Global Sage Era

Chapter 333

Chapter 329: Yin and Kuang Yuan’s Performance Show

The first tentative encounter between the two sides directly destroyed all the terrain within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

Mountains, rivers, canyons…

No matter what kind of terrain, there is no difference in front of this level of battle.

Although Yin and Kuangyuan have joined forces for the first time since entering the new Realm, the last time they joined forces with the enemy dates back to nearly a hundred years ago, but there is no strangeness, and the tacit understanding of the cooperation between the two has reached the extreme.

Two to fifteen.

It is an absolute disadvantage in terms of quantity. It belongs to the intelligent life side of the light particle world. Although they temporarily put aside the fight and gather all their strengths together, this kind of gathering is not harmonious. Yin and Kuangyuan can be found very easily. Where there are mistakes and omissions, only a small amount of power is needed to smash the opposing offensive.

After coming down several times, the confused mind race who had been observing the situation below was furious. If it hadn’t been for now, it would still be useful to keep these mundane lives. According to its usual practice, it had already used some means to kill them.

The ordinary races below are fighting, and the battles belonging to Xu Sheng and Huoxin race outside the world are also continuing.

The battle between the two seemed very tepid, at least there was no violent movement from the surface, even if it was too quiet compared to the battlefield of other people next to it.

But no one knew that under this abnormal quietness, Xu Sheng had already been fighting against the opponent’s Confusion Clan.

His current law comprehension is still some distance away from 15%. Although his overall strength surpasses the opponent, if he only competes with the law comprehension, this is equivalent to short-playing others with his own strength and has a great disadvantage.

But Xu Sheng’s ability is to stabilize the situation even if his own strength is not as good as the opponent.

His origin is water, and what he comprehends is the law of protection. If he wants to defend himself, he is an opponent with a higher degree of law comprehension, and there is nothing to do with him in a short time.

The Huntuo human race can take advantage of this time to kill all the lives in the opponent’s world, and finally win the battle.

Xu Sheng’s set of tactics had already been fully practiced when he was in the Lingyuan World Group, so sitting up at this time was considered a familiarity.

The Huoxin Clan on the opposite side knew this truth and wanted to try their best to restore the situation, but the more it wanted to do, the more Xu Sheng had to stop it.

After more than half of the first year, with the rapid decline of a breath, a high-level combat power belonging to the Confusion Clan had already died.

From two to fifteen to two to fourteen.

The pressure on Yin and Kuangyuan suddenly dropped.

It was like an omen. When the first opponent was directly killed by them at the right time, it was only more than a month before the second opponent was jointly destroyed by them.

Sometimes the two fight separately and sometimes join hands to fend off the enemy. It can be said that the art of cooperation is displayed vividly in both of them.

The intelligent beings in the light particle world did not have such a degree of cooperation. Yin and Kuangyuan were already superior in strength, and now they have exerted an effect of one plus one greater than two, and the scale of victory quickly tilted towards them.

After the second opponent, the third one was wiped out in only seventeen days. At this time, there were only twelve opponents.

The three opponents that have been eliminated are not all the weakest as others thought. Two of them are at the middle stage of the gods. Their strength is extremely strong, but even if they are strong, they can cooperate with them. In front of Kuangyuan, it was only the points that were beheaded. At this time, the gap between the huge incarnation early stage and the middle stage seemed to become insignificant, and the two could be’equalized’.

The dominance of the high-level combat power makes the people below have more fighting spirit. The Huntuo tribe, who was in the active position on the front battlefield, attacked more fiercely. The clusters of hundreds of thousands of Qi Sea realm Practitioners simply cannot be resisted by the opponent. , Huntuo Practitioner is like an invincible arrow, wherever it passes, all life is turned into powder.

The intensity of the war between the two sides is still intensifying. The Light Particle World can be said to be a last-minute fight. If they can’t win the battle, then only Death is waiting for them.

In terms of fighting will, the Huntuo human race is not as good as the other side.

But we can never underestimate the human race’s thirst for resources. When you taste the benefits of plundering resources, Huntuo Practitioner and Huntuo cultivator will not let go of the fat.

Everyone has a scale in his heart. If he can take advantage of this battle, he will have the opportunity to surpass other people, so that he is more likely to see a higher landscape.

Chao Wen Dao Xi can die.

Seeking Tao, whether it’s Martial Dao or practicing Taoism, it is the same.

In order to appreciate the scenery of the avenue, even the power bursting out at the time of life and death is not as good.

Three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In the universe, Xu Sheng has completely entered the defensive position. The 15% level of law comprehension is too strong. Although he is considered to be powerful, in this respect, there is no way to leapfrog like his subjects.

