Global Sage Era

Chapter 373

Chapter 369-The Mortal Realm

“If it weren’t for Wang Fan, then this is really an inspirational story.”

Xu Sheng said something jokingly.

Huang Xuanlang, who was next to him, took a look at him when he heard the words, and then a little speechless: “I didn’t expect you to be interested in this.”

Xu Sheng didn’t speak, he just thought of the novels he had read in his previous life from this scene, as if Wang Fan’s avatar perfectly fits the protagonist’s image…

and many more…

In fact, it’s just Wang Fan, everyone including Yin, Kuang Yuan, etc., their life journeys are like a novel, full of legends.

The story of Su Ling’er and Zhang Han just caused the two to pay some attention temporarily. After all, the two are ancestors and there are too many things to do.

There are still many foreign races in this fusion world that have not been cleaned up. This is the most important thing for the two of them to do.

Although Xu Sheng’s strength is not strong enough, he never thought that he would be nestled in Minor World. He still needs to continue to accumulate resources and incense, as long as he takes the initiative to improve his strength faster.

The Huntuo race continued to fight around under the leadership of Yin and Kuangyuan, and countless resources were obtained and then brought back to Minor World.

Yuhua and Qianmin did not participate in the war at all. Their tasks were pill refining and refining. This is where they can be used to the greatest extent.

Although the level of refining medicine and refining tools of the Huntuo human race can be said to be unique in the same level, it is still at a weak level in terms of the overall level.

In terms of refining medicine, Yuhuan has maintained a high level all the time, but up to now only some Medicine Pills that restore the Realm Spirit Power can be refined. Ascension Cultivation Base has no ability at all; Qian Min is still conquering. The spirit treasure used by the god transformation cultivator, his current ability is still limited to the Nascent Soul cultivator, and the refinement level is not as good as Ascension.

Withdrawing his consciousness from Xu Sheng, Huang Xuanlang looked a little bit funny when he looked at the young man ‘running around’ in his original world.

It turned out that he thought his own people would be abducted by Xu Sheng. If Xu Sheng said to let the girl stay in his Minor World, he couldn’t refuse because of the relationship between the two.

And as far as Xu Sheng’s strength is concerned, this can be regarded as own help.

But the end result was that this young man had arrived in own Minor World, so that at first glance it seemed that Xu Sheng’s people had been abducted by him. Even though this young man was not good at his aptitude, he didn’t really like it himself.

In the world Huang Xuanlang gave, Su Ling’er had only one such qualification, but Tian Spiritual Roots had five people.

It’s almost a probability of one in a trillion.

So even at his level, if he loses such a subject, he will feel a little pain in his heart.

“Captain, what’s going on with you? The alien race here is about to be solved by me. If necessary, I will help you.”

At this time, Xu Lei told Huang Xuanlang through the team channel that her strength in the team was second only to Huang Xuanlang. Although she was not the pinnacle quasi-sage, she also reached the extremely advanced Realm, and because of the main battle, she was solving some opponents. The speed is faster than Huang Xuanlang.

“I don’t need to help here. You can go to Susu’s place. Didn’t she say that she was in trouble before.”

“Okay, I know.” Xu Lei naturally knew that Xu Sheng had no accidents, otherwise Huang Xuanlang’s character would definitely make her rush over immediately.

When Xu Lei was about to leave, she suddenly hesitated and said: “Before Song Sheng said that your chance to break through the holy realm should be in Xu Sheng’s body. This war is about to end, why is there no shadow?”

Naturally, she was not questioning Song Ming, but she was just strange in her heart. According to Gao Sheng’s Realm, there should be no problem if she said that, even if Huang Xuanlang didn’t make a breakthrough in the end, chances should be felt.

Huang Xuanlang was not surprised, but he didn’t feel it or he didn’t feel it. He wanted breakthrough more than anyone else, but now he doesn’t know where the chance is. It is said that he has not paid much attention to Xu Sheng since the start of the war. If there are few, we communicate with them from time to time. The requirements to achieve the requirements have been achieved early, but it has no effect.

“Maybe my accumulation is not enough.”

Huang Xuanlang sighed. Although he is now the pinnacle quasi-sage, he still has room to continue ascension, but he feels that he can’t reach it with his own qualifications. He can see it, but he can’t reach any of them.

Among all the quasi-sages that have been achieved, although his strength is top, there are still a small group of people in front of him. He wanted to step in the Realm countless times, but he was blocked by the gate.

Maybe only when you really enter that Realm can you see the breakthrough opportunity.

Such an enlightenment suddenly appeared in his heart.

The difficulty of breakthrough is different for everyone. Some people may only need a relatively advanced Realm to breakthrough, but some people have to go to the best of the current Realm.

There is still a gap in aptitude between human races. This is manifested in the development of Minor World with the world at first, and then in the speed of developing the dependents, and then the comprehension of the law, to the semi-sacred Realm, it is the source of origin. Master, the quasi-sage is the condensing speed of the Tao fruit.

