Global Sage Era

Chapter 328

Chapter 324 Condensed Crown, Becomes Martial King!

One after another, the confused clan was killed, but the damage on the Qianjing University side was very few.

Twenty years have passed, and the battle damage on both sides is not at the same level at all. Even if it has an absolute advantage in quantity, the Huoxin Race knows that this situation can no longer continue.

They began to change their strategies and wanted to use other methods to reduce the close combat loss ratio. As long as the casualties of Ganjing University could increase, that would be an absolute good thing for them.

Even if it is a hundred for one, it is acceptable to them, because under such circumstances they can see the possibility of victory.

But now with this trend, when their entire race is wiped out, there will be very few casualties on the Ganjing University side.

And from the perspective of Realm, the overall strength may increase to a certain extent.

The existence of the puzzle heart tribe is just a stepping stone for the human race of Damn it, just an object to increase their experience and strength.

This result is not acceptable to any confused mind race, even those who have not fully developed their wisdom, have perceived this change in the dimness, so they also began to become angry.

To some extent, this anger accelerated the gathering of their wisdom. If left in a normal state, this is a good thing, but now that the genocide is now, it can’t change any battle situation. The final result is just a fleeting moment before death.

The hinterland of the Huoxin Clan is very large, and what now appears in front of the teachers and students of Qianjing University is empty, but this does not mean that the Huoxin Clan has no ability to change, but this state is the most suitable Ascension for their strength.

At first, they thought that such a terrain would help give full play to the quantitative advantage, but when they knew that the quantitative advantage didn’t work, one after another special area was generated from the edge.

These special areas separate the human race and become scattered small battlefields.

Since the method of all-out war did not gain an advantage, then the strategy of splitting and striking was adopted to mobilize more strength to deal with one or several targets.

This way of destroying them one by one will naturally not be accepted by the human Sages.

So Peng Yuanshang snorted behind him and waved his big hand, all the students who were being divided moved away.

See tricks and dismantle tricks.

This is a competition of means belonging to the true sage level. Twenty years is too unworthy for them. They are not even temptation to each other, even if thousands of worlds have died out, but this is for the totality. The strength has no effect.

Twenty years is not a short time for ordinary races, even for Martial Spirit Dzogchen. In terms of their millennium lifespan, this is equivalent to one to two years for ordinary people.

Kuang Yuan’s Closed Door Training until now, Da Huang, because of Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng’s command, everything is in order.

But Dahuang is still just the state of the country after all, and it can’t bear the disappearance of the country’s lord for such a long time.

The country cannot be left alone, even if Dahuang is a country of Practitioner, it will not be able to operate independently.

Only those fortunes can make this process last a little longer, but the limit is a hundred years.

Therefore, Dahuang now has some voices in the country. Some powerful Practitioners who are powerful and have ambitions stimulated by their position have begun to move some crooked thoughts.

There are even rumors that the leader of the country failed in breakthrough and is now dead.

Xuan Yi was naturally furious after learning the news.

“Check it out for me, and be sure to catch all the people who spread the news!”

The people who posted such news had a bad heart. They expected something like this to happen, but they didn’t expect it to happen so early.

It didn’t take long for the inspector to catch some people back, and then they resorted to means to tell them everything, and there was an uproar right away.

Needless to say, the final result of these people was beheaded under the gaze of the people.

But only a few days after Ansheng, this kind of news reappeared.

This time, even though the inspections tried their best, they still couldn’t get everyone up like the last time.

“It’s already at the limit. It’s not how smart those people are. It’s because there are too many people walking the news. Too many people are starting to swell their ambitions, coveting that position.” Xuan Zheng’s face is still young, but his eyes are He was as sharp as an eagle, and at the same time a wise light was flashing. In terms of the position of commander alone, he was much stronger than Xuan Yi, only under Kuang Yuan.

“Damn all these people!”

Why doesn’t Xuan Yi know this truth?

It’s simply that he doesn’t want to accept it in his heart.

Those who dare to covet that position are all good Cultivation Base, let alone Wu Ying, most of them are the middle stage of Martial Spirit, most of these people are familiar with him, and many have even had a relationship with him.

But time is always ruthless, and the feelings between each other gradually changed after the country was established, and now those people have ignored the old feelings.

You have to know how much the Master puts into these people. Even many people have received the guidance of the Master. Without the Master, they would not be where they are today.

In a corner no one knew, he had suffered and struggled, but in the end he gave the order to beheaded.

