Global Sage Era

Chapter 379

Chapter 375 Return


[Sage interface][User]: Xu Sheng

[Respect Taboo]: Tongtian

[Rule]: 20.14%

【Dao Guo】: None

[Origin]: Water (15424561 points)

【Dojo】: Not obtained


[Sect]: Cut off

[Subject]: Huntuo people

[Incense]: 100.3 billion

【Bonus】: Zero

【Subject Interface】

[Name]: Huntuo people

[Number]: 211.39 million

[Class]: Hong-class human (level 5, talented Qingwei Dao body, Ninth Stage battle body Second Stage)

[Enjoy]: Spirit Monument (50% bonus)

[Inheritance]: the way of cultivator, the way of qi and blood, the way of Martial Soul…


【Sect Interface】

[Master]: Tongtian (Xu Sheng)

[Professional name]: cut off

[Doctrine]: There is no class

[Sect]: Chongxiao School, Qingxin Palace, Lian Shenzong

[Inheritance]: Not determined

[Artifact]: Not determined

【Education】: Zero

[Cultivator interface]


【Country interface】


[Minor World interface][Area]: a radius of nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-three miles

[Spirit Power]: 300 times the concentration in the center, decreasing in other areas, and three times the concentration at the extreme edge (Spirit Power self-generates, constant three times the concentration in the whole area)

[Race]: Hong-level humans (fifth-level), greystone spirit (desolate-level seventh-level, subsidiary race)

【Spectacle】: Two thousand three hundred and seventy-two

[Special]: 10,089 unique Taoist Treasures Heavenly and Mortal Treasures

[Attachment]: No. 1 Resource World (Billions of Indigenous Human Races, Tier 1 Desolate, Generates Various Demonic Beasts Materials), No. 1 Experience World (Billions of Night Dire, Hardening the State of Mind)

[Evaluation]: unprecedented


“This is what I learned this time…”

When the instructions for gathering came, Xu Sheng subconsciously opened the own Sage interface and started watching.

On this, he could see his progress this time at a glance.

It can be said that this time the Battle of the Heart-Mending Race was the fastest he made progress.

Not only the comprehension of own law and the average realm of the people have ascending, but also the two things of Wonder and Heavenly and Mortal Treasures have increased many times.

Those spectacles and Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, except for a small part that he cherishes through the equivalent exchange of everything, are obtained from various light particle worlds.

In the past 1,500 years, he has solved a total of one hundred and sixty-three puzzlers. In the light-grain world of these puzzlers, there are more or less peculiar treasures, and everyone including him will choose Bring these treasures back.

A few days later.

The Sages returned from the central battlefield, and the three true saints standing in the front are naturally.

Everyone was happy and encouraged. The true saints did not seem to have any injuries. This battle was a complete victory!

Before, they had also felt anxious in their hearts. If any of the three true saints had an accident, it would be a major blow to the entire Qianjing University.

Fortunately, such things did not appear, the true sage is worthy of the true sage, and it is impossible for the true sage of the confused heart clan to cause harm to them.

The consciousness of the three Sages enveloped everyone. Although everyone did not hear the true sage speaking, they could feel that they were being watched. This was a very strange feeling, and many people even subconsciously became nervous.

Xu Sheng’s feeling is particularly strong. He thinks… the three Sages have paid a lot of attention to him.

This feeling is unreasonable, because he can’t feel the feelings of other people. How can he compare his own difference?

can not explain.

So he also subconsciously held his breath, and recalled that his performance in the war should be pretty good this time. The only thing that can be called a problem, maybe only that time when he accidentally fell… But in the end, the own treatment was not bad. Well, success turns danger into opportunity.

“I am very gratified. In this battle, each of you has achieved considerable Ascension in strength, and your performance has not disappointed me… At the same time, I am also very sad because there are twelve classmates forever. Disappeared on this battlefield.”

Peng Yuanshang’s voice rang in everyone’s ears, shaking the entire hinterland of the Confusion Clan-the area that was originally intact had now become riddled with holes and belonged to an extremely broken area in the universe.

Thinking of the twelve companions who disappeared, everyone’s heart became heavy. Although they survived this time, what about next time?

There are so many human races, and the number of students at Qianjing University is only forty to 50,000. The casualties of the four years of university experience have accumulated, and the death rate has been very terrible.

But at the same time, they are lucky. For other races besides the human race, using Death to succeed will not necessarily be able to exchange for a semi-holy level powerhouse.

Xu Sheng originally thought that Peng Yuanshang would say a lot, but what he didn’t expect was that it was just a few short sentences, and within 30 seconds before and after, Peng Yuanshang finished speaking.

Then, following his instructions to go back, everyone started to take action, arranging the teams according to the order they came.

When everyone was ready, the three Sages joined forces to open the singularity of shifting.

The original blockade of the Huoxin Clan has not yet been evacuated.

Everyone goes through the singularity in an orderly manner to where they arrived.

After experiencing that peculiar feeling again, Xu Sheng could see a lot more at this time. The constantly changing scenes around him were clearly some rules of operation in the universe.

He has some understanding in his heart, and it is through these rules that the Sages have opened up this singularity, and one day he will come to this point.

Beyond the singularity, a spaceship still stays here.

One thousand and five hundred years is only half a month’s time for the earth. The people on Life don’t feel anything on it. The children who have not yet grown up, even just learned some new knowledge, or A few more own subjects have been added.

“Xu Sheng, how does it feel to be on this mission for the first time?”

On the way back, Xu Sheng chatted with a few people from Xuance team.

At this time, the atmosphere of the Xuance team was different. As Huang Xuanlang entered the holy realm, they also officially became a Sage team.

It won’t take long for this team to compete in the Holy Realm team, and when all members enter Sage, it will go to a new place.

“In fact, it doesn’t feel much, it’s not much different from what I was before…Of course, the scene is much bigger.”

Strictly speaking, the battle of this time meant that the number of people participating in the war was a little higher, and in the end he was still solving the opponents one by one.

The battle at this level of theirs is of course different from ordinary lives. It is impossible to form a group attack. The high-level forces on both sides have the power to change the rules, and they will create an environment that is beneficial to their own side.

In this kind of chat, the spacecraft passes through areas.

In the distance, a touch of azure blue gradually became clear.

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