Global Sage Era

Chapter 384

Chapter 380 Peng Yuanshang: Let me add another fire

“Principal, many schools have been inquiring about Xu Sheng’s news recently.”

In the principal’s office, a Chusheng teacher was reporting in a low voice.

Peng Yuanshang heard the words and laughed, “Let them inquire. Although Xu Sheng himself is not a public character, we need such a card in Beijing University.”

If there are good students in the school, it is natural to promote it vigorously.

Although Qianjing University is a dominant university, after all, there is another Kunhai University that can be compared.

Although both parties regard the human race as a member of the human race, and do not want to see the scene of a dominance, but in the eyes of the principals of both schools, if their own family can completely overwhelm the other, it is naturally a better thing.

Peng Yuanshang has taken over Qianjing University for more than ten years. Although he has been working hard to develop Qianjing University and selecting excellent seedlings to cultivate, he has not widened the gap with Kunhai University.

Even if it may win the opponent a little bit within a certain period of time, it will not be long before it will be chased back, and even a little overtake.

The two are like spiral ascending, entangled to death, it is not so easy to break this ‘stalemate’.

Peng Yuanshang and the principal of Zhensheng of Kunhai University are also old acquaintances. At that time, they also competed when studying in the same place, and they had never seen each other.

However, there is no hatred. At this stage of Sage, apart from the differences in ideas caused by the conflict on the road, there is basically no personal grievances.

The grievances before the holy realm cannot be brought back to the holy realm, after all, once you enter the holy realm, the things you pursue will change completely.

“I see, the principal.” The Chusheng teacher respectfully said, then turned and left the office.

But just as he was about to go out, Peng Yuanshang suddenly said, “Wait a minute.”

This Chusheng teacher turned to look at Peng Yuanshang curiously, and then heard Peng Yuanshang say: “Let’s add a fire on our side. A genius like Xu Sheng should be completely radiant. A genius like him appears more often. It can also give the entire human race more incentives.”

After being taken aback for a while, Teacher Chusheng nodded and said: “Understood, I will do it now.”

“Well, go ahead.”

After the first sage left, Peng Yuanshang tapped a few times on the table with his fingers, and hummed a little song in his mouth… His heart wall was really good during this time.

After Xu Sheng saw that the 500,000 credits had been credited, he stopped paying attention to outside affairs.

During this time, although many people wanted to know him, and even some strangers sent call requests, he refused all of them.

He didn’t have too much leisure time to take care of those things. Although he has achieved certain results at the moment, he is still only the beginning stage. He is not even a semi-sage, and he has no reason to be proud.

Sage may be the beginning of the road to the real powerhouse. In the last few years of the Battlefield of Douxin Race, out of curiosity, he also asked Huang Xuanlang some ideas about entering the Holy Realm, and the reply was that he only knew about it after entering the Holy Realm. The previous self was just a toddler.

This brought a lot of spiritual shock to him at that time, because originally in his imagination, he had just formally broken through the holy realm, which should be when he was most energetic, but he did not expect the final response to be like this.

Xu Sheng clearly remembers the feeling of satisfaction in his heart when he achieved results in the past, but now I want to compare it, but it looks a little ridiculous. I am like a frog at the bottom of the well satisfied with my small results. If I want to go further, Then there is absolutely no such idea.

“Stay in school for a few days, and after the credits are used up, I will immediately go to the task building to pick up suitable tasks.”

Xu Sheng already had a plan in his heart.

Although he ended a mission just now, he was not ready to rest.

He knew that not only he, but almost everyone was not ready to rest.

Because I just finished World War I, I have to fix it in school for ten and a half days?

That would be ridiculed.

Time is so precious. If you slack off a little bit, the advantage you have created in the early stage will be immediately recovered.

Everyone is a competitor on the holy road, and cherishing resources is so much in total. If you are not as good as others, you can’t get it.

Just like this time in the rankings, he got 500,000 credits in the first place, but those students who ranked low received only a few thousand credits, which was about the same as the credits obtained for a common task.

Xu Sheng now understands this aspect quite clearly. After all, without the resources provided by the school, even if everything is equivalent, he would not be able to progress so fast.

Even when I returned to high school, if I didn’t have the Bodhi fruit given by the old class, I might not have taken the exam so high when I was in the third mode.

Even the slightest gap in the early stage may become very huge when it is enlarged to the late stage. If you remove the Bodhi fruit during your growth, many changes will occur.

So what Xu Sheng thinks now is how to continue his high-speed Ascension own strength.

