Global Sage Era

Chapter 339

Chapter 335-Breakthrough

What is the concept of hundreds of billions?

Even if it is ants, 100 billion ants can be put together to the end of the line of sight.

And the hundreds of billions of alien races now appearing in front of the Huntuo race, the smallest ones are almost the same as the races.

From a distance, one can often see a creature that is dozens of times or hundreds of times taller than the surrounding area in a small area!

These creatures are smart enough!

When they saw Huntuo Practitioner, their eyes were bloodthirsty and excited.

“Just ahead, crush those little bugs!”

The strange roar came out. This is the universal language in a certain light particle world. This light particle world belongs to the confused mind tribe with 15% law comprehension. The intelligent life in it is not unified. Light is in this world, wisdom There are hundreds of lives.

In addition to these hundreds of intelligent beings, there are also various unintelligent beasts being domesticated by them. At this time, they were brought into the Minor World together. As an important part of their combat power, they formed a huge impact on the ancestors of the Huntuo people. pressure.

There are invading forces in all five directions at the same time.

Three hundred miles, two hundred miles, one hundred miles.

When the distance between each other was only a hundred miles, a light voice suddenly resounded in the sky.


In an instant, the breath of nearly 30,000 cultivators came out, and everyone was running the magic tricks, releasing long-range attack methods.

Although it is such a critical juncture, the curiosity of human beings has not disappeared. The Practitioners of Huntuo subconsciously look to the sky, which is where the cultivators are located.

Even if they don’t know who those figures are, they can still be distinguished by the least strength, especially the one standing at the forefront is no stranger to them, that is the big Elder of their Huntuo human race!

He is also the closest person to the entire Huntuo tribe!

Even the lord of the country has learned from him, and he is a well-deserved goddess of family determination!

Yin’s gaze fell on those powerful people in the distance.

This time the five worlds invaded at the same time, and he felt no less than fifty auras at the level of transformation!

Although most of them are in the early stage, it is difficult to handle such a large number even if he and Kuang Yuan join forces.

But he can’t give up.

He glanced at those looking up at own Practitioner, or it would be better if they were ordinary people.

Most of these people are peace-loving. They don’t participate in all kinds of struggles by nature, especially the female tribesmen, they are both family husbands and children, but now they are forced to experience such a scene.

Maybe this is Samsara.

He sighed in his heart, the Huntuo human race has invaded so many worlds, and he also knows that one day the Huntuo human race will in turn become the invaded party, just like it was a thousand years ago.

But he has never regretted it. The reason why the Huntuo race can grow to the present level is precisely because of the invaded world resources.

The resources in Minor World are too scarce. Even though the ancestors often shot, they still cannot allow the Huntuo race to grow quickly.

So for the future generations of Wu You, even if his hands are stained with blood, what about sin?

However, this kind of thinking is still in the minority after all. The cultivator is not a great monk and does not have so much kindness. Practice is originally the way of heaven-defying.

The cultivator does not need to be kind, what the cultivator needs is only the understanding of the avenue.

Nearly 30,000 cultivator’s ranged spells fell, immediately killing tens of millions of aliens.

Ordinary Qi training period, Foundation Building period, the cultivator has limited damage ability and does not cause many casualties to the enemy, but the Gold Core period and the Nascent Soul period are different.

Even if it is just a casual attack, the Gold Core phase can easily kill tens of thousands of enemies. The Nascent Soul phase is even more exaggerated. They have the power to move mountains and seas. When the spell is used, the world changes color, and the enemy is directly killed in million units.

“Start the second wave.”

The cultivator’s breath adjustment time is not long, as long as there is remaining power, only a short period of time can be adjusted to cast the spell again.

This is much better than those magicians in the West. Those low-level magicians have to resonate with the elements in the air if they want to use magic, which will take a lot of time.

And too frequent use of magic will reduce the elements in the air, and the power of magic will be reduced accordingly.

The cultivator is different. It uses its own power. After a special arrangement, the cultivator can exert tremendous power.

A power system such as cultivator will never appear in races like the mind-blowing tribe, so these intelligent beings have never seen the profession of cultivator, and of course they don’t know anything about the power of cultivator.

Although the first wave of attacks killed tens of millions of alien races, it was equivalent to less than one-thousandth of the total number, and the alien race did not respond at all.

In their thoughts, the second wave of offensive came again.

