Global Sage Era

Chapter 403

Chapter 399

Capital Star, the core of earth civilization.

Its name is naturally the earth.

This name naturally has a special meaning to Xu Sheng, but let’s not say that there is a high probability that such a common name on the earth will collide.

Just to say that the name Earth appears in Gensokyo is even more normal. The appearance of this bubble is probably a combination of his memory.

He has seen so many film and television works in his previous life, and has received so much information flow in this life. That’s why weird and weird worlds have appeared.

Even from the previous experience of becoming a tree, he could think of himself having read a book about becoming a tree in his previous life. As for the fact that the whole elves in the back are female… it is also common.

As the capital star, the nature of the region itself is definitely more administrative, but at this time the earth can only be seen from space, but it is more similar to those scenic stars. There are large tracts of no man’s land everywhere, which only exist in some specific places. building.

There are many livable planets in the galaxy. If only considering the living conditions, the competitiveness of the earth is actually not great. Many people can choose to live in those remote worlds.

But after all, Capital Star is the heart of a civilization. There are more ascending channels here, and countless people flock to it.

The current population of Capital Star is just a mere 300 million.

According to the current scientific and technological strength of the earth civilization, the living population can be easily expanded by one hundred times, and the space for activities can be fully maintained.

Even if you want to, you can build space cities in the solar system, even if the entire civilized population gathers here.

These issues have appeared countless times, but in the end they all failed.

Only true dignitaries on earth can live here.

In addition to the prominence of the family, individuals can also make strata transition through military rank or strength.

In the hearts of all civilized citizens of the earth, a place to live on the earth can be said to be their dream. If someone promises to give him and his family the opportunity to live on the earth, there will be countless people who are desperate and willing to give anything. .

In such a location, the qualification review of the personnel is naturally very strict.

From the perspective of the spacecraft, each one is complicated in appearance and advanced in model.

So when a civilian ship is mixed into these expensive spacecraft, it really stands out from the crowd, and it is extremely eye-catching.

“What’s the matter? How could a poor ship appear here?”

“As for the administrator, this is a great negligence of their work, I want to complain!”

“Too bad for you to fly with such a spacecraft.”

Various shouts appeared in public channels.

Such behavior is like mixing a beggar in an aristocratic night banquet, and everyone who pretends to be aristocrat can absolutely not bear it.

When these people yelled, the spacecraft management department on the earth had already been in a state of exhaustion.

The minister among them was sweating profusely at the spaceship that was getting closer and closer.

All he is thinking about now is, ‘what is in this spaceship? Could it be the kind of anti-matter bomb that can blow up the entire planet? ’

If the earth is really erased, then although it will not be directly destroyed for the earth’s civilization, it is also an extremely dangerous thing. After all, the Zerg will definitely not give up such a good opportunity.

There are only 300 million people on the earth, which is too small for the population of the entire earth’s civilization in trillions.

It is impossible for the spacecraft management department to conceal such a big incident. The first thing they know is their superior unit, the Ministry of Communications.

Then it didn’t take long for the supreme leader of the entire civilization to learn about it.

In the most central office on the earth, the friendly woman frowned slightly, and the real-time scene of the spacecraft where Yin and others were was being played on the projection in front of her.

And below this scene, there is even more information about their voyage along the way. For a fifth-level civilization, it is too easy to do such a thing.

When they haven’t noticed, you can sneak under his eyelids and make some small movements, but once you are noticed, you will not hide your every move.

However, Yin and Kuangyuan were not ready to hide it.

To put it bluntly, with their current distance from the earth, they can even wipe out all the people on the earth if they want.

The earth civilization is powerful because of those weapons, and the power of light theory itself is currently only at the level of Nascent Soul.

In the previous battle of the God of War, Wang Fan of Nascent Soul late stage could not be approached until the breakthrough was successful. Now it is even more troublesome when it is placed on the earth civilization, even if all the so-called nine God of Wars It is impossible to prevent Yin and Kuang Yuan from approaching.

In the eyes of Yin and Kuangyuan, their behavior is actually sending out signals.

Although they have determined that they will let the earth civilization know about the existence of the Huntuo people on the road, the two parties are not in a merged relationship, but in an independent and cooperative way.

