Global Sage Era

Chapter 357

Chapter 353 The Last Nine Places

From the perspective of the entire universe, the hinterland of the Huoxin tribe is ellipsoidal in shape as a whole.

Within the huge area of ​​this ellipsoid, there were originally hundreds of millions of confused minds, and they were all over the area.

This range cannot be described by the area unit of ordinary life. The unit of light-year is too small. Even if the universe of 13 billion light-years is placed in this area, it is only an area where no dust can reach. .

And the gap between the universe and the ellipsoid is more than the gap between the dust and the universe?

So in the universe, the concept of distance doesn’t make much sense.

Starting from the semi-sage, the body arrives wherever you want, this kind of power to use the law is an extremely terrifying talent.

As far as Human Race is concerned, the so-called distance is indeed not a problem.

But after all, there are sizes, so it still takes time to get from one area to another.

Assuming that the ellipsoidal shape of the hinterland of the Huoxin race was entirely gray and black at first, most of the area in it has now been occupied by the flame yellow represented by the human race.

If you look at it from the outside, the entire appearance is almost all burnt yellow, only some stubborn gray black like stains are still persisting, but as the surrounding burnt yellow washes away, these stains will eventually be completely eliminated.

But this is only the surface. If you look through the surface, you will find that a large number of gray and black lines and black areas extend from under the stubborn stains on the surface.

And these gray-black lines and black areas occupy about two-fifths of the volume of the entire ellipsoid. The most important thing is that the center of the sphere is still occupied by it, and from the current situation, it is as solid as golden soup, not so good breakthrough. of.

This is roughly the current situation of the human race and the confused heart race.

The level of the macro situation is too large and indescribable in words, and can only be understood through some intentionalization.

And Xu Sheng, who is in the peripheral area, can’t sense the entire ellipsoid shape. He can only use his own senses to touch a small area around it. It is estimated that he has not even reached one percent of the entire volume.

The more peripheral, the lower the level of strength, they are all seekers who have not become semi-holy.

And a little bit inside, it is the area where the semi-holy war is located, and then to the quasi holy, the first holy, the high holy…

Finally, there is a true holy battlefield at the core.

So to be honest, students like Xu Sheng really came here to play soy sauce. Their power will not change the final result of this war. The reason they were brought in from the beginning was to take advantage of the opportunity. Come exercise.

After all, the resources in the light-grain world of these confused minds are indeed rich, and the brilliance produced by some special individuals can even improve the understanding of the law. If you encounter it, it is even a good fortune.

The kind of brilliance Xu Sheng encountered before will increase the comprehension of the law of own by more than a percentage point. Naturally, he is not the only one who has such a good fortune in the whole battle. There are dozens of other people who really encountered the same situation. , But the luck of these dozens of people is not as good as him. There are as many as two or three, and at least one. It can only be said that they have picked up tens of thousands of credits in vain.

After all, these sophomores, even if they are in the Tianzi class, it is not so easy to get credits. Only Xu Sheng has such a good opportunity to accumulate enough resources in a short period of time by brushing the spiritual source world in batches.

Twelve years.

Twelve years.

Eleven and a half years.

Eleven years and three months.

eleven years.

When Xu Sheng solved the first puzzled clan with a strength level of 18%, he then aimed at opponents at this level.

The pressure from the opponents behind him was not worse than the first one, but even in this situation, Xu Sheng still adapted at a speed that was almost terrifying, and the opponent surpassed the fourth floor of the law tower. Under the oppressive force, more support was given to the Huntuo tribe.

The strength of the Huntuo race did grow quickly, but compared to the help he gave, it was still a lot worse, so every time after that, the time is shortened, most of the credit belongs to Xu Sheng, which belongs to him. Strengthened, and finally achieved this.

Ontology and Minor World are two parts of strength, and both are indispensable.

Xu Sheng has always been at the level where the strength of Minor World is higher than the strength of the body, but now he is also quickly closing the gap during this period.

It is actually incredible that he can do this step now, because Minor World has the equivalent of everything, and its progress must be faster than the body.

Unless when all things are equivalent, they can be exchanged for things that are also useful to the ontology.

But such a thing is undoubtedly impossible, because if there is really something that can be exchanged for its own body, then the degree of heaven-defying of this kind of thing will exceed everyone’s belief.

Xu Sheng faintly felt that it might not be possible even at the most holy level.

The four time reductions brought about the settlement of five opponents, and Xu Sheng’s incense once again accumulated to the tens of billions.

