Global Sage Era

Chapter 381

Chapter 377 Su Linrui’s Dilemma

The scenery on the campus of Ganjing University is very good.

The original area is huge. Although a large area is occupied by various buildings, there are still a lot of places reserved for the landscape.

For example, the small lake in the center of the school has the lake pavilion on the lake.

The lake is so big that you can go boating on it. If you have that leisure time, you can call three or five friends and go boating on the lake together. It is also a pleasant thing.

But generally speaking, friends rarely do this. They are students of opposite sex men and women in an ambiguous state.

There are rumors that this cruise project is specifically to promote the friendship between men and women. After all, love and marriage are encouraged on the earth. Except for the fact that they are not allowed to do too many things in high school because they affect the foundation, they are casual in college.

It was normal to make dao companions in college at that time. There are many such situations in those schools outside, but there are very few in Ganjing University, because everyone is busy with Ascension’s own strength, and can’t allocate too much time on it.

Those who think a lot can’t enter Qianjing University.

Xu Sheng and Su Linrui walked side by side on the small road by the lake, chatting softly.

It is almost the end of December, and the weather can be regarded as cold.

Xu Sheng felt a hint of coolness, and his clothes were rather thin.

It’s also funny. Not long ago, the law was invoked in the universe, which would not be able to block even the mere cold.

It’s better if it’s above half holy, but you still need to wear a little thicker. This kind of oppressive force of the earth can be said to be incomprehensible.

But on the other hand, it is also an excellent protection, because if some powerful existence force a breakthrough on the earth, it will also be suppressed, and no ability can be exerted. It may have been a surprise attack by an existence of the most holy level. It will cause huge casualties to all people, but now it is unearthed if they can’t do any harm.

So long ago, no aliens were willing to come to the earth to make a surprise attack, because the result was a waste of energy. Although the races in the universe are infinite, there are countless existences above the holy realm.

Many races have only single-digit sacred realms, and the death of one is a disaster for this race. It is not easy for those peak races to cultivate a sacred realm. They will not rush to send their strength to death.

“How about this half month? What level have your current people developed?”

After Xu Sheng talked a little bit about the situation of the battle of the puzzled heart clan, he brought the topic to Su Linrui, and he naturally wanted to help Su Linrui in his heart.

His current law has exceeded 20%, and Su Linrui is only a little bit in half a month. He also came from this stage. Knowing that he was at that time, he couldn’t understand his current level of power at all, so it was too much to talk to Su Linrui. It’s useless, I’ll help her more on my own side.

“Nascent Soul people have appeared, but his aptitude is not good enough. It is estimated that he will stop in this Realm. What I want to do now is to extend his life as much as possible so that he can train more apprentices. After all, it can be ascension.” Su Linrui was a little helpless when she said, the potential of the subject is difficult to Ascension, and this is the result of her redeeming the Spiritual Roots card, but it has reached the limit, and the subject cannot progress higher at present.

Xu Sheng knows that this is the normal way to advance. Among the people of Lin Zhiyan and others, there are only a few Realms, but this is the result of not knowing how many generations they have cultivated. They had reached this point thousands of years ago, and now it is only a quantitative accumulation.

Just like the ordinary advancement, it is like the accumulation of quantity, and then the breakthrough of quality.

Xu Sheng relied on the equivalence of everything to reduce the accumulation process infinitely, otherwise the qualifications of Yin and others would have withered for more than a thousand years.

Su Linrui already trusts Xu Sheng very much, so most of Own’s situation in the chat is described.

Through these descriptions, Xu Sheng knew her strength level to what extent. What surprised him was that Su Linrui’s strength Ascension was much larger than he wanted.

“If her original strength was only above the middle of the Tianzi class, she should be close to the level of the champion class now.”

Xu Sheng is of course happy for Su Linrui’s progress, but there is still a lot of confusion in his heart, because according to Su Linrui’s high school aptitude, it should not have improved so much.

You must know that this is the time when you have not yet begun to experience!

He spends most of his time in school, and there is basically no chance of surpassing others. Under such circumstances, there can be such progress. He asked himself, if he didn’t have the equivalent of everything, he probably wouldn’t be able to do it.

“What’s wrong, suddenly look at me like that?”

Su Linrui felt Xu Sheng’s sight become a little direct, her face couldn’t help but blush, she subconsciously wiped her cheek, thinking she had accidentally stained something.

“It’s nothing, I just think I haven’t seen you in half a month. You seem to be more beautiful than before.” Xu Sheng naturally didn’t say the doubt in his heart, just praised him. This is also the truth. After going to college, every time he did After seeing Su Linrui after returning from the mission, she felt that she was much more beautiful than before.