Huntuo Minor World began to temporarily join the earth civilization and become part of the earth civilization, but at the same time they continue to have autonomy, and the earth civilization is not qualified to point out the development of the Huntuo people.

Of course, they are not doing nothing. After joining the earth civilization, they will send Practitioners and cultivators to participate in the war with the Zerg. Even at critical moments, their cultivators will also take action according to the situation.

This is definitely very sincere. Both Yin and Kuangyuan have calculated many times based on the information they have obtained, and the final answer is that the earth civilization will not refuse.

For the Huntuo people, the war with the Zerg is a dangerous thing, but in the past, the Huntuo people have experienced too many similar battles, and this is just another opportunity for experience.

The spacecraft continued to approach.

Everyone on the earth is approaching the enemy, and several Nascent Soul cultivators who are staying on the earth have also gathered around the leaders of civilization.

As the spacecraft approached, the expressions of these Nascent Soul cultivators, who had always been calm, changed drastically, and they stuttered: “Transformation, transformation of God cultivator!”

The civilized leader next to him was also shocked when she heard the words. She asked, “Are you sure?”

One of the elders with a childlike face said with a serious expression: “There will never be a mistake. The power of this Realm has far surpassed the Nascent Soul period. The level of god transformation in the root record is generally the same, but…”

Having said that, he suddenly hesitated.

The woman said solemnly: “But what?”

The old man hesitated for a while and said: “But their strength is too strong, they have almost reached the limit of the level of the gods in the record, close to the level of the legend!”

The so-called level in the legend is naturally the hole. The earth civilization has never had this level of cultivator in the past, and they have the highest strength in the early stage of the transformation.

Even the strongest Cultivation Technique they created can only cultivation to the late stage. The person who created this Cultivation Technique can only feel that the road has not been cut off, leaving such words, really behind There is no higher Realm, and he can’t give decisive evidence.

But at this time, the old man definitely felt the fact that the higher Realm absolutely exists from the human body.

For his words, the five Nascent Soul cultivators next to him also agreed.

The current situation can be said to be extremely difficult to choose.

The arrival of the two suspected late stage cultivators made the entire earth civilization look like a big enemy.

They still don’t know the purpose of this spacecraft. They sent an inquiry not long ago, but they didn’t get any response.

It has been a long time since Earth civilization reached the fifth-level that such a situation has not appeared, and the memory of the entire civilization being threatened is too long.

In the spacecraft.

Yin and Kuangyuan were silently watching the rapidly growing earth below.

With their eyesight, they have been able to directly see those people on earth across this distance.

“Please tell your identities, please tell your identities, please tell your identities.”

The information sent by the earth civilization just now in the spacecraft is still being broadcast.

The reason why the two of them did not respond was that they wanted to use this opportunity to observe the degree of response of some people on Earth in the face of crisis.

If the response is too poor, they will consider gradually gaining a leading position in the subsequent cooperation process.

Xu Sheng had already turned into the earth in the back. At first he felt that the two major repairs in front were not malicious, and he might usher in the life of the “human master”, but the things not long ago have caused him. His thoughts have changed. He feels that his current life is completely at stake. Maybe The next moment will encounter countless missiles being blown into powder.

The cultivator may be unscathed in the explosion, but there is no possibility for a small cultivator like himself.

The more I think about him, the more bleak his future is, and the more and more intense fear makes his body tremble involuntarily.

Yin and Kuangyuan saw his performance in their eyes, but they didn’t have any words from beginning to end.

Their evaluation of Xu Sheng is fairly good. Although he has average talent and some cunning, he is pure in nature. In addition, he is the first person to discover the Huntuo tribe. If possible, he can also provide some help and improve. His position in earth civilization.

The spacecraft officially entered the earth’s atmosphere soon, and its speed began to slow down rapidly.

In the end, the earth did not choose to attack with weapons.

This is the final decision of the civilized leader.

All powerful attack methods require enough time to recharge and aim, and this step is no longer possible when the incident happened suddenly.

The weapons that can be invoked are at most those orbital weapons.

But for the cultivator, those orbital weapons don’t have much effect, and it is impossible to annihilate them directly.

On the contrary, it will expose the earth’s inexperience in dealing with this matter!

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