Global Sage Era

Chapter 399

Chapter 395

Bubbles line up one after another.

From a distance, the surface of these bubbles reflects a variety of luster, which is extremely dreamy.

But if you get closer and look carefully, you will find that there are countless worlds floating up and down in these bubbles.

Some are just a small piece of land on which dozens of animals inhabit and multiply; some contain a whole world in which several intelligent races have developed brilliant historical cultures; some involve multiple levels. The powerful foreign pluralistic conquerors launched a war of aggression, and a protracted war broke out between the two sides.

Some bubbles are very special,

In an inconspicuous position, a human race awakened from a deep sleep, and he slowly opened his eyes.

At first, there was only a blank in his eyes, but soon the light of wisdom returned, and his understanding of the laws all over his body also skyrocketed.


[Sage interface][User]: Xu Sheng

[Respect Taboo]: Tongtian

[Rule]: 23.23%

【Dao Guo】: None

[Essence]: Water (17542545 points)

【Dojo】: Not obtained


[Sect]: Cut off

[Subject]: Huntuo people

[Incense]: 123.7 billion

【Bonus】: Zero


“Did you increase your comprehension so many laws?”

Xu Sheng’s surging breath returned to calm.

Through the Sage interface, he can see the Ascension this time most intuitively.

Before that, he had never thought that Gensokyo’s Ascension would be so terrifying. Just one experience made the Ascension of own law nearly 1.5%.

“Those hundreds of worlds should be formed by combining my fantasy and real history.”

When consciousness returns, everything he experienced before is naturally known to him.

He has experienced hundreds of worlds back and forth.

There are various types.

Some are slaves and suffer daily inhuman treatment; some are from a prominent background and have been dudes all their lives; some are passionate about studying and become a scientist studying Universe; some are awakened in the normal world. Make normal people afraid…

Too much.

Of course, the longest and most useful part of these experiences is the one in the ‘elven world’.

In this world, he had a thorough insight into the meaning of guardianship.

And this world is also the last world he experienced.

But if it weren’t for the accumulation of the hundreds of worlds before, it would be impossible to make a qualitative change in this last world.

Similarly, his life as a tree in this world is also very enlightening to him-although he has spent millions of years as a tree, this experience is not worth mentioning compared to the flow of information he received.

However, the flow of information is from the perspective of the bystander. This is truly a part of the tree, a normal behavior under his own instinct. The previous hundreds of life periods also made him understand a lot from it.

“About guarding… is really a big proposition.”

Xu Sheng sighed in his heart that the law he understood was protection, but in fact it had become a guardian of the Huntuo tribe without knowing it.

Protection and guarding.

Strictly speaking, the former is included in the latter, but if you understand more, you can also be transformed.

For example, the burning law in the origin of fire can be transformed with heat.

The experience in the world of the elves is quite interesting. Obviously he appeared there first, and finally became the sacred tree of the elves, and then sheltered the elves. He believed that this should be related to the ability to trace back time when he had seen the sacred. .

After comprehending all the information, Xu Sheng temporarily put aside his thoughts and looked into Minor World.

He now needs to know how long has passed in Minor World.

The first thing he felt was the strong breath.

Huh, stereotyped?

Xu Sheng only paused for a moment, and there was joy on his face.

He looked at the extra eighth breath, and found that it was indeed a Martial Spirit that had been optimistic that he had made a breakthrough into the Martial King.

Finally, a breakthrough Martial King appeared!

It seems that the comprehension of own law, Ascension’s so violent may also have some of these factors.

This can be regarded as a surprise, and more surprises are yet to come.

Because soon he discovered that Yuhua and Qianmin, whose progress in Cultivation Base was at the bottom, had already broken through to the middle stage of Huashen.

How long will this pass?

Xu Sheng’s consciousness covers the entire Minor World.

The answer was quickly reached: two hundred and seven years.

“So short?”

Xu Sheng was a little surprised. He thought it might be four to five hundred years.

However, it doesn’t matter even if hundreds of thousands of years have passed, because the time in Gensokyo comes from ‘fantasy’, and no matter how long it has passed, it has nothing to do with the real world. The world that ultimately depends on is only the cognition when you wake up.