In fact, the five opponents brought him more than 20 billion incense, but because there is no large exchange need in the short term, he does not need to keep the incense, and many things that can be exchanged at the current level can continue to be exchanged. .

The Huntuo race currently has a certain ability to regenerate itself, that is, it has the possibility of producing certain resources, but again, the time of the Huntuo race is still too short, and many things cannot be made up.

Think about how long it will take for the Minor World of the people of the God of Transformation to appear normally?

Ten thousand years is normal.

These 10,000-year Minor Worlds are also the result of human intervention. If it is the outer worlds in the world, which one does not need hundreds of thousands of years to evolve?

In the next stage, what Xu Sheng wants to redeem is naturally the Third Stage of the Ninth Stage battle body.

However, he didn’t expect to be able to redeem it in this battle, and he would generally need to wait until the next semester to redeem it. At that time, the strength of his own people should be able to advance to another level.

In the Xiu Xian Realm, the God of Transformation is the fifth Realm, and it has already come to the middle position. Xu Sheng naturally looks forward to the day when Yin and others finally ascend to Immortal Ascension.

“The ranking is nine thousand eight hundred scattered, ascending to nine positions.”

Xu Sheng now focuses more on the rankings and wants to beat all the sophomores.

In sixty years, ascending nine positions, this speed is already very good, he has seen that the positions of those in the forefront of the sophomore year have hardly changed, only the first-ranked student has approached another place.

This kind of progress is a term that can be regarded as a great improvement. Without him, this kind of progress can be considered.

But now that he is behind, with him chasing after him so aggressively, this speed is already considered insufficient.

However, Xu Sheng could feel that the senior was also desperate, and his idea of ​​not wanting to be surpassed by himself was extremely strong, which brought him some additional difficulties.


“It’s useless, who made me hang up?”

Xu Sheng chuckled. The equivalence of everything is indeed the own plug-in, and it is also the biggest factor for him to achieve this step. There is nothing bad to admit.

If there is no equivalent of everything, with the kind of junk qualification of own, it is estimated that he is still struggling in a third-rate pheasant university.

It’s useless to think about this. Xu Sheng now knows the importance of luck. It’s like the owner’s son Kuangyuan has golden luck, and he always grows up with bad luck. Everything is equivalent to the way of luck. After all, It is also part of his own strength.

For the next three hundred years, Xu Sheng continued to deal with the Huoxin Clan, and his strength against opponents finally went further. When the law comprehension level of 18% has no effect on him, he will target the strength. Ascension reached 19%.

At the moment of Ascension, the eyelids of those who have been watching naturally made the eyelids jump, and the heart cried out again.

When the time comes, this war has lasted for nearly a thousand years.

The remaining number of the entire Huoxin tribe is just over ten million, and the number has been reduced by more than 90% regardless of individual strength.

But after all, it can’t be calculated like that. Most of the decimated Huoxin tribes are below the semi-holy, especially at the level of the holy realm. Although the casualties of the Huoxin tribe are not small, they are far from the level of clan extinction.

The area is occupied. Four-fifths of the entire ellipsoid is already in yellow. The gray and black lines and black areas inside are removed one by one. It seems that it is not too far from the final ‘clean’.

When the news is not good, the extremely deep ‘black’ still stubbornly exists in the most central position.

Although the five true sage level puzzlers are not as powerful as the three human true sages, they haven’t shown any tendency to lose.

According to the current intensity of the war, let alone a small time counting unit like hundreds of years, even hundreds of millions of years will not be able to end the final war.

But the three true saints will naturally not let the war last so long. Their time is very precious. Everyone has their own things to do. At present, they are just waiting for the time. When the time comes, it will be like thunder sweeping. So, quickly solve the five puzzle-minded races on the opposite side.

It’s just that the current five confused mind tribes don’t know it yet, they are still looking forward to the day when they can retain the vitality of the confused mind tribe and support them outside.

In 400 years, Xu Sheng eliminated 37 opponents.

These thirty-seven opponents not only brought him incense and various resources, but also continued his ranking.

At this time, his ranking has reached an astonishing nine thousand seven hundred and thirty!

And now the sophomore ranked first, the ranking is only nine thousand seven hundred and twenty-one!

The gap between the two sides is only a mere nine places!

Everyone seemed to have seen the day when Xu Sheng finally completed the transcendence.

Many people have mixed feelings.

Many of the people who have been surpassed by Xu Sheng are in great ups and downs like riding a roller coaster!

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