Global Sage Era

Chapter 408

Chapter 404: Reappear! Thunder ocean!

When the principle of comprehension exceeded thirty, Xu Sheng felt that the whole world was different in his own feelings.

Yes, even if he is in Gensokyo now, it does not prevent him from having such a feeling.

So far, his Ascension in Gensokyo has exceeded eight percent.

Such a huge Ascension, even if all the credits were consumed in the Tower of Laws before, it was not achieved.

But it is also easy to understand. After all, with the increase in strength, those previously seemingly very difficult to replicate progress will be staged again and again.

The current eight-percentage Ascension, in fact, when the comprehension of the 50% rule is above, a span of two or three points is equivalent to so much.

At the moment when Xu Sheng’s law realized that Ascension reached the level of thirty, no less than fifty dream bubbles burst at the same time.

Xu Sheng thought for a while, but soon stopped thinking about it.

His eyes fell on the Huntuo race again. In that universe, the battle between earth civilization and Zerg civilization had reached the most critical moment.

“Flanking attack, we must not let the highest female worm breakthrough!”

“It wants to escape! It must not be allowed to escape, otherwise it will go to an unmanned star field, and it will be swept back by a loss, and it will be a disaster for the civilization of civilization on the entire earth!”

“Stop it at all costs!”

On the Universe battlefield full of artillery fire, in an unmanned corner, suddenly dozens of Zerg creature battleships appeared from the concealer, leaving the battlefield at a very fast speed.

At first glance, these dozens of biological warships are no different from the most common ones, but when an attack falls on them, you will find that they can’t break their defenses at all!

These biological battleships are obviously the highest-level biological battleships in disguise!

Naturally, the Earth civilization has always understood the relevant information, and has been looking for it after the war. Unfortunately, it has not been found for so many years. According to rumors, this highest-level biological warship is only deployed by the highest female insects. Once they Shots are all for partial victory.

It’s always been strange to the high-level earth civilization in the war before. Why haven’t we seen these biological warships for so long? Although the hope of the Zerg tribe to win the war is very small after the Huntuo tribe joined the war, there is still a chance if you try, no If you try, you can only perish. The earth civilization has fought against the Zerg for so many years, and I don’t believe that they will just wait and die.

Finally, at this moment, they finally waited for the appearance of these highest-level biological warships, which made the rock hanging in their hearts finally come down-if they don’t appear for a day, they have to think about whether the Zerg has any back-ups, and they have to arrange for them. This means of defense.

Fortunately, the situation is not as bad as they thought. The reason why these warships did not come out was because the highest female worm was preparing to escape.

In terms of the speed of navigation, even the latest warships of regional civilization are not as fast as these biological warships.

Therefore, once they are allowed to stand out from the siege and start the transition engine, it will be difficult for the earth civilization to catch up with the highest female insect.

When the highest female worm escapes outside, it will no longer be in the open as it is now, which is equivalent to the earth civilization always guarding against a poisonous snake in the dark.

It is no longer accurate to describe the poisonous snake in the dark, it will be a beast that grows silently!

After the Zerg civilization discovered that the earth civilization had begun to block, all of them went crazy. Those mothers who were above all went crazy and rushed forward, even if the own army was completely wiped out, in order to create for the highest mother. A way out of separation.

Zerg civilization is strictly hierarchical. As for the female insects, there is wisdom. There is a relationship between the females of different levels. The upper females have the right to live and kill the lower females. As long as the higher females want, even if the lower females want The worm immediately blew himself up and the latter would not hesitate too much.

At this time, the behavior of these female worms is naturally not because of how much consciousness they have, but because they have been given instructions by the highest female worm, and the highest goal at the moment is to help it escape.

On the path of the highest female insect, there is a general of earth civilization, under his command thousands of Universe battleships.

At this time, facing the tallest female worm in front of him, his expression became extremely serious.

This is not a good thing. In terms of the comparison of the combat power of the two sides, his side is completely hitting the rocks with pebbles.

But even if you hit the stone with a pebble, you can’t back down!

If he retreats, then he will be a way out of the highest female worm, and he will be a sinner of earth civilization!

Conversely, if he blocked the highest female worm, even if he paid the price of his life, he would be forever in the annals of history and be praised by future generations!

Various thoughts alternated in his mind at this moment. After hesitating for less than a second, the young general made a decision.

He shouted in his fleet channel:

“My colleagues, I would like to ignite this sea of ​​stars with my heart!”

His voice resounded from hundreds of warships at the same time.