Although Xu Sheng spent most of his time dealing with the Huoxin Clan, he still noticed the changes in Dahuang now under some of his consciousness.

His heart already knows that it is those people who are walking the rumors, but he has no way to take action, because from his point of view, these people are an important part of his own strength. Those people were put to death, this is undoubtedly breaking their arms.

Therefore, in such a scene, he can only open one eye and close one eye, and what he can do is no different from those of the saintly path.

If the students of Shengxingluzi encounter such a situation, they will definitely only ensure that their own strength is not damaged. After that, it does not affect who will be the master of the country. Anyway, the emotional impact on them is very small, and they don’t care about these things.

From a certain point of view, Xu Sheng’s current approach is also selfish, because he wants to cultivate Kuang Yuan, he has always tilted resources, and even cut off the path of others, so he can also understand why these people have changed so much. Big.

If it weren’t for the troublesome clan in front, he would even let them do it, even if the country split up.

As the saying goes, the world will be divided for a long time and must be united for a long time.

Both divisions and mergers are inevitable in the course of history.

But in addition to bad things, there are also happy things.

He turned his gaze to Kuang Yuan’s Closed Door Training, more or less comforting in his heart.

It is precisely because of Kuang Yuan’s practice of “hands away the shopkeeper” that Da Huang has the current turbulence, but after paying such a big price, his gains are also very impressive. Now his spirit body has a tendency to condense toward the crown. .

There is no doubt that Kuang Yuan is taking the last step and is heading for Martial King Realm!

Martial King, in terms of combat power, is completely equivalent to transforming gods.

It can be said that Martial King Realm is the watershed of Practitioner’s combat power.

Starting from this Realm, the Practitioner and the cultivator will go hand in hand. In terms of the richness of the means, the Practitioner is not as good as the cultivator, but in terms of pure attack power, physical defense and recovery speed, the cultivator cannot catch up with the Martial King.

Will the lack of arms and legs of the cultivator affect Realm’s ascending in the future? Need a superb elixir to recover?

Practitioner doesn’t exist, let alone rebirth from a severed limb, even rebirth from a drop of blood is not a dream.

Martial King’s crown of kings has endless magical uses. As long as the crown of kings is used, it is equivalent to the strength of Martial King. At that time, it is like being added with a comprehensive buff. The strength of Ascension will almost shock everyone.

At this time, Kuang Yuan had no time concept in his mind.

Generally speaking, Practitioner advances faster than cultivator, but in Martial Spirit Dzogchen advancement to Martial King, it is no faster than cultivator. They also need decades of time at every turn.

He naturally didn’t know everything about the outside world now, and didn’t know that because of his long disappearance, many people were already paying attention to his position.

But even if he knows it, he may not care too much, because the position of the country leader is somewhat helpful to him, but it is more that his energy is scattered. If it were not for the development of Dahuang, he estimated that it would be decades earlier. That’s where it is now.

But others don’t know, it’s always good not to belong to own.

The people below only saw the scenery of this Realm. In their hearts, it represents absolute rights. More than 100 million people are under the command of own. In addition to the ancestors, the words of own are absolute gods.

At a certain moment, it seemed to have reached a critical point.

Kuang Yuan, who was in a state of no joy and no sadness, suddenly opened his eyes.

The next moment Spirit Power burst out all over his body, the spirit body on his body disappeared, and a crowned incorporeal body appeared on top of his head.

There is a thunder mark on this crown, and there are also various strange runes, simple and unpretentious, but it makes people unable to look away after a glance.

With the appearance of the phantom of the crown, Kuang Yuan’s strength, which has not changed for a long time, began to be in the state of Ascension again.

It started at a very slow speed, like hot water heating up, but after a while, the speed began to explode. In a very short time, Kuang Yuan’s strength has more than doubled ascension!

But this is still just a prelude.

The strength of Martial King Realm is more than twice that of Martial Spirit Dzogchen?

This is a qualitative gap, and it is a change that can directly promote the upgrade of the world!

In the entire universe, both the Nascent Soul and the Transcendent level in Minor World are a great watershed.

In many Little Thousand Worlds, the world where the God of Transformation lives is no longer ‘The Mortal Realm’, it has become the ‘Spirit Realm’!

To put it more directly, you have already entered the middle world from the elementary world!

Kuang Yuan’s golden luck seemed to have no effect in this promotion, but Xu Sheng knew it was not!

But anyway, when eight months have passed, Kuang Yuan’s breath has completely entered the next Realm.

Martial King, success!

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