After staying on the battlefield outside the territory for a long time, there will naturally be a feeling of waste on earth now. After all, the time flow of Minor World in the world sea is still maintained at one year. Compared with the time scale of 30 years in the endless ruins, this efficiency is The difference is far, and the natural shortening of the time on the earth shortens.

However, there is still something special about the earth. Xu Sheng had already received some information about the earth from the principal. The human race had to return to the earth for a period of time to add certain characteristics so as not to affect the holy way.

In fact, it is very easy to understand that those cultivators who stay in a world without Spiritual Qi for a long time will have their strengths declining and will eventually become similar to ordinary people.

But if they return to the own world after a while, they can stay in this world indefinitely.

After handling the matters on hand, Xu Sheng left the dormitory and walked to the Law Tower.

“Taling, fourth floor…no, go to the third floor first.”

As soon as Xu Sheng spoke, he changed his mind. There was a guess in his mind that needed to be verified.

One minute on the third floor of the Law Tower is 100 credits. With his current credits, he can stay for nearly ninety hours, and it takes four days to use it up without sleep.

For the same amount of points, the fourth layer is actually only about 60% of the third layer. If you want to maximize the effect, you must choose the third layer.

However, the third layer is 60% of the second layer, and the second layer is only 60% of the first layer… If you really keep thinking about it like this, then the time is too worthless.

Xu Sheng has actually faintly felt in his past experience. When own strength reaches a certain level, the low level is not big enough for own Ascension.

After reaching the third level, a torrent of laws came soon, and through comprehension of this torrent, Xu Sheng’s comprehension of the laws began ascension.

But at this time Ascension, let alone the feeling of swiftness like before, even the feeling of “fast” is almost gone, it is a very ordinary feeling.

Only a few minutes later, Xu Sheng stopped his perception on the third floor and ordered again: “Go to the second floor.”

The torrent of laws on the second layer came soon. At this time, Xu Sheng felt a snail-like slow speed, which even made him feel a little scorched.

The result is also compared: doubled.

Consuming the same credits, the rate of progress of the third tier is already twice as fast as that of the second tier.

One minute on the third floor is equivalent to twenty minutes on the second floor.

“level one.”

Ordering again, Xu Sheng quickly came to the first floor.

The same flood of laws is coming… No, it can no longer be said to be a flood of laws, it is like a stream of water, without any impact!

The law of Ascension speed that once made Xu Sheng extremely pleasantly surprised, but at this time, he couldn’t make him feel any joy. In this first level, his speed of progress was already negligible.

The final comparison also quickly appeared in Xu Sheng’s mind: Thirteen times.

One minute on the second floor is equal to one hundred and thirty minutes on the first floor.

One minute on the third floor is equal to 2,600 minutes on the first floor!

It’s not how good the effect of the third layer is, it’s just that the effect of the first layer doesn’t work much for Xu Sheng anymore.

“Go to the fourth floor.”

Xu Sheng shook his head helplessly, but he made himself feel more at ease, so he didn’t need to continue struggling with the issue of’waste’.

After the torrent of laws on the fourth layer appeared, it finally brought long-lost pressure on Xu Sheng.

However, this pressure made his breathing a little more difficult, and it was no longer able to make him feel as tormented as before.

That feeling is as new as his memory now, and he really doesn’t want to continue to experience it.

The advancement of strength is very clear in front of him, and things that once felt very difficult are now just casually able to get through.

The comparison between the effects of the fourth layer and the third layer was quickly reached by him-eighty-thirds.

The loss of only 17% has made Xu Sheng no longer have to think about the third layer.

The effect of the fourth layer is still fully effective for him, but the third layer can no longer maintain such a high rate of progress.

The complicated thoughts at the beginning all disappeared quickly in the torrent of laws. Xu Sheng was immersed in the cultivation state, and five hours passed in a blink of an eye.

Three hundred thousand credits are gone, and there are only two hundred thousand credits left in the card.

“Credits are always so inadequate.”

Xu Sheng laughed bitterly, summoned Taling to give instructions, and got up to leave the fourth floor.

“But progress is always so obvious.”

Before coming to the Law Tower, his law comprehension was 20.14%.

The current law comprehension has become 21%.

Although the average Ascension per hour is less than 0.2%, Xu Sheng is satisfied.

His current strength is already the strongest among sophomores. He can rely on a mere 300,000 credits for Ascension, which is incredible.

Only the human race has this ability, and those alien races simply can’t imagine such a method!

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