Global Sage Era

Chapter 348

Chapter 344-Ten Thousand Ninety Seven


[Sage interface][User]: Xu Sheng

[Respect Taboo]: Tongtian

[Rule]: Getting started (15.13%)

【Dao Guo】: None

[Origin]: Water (12421521 points)

【Dojo】: Not obtained


【Sect】: None

[Subject]: Huntuo people

[Incense]: 113.2 billion

【Bonus】: Zero

【Subject Interface】

[Name]: Huntuo people

[Number]: 151.21 million

[Rank]: Hong-class human (fourth-level, talented Xuanguang Taoist body, Ninth Stage battle body second stage)

[Enjoy]: Spirit Monument (50% bonus)

[Inheritance]: the way of cultivator, the way of qi and blood, the way of Martial Soul

[Cultivator]: Yin (Hua Shen early stage), Wang Fan (Hua Shen early stage)

[Practitioner]: Martial King early stage


The Sage interface that appeared in front of Xu Sheng at this time was a simplified version. He was too familiar with the unchanged data, so the information that appeared according to his wishes was also different.

Compared to nearly a hundred years ago, all his data are naturally ascending.

Especially the changes in the comprehension of origin and laws are the most gratifying.

He has now truly reached the 15% mark in the formula, which has exceeded the current standard for sophomores.

According to his current strength, he should have been able to wrestle with the students in the Tianzi class, of course, whether his strength can surpass them is still unknown.

From the current strength of Ascension, he can already feel how much faster it is to go outside the field than the school Ascension. Sophomores have one year more time, which is at least nearly 10,000 years more development time (according to the lowest rate of 30 , Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, the time has exceeded ten thousand years).

Others’ cultivators will certainly not be like him. People like Yin and Kuangyuan simply cannot exist in others’ Minor World.

Their current powerful cultivators in Minor World are gradually progressing from generation to generation, and finally they are pushed to the current Realm.

For example, entering Nascent Soul from Gold Core requires generations of people to desperately blaze a trail. Even if incense can be exchanged for various things on earth to reduce the time for this process, it is impossible to reduce all of them.

The appearance of a Nascent Soul cultivator ranges from 300 years to 500 years.

And once these five hundred years have passed, if you can’t break through to the gods, then you will come to the end and sit down at your own Closed Door Training.

Xu Sheng’s current Minor World has only been developed for more than a thousand years. There have been many such people. Others have developed Minor World for so long, so you can imagine the number of occurrences.

“Wang Fan has also stepped into Huashen, then Yuhua and Qianmin are next, and Xuanyi and Xuanzheng are on the Practitioner’s side…”

These seven people who had been identified by Xu Sheng as key training targets from the beginning did not let him down. Although the other four are still far from promotion, they are not without hope.

In a short time, all he can see is that these four people can advance, and then his high-end combat power will reach the highest peak.

As for when the eighth person who can advance will appear after the seven of them, it is completely beyond his ability to guess. He can only circle the people with a higher probability of advancement, and then focus on them.

With the failure of the encirclement and suppression of Xu Sheng by the five Huoxin tribes, the surrounding atmosphere changed.

The puzzlers who had been trying their best to delay the surrounding human races seemed to have received an order to reunify, and they began to retreat almost at the same time.

The pressure on all races suddenly eased. After these puzzled races did not drag them like crazy, they were free to choose the goals they wanted to solve.

Being able to choose the target you want to fight against is naturally a huge advantage. No one is an idiot. At this time, I must be pursuing to solve the opponent as quickly as possible, and then make myself ascending a little higher in the points ranking.

Xu Sheng’s current ranking is still 10,000. The junior’s seniors are too strong, and they can solve their opponents very quickly. In addition to their original opponents, they have a higher level. One is equivalent to Xu Sheng’s many. Basically Impossible to catch up.

However, his current ranking of ’10 and 97′ is quite interesting.

Just a little harder, you will be able to enter the top ten thousand.

Despite the fact that the top ten thousand are not worth mentioning, it means that Xu Sheng surpasses most of the sophomore students.

The number of juniors exceeds 10,000, and all of them are on this list except for a few who have become semi-sages.

If the juniors are thrown away, then there are only two hundred and ninety-three of the sophomores in front of Xu Sheng!

There were 1,007 students in the entire sophomore Tianzi class, and now only 30% of them can surpass Xu Sheng. This is an extremely impressive result even in the Tianzi class.

