Global Sage Era

Chapter 363

Chapter 359 Clone Walking Minor World

Minor World.

When Xu Sheng decided on the name and doctrine, the most powerful group of people felt in their hearts.

To be precise, they are seven people including Yin and Kuangyuan.

The transformation of the gods or the Martial King Realm is at the same level as the transformation of gods. This is already a change of ‘from human to god’.

Just like now, even Nascent Soul Dzogchen and Martial Spirit Dzogchen did not feel the slightest feeling.

Among them, Yin’s induction is the most obvious.

In terms of strength, Kuang Yuan is no weaker than him, but if he considers the direction he is heading, Yin is not comparable to him.

Needless to say, Wang Fan and others in the back are naturally inferior in hard power.

But in addition to this, there is a third point… the fetters with Xu Sheng.

This kind of bondage has actually been slowly formed over thousands of years. Although Xu Sheng and Yin have very few exchanges, Yin is undoubtedly a part of Xu Sheng in terms of mutual contact.

Strictly speaking, all the Huntuo races, including Yin, are the children of Xu Sheng. His ‘ancestor’ can be described from any angle without any problem.

“I feel it, ancestor…”

Yin walked out of his own quiet room.

Surrounded by the Huntuo tribe’s unchanged layout for thousands of years, he came to the monument and bowed there.

In his heart, at this time, he was enveloped by countless insights, he knew a lot of things, and understood what the change was just now.

Also know the own way.


Now appear in front of own.

He knew very well that as long as he walked along this road, he could finally reach the front of his ancestors.

“Ancestor, Yin will certainly not let down your hopes.”

There were tears falling on Yin’s face that had been frozen over time.

Since he was ignorant of remembering things, he was taught by the Master that their Huntuo race had ancestors, especially that tablet must be carefully protected, even if the entire Huntuo race was extinct, it would not be allowed to be damaged in the slightest.

After a little bit older, he knew the level of the ancestor, even if he was on the road of cultivator, he did not know where the Realm of the ancestor was at this time.

Even for a long time, he felt that he would never reach the Realm of the ancestors, but at this time, he felt a path in his heart.

Although the road is long and there is almost no end in sight, it represents hope.

An awareness appeared in his mind.

Xu Sheng was able to realize Yin’s emotional transformation, and he was relieved that Yin did not let himself down as expected.

As the founder of the sect and the ancestor of the entire Huntuo race, he naturally cannot do everything by himself.

He doesn’t need to appear in a hurry at this stage, but after a certain period of time, he will show the image of own and appear in front of the entire Huntuo race.

At that time, he will walk in the Minor World as the ‘Tongtian Master’, and he will be able to direct everything directly. It’s not like what he is now, everything can only be indirectly influenced.

However, his identity at that time was only an insignificant part of his true body. No matter when, the power in the universe was his ontology. Regarding the identity of own Minor World, although it also possessed powerful power, it was only an incarnation of own.

It is precisely because the prehistoric Sages in the previous life are nothing more than the existence of a higher level than the immortal in the evaluation system of the earth today.

And how big is the gap between Zhenzhenxian and Sheng?

Even more Realm can be filled completely.

One thing you can know is that so far, no one has Sage in his people…even the semi-holy.

Even the most holy, they never said that there is a holy realm among their own people, and the strongest known to this day is still the fairy king.

Of course, there are also strong and weak immortal kings.

The gap is also very large.

At the time of the war with the Huoxin Clan, the fact that sects can emerge, and their strength will be improved, which is naturally a good thing for Xu Sheng.

While being able to obtain resources, Ascension can make a lot of things appear on the other hand.

Just like now, Lin Zhiyan and others not far away are still desperately gaining points, wanting to get rid of themselves more, and will not be caught up until the end of the war.

But as everyone knows, in the past period of time, on the surface, he has temporarily suspended the process of obtaining points, but his subjects have already completed an extremely important transformation.

“What good has happened?”

It is said that people are refreshed on happy occasions. Although Xu Sheng rationally thinks that the opening of the sect interface is just a matter of course, it is more or less manifested in the external temperament.

Especially the quasi-sages have more keen senses, so Huang Xuanlang, who has been paying attention to Xu Sheng, immediately asked.

“Well, my sect interface was opened just now.” Xu Sheng replied with a smile.

The change of one’s own strength does not need to cover too much, as the sect interface is only a certain degree of inevitable, and everyone has to experience it.

It’s like playing a game, and finally turned, there is no need to hide it.

