Global Sage Era

Chapter 377

Chapter 373

When all the laws in front of him disappeared and he felt himself appearing in the void battlefield again, Xu Sheng immediately knew how long time had passed—not a few seconds, but seven days.

In the few seconds he was feeling, seven days had actually passed in the void battlefield.

“The subjectivity of thinking…”

Xu Sheng immediately understood the answer. The time he sensed was only from his own perspective, and did not represent an objective time scale.

For example, when you do something you like, you feel that time is much faster than usual.

But time itself has not changed, it has only changed in the own senses.

There is no entanglement on this issue. At this time, the biggest question in Xu Sheng’s mind is how Huang Xuanlang did this.

not far away.

Huang Xuanlang, who has officially stepped into the Holy Land and became a Sage, is looking at Xu Sheng with a smile.

Although his appearance and breath have not changed, the changes in his temperament can be said to be very different.

At this moment, with Huang Xuanlang as the center of the circle, everything around him seems to conform to his will. In his area, his will represents everything.

“Is this the power of the Holy Land?”

Xu Sheng gave a strange look. Although he had dealt with many Sages before, it was the first time that a familiar person had changed from Quasi-Sage to Sage.

“I know what you are curious about, but when I knew I could do this, I was also surprised.”

Time goes back to a few days ago.

When Huang Xuanlang sensed that he was about to take the last step, Huanyu gave him a gift at the same time.

These gifts are the last step to make up for the puzzle, as long as they are fully absorbed, the Holy Land will be regarded as stepping into it.

But when these gifts appeared-it was a continuous light ball filled with infinite power.

There was a feeling in his heart suddenly, and he looked at the light in it.

In this group of light, in addition to his own breath, there is also a breath that does not belong to him, and the two sides are mixed together.

After distinguishing a little, he knew that this breath belonged to Xu Sheng!

The reason is also very easy to explain, that is the new born life!

This kind of situation has not appeared in the past records. Huang Xuanlang can be said to be very clear about every piece of information, but this situation is obviously the first time that this situation has appeared in front of him.

“Xu Sheng can also absorb it”

Such a message appeared in his mind very clearly.

The light group is a very precious thing. It is a gift from the world, which can make up the last piece of the holy realm. Its importance can be imagined.

Huang Xuanlang naturally hesitated in his heart, but he took advantage of Xu Sheng this time, and the Karma he owed was still there, so he finally sighed in his heart and waved the light ball to Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng was also staring at Ascension, who had a fast comprehension of the law. The speed of the Ascension was so wide that he was amazed when he looked at it.

“It can be said that what happened this time is completely coincidental and it is almost impossible to replicate.”

The corner of Huang Xuanlang’s mouth was still smiling. After entering the Holy Realm, his level of thought had risen. From a higher perspective, he no longer paid much attention to many of the original things.

The most representative is the ranking of the quasi-sacred list, he is completely disinterested in the first place now.

Xu Sheng nodded, “It is indeed a coincidence that cannot be replicated, but I have never had the idea of ​​Huang Xuechang taking advantage of me. Now I owe you Karma.”

In his heart, his goal at the beginning was not ‘pure’. He wanted to use Huang Xuanlang’s people to train Wang Fan, but he didn’t expect that in the end it was a mistake, which gave him a chance to become holy.

This kind of opportunity differs from person to person. Huang Xuanlang’s opportunity is a descendant with two top-tier talents, not necessarily for others.

In fact, his own accumulation is enough, only the last primer. The energy of this primer is not important, as long as its nature is suitable.

For Xu Sheng, the Ninth Stage battle body and the Qingwei Dao body are exchanged, and everyone in the future will have it after they are born, which is the deepest part of everyone’s blood.

For others, there is just one more citizen with top talent, single, and it is impossible to Ascension to the race.

If you want a strict analogy, it is roughly equivalent to a human with an IQ of 200, and the average IQ of the entire human race is raised to 200.

Therefore, Xu Sheng really feels that he has not paid anything. This time he is equivalent to a five-point comprehension of the law of Ascension out of thin air, which has saved him a lot of time and resources, and the amount of Karma owed is not small.

The current scene is actually quite interesting. Huang Xuanlang thinks that he has taken a big advantage. He just lost a little thing and ended the debt he owed Karma. He can make up for this kind of thing without any effort; Xu Shengze I feel ashamed.

But in any case, this time it can be said that both sides have benefited. Judging by outcome theory… it is a win-win situation.

There is not much to say, what the two get is what they should get.