This slogan is the slogan of their battleship formation, and this slogan is in every formation.

At this time, this slogan is so exciting and so gorgeous.

The captain of each warship responded first: “I wish to ignite this star sea with my heart!”

“Wish to ignite this star sea with my heart!”

The shouts of every ordinary soldier.

Although the Universe is in a vacuum, through the public channels, every soldier of the earth civilization who is fighting has heard inspiring shouts.

The atmosphere became quiet.

The soldiers on every battleship looked in that direction.

A ball of fireworks was lit.

It is that beauty that adds luster to the starry sky.

Then another ball, another ball…

In just a few minutes, there were more than seven hundred and seventy fireworks.

A long tail flame appeared.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and then there was a silent fighting spirit rising.

The Huntuo tribe witnessed everything, and they heard those shouts in the public flat channel.

The sound just now was so exciting, but now the person making those sounds has become a gorgeous firework.

“Earth civilization has a lot to learn from the Huntuo people.”

Some Practitioners lamented that, compared to the training of this sense of mission of civilized soldiers on earth, Dahuang Practitioners are not bad, but they pale in comparison.

Kuang Yuan couldn’t help but sigh in his heart when he looked at the fireworks that had gradually disappeared. Such military appearance is naturally possessed by all those in power.

But if you want to achieve this step, you are no longer serving someone. They have a lofty belief.

So far, the Huntuo people are more of a spectator in this final battle. Individual power still has a lot of influence in local wars, but in the face of such a huge war, it seems so insignificant.

Moreover, Yin and Kuangyuan also have selfish motives. The Huntuo race finally gained their current power. If they are accidentally targeted by the Zerg, the development of the Huntuo race will be stagnated for hundreds of years.

This is a very likely current event. In the past time, the Zerg has suffered enough from the Huntuo human race, and they will never give up if they have the opportunity to eliminate this ‘eye thorn’.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Huntuo race to avoid the war passively. When the time is almost over, Yin and Kuangyuan let the Practitioners and cultivators dispatch, and they help the earth civilization to eliminate the vital power of the Zerg race.

Especially the high-Realm Practitioner and cultivator, they are specially selected for the destruction of high-level biological warships. Often it takes a lot of energy to destroy a biological warship on the earth’s civilization side. It is a few times in the hands of the high Realm Practitioner and cultivator. Can’t make it through.

“No, it’s going to break through!”

“Never let it break through, stop it!”

“At any price, we must stop it!”

The voices of several commanders sounded in the public channel one after another, and they were full of anxiety and even faint despair.

Kuang Yuan, who was closing his eyes to rest on a battleship, suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked towards the direction where the highest female insect of the Zerg race had left, and a deep expression appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the battleship.

Suddenly, infinite thunder and lightning formed in the void.

This was originally a natural scene on the planet, but it appeared in the void of this Universe for no reason.

All the earth civilization soldiers who saw this scene were stunned for a moment.

Only a second passed, and a vast ocean of hundreds of thousands of thunder and lightning poured down.

These thunder and lightning just simply go down, there is no target there.

But when they fell, they suddenly went to the end of the line of sight, where the Zerg female worm was.

A burly figure appeared in it.

Holding a great halberd in his hand, thunder and lightning turned into his clothing, and a crown was formed on his head.

The earth civilization soldiers stared.

The Huntuo race was also extremely surprised.

The people who showed up there couldn’t be more familiar with them, that was their Dahuang’s country lord! He is also the strongest in Practitioner, and is called the pride of Practitioner!

But how did the Lord of the Kingdom cross such a long distance to reach the tallest female insect?

The highest female worm also has this problem.

It looked at the human being suddenly appeared in front of it, and there was a trace of panic in its eyes.

How come, how could he appear here!

As a fifth-level civilization, Zerg’s intelligence is naturally extremely powerful. Knowing that there are two strongest people in the Huntuo tribe, this person is the top of the force representing the Practitioner group.

However, according to its previous investigation, this person does not have such ability!

And the description of Realm before the earth civilization, it is impossible to have such a combat power!

The highest female worm knows that Kuang Yuan’s current cultivation technique is the most suitable top Cultivation Technique exchanged for him by Xu Sheng. It is also difficult to find a rival in the world. With its vision, naturally I don’t know if Kuang Yuan is exhausted. How far can we do our best?


The highest female worm wants to speak to Kuangyuan.

But what responded to it was a sea of ​​thunder and lightning to the extreme.

At the last moment of the consciousness of the highest female worm, all it can see is the calm and watery eyes.

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