Global Sage Era

Chapter 411

Chapter 407 Gensokyo Riot

As the watchmen were discussing, the changes in Gensokyo further intensified.

It was originally considered a surging mist, but now it has become a riot!

This incident made many people feel a little surprised on the spot.

They looked at each other. Although the original form of existence was very surprised, after becoming the caretaker of Gensokyo, they all chose a human incarnation.

These avatars are mostly middle-aged and elderly people. On the one hand, their mentality is already very old. On the other hand, they have experienced too long time. Compared with the human race, they naturally become middle-aged and old people.

There have always been heart-to-heart talks circulating among the human races, and they have also been best confirmed by them.

It’s not that there is such a situation that the incarnation is a young person, but such an existence generally has great potential. Even if it comes to the human race, it will be favored by the Sages and will give resources to help it grow.

The Sages have never felt that the human race has been sitting on Wu You because of the emergence of many new Sages every year. While they are doing all they can to cultivate a new generation of human races, they are also searching for seedlings with the qualifications of sanctification in the entire universe. .

Once these seedlings are cultivated to be holy, even if they are far apart from each other, they will naturally stand on the side of the human race. After all, the holy Karma can be said to be the largest Karma in the entire universe.

Within the human race, where both the master and the apprentice are Sage, the connection will become closer.

Just like Song Ming and Gu Shiyi, the latter has even been able to compare with own parents in the former’s mind, and there is no longer a question of who is behind.

If Xu Sheng becomes Sage one day, he will have a very close connection with Gu Shiyi. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a breath-related one.

Apprenticeship is not a casual apprenticeship. If Yi was the kind of weird or bad-tempered person to his apprentice in ancient times, Xu Sheng would not choose to worship him as a teacher. In the process, if you deliberately failed to complete a few ancient tests, then this matter has already been understood.

“This…must be reported to the Sages.”

A watchman couldn’t help feeling a little flustered when he saw a scene that had never been seen in Gensokyo.

Although they are quasi-sages, if something goes wrong with Gensokyo, they are obliged to do so.

Even if Qianjing University does not hold them too many responsibilities, just repatriating them is equivalent to breaking the hope of sanctification that they have finally found, which is naturally unacceptable to them.

So at this moment, all the guards panicked, regardless of their own temperament, at this moment, I hope that there will be no accidents.

Before, they thought that Xu Sheng might have caused this movement.

But the mist riots in front of them really make it impossible for them to continue thinking about this aspect.

After all, although Xu Sheng can be called the strongest student since the founding of Qianjing University, it is impossible for him to surpass others to this level. You must know that among those people, they have become true sages now!

The situation was reported soon.

There is always the school’s Sage surveillance in the endless homeland. The guards of all parties are under their jurisdiction. Their responsibility is to maintain the stability of the endless homeland market, remove anomalies and protect students.

Due to the size of the entire endless hometown, there are more than fifty Sages stationed here, and finally a high sage governs it.

At this time, the nearest Sage from Gensokyo came quickly.

No one else, but Huang Xuanlang, who has just become Sage.

Although he has become Sage, the matter of protecting Xu Sheng is not over yet, so he has not been far away from Xu Sheng.

After Hwang Hyeonrang arrived, he immediately observed the overall situation of Gensokyo.

On the way he came, he had already understood the reasons before and after. When he heard the movement that Xu Sheng was suspected of at first, he smiled knowingly. As expected, the little uncle himself would cause a lot of movement wherever he went.

But after observing carefully, he couldn’t help frowning.

Although there are signs of Xu Sheng’s cause in this situation, the movement is a bit too big, and the whole Gensokyo has become a mess. Don’t think too much about the hundreds of students in it at this time must have been affected to varying degrees.

He himself had entered Gensokyo, but at that time his aptitude was considered strong in the same group, so he influenced others from beginning to end, and he didn’t feel much about it.

No matter who caused Gensokyo’s riots, he must feel sorry for the students who are inside.

“Little Master, I hope that this movement is really caused by you, otherwise the Ascension plan may be frustrated.”