The understanding of the law of every percentage point is a real gap, and this gap cannot be made up. In the past 100 years of history, there have not been a few Human Races that can break this iron law.

The Ascension of every point of law comprehension is converted into an Ascension that is more than double the strength.

Because of the higher laws of the ancestors, the people will have a faster comprehension and cultivation speed, so they can enter the higher Realm faster.

Law comprehension can be said to be a hard target in every university. Many advanced tasks have requirements for law comprehension, and only a certain level can be accepted.

If Xu Sheng’s comprehension of the law does not meet the requirements, even if the strength of his own people has exceeded the average by many times, he can only sigh in the end.

But your own failure does not mean that you are at a disadvantage.

In Minor World, the Huntuo race has already achieved an absolute advantage. There is no intelligent life in the light particle world, and only the stronger ones or the stronger escape and hiding ability are still supported.

In terms of high-end combat power, Yin and Kuangyuan have also cleaned up 14 goals except for the most powerful opponent.

At this time, the two of them suffered a lot of injuries after fighting for so long, and only a small part of their Spirit Power remained.

However, the opponents in the late stage of the gods are not doing well. If they are in full prosperity, one of Yin and Kuangyuan can be its opponent. Now it is only with the consumption of the previous fourteen companions that it can barely make it. Persevere till now.

Even if Yin and Kuangyuan are almost exhausted now, they still don’t have the idea of ​​giving each other a chance.

Their Spiritual Sense spread out, and you can feel that many powerful practitioners and cultivators are focusing on them. Those people want to see them kill the opponent in front of them. This means that the Huntuo people are in this battle. A total victory was achieved!


Kuang Yuan sent a consciousness to Yin, and then raised his last strength to kill the opponent.

His approach seemed very reckless, and only his character would do it. If it is someone else, he must take the opportunity to regain some strength at this time, otherwise his own life may be in danger.

“I really can’t do anything with you.”

Yin’s current strength did not have much left. According to his thoughts, he was slowly trying to figure it out, but Kuang Yuan, this kid, could not watch the show behind him. In terms of the remaining strength, the opponent would be slightly more than them.

The infinite thunder appeared above, and the power belonging to the thunder Practitioner appeared on Kuang Yuan. His crown was entwined with purple thunder and lightning. Under the thunder and lightning, he was as mighty as a god!

In terms of appearance, even Yin is not as good as him.

The Practitioners who watched are also dazzled, and they also want to arrive at such a Practitioner Realm!

The cultivators still have that complicated mood, but now that time has passed for so long, they have gradually accepted it in their hearts.

Kuang Yuan attacked first, almost in the form of an injury. The injury that was originally not minor was even worse.

But after Kuang Yuan joined, the situation quickly changed, and the two pressed each other to fight.

Finally, one day three months later, with a balloon explosion, this last and most powerful opponent was wiped out.

After it died, the mortal beings who were still stubbornly resisted completely gave up their resistance, and they fled in the world of light particles.

For these beings, the Huntuo race did not spend energy to find them out.

The battle has now been able to confirm victory.

It can be said that this battle is a performance show by Yin and Kuangyuan.

Two against fifteen and victory in a battle, this is an extremely remarkable result.

If you change to be someone else’s people, even if your ancestors do their utmost support under such a Realm, it is impossible to achieve this step.

It can only be said that the Huntuo people are too good.

Xu Sheng felt completely relieved after seeing this scene.

On the opposite side, the Huoxin Clan’s momentum plummeted, and the situation that had been pressing Xu Sheng’s fight was suddenly reversed. After several trials, Xu Sheng had turned from defense to offense.

Three years have passed in a blink of an eye.

This puzzled clan was finally beheaded by Xu Sheng in the face-to-face confrontation.

It took nearly ten years to eliminate this opponent Xu Sheng, but the final result was not bad.

The Huntuo race brought back a large amount of resources from the world of light particles, and even those opponents at the level of god transformation are very important cultivation treasures, whether it is pill refining or refining tools, they have very important effects.

With loud cheers, the battle came to an end.

Xu Sheng’s incense value has also increased again, and now his Sage interface, the number in the incense column has exceeded 950!

Moving forward steadily towards Three Thousand.

In Minor World, there are resources everywhere. Xu Sheng and Su Rian watched them move, but now they still have a lot of impact in their sight.

“It’s a tough opponent.”

Xu Sheng watched the magnetic field of the confused heart gradually disappear, and he was also very emotional in his heart.

But at the same time there is also a kind of proof of own joy.

It is undoubtedly a milestone to be able to leapfrog and defeat an opponent with a 15% comprehension level!

It proves that own strength has reached a new height!

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