Global Sage Era

Chapter 350

Chapter 346 The old cow gnaws on tender grass?

“Junior brother, I don’t know how to practice today.”


After both became cultivators in the cultivating stage, Yuhua and Qianmin’s various perceptions have greatly increased.

Transformation of gods, by humans.

At the level of life, the whole world is completely different from the past in the eyes of pushing the door.

Some of the subtleties that were originally unconcerned can bring them brand new feelings at this time, which was realized during the Nascent Soul period.

“Congratulations to the two brothers and sisters.”

“Congratulations to the two uncles.”

Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng, who had advanced earlier, came to congratulate them.

Although the paths taken by the two sides are different, the breath exuding at this time is on the same level.

Martial King is not weaker than the cultivator of God, and the two sides will go hand in hand in the future, and there will be no situation in which you will sue me.

Yuhuan and Qianmin responded, they turned around and looked back and found a pair of comforting eyes looking at them both.

Emotions rise in their hearts, warm and complex.

【Subject Interface】

[Name]: Huntuo people

[Number]: Two hundred and thirty-five thousand and seventy-two million

[Rank]: Hong-level human (level 5, talented Xuanguang Taoist body, second stage of Ninth Stage battle body)

[Enjoy]: Spirit Monument (50% bonus)

[Inheritance]: the way of cultivator, the way of qi and blood, the way of Martial Soul

[Cultivator]: Yin (Hua Shen early stage), Wang Fan (Hua Shen early stage), Yu Hua (Hua Shen early stage), Qin Min (Hua Shen early stage)

[Practitioner]: Kuang Yuan (Martial King early stage), Xuan Yi (Martial King early stage), Xuan Zheng (Martial King early stage)

More than three hundred years have passed, and the number of Huntuo races has increased by nearly 100 million. At this time, it is close to 240 million. Needless to say, there are various tyrannical Practitioners and cultivators.

Each level has a large number of juniors entering. For example, the total number of cultivators has exceeded 100,000, of which the number of Nascent Soul cultivators is more than 300, and the highest level has reached the Nascent Soul Dzogchen. For this Ren Xu Sheng also helped, but it is still unknown whether the breakthrough will be successful.

Not to mention the changes on the Practitioner side. The number of Martial Masters has exceeded ten million, Wu Ying has hundreds of thousands, and Martial Spirit… also exceeds ten thousand.

At this time, the number of people who have reached the Martial Spirit Dzogchen is as high as thirteen! But just like the situation encountered by the cultivator, although these Martial Spirit Dzogchens have Xu Sheng’s appropriate tilt resources, no one has shown the sign of breakthrough at this time. In Xu Sheng’s estimation, the chance of success is the greatest. None of them reached 10%.

In addition, the Realm of Yin, Kuang Yuan, and Wang Fan remained unchanged in the early stage.

In fact, this is the normal progression speed of the Martial King stage and the transformation stage. After all, the minimum lifespan of the transformation and Martial Spirit is three thousand years. Even if the qualifications are good, a breakthrough of five hundred years of Realm is considered fast.

The qualifications of Yin and others are indeed good, but you must know that those who can enter the god transformation stage have no bad qualifications. They are now just the worst stage of Spiritual Roots, which is almost equivalent to the upper-middle qualifications, which can be an Ascension for 500 years. Small Realm is rare.

And now, the newly born Spiritual Roots in the Huntuo race have appeared virtual Spiritual Roots! The longest one has reached eight inches three!

With this trend, a fairy seedling of Spiritual Roots may be born in a few hundred years!

Everything is thriving.

However, people are always unsatisfied. Compared to other people’s cultivators, the Huntuo race, with a population of just over 200 million and more than one hundred thousand cultivators, is incredible, but Xu Sheng wants more. He wants to clean up now. The micro-dao body is exchanged out.

If the Huntuo human race had a clean microscopic body a few hundred years ago, then the number of cultivators now is at least three times as many as it is now!

It is even more probable that the people of Realm who have made breakthroughs on their own have already appeared!

“This war has started for more than four hundred years. It seems to have changed a lot, but nothing seems to have changed.”

Xu Sheng secretly said in his heart that there is no reason why he said this. The most intuitive manifestation is those around him or those people.

Every Qianjing University student, including him, has more or less strength in this battle. The four hundred years of time is only a short time for the replacement of a Universe, but it is already for the human race. It is a constant period of time.

This is also the most terrifying part of the Human Race. There are often enemies fighting and beating. I find that the Human Race is getting stronger and stronger, and it constantly absorbs the strengths of its own race. It was obviously a pressure to beat, but at a certain moment, I suddenly found an offensive and defensive translocation. Over time, all races in the universe know that if there is a war with the human race, it must be quickly resolved. Once the human race has bought time, then waiting for the owner is a disaster!

More than four hundred years of time is not worth mentioning to the confused mind race, whose lifespan is unknown. It is like the time it takes for an ordinary person to breathe once, and there is no possibility of any change in strength.

