and wailing, turning them into a kind of little ghost, which can increase the speed of own cultivation and increase their power in battle. To practice the Cultivation Technique step by step, this speed is simply not the same.

Some people adhere to the theory of goodness of nature, and some people adhere to the theory of evil of nature. However, in the current mainstream view of the earth, there is no relative deviation, only absolute chaos.

A chaos, naturally any situation may appear.

Some people are good by nature, and some are evil by nature.

While some are not good enough, they may become evil due to the external environment; some are evil and weak, they may experience dutiful temptation to embark on the right path.

So Xu Sheng was not surprised by the appearance of such a person, but being not surprised does not mean that he is not angry.

But he still didn’t make a move.

Because his shots could not make the entire Huntuo race realize the seriousness of the problem, he just left clues for the Practitioner to find more clues.

As he wished, during an inspection half a month later, a Wu Ying Dzogchen inspector grabbed the tail of this evil repair.

After checking the corresponding situation, he immediately became furious.

“Bold cultivator, dare to kill the people of Dahuang, looking for death!”

People who can serve as inspectors are generally jealous and hateful. They walk around the entire state, and they will immediately take action when something unfair occurs. They have the greatest credit for the stability of Dahuang.

“No, I was found!”

This cultivator is just a small cultivator who has just entered the Foundation Building. There is no possibility of victory when encountering a Wu Ying Dzogchen, so he turned around and fled without hesitation.

“Where to escape!”

Wu Ying Dzogchen is equivalent to the Gold Core cultivator, how can a mere Foundation Building escape under his nose?

This Foundation Building Xie Xiu is strictly speaking a disciple of Wang Fan’s disciple, but Wang Fan noticed his misconduct a dozen years ago and has expelled him from the house.

It’s just that Wang Fan didn’t expect that this person would make evil ways in the morning, and just a few days after leaving the Huntuo tribe, he couldn’t wait to refine his life and soul. If he knew about this, he would probably immediately Regrettably, why didn’t a palm kill this animal?


With a miserable cry, Hun and Po, who had been made into a ghost by this evil cultivation, burst open, and the power they produced forced the inspectors to retreat.

This made the inspector look ugly, and at the same time horrified the power of this little devil in his heart, but as long as he thought that it was made from the human soul, he would want to cramp the cultivator in front of him.

In fact, collisions between Practitioner and cultivator rarely occur.

If it is Practitioner and Practitioner, or cultivator and cultivator, the huge gap between Foundation Building and Gold Core will bring the battle to an end quickly.

But now the Practitioner is facing the cultivator, so the inspector quickly feels bored.

“I knew that the cultivator’s methods were complicated, but I didn’t expect it to be so troublesome.”

Whenever he wanted to catch the evil cultivator in front of him, the other party would use some means he hadn’t expected to break his own restraint, which made his heart extremely irritable.

As soon as the two chased and fled, they quickly fled from this state to a neighboring state. After such a long distance, the Spirit Power of evil repair was exhausted. Even if he had been taking Medicine Pill, there was no way to change this result.

“Am I going to die here? No, I haven’t got a glimpse of the highway yet!”

The Foundation Building Xie Xiu has a hideous look on his face, and he crazily wants to get rid of this situation.

But with the appearance of a big hand covering the sky, he was severely slapped into the ground, and then when his body hurt, he felt that he was being lifted up.

“Boy, you dare to hurt people’s lives, I think you are tired of living.”

There was still an angry look on the inspector’s face, thinking that it took him so long to catch a Foundation Building cultivator. If this matter was known to his colleagues, he would definitely be ridiculed.

But this guy was finally caught, and the next thing waiting for him was Da Huang’s trial that belonged to them!

He didn’t have the idea of ​​putting him to death directly. Although he had this right as an inspector, he knew that this matter was not trivial. The best thing he should do is to report the matter, and finally let the sage decide.

A few days later, Kuang Yuan, who was far in the imperial city of Tongtian City, learned of this.

“Such a thing happened!”

He was furious. In order to make the people live and work in peace, he can be said to be conscientious, but at this time, there is a cultivator who dares to do such an angry and grieving thing, which is simply risking the world.

Almost immediately, instructions were to be given to the inspector who caught the evil repairer to execute him on the spot.

But just as he was about to write, Kuang Yuan’s hand stopped, and then he sighed and sent a message to Yin.

After all, it is related to the cultivator. Killing people silently will still affect the emotions there.

In the Huntuo tribe, Yin was cultivating, but he suddenly received news from Kuang Yuan. At first, there was a chuckle on his face, thinking that there was something to ask his own opinion.

But as the news finished, his face became gloomy.

The next moment, his figure is a cultivator from the Huntuo tribe, and when he reappears, he has already come out of the tribe.

After almost a dozen breaths of news from Kuangyuan, Yin appeared in the palace.

Kuang Yuan had no surprises about this.

With the Cultivation Base of the two of them, it only takes so little time to cross the distance between Tongtian City and Huntuo Tribe.

“Where is the person?”

Yin calmly looked at Kuang Yuan.

However, Kuang Yuan saw the waves brewing under the face like Pinghu.

“Yongzhou in the south.”

“You and I will move forward together. The impact of this incident is too great, and I am worried that this is not an isolated case.”


After a brief exchange of opinions, the two disappeared from the palace together.

A few minutes later, when the servant was preparing to come in and report, he was puzzled to find that the Lord had disappeared.

There was helplessness on his face…Why did the saint leave the palace without confessing?

The two arrived in Yongzhou to the south in a short time.

Here they saw the inspector and the captured evil repairer.

Although this evil cultivator was caught, his expression didn’t show much fear. In his heart, it was nothing but death.

But at this moment, two powerful and familiar auras appeared in his induction, making him subconsciously look up.

Then what caught his eyes were two faces that had appeared in his mind countless times.

Big… Elder and the Lord Dahuang!

It has been only a few decades since he was born, so he has not experienced the time when Kuang Yuan was the elder of the big clan, so Kuang Yuan didn’t have much special in his heart.

The reason why he can remember so clearly is simply because the rumors he heard since he was a child are that the outside Dahuang Country is stronger than Elder.

This gave him a great impact on his mind when he was still young. In his mind, the cultivator should be the strongest, but why a Practitioner can be stronger than a cultivator.

He couldn’t figure it out, but some strange ideas emerged at that time, such as experimenting with Practitioners and trying to use them to Ascension own cultivation speed.

Not long ago, he finally had this opportunity, and he really did it.

There was helplessness on his face…Why did the saint leave the palace without confessing?

The two arrived in Yongzhou to the south in a short time.

Here they saw the inspector and the captured evil repairer.

Although this evil cultivator was caught, his expression didn’t show much fear. In his heart, it was nothing but death.

But at this moment, two powerful and familiar breaths appeared in his induction, making him subconsciously look up.

Then what caught his eyes were two faces that had appeared in his mind countless times.

Big… Elder and the Lord Dahuang!

It has been only a few decades since he was born, so he has not experienced the time when Kuang Yuan was the elder of the big clan, so Kuang Yuan didn’t have much special in his heart.

The reason why he can remember so clearly is simply because the rumors he heard since he was a child are that the outside Dahuang Country is stronger than Elder.

This gave him a great impact on his mind when he was still young. In his mind, the cultivator should be the strongest, but why a Practitioner can be stronger than a cultivator.

He couldn’t figure it out, but some strange ideas emerged at that time, such as experimenting with Practitioners and trying to use them to Ascension own cultivation speed.

Not long ago, he finally had this opportunity, and he really did it.

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