Huang Xuanlang’s tone suddenly became astonished, “You have opened the sect interface now? Hiss, do you have so many cultivators now?”

The opening of the sect interface is mainly based on the number of cultivators and the level of sects. Generally speaking, an extremely surprising number is required.

But he had already noticed before that the more part of Xu Sheng’s strength is the Practitioner, and now the cultivator is so strong, it’s two roads to walk, both of which are strong!

“Well, the talent for awakening was pretty good before, but there was an explosion recently.”

Half-truths are naturally the most difficult to distinguish.

With the ‘talent’ shown by Xu Sheng, it’s normal for the people to awaken some powerful talents, or it can be said that it’s not normal for the Realm to be an ordinary person.

“Tsk tusk, although you have not ranked better than all the sophomores, but the sect is ahead of all of them. Fortunately, those people don’t know the news, otherwise it is estimated that a mouthful of blood will be spit out now.” Huang Xuanlang jokingly said that for the competition between Xu Sheng and the sophomore, he naturally only regarded it as playing. After all, it was just a level of’children’s jokes’. Whoever loses and who wins has no effect on his level. .

It’s just that the ancient sage is in it, so he will pay more attention, otherwise Xu Sheng will fight for the first position, how can their Xuan Ce team compete for the ranking of the sage.

Their Xuance team is still in third place!

The two teams in front seemed to have taken medicine. Every time they burst the liver, the other team also began to burst the liver. This ranking bite called that anxiety.

The establishment of a sect is something that everyone has to experience, but it is difficult for those who have not yet reached this stage.

After all, a million-level cultivator, with a probability of one in ten thousand normal, requires a population of 10 billion to support it.

And now Lin Zhiyan and others, who are at the top of the sophomore row, are only on the order of two to three billion.

Although their people have also awakened some cultivator-related talents, it is certainly impossible to reduce to the level of one-thousandths-this is already in the category of the Xuanguang Dao Body!

“Wait… Now that your sect interface is open, doesn’t it mean that your strength will increase rapidly in the future? Then it seems that the last suspense is gone, how can those sophomores unite? , It is impossible to suppress you.” Huang Xuanlang soon thought a lot more.

Xu Sheng just nodded and smiled. He did not say that even if the sect interface does not appear, with his current strength, it is inevitable to surpass Lin Zhiyan.

A Qingwei Dao body is like Dinghai Shenzhen, enough to decide everything.

It can be said that for the sake of this pure body, it has been endured for too long, no matter what the result is, he is not very surprised.

After Huang Xuanlang finished communicating with Xu Sheng, he told his teammates about the matter.

The four of them were also curious in their hearts just now, and now Xu Sheng’s every move is too eye-catching, and it can be regarded as a rare pastime for them to fight for thousands of years.

“Xu Sheng really…huh, looking for death!”

Xu Lei was about to speak here, but suddenly a cold light flashed in her eyes, and the next moment a huge movement rose not far away.

A confusing heart clan who was considered senior at the semi-holy level exploded on the spot directly under her attack.

A few semi-sage levels hidden further away, the Confused Clan was silent, and suddenly stopped thinking.

These confused minds belong to the better group that has always been hidden, and their thoughts are also very direct. Naturally, it is impossible to cause any results on the frontal battlefield. Then they will act on the weak human race to break them!

But ideals are beautiful, and reality is cruel. No matter how many attacks they launch and what methods they adopt, the final result will be discovered, and then, just like just now, it will become a huge firework in the world.

Nor can it be blamed for these confused mind races. They have been hiding on one side for a long time and haven’t found an opportunity, but the exchanges between the five members of the Xuance team just now made them think they saw an opportunity, so they would directly take action.

“These mice are getting more and more. It seems that the Confusion Clan is ready to break into parts and make the final struggle.” Chen Feng glanced at the side. After a while, a similar violent explosion occurred somewhere. Like Xu Lei’s shot, he also solved a puzzled clan.

At this point in the war, the Douxin Race, who originally wanted to rely on quantitative superiority to win victory, knew that they couldn’t do anything. They no longer formed a regular resistance long ago. They harassed in small groups and wanted to cause casualties to the human race. .

But the results were minimal, and no human race died because of their practice.

The human race’s arrangement pattern is very particular. They look at each other from end to end, and the weak are protected by the strong next to them. This is gradually summarized in countless wars. It is impossible for a mere mind-hearted tribe to break this kind of protection.

“The final battle is coming, and it is also our Xuance team’s last chance to overtake.” Huang Xuanlang solemnly said.

“calm down.”




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