He secretly said in his heart that Gensokyo is indeed the most suitable place for Ascension’s strength for Xu Sheng at the moment. If it is delayed because of this impact, so that the goal of the second stage is not completed in the end, it is undoubtedly a pity. .

Although the second stage goal of the special training program is difficult to accomplish, it can even be said to be deliberately making things difficult, but if you do it seriously, there is definitely a possibility of completion. Master will not give you an absolutely impossible goal.

“Don’t panic, I haven’t found the source of Gensokyo’s changes for the time being, but I expect it will not be too big…”

Hwang Xuan Lang was talking to the many guards here, letting them settle down, but before he waited to speak, Gensokyo’s changes made the smile on his face stiff.

In Gensokyo.

Xu Sheng has come to a special area.

It is special because he found that the color of dream bubbles here has become very dark.

Although the dreamy bubbles he saw before had various colors on the surface, their bubble film itself was colorless, and the scene in it could be seen through the bubble film.

But the dream bubbles here have various colors, like bubbles blown out with ink.

It is naturally difficult to see the contents of such a dream bubble. Xu Sheng can’t see clearly at first when it is far away. This is naturally a bit troublesome for him, because he cannot enter selectively.

Although he felt that his Ascension in Gensokyo has reached its limit before, it is not the limit after all. In some special places, he can still continue Ascension, even if it is a little bit, he will naturally not give up, so it has been all the way. Have experienced many periods of life.

But when he came here, he couldn’t continue Ascension. The efficiency of seeing the past was too low, so he suspended Ascension.

“I haven’t seen this area before. What’s the difference?”

As the so-called abnormal things happen, there must be demons, and Xu Sheng doesn’t believe that such a peculiar place will appear in the right place.

Thinking of his current state, he naturally immediately thought of whether it was related to the way he went out.

If he could find a way out here, then he would no longer have any anxiety.

But he has been delayed here for several years, and he hasn’t gained anything.

“Can’t stay here any longer.”

He gave up immediately. The years of time gave him a sense of crisis. If he stays so meaninglessly, the time his subconscious feels will definitely increase significantly, and he may not decide which day he will go after he goes out.

But when Xu Sheng was searching here, nothing changed. When he turned to leave, a popping sound came from behind him abruptly.

He suddenly looked back, only to find that a dark dream bubble burst for no reason.

At the moment of disillusionment, countless voices rang in his ears. It was the wailing of life before the destruction of the whole world.

Only for an instant, this strong impact made his expression somewhat convergent. Although it was still not at the level of pain, the consciousness gathered by these voices was impacting his spirit, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

Before he could make any reaction, there was another slap, and once again a dreamy style shattered, and then the same situation appeared, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

By this time Xu Sheng naturally knew that the bursting of these bubbles was aimed at him.

But it shouldn’t. Gensokyo doesn’t have any related records. It will not target anyone.

But in any case, the problem he is encountering now is the reality. Xu Sheng is bearing the mental shock while staying away from this area.

He seemed to feel his distance, the number of bubbles bursting more and more, faster and faster, Xu Sheng’s feeling had gradually changed from uncomfortable to pain.

One or two is not a big deal to him, but there are thousands, one hundred thousand and one million, which makes him a little unbearable.

Fortunately, the dream bubbles here are far from endless, and the total number is not ten million. Even if all of them are destroyed, Xu Sheng will only be mentally frustrated, and will not be too dangerous.

The biggest doubt in his heart now is why he encountered this.

Is it because you can still maintain consciousness?

If it is said that the greatest possibility, it can only be the same.

When the surroundings turned into those ordinary dream bubbles again, Xu Cheng looked back at the area just now, and found that at some point, it turned into the area where the ordinary dream bubbles were again.

If it weren’t for the mental bruises, he really wanted to wonder if what happened just now was just a fancy.

For Gensokyo, it’s normal to have some conjectures.

In the next time, Xu Sheng continued to move forward to find a way to escape from Gensokyo.

He is not particularly purposeful, more just an intuitive advance.

During this process, he would encounter some abnormalities every once in a while, and a more dangerous situation appeared.

At first, it can give him some mood swings, but after the habit is over, he has been able to take advantage of these opportunities to hone himself.

Not to mention, the effect is really good.

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