As for the time conflict in the middle…

In fact, there is no conflict. After all, after entering the Holy Realm, they have the ability to accelerate the time flow of Minor World. After reaching a certain level, time is just an ordinary force that can be used, and it is no different from the gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

There are even people whose origin is time. They have a unique ability to control the flow of Minor World, and there may be a type of time race among their subjects. Time races are not on the scale of space, but their life is on the scale of time.

When these races are involved, creatures need to be divided into time creatures and space creatures. Space creatures can go from one place to another through movement, while time creatures go from one place to another. Time, also known as the ability to travel through time.

The cognition that Xu Sheng instilled in himself before coming in was that the shorter the time the better.

What he wanted most was naturally for an instant, as soon as the front foot came in and the back foot came out. At that time, he could imagine that the guardian’s expression must be dumbfounded.

But this is naturally not very realistic. After all, the shortest record is three days. Although his current strength can be said to be the strongest at the same time in the past 100 years, the people behind are not far away from him. After all, he created those records. Most of the people have now become true sages and even…one of the five most sacreds.

Therefore, his request is as short as possible. If the time after coming out is a few hours a day and two days, it will be good, but if a long time has passed, it can only be said that own accumulation is not enough, and it needs to continue to work hard.

He asked himself that he had done his best to reach his current strength. As long as he tried his best to do everything, he didn’t have to look at whether it was good or bad.

“But now there is indeed an accident in me.”

Xu Sheng’s expression became weird.

Now it’s obvious-own consciousness has awakened in Gensokyo!

It is clearly recorded that Gensokyo is in a state of ignorance, and the consciousness is experienced in each world, just like the hundreds of lives before him.

This process will continue until the return of own consciousness, and will leave Gensokyo directly at that time.

But now he has clearly awakened his consciousness for so long, but there is no sign of leaving Gensokyo at all.

Things are a good thing. After all, in a conscious state, he will no longer experience life aimlessly, and he can selectively go to the bubble next to him.

But there is also a headache: how should I leave here?

You can’t just think about the past and not the future.

If you stay stuck here, will you become the kind of person in the theory who has been in Gensokyo for hundreds of millions of years?

So what is the difference between being dead for school and being dead?

“There must be a way to go out, but it won’t work. You can try it with a paperweight at that time.”

Xu Sheng was not too flustered, after all, he still had a ‘big killer’ in his hand.

The Paperweight Erxiang is a treasure created by the true sage, and its own level is considered extremely strong in the high sage level. Although Gensokyo is strong, he still thinks that he should still have the power to fight.

More importantly, the old sage should be able to feel it when he fully urges the paperweight two directions. After all, although Gensokyo is an illusion, it is more under the action of time, and the true sage level is not added to time.

“For the time being, I am not in a hurry to go out, just by taking advantage of this accident that happened to me, try to ascension my understanding of the law.”

Xu Sheng’s first reaction was naturally that such a change occurred because everything was equivalent.

But this idea was quickly rejected by him, because all the effects of the equivalence of all things are aimed at Minor World and the people, and in fact any changes to him.

Just like his talent, in fact, there is no change from beginning to end, it is still the same as when he first awakened.

But if everything is not equivalent, he really can’t think of the reason.

The only difference is that own soul comes from another world.

But he didn’t think it should either. Although the experience of owning was rather peculiar, after seeing more things, he already knew that those who had adventures, their experience might be more complicated than his own.

Something like cutting off a part of own consciousness and descending into own Minor World to become one’s own people is nothing more common.

“Ask the teacher after you go out.”

Xu Sheng felt that this kind of thing could be told to the Master. The relationship between the master and the apprentice was extremely close. Apart from the equivalence of everything and the need to temporarily conceal the previous life, everything else could be said.

After making plans, Xu Sheng tried to leave the bubble where he was now.

The volume of each bubble is not much different.

But the proportions of the objects in it are extremely different. For example, the bubble he is in is the only one that exists, and he occupies all the internal volume.

And there is a whole world in some bubbles, and this whole world also occupies the entire volume.

Indeed, like its name, it is dreamlike.

There are two ways to comprehend Ascension’s law. Before his Ascension only used one, so the efficiency is not the highest.

The correct approach is naturally to improve Minor World and oneself at the same time.

What he is looking for is a dream bubble that can meet these two conditions at the same time.

After searching for more than 3,000 bubbles around him for a while, his gaze stayed on one of them.

The next moment, the dream bubble that envelops him burst suddenly.

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