The time scale is different, this is also the truth that needs to be understood most in the entire universe.

Within a unit of time, the faster the growth of the race, the greater the potential for development.

Take science and technology civilization as an example. The faster the progress of science and technology in the same time, the higher the possibility of becoming the overlord of the region in which it is located.

“Your recent rankings have been ascending very quickly, so you want to get a wave of rankings? No one can compete with you in your freshman year. Do you want to step on your second year as well?”

Not far away, Huang Xuanlang, who noticed Xu Sheng’s “intermission”, jokingly asked, as the pinnacle quasi-sage, he had a relatively easy life in this battle.

Before Xu Sheng had solved one opponent, he immediately went to find another opponent. In order not to disturb him, he had not spoken. Now that he had a chance, he couldn’t help expressing his curiosity.

The quasi-sage is also curious, especially when it comes to the objects of his concern.

He sees Xu Sheng’s improvement in strength. If the person who has made the most progress in this battle with the confused heart clan, it is undoubtedly Xu Sheng.

This is difficult to see from solving opponents. At first, Xu Sheng chose the goal of 10% rule comprehension, but now only four hundred years have passed, and it has reached 17% or even higher.

With this increase of seven percentage points, the enemy’s strength gap has more than doubled!

In other words, Xu Sheng’s strength has at least doubled in these four hundred years!

Only four days have passed since the present time on Earth, such an astonishing rate of progress, he couldn’t even think about it back then.

He has also seen a lot of geniuses, but those geniuses don’t even have access to them. Sometimes he can’t help but mutter in his heart what kind of freak is this.

The other four people in Xuance’s team often yelled this unholy way during discussions.

Investing in Realm, aside from their quasi-sages, they are similar to ordinary people when discussing Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng was stunned for a while, and then subconsciously looked at own rankings, and found that he had already reached ten thousand and three without knowing it.

Only three places to enter the top ten thousand.

He hasn’t really noticed this. He tried so desperately to solve his opponents just to get enough incense. As for the accompanying ranking changes, he never cared about it.

But after being reminded, he was also a little surprised.

The change in ranking shows that he has surpassed 94 people in the three hundred years.

You must know that these ninety-four people are not a cat or a dog, but the top-ranked students in the Tianzi class in the sophomore year!

There are twenty classes in Tianzi class. With his current strength, entering these classes has been able to become the top ten. If such a person appears next to him from the perspective of a bystander, he will indeed be surprised.

“If I say that you don’t believe it?” Xu Sheng looked at Huang Xuanlang sincerely.

Huang Xuanlang nodded and said, “I believe it.”

Xu Sheng complained in his heart, you believe in a ghost, your expression is obviously unbelieving, okay!

Although the bodies of the two of them are huge in this void battlefield, as beings of the same size, they can still see each other’s true form in each other’s eyes.

As for the fact that two eyes are as big as two black holes, this has become natural and commonplace.

No matter what Huang Xuanlang’s thoughts are, Xu Sheng’s rhythm will not change due to rankings. His current goal is still to obtain enough incense, and now only the last 100 billion can be exchanged for Qingwei Dao. I can’t wait any longer.

Huang Xuanlang saw that Xu Sheng once again rushed like a puzzled clan with a 17% understanding of the law, so he didn’t bother him, but he still whispered in his mouth: “So anxious, even saying that you are not for the ranking.”

Young people, it’s a good thing to have some aggressiveness, after all, it’s a bit uncomfortable to see that the current ranking is stuck in the vicinity of ten thousand names.

“Captain, Xu Sheng, this kid is Meng Sao, I have seen a lot of geniuses like this… Hey, but I like this too.”

Xu Lei’s voice came from the side. The conversation between Xu Sheng and Huang Xuanlang just now didn’t deliberately hide it from everyone, and everything was heard.

“Come on, you veteran, don’t think about nibbling the tender grass. You can’t spoil you with small fresh meat like Xu Sheng.” Zhou Kun, who has always been honest and honest, suddenly said, attracting the three of Huang Xuanlang, Chen Feng, and Han Susu. The three laughed.

“Oh, you’re an iron cow, my old lady finally saw a close eye, are you as good as that?” Xu Lei said that, but it was just a joke. The five people have been working together for so many years, and they have become the closest people to each other. It’s no exaggeration to be a relative.

Xu Sheng, who had already begun to forcibly connect with his opponent’s Light Particle World, naturally didn’t know that the Xuance team at the back was teasing Own.

In his heart, these five people can be regarded as friends, and as the top genius and the peak quasi-sage, each other will have a lot of anxiety in the future.

Although he never said it, he still cared about the friendship with Xuance team.

[Record]: Minor World has been connected successfully

At this time, a message popped up on the Sage interface, which was almost conditioned. Xu Sheng removed all miscellaneous thoughts and focused on the next battle!

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