When seeing the second wave of attacks whose power has not diminished at all, many of the bloodthirsty in intelligent life finally faded, and fear emerged, but before they could react, the spell attack had already fallen on the head, as the eyes Becoming dark, they fell into eternal silence with their surrounding companions.

It is not only intelligent beings who are afraid, but the beasts brought by them also feel the fear, even because of their more sensitive instincts, they are even more affected.

Under such circumstances, the aggressive alien offensive was frustrated.

In this frustrated time, there is enough time for the cultivators to issue another round of attacks.

During the Qi training period, the cultivators can only use own master spells four times and five times, so when the number of aliens lost reaches 500 million, the Spiritual Qi in their bodies is completely empty.

Although they were unwilling, they could only retreat to the Lotus Position and use meditation to speed up the recovery of Spirit Power. In addition to meditation, each of them took Medicine Pill that regained their breath, which could greatly reduce the recovery. time.

During the Foundation Building period, the cultivator can use a dozen spells.

At this time, the spells used are naturally powerful, so even the Nascent Soul cultivator cannot use the spells endlessly. The Nascent Soul spell consumes the giant Spirit Power, even if they squeeze the last drop of Spiritual Qi in their body, But the powerful spells can only be used seven or eight times, which is inferior to the Foundation Building cultivator and Gold Core cultivator.

As the only cultivator of God, Yin would naturally not take action at this time. When he waved his sleeves, the situation changed suddenly.

At the same time, the rhythm of the entire Minor World fluctuates with him, as if the entire world is cooperating with him.

This is home court advantage.

And to reach this point, Xu Sheng’s help was naturally behind.

Although Xu Sheng’s body was dragged down now, a trace of his mind still allowed him to know the current situation of the Huntuo human race, and to use this trace of mind to arrange means.

Although these methods are not very strong, and it is even difficult to lower the original value, but under the defensive situation of the Huntuo human race, they can also help a lot.

Just as Yin now has the help of the whole world, his strength has suddenly increased.

After his first spell fell, the scope of it had almost reached one side.

At this moment, more than hundreds of millions of alien races have died?

Just like the horrible situation, almost all the alien races stopped in fear, and a stampede was also caused afterwards, and hundreds of thousands of aliens died in this stampede.

It is also hard to imagine how the powerful transgender level of the alien race used such a method.

Each of them is an absolute powerhouse in the own world, invincible for hundreds of thousands of years.

But now, when he followed the instructions of the world and came to this small world, he found an opponent whose strength far exceeded his own.

Although this opponent is far away from Magotan, they have already felt the possibility of Death.

If they go up individually, they know that the probability of their survival is very low. It is just an instinctive induction that can naturally be born out of being able to live for hundreds of thousands of years.

These more than fifty powerhouses at the level of transforming gods are communicating with each other.

They are all commanding the ordinary aliens below, and they are hesitating at this time.

They felt two strong breaths in total. Who will pass by?

Although Xu Sheng was invaded this time, it was not without any benefit.

These intelligent beings in the Light-grain World of the Fuzzy Mind will not be completely under their control, so their first response to danger at this time is to ensure safety.

It was different from the previous situation. Before, he took the initiative to invade, and the powerful existence in it was forced to fight. After all, if they don’t fight, they will die after the world is destroyed.

But now because they are actively invading, they have hesitated, and many of them are even mortal enemies.

With a survival time of hundreds of thousands of years, a world is so big, contradictions will inevitably arise.

These contradictions have caused them to be entangled countless times in the past, and even the groups attached to them have perished many times.

Yin and Kuangyuan keenly discovered this incident.

“These alien races are not united. From this we can start.”

“How can the different races have the unity of our Huntuo race, I am not surprised that they are like this.”

“Now we consume their strength first, and when they get to the front, one-third of their strength should be consumed.”

“The opponents of you and me are those of more than fifty transformation gods. This is much more difficult than the situation we encountered before. Maybe I will fall here.”

“Hahaha, fall will fall, but daddy will drag them all on the road before he dies!”

Yin very Kuangyuan’s eyes touched in mid-air, and both of them understood each other’s thoughts.

Kuang Yuan laughed, not loud at first, but soon the voice became like Hongzhong.

The whole Da Huang was shrouded in this laughter.

Many people are puzzled.

What’s the matter with the sage, I can still smile so happily in such a dangerous situation.

Could something great happened?

Everyone can’t help but look forward to this snack, they are naturally willing to see such a thing happen!

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