Global Sage Era

Chapter 366

Chapter 362 The last one hundred and fifty years!

The ranking of nine thousand seven hundred is naturally very shabby if you look at the number itself.

But surrounded by powerful people, naturally they will not be so superficial. They have already seen the essence through the phenomenon.

When Xu Sheng surpassed Lin Zhiyan’s ranking and entered 9,700, he had already surpassed everyone and reached the number one in the sophomore year.

Even though I was only a freshman and I didn’t even arrive a semester just after entering school, I still accomplished such an amazing thing.

“He surpassed us!”

“Heh, even the cooperation of a dozen people won’t work?”

“I don’t understand, how could he be so powerful!”

The people at the front of the sophomore year were all smiling weakly at this time, and their eyes couldn’t help but turn to where Xu Sheng was. They sensed everything about Xu Sheng and wanted to know what he thought now.

After being stuck for so long and finally winning at this time, he should be very proud, right?

They all thought of Xu Sheng in this way, because if it were them, when they finally reached the goal of Acheng, they would be extremely excited. That meant that Own’s strength surpassed everyone in the past and reached a whole new level.

But Xu Sheng is not them, they never know what Xu Sheng thinks.

Although Xu Sheng was in a good mood at this time, he didn’t have much sense of accomplishment about surpassing sophomores. From the beginning, he didn’t fight for simply surpassing them. From the beginning to the end, he was optimistic about the ancient sage.

He didn’t think it was embarrassing to behave in front of the true sage.

On the contrary, those who feel embarrassed did not correct their mentality. Their holy way is not firm enough. Such a path is flawed and may cause problems!

“I lost… I actually lost…”

Lin Zhiyan stared at the owner’s people in a daze. The environment of the people was completely different from hundreds of years. It was also different from his initial idea. He paid too much for this ranking, but in the end he got the result. That’s it.

This made him feel ridiculous for a while.

Lin Zhiyan at this moment, like Han Yu a few months ago, was a little unclear because of Xu Sheng’s impact.

The more talented people are, the more prone to extremes, and the more people who have not experienced setbacks, they are more likely to have problems when they encounter problems.

Lin Zhiyan undoubtedly occupied both. Facing Xu Sheng’s transcendence, unless he didn’t care at all, how could he not be affected?

But if he didn’t care from the beginning, he would not compete with Xu Sheng. All this was a paradox from the beginning.

There is no contradiction between Xu Sheng and Lin Zhiyan, and even now they have not said a word.

But this still does not prevent them from becoming competitors.

Just like in the college entrance examination, there are always only so many people you can meet, and they are all on a daily basis, but in the end it is the candidates from the whole province who compete with you.

“Xu Sheng, you won.”

After all, Lin Zhiyan was the best student in Qianjing University. Although his will was going in an extreme direction, at the moment when he was about to fall into chaos, he suddenly woke up from it and knew that he had penetrated before. The horns are sharp.

Although this competition with Xu Sheng caused him to lose some resources, as far as his identity is concerned, this resource is not at all painful. No matter how strong Xu Sheng is, it will not affect his promotion in the end.

Even if the time to enter the Holy Realm is really affected and delayed a little, it doesn’t matter.

The road to the Holy Realm is still very long. No one knows whether the current lead can lead forever. Maybe you are stronger than yourself in Realm, but when a few years later, I entered the Realm of Realm, but you are still there. All this is completely unclear.

“Congratulations, you finally surpassed him, it’s not easy.”

Just when Xu Sheng successfully squeezed the ranking into 9,700, Huang Xuanlang’s voice immediately came. The latter had obviously been paying attention to the situation, and even with his Realm estimation, he had already seen this scene.

After Huang Xuanlang, the other members of the Xuance team all looked like congratulations, and everyone’s expression was congratulations.

Except for the five of Huang Xuanlang, Xu Sheng didn’t know anyone else in this void battlefield.

Although everyone knew him, he was strange to everyone. At most, he had said a few words to some, but it was not at all familiar.

However, there are only five people from Huang Xuanlang. At this time, Xu Sheng’s joy can also be shared. If he is alone in this battlefield, he will still be somewhat depressed.

“I also felt that the war was about to end, speeding up.”

Xu Sheng retracted own Minor World to his heart position while chatting with a few members of the Xuance team.

The war with the Huoxin clan has now come to an end, and there are only millions of the Huoxin clan still remaining, which also makes it not so easy to find an opponent.