The speaker had no intention of the listener’s heart, Su Linrui felt her own heart suddenly paused, and her footsteps came to a halt.

After Xu Sheng walked two steps, he realized that there was something wrong. Seeing Su Linrui who was still standing still, she couldn’t help but curiously said: “What’s the matter?”

Su Linrui was a little angry and wronged for no reason, but she sighed in her heart immediately, didn’t she already know what character this guy is?

“It’s okay, it’s just that something suddenly occurred to me, let’s continue walking.” Su Linrui walked two steps to catch up with Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng felt a little strange in his heart. After thinking for a while, whenever he found out what he had forgotten, he didn’t care.

After walking with Su Linrui for more than an hour, her stomach began to growl unconsciously.

Xu Sheng hasn’t experienced the feeling of hunger for a long time, so much so that he forgot to come back to eat.

Su Linrui chuckled when she heard the sound: “Have you not eaten for a long time? Go eat now, the earth is no better than an extraterritorial battlefield.”


“I have eaten, so I won’t accompany you.”

“Well, see you later.”

After waving with Xu Sheng, he walked towards his dormitory at the corner ahead.

“He is getting stronger and stronger, and the gap between me and him is getting bigger…I can’t waste any more time, I must seize every opportunity of Ascension.”

Su Linrui hesitated when she refused, but in the end she still felt that the gap between herself and Xu Sheng was too big. She had her own goal. In order to achieve that goal, she had to do everything she could.

“Lin Rui, why are you alone? Didn’t you say that Xu Sheng was with you?”

On the way, some classmates in the same class saw the greeting, and they were a little curious. Many people saw the scene where Xu Sheng and Su Linrui left together. There were even rumors that the relationship between the two was already extraordinary, and they were thinking about forming a companion!

Many people are naturally envious, and being able to form a dao companion with people like Xu Sheng would be very helpful for the future!

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Xu Sheng expresses that kind of meaning, only a few freshman girls can refuse.

Even some boys will not refuse-after all, Dao companion does not restrict gender.

Of course, if it is not absolutely uncompromising, otherwise the school still encourages the formation of dao companions between the opposite sex. After all, the opposite sex can reproduce, bring new life, and add strength to the human race.

Su Linrui naturally understood what the gaze meant. She was a little sweet and a little lost, and she shook her head and said, “I have something to do, so I separated first.”

“That’s it~” The last word of this girl left a long tone, which was quite meaningful.

Su Linrui didn’t care too much. She has a good personality, and she got along well with the girls in the same class when she first entered the school. But when the closeness between her and Xu Sheng became known by more and more people, those girls began to consciously or unconsciously. Repel her.

She understands that such a thing will definitely happen. After all, if those girls have free time on weekdays, most of the objects of discussion will be Xu Sheng.

If you just talk about looks, Xu Sheng is not the most outstanding in the whole freshman year, many people will surpass him.

But can handsome be a meal?

Can being handsome increase your strength?

Can being handsome speed up the comprehension of the law?

Will not work.

That’s why the appearance is good or bad, most people only value strength.

Xu Sheng is undoubtedly the number one in the freshman year, and his results some time ago have surpassed that of the previous year. Now he is in a good position to be the number one in the school.

Such a person, as long as there is no major accident, then in the future, I will think that Sage, Gao Sheng is very likely, even true… The chance is not small.

Those who can go to Beijing University are not stupid people. Although they will not deliberately try to please Xu Sheng, if there is a chance to make good friends with Xu Sheng, no one will refuse.

Xu Sheng’s reputation in the school is also good. I heard that his personality is good. He is not the kind of arrogant person. Many people have met Xu Sheng. You can also feel some of his inner life in his words and deeds. The person who most wants to be a companion in China, Xu Sheng is definitely on the list with the highest vote.

Su Linrui didn’t talk to the girl any more, and soon returned to the dormitory.

Entering the maintenance cabin, her consciousness descended on the sea of ​​the world.

What appeared in front of him was a Minor World with a radius of hundreds of miles, with millions of human races living on it, and the one with the highest strength had reached the Realm of Nascent Soul.

This is a female nun, and her Spiritual Roots are virtual Spiritual Roots. It is rare to be able to reach the Nascent Soul stage with the qualifications of virtual Spiritual Roots.

But this is her limit. Whether it is Dowkey or Gold Core, her quality is very low. Now this Nascent Soul period is not to say that it is a leapfrog battle, even the standard Realm’s combat power is not available.

But Su Linrui has no dislike for her, because this is the result of her hard work!

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