In these past items, Huang Xuanlang has done a good job asking himself, but his breakthrough is that it is more difficult than others.

Practice has no years.

Ten years after Zhang Hanlao came to this world, his Cultivation Base finally reached the third floor of Qi training.

This has reached the lowest limit to enter the martial art here.

But he didn’t have much joy at all, because in ten years, the girl has become famous in the whole world of cultivation, everyone knows that but a rare genius in thousands of years, has the appearance of Celestial Immortals!

At the same time, her identity is also well known by everyone. Not only her parents are Mahayana cultivators, she is also loved by Head Teachers!

And what about Zhang Han himself?

It’s just a one-inch three-in-one mixed Spiritual Roots, only to practice the third level of Qi at the age of twenty-five, and Su Ling’er is already a Gold Core cultivator.

The gap between the two sides is like a cloud of mud.

But what made him even more painful was that Su Ling’er did not dislike him at all. Although most of the time he was forbidden to go out by his parents, he would still meet him once he had time.

In Zhang Han’s heart, the time spent with Su Linger is the most wonderful, he can forget the passage of time.

Another ten years later, Zhang Han’s Cultivation Base finally entered the middle stage of Qi training, which is the fifth stage of Qi training, but Su Linger has become a Gold Core middle stage cultivator, and the gap between the two sides has widened.

That is to say, during this year, many big Sects were moved by the wind, and wanted to make their disciples and Su Ling’er form a dao companion.

The entire practice world was shrouded in Su Linger’s halo.

Zhang Hanshen was deeply stimulated, that is, from this day on, he realized that he wanted to continue to be with Su Ling’er, and he must not continue like this!

He cultivated crazy, and went everywhere to find the method of Ascension Cultivation Base.

“Mortal protagonists all need Gold Finger. Without Gold Finger, you can’t rely on your own abilities.”

Xu Sheng finally intervened. He directly formulated a “Sage The Mortal Realm” for Zhang Han according to the Sage interface.

When the fairy appeared in The Mortal Realm, Zhang Han was stunned.

[Sen The Mortal Realm Noodles][Name]: Zhang Han

[Realm]: Four levels of Qi training

[Spirit Power]: 300

[Experience]: 500

In a word, it can be summed up in one sentence: by fighting monsters, he can level up.

As long as he keeps killing monsters, he will be able to Ascension directly to the next Realm in the end!

Xu Sheng’s current level is very simple to do such a thing, and there is no need to exchange everything at the same price.

Not only him, any human race can forcibly Ascension the strength of his own people.

As for why not Ascension Spiritual Roots… Zhang Han is just the incarnation of Wang Fan, there is no need to be so wasteful.

With Xu Sheng’s help, Zhang Han’s promotion speed is the same as that of opening up, almost one level a year.

In just ten years, he has reached the Dzogchen training!

At this time, everyone who knew Zhang Han didn’t know that such a change had occurred in him.

In another three years, Wang Fan has reached the Foundation Building period!

This year, he was only forty-nine years old!

At this age, Cultivation Base, which has a Foundation Building period, can already be regarded as a talented person. Even the spiritual roots cannot be so fast. One day, the spiritual roots may be born and powerful to reach such a Realm.

Then for eighteen years, Wang Fan entered the Gold Core period!

At this time, Su Ling’er’s reputation is deeper, and Cultivation Base has also entered the Gold Core late stage!

However, Zhang Han was not discouraged. Over the past few decades, his self-confidence had been fully developed.

Thirty years in the blink of an eye, at the age of ninety-seven, he condensed Nascent Soul and became a Nascent Soul cultivator!

At the same time as his breakthrough, Su Linger’s breakthrough reached a critical moment in the fairy sect mountain gate tens of thousands of years away.

“Nascent Soul, who is less than a hundred years old, Linger has set a new record!”

“Hahaha, she will surpass you and me in the future!”

A couple with extraordinary tolerance talked and laughed. They could already feel that the energy inside was gradually handed over, and the breakthrough of their daughter had been completed, and there was no longer any danger.

A few hours later, Su Ling’er, dressed in a white rosy dress, walked out of Immortal Cave. She had a calm expression and was much less lively than when she was young.

But she hasn’t changed. In her heart, an ordinary-faced teenager exists there, and she never forgets it every second.

Suddenly, her heart beat violently, and she turned her head quickly to look in a certain direction.

She was startled: “Is that you…”

She felt that there was someone who was extremely important to her.

The next moment, she turned around and flew over there.

“Father, mother, my daughter needs to travel a long distance, so let’s postpone the meeting with Toshihiko from various sects later.”

The couple opened their mouths slightly, and the woman subconsciously wanted to stop, but was stopped by the man.

“Let her go, she is already a Nascent Soul real person, no longer our little girl with wings to protect.”

The beautiful woman of Luo Chang sighed: “Just what you said, Mr. Yifu.”

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