Before Xu Sheng could find opponents of the same level at will, and gradually increase the opponent’s strength according to his own strength, Ascension, but now he often needs to choose opponents, everyone is too cruel, and the rate of casualties of the Confusion Clan is too fast.

The brilliance of the Douxin Clan that can strengthen the understanding of the law has also been obtained by everyone. Xu Sheng has encountered it twice after that. The understanding of the law is a little bit more ascension, but it is still a distance from 16%.

“The time of this war was initially set at 1,500 years. Every point in time that the true saints said has profound meaning. We might have thought that this was only a rough range, but with them, it was 1,500 years. A hundred years is the time for the demise of the Douxin Race!”

Huang Xuanlang hadn’t said this to Xu Sheng before, and Xu Sheng didn’t need to know much in his heart. After all, the 15% power level had no effect on the final battle.

But now is different. Before the start of this battle, Master started from a high speed. The opportunity to become Sage himself was in this battle. Now that the battle is about to end, he hasn’t felt the opportunity of breakthrough yet, so he couldn’t help it. Began to get anxious.

Although he was anxious in his heart, his strength on weekdays was not affected. He followed his teammates to clean up the confused mind family according to the previous rhythm.

From his current level, he could feel that the opportunity for his breakthrough this time also fell on Xu Sheng.

Naturally, he wondered, how could the strength of only 20% level affect his pinnacle quasi-sage.

But it feels right, he can only hold back, slowly waiting for the time to come.

Xu Sheng was shocked when he heard the words. He didn’t know that there was such a statement. He always thought that 1,500 years was just an idea of ​​the true saints, and even if it lasted more than a few hundred years, there was nothing impossible.

Now that it is said that it is only the last one hundred and fifty years before the end of the final war?

“The intensity of the final battle must be far beyond your imagination. That kind of battle is not something you can participate in. Even if it’s me, I can only watch it from the edge.”

Huang Xuanlang has a solemn expression. His level will certainly not miss such a final battle. This is his best chance to become Sage.

Although the opportunity for his promotion in the induction should be Xu Sheng, he really focused all his attention on Xu Sheng without it.

“I understand, I’m definitely not going to get close.” Xu Sheng knew that his own strength would never understand the battle at the Sage level.

Just as Huashen couldn’t touch the battle of Huashen Jing, his current situation is the same.

After Huang Xuanlang instructed some more things, his consciousness left in front of Xu Sheng’s eyes. Just now, he directly dispersed a consciousness clone to communicate with Xu Sheng. This method is also very distinguishable. It is similar to the transmission of sound into the secret, and more importantly, there is When he is there, people around him will not be able to exchange information between them without his permission.

When Xu Sheng communicated with Huang Xuanlang, the sophomores were silently paying attention from afar.

The vast majority of them here have not made good quasi-sages. After all, even the strongest seniors have just arrived at Realm.

There is also a big gap between the peak of the quasi-sage and the new-entry quasi-sage.

“Xu Sheng’s speed of improvement must be due to Huang Xuechang’s help!”

Sophomores all know Huang Xuanlang. After all, as the proud son of the past few years, they know a lot. In their opinion, although Xu Sheng is a talented evildoer, he must have help from outsiders.

For more than a thousand years, Huang Xuanlang has been close to him, and every time Xu Sheng makes some progress, he will immediately separate his consciousness. This is the best evidence in their eyes!

Naturally, I am very envious in my heart. If they can also have such help from the quasi-sage, their ranking will definitely improve a lot!

“He stepped on all of us this time, and from then on we can’t hold our heads up in front of him.”

Someone in the sophomore year said that his expression was full of dissatisfaction.

When I heard the words, the people around me gave him a surprised look, and then a few people quietly moved away from the person who was speaking.

Everyone has different personalities. There are naturally jealous sophomores. The speaker has always been known as Yazi must report, but because of the strict school regulations, he has never done anything.

But other people generally know his personality, so there are not many people who have made friends with him, and even a few will stay away when they see him, and are afraid of getting involved with him.

This time the union was also led by this person and the other two. Although many people were unhappy, they were not prepared to react too much. However, after being run by them several times, they felt that they really couldn’t make Xu Sheng so smooth.

“If he wins, he wins. If he loses, he won’t lose. I won’t be involved in the future.”

Before this person could say anything, a pretty girl withdrew her own consciousness.

And after the girl withdrew her consciousness, the others left one after another, and there were only three people left in the end.

The face of the person who spoke at the beginning was extremely gloomy.

Strangely, as his expression changed, the other two had the same expression.

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