The two chatted for a while, and Huang Xuanlang went to the Xuance team.

After all, he is the closest to the own players, and only with them can this joy be shared best.

After Huang Xuanlang left, Xu Sheng continued to guide the development of the Huntuo human race. No matter what happened, it would not affect his Ascension strength. Every minute and every second needs to be cherished.

True sage battlefield.

The trio of Gu Shiyi also noticed for the first time that there was a quasi-sage advancement.

“The kid Huang Xuanlang finally grasped the opportunity. If there is no breakthrough in this war, he estimates that it will take ten years before he can be promoted.” Peng Yuanshang said with a smile. Although Huang Xuanlang has graduated now, he is in this position. The principal still sees him as a child. When Huang Xuanlang was at school, he also paid attention to it for a while, and he decided on the division of some resources.

In ancient times, Yi did not speak. Huang Xuanlang came from his sect. Although he has not shown much, he still pays a lot of attention to him. The fact that the opportunity should lie with Xu Sheng was not discovered by Song Mao. It was calculated by him. Although Song Ming is a high sage, it is still impossible to calculate such a thing very clearly.

“The estimated time has come, it’s time to solve them.”

Ji Huairu in front said, opposite her, the unity formed by the aggregation of the five true sage levels of Confusion Clan was already riddled with defects.

Its final fight and extinction was as it had hoped. Although it caused some trouble to the human race, it did not cause any casualties.

The death toll of the Human Race still remains at twelve-three of them are missing, which is not strictly speaking the casualties this time, which means that only nine deaths were caused by the Heartbroken Race.

A medium race group is not weak in the universe, but even so, facing the attack of a university of the human race, it can only cause nine deaths in the end, and the strength of the human race can be fully reflected from this.

The fusion of the confused heart race also felt the thoughts of the true saints of the three human races opposite, they roared, unwilling, and unwilling to die.

However, their destiny cannot be determined by them. Peng Yuanshang, Ji Huairu, and Gu Shiyi shot at the same time, and their original sacred artifacts were used, and the Huoxin tribe quickly went to extinction in their wailing.

“Do not!!!”

It tried its best to resist, and the void began to collapse in its struggle, but it didn’t use it at all, it could only delay its own demise.

“Four years and seven months.”

In ancient times, Yi said these words calmly.

This is the time it can resist.

At that time, the Huoxin Race will be removed from the universe, except for the Human Race still keeping its records, other races will forget it.

All existence is erased.

As if it never appeared.

At this time, 1,500 years away… and only the last four years and seven months!

In the battlefield of True Sage, the aggregation of the five True Sages of the Heart-Troubled Race could not cause any harm to the three of Gu Shi Yi, but outside, in the fusion world, all life in the light particle world fell into riots at the same time. .

They began to carry out a ‘death to death’ attack, forgetting the fear of Death, and their only goal was to destroy the human world around them.

For this scene, everyone has been informed by the three of Gu Shiyi in advance, so they have already made preparations, and everyone has deployed sufficient defenses on the periphery of the own world.

On Xu Sheng’s side, the Huntuo race had already prepared the defense in the third and outer layers.

Now there is no powerful light particle world around Huntuo Minor World. Huang Xuanlang has solved the world almost in the past 100 years. Together with several other quasi-sages, he encircled and suppressed them from several directions at the same time, and they were also protecting them. For the safety of others.

Among the people, the most powerful has become Wang Fan, but he is not in the forefront position, but Yin is still leading the other cultivator.

Even with the exception of a limited number of people, everyone else didn’t know that Wang Fan was already a Realm in the middle stage of the transformation. In their hearts, Wang Fan was strong, but after all, he was just a disciple of Yin, which was worse.

In terms of Wang Fan’s deeds, it is absolutely inspirational. To be able to go from a rural boy without Spiritual Roots to his current position, his efforts exceed everyone’s imagination, just like his own cultivation is too high. Just like the nerves, after thousands of hardships, they can only be made into steel.

“Yin is not far from breakthrough. It seems that Wang Fan’s transcendence still aroused his eagerness to win.”

Xu Sheng can feel that today’s Yin is a little different. Before, he was always indifferent, but now his disciple’s transcendence has put him under pressure. Although he is pleased and happy to see his disciple transcend himself, he still refuses to admit defeat in his bones. what.

Of course, when it comes to refusing to admit defeat, there is also a reckless man who refuses to admit defeat. During this period of time, Kuang Yuan, this kid, can be said to be desperate. For this reason, even the affairs are handed over to the ministers.

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