The minimum comprehension of the laws of the people present is more than 10%, and they are not on the earth, and their strength is not suppressed at all. Therefore, everyone just has a thought, and the various changes in the rankings are clear.

Then many people were taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Xu Sheng was held in ambush by five puzzle-hearted tribes for decades and still has the current grades. According to this trend, will he be able to compete with the top sophomore students?

If this happens, the entire sophomore face will be dull.

Although they all belong to the same school, if there are really younger brothers who are beyond their entire grade, then this is extremely unpleasant to say.

Outsiders will definitely ask a question after knowing it: What did you do the previous year?

So many people are stimulated, but accelerating their own points acquisition.

So in the next period of time, Xu Sheng was stunned to find that the scores on the standings were constantly refreshing, and the people in front were like smashing medicine, frantically looking for the confused heart clan to kill.

When he knew the whole story, Xu Sheng couldn’t help laughing. He didn’t speed up his own pace because of this. Instead, he cleaned up his opponents one by one according to his most comfortable rhythm, Ascension own strength.

In addition to this incident of being raided, Xu Sheng also kept a few more thoughts, for fear that someone who did not pay attention and was caught in the ambush of the Confused Clan.

If he is really dragged by them to the previous situation, he still doesn’t know if he can break free smoothly, because if he is changed to him, after a failure, the second action will definitely ensure success. Rate.

However, intellectually speaking, it is impossible for the Huoxin Clan to devote too much resources to his little student who is not even a semi-sage.

Although he is considered a genius now, the entire Qianjing University genius and so many do not need to focus on himself.

“Don’t leave me too far behind. I don’t want to encounter this situation again.”

Huang Xuanlang came to Xu Sheng’s side, his eyes were full of seriousness when he looked at Xu Sheng.

Although the other four members of the Xuance team did not come, their auras all appeared nearby, indicating that they were also paying attention to Xu Sheng.

Being watched by these people, Xu Sheng naturally can only nod his head. The task of these people is to protect themselves. Thinking about it, he was really too careless just now, and it caused some trouble to them.

If there is any accident to himself, it is always difficult to explain to Old Sage.

“Senior Huang, don’t worry, I know it in my heart.”

Speaking of Old Sage, if his performance on the battlefield this time is good, he will get his approval, and he will eventually be accepted as an apprentice. I don’t know what his performance so far is in his eyes. Right…

While thinking about this, Xu Sheng moved a little to the side. There was a Confusion Race in front of him who happened to be alone, and his perception was also about 15%, which was suitable for his goal.

Huang Xuanlang watched Xu Cheng greet the puzzled clan in front of him. He had already seen the cause and effect. The puzzled clan was not a decoy, but was simply squeezed out of the battlefield.

There are a lot of puzzles at each level on the battlefield, and the number of the puzzles as a whole has exceeded 100 million. Although nearly a million have been solved by the humans, it is only one percent of the number.

This is a protracted battle. If it weren’t for the Huoxin Clan’s inferior high-end combat power to the Human Clan, it would cost him the energy to go to Beijing University.

As the time of the war gradually grew, everyone including Xu Sheng had an idea. Will any other aliens rush over to assist when they learn of this news?

If this happens, they will suffer from the enemy’s back and the end will be extremely miserable.

But since the three true sages haven’t spoken up to now, it proves that there is no need to worry about this aspect. Xu Sheng and the others have to press back their doubts and continue to tidy up their opponents in an orderly manner according to their own rhythm.

If you describe it according to the scene of the battle between ordinary creatures, the current situation is one-sided. Although the human race is very small, it has an absolute advantage and is attacking on the front.

On the other side of the puzzled heart tribe, they used various means to defend and delay the arrival of their Death.

If there is no interference from external forces, the Huoxin Race is just a stubborn resistance, and they will eventually be smashed under the attack of the Human Race.

At the forefront, the aura of the eight groups of true saints is still entangled.

No one can know what is going on there now, or which side has the advantage.

Everything seems confusing, but Qianjing University is absolutely confident that the three true saints will not fight insecure battles.

This kind of battle has not seen any twists and turns until now, proving that everything is under the control of the three true saints.

After passing all these thoughts through his mind, Xu Sheng concentrated and sent the enemy in front of him back to the original zone of the world.

This opponent once again provided Xu Sheng with more than 3.5 billion incense.

Such an opponent only needs to come for another sixty, he can make up enough for the exchange.

According to an average time of ten years, it takes roughly 600 years.

For six hundred years, this battle is far from over, so it is still possible to achieve its own goal before the final battle!

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