Global Sage Era

Chapter 425

Chapter 421

The two worlds that were originally forcibly connected are now slowly separating.

Six powerful consciousnesses stand on both sides.

But what’s amazing is that the one who is clearly more numerous is completely suppressed by the other in terms of momentum.

Xu Sheng glanced at the group of five who had already taken pictures of his power and dared not take any action, took Minor World back to his heart, and then left in the direction of the school.

“Xu Sheng…”

The group of five screamed in their hearts, and the hatred in their eyes was still like galloping magma.

But now they have just experienced a pale white, but they dare not let this voice be heard by Xu Sheng.

They don’t have any advantage on the body, and their own people are being slaughtered side by side.

What can they do?

Only complete despair!

Originally it was just hatred, but the five of them had already developed a deep fear during the battle just now…They didn’t want to experience such a thing again, and didn’t want to meet Xu Sheng again.

They knew very well in their hearts how terrifying Xu Sheng had such a talent in his freshman year.

If Xu Sheng was a student in the same class as them, when they saw him, they wouldn’t even have any idea of ​​being an enemy, right?

As for going back to find someone you know to avenge yourself?

What a joke, no one wants to offend such a genius-what the group of five never expected is that if it were to fight for the ‘backstage’, then Xu Sheng’s backstage would be much harder than them!

You know, his Master is one of the three true sages of the school, but because of the fact that fewer people know about the apprenticeship ceremony, not many people know it yet!

“These things have gained a lot.”

On the way back, Xu Sheng looked at the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures in the treasure house of the Huntuo human race and was very satisfied.

What he was talking about was naturally the gains in the super giant world. Although the people of the five-person group also left some Magic Treasures materials, it is not worth mentioning the income of the super giant world.

In the super giant world for more than two hundred years, it can be said that the resources in it have been collected.

Naturally, this order was also given by Xu Sheng. Something like the Heart of Rules is equivalent to the human heart. When the super-giant world loses it, then the final outcome is only to perish.

From the perspective of ordinary life, such behavior is undoubtedly evil, and Xu Sheng is the master of destroying the world.

From the perspective of Xu Sheng and the human race, this is almost like finding a plant growing fruit in the wild and picking it easily. It has nothing to do with good or evil.

Of course, Xu Sheng and the sages of the human race did not think that they represented goodness.

Humanity and sacredness are only for the own people.

It is an indisputable fact that Human Race constantly grabs surrounding resources during its rise.

Therefore, although the human race regards the world races as enemies, it can understand them.

“This heart of rules will probably take a thousand years to digest slowly.”

Xu Sheng felt the heart of rules in his body, and roughly estimated the time.

The millennium can maximize the effect, anyway, in the universe, the millennium is only a few dozen days of the earth.

It took more than a year to reach the reserved spaceship location, Xu Sheng quickly changed his own body shape back to the state on earth, and then entered the spaceship.

Forty-five minutes later, the spacecraft docked on the berth.

The person who was registering first glanced down at Xu Sheng. At first he didn’t pay much attention to it, but soon it seemed as if something rang out, and he glanced up again like a ghost.


The sound of air-conditioning.


Xu Sheng, who had just stepped out of the spaceship, gave this person a somewhat inexplicable look. When he realized that the other party was actually a quasi saint, he couldn’t help but recede his expression, showing polite respect.

As soon as he thought about it, he knew what had happened, and then he smiled and nodded: “It’s me.”

“Register now.”

Xu Sheng quickly completed the registration as required.

After he left, the quasi-sage was still immersed in the shock just now, unable to extricate himself.

He has lived for so long (time in the world), and the first time he saw someone in more than ten days, his law comprehension was nearly 14%!

This particular Ascension speed of one point a day is too exaggerated!

Soon, he couldn’t help telling the news to others.

Of course, those who can be notified by him are also quasi-sages.

There are still many prospective saints at Qianjing University. Many students who have graduated and stayed at the school will also become teaching assistants or guards. Realm is also a prospective saint at the lowest.

So the news about Xu Sheng’s swift Ascension quickly spread to most of the quasi-sage groups of Qianjing University.

Although these quasi-sages are well-informed and boast that they will not surprise themselves at anything on weekdays, their first reaction after hearing this news is: Impossible.

“Lao Zhang, what are you kidding about, is it possible to understand the ten-point rule of Ascension for more than ten days? Even if Xu Sheng used the opportunity to enter Gensokyo, his understanding of the rule is at most about 7% of Ascension.”

The reason for saying about 7% is naturally because the record is 7%.

The quasi-sage who spoke did not dare to say that Xu Sheng would definitely not break this record, so it said that it was about 7%, but the number of 17 was directly doubled, which is completely impossible.

In contrast, even if you have just discovered a few hearts of rules in a row, you are more credible—the hearts of rules are something that is extremely difficult to encounter, and generally you find one that is even an extraordinary good fortune.

“Yes, although Xu Sheng’s genius is already recognized, it is too outrageous this time. Anyway, I don’t believe it. According to you, wouldn’t it be possible for him to enter the Holy Realm before his senior year?”

People called “Lao Zhang”, after getting replies from their friends, are naturally not angry. They obviously want to let these guys feel the mood of owning, and can’t let themselves be shocked, but who would think The reply came like this.

He sent a message again: “Who dares to bet with me, bet on a quasi-sage-level rule heart!”

“Are you crazy?”

The quasi-sages who saw this news were shocked. How rare is the heart of rules at the quasi-sage level? It can almost be said that the quasi-sages can get the most precious things by own means.

Even these quasi-sages who belong to Qianjing University, there are many who have not obtained the heart of the quasi-sage level rules.

Lao Zhang was also lucky to get the only heart of rules in his previous experience.

Because it is too precious, he hasn’t been willing to use it up to now, and just waits when he enters the bottleneck to see if he can break the shackles with this heart of rules.

But now because of a seemingly impossible heart, it is regarded as a bet.

People who know him, even if they don’t believe this fact in their hearts, still have to believe it at this time.

Difficulty Xu Sheng… Really understood the law ascension by 14% in ten days?

No matter how much turmoil caused by the quasi-sages.

After Xu Sheng walked out of the transit secret realm, he went to the cafeteria the first time.

It may be the coincidence that he came back for the first time. When the spacecraft just approached the earth, he felt a pang of hunger in his stomach.

The first few times were better luck, so I didn’t eat until a few hours after I came back.

Because the first semester is over, there are not many freshman students still on campus at this time.

Compared with students in other grades, the freshmen who have just adapted to the life of the university still can’t help but want to go home in this first semester.

After all, relatives and friends can’t be given up.

Of course, some desperate elements are still staying in the school to study at this time. Even if there is no teacher to teach, the resources of the school can make them Ascension speed several times faster than at home.

At the end of each semester, there is naturally a final assessment.

According to normal circumstances, Xu Sheng was also going to participate in this final exam, but because of his overly dazzling performance in the Battle of the Heart-Making Clan, the Sages learned about his strength and directly waived his exam.

After all, such an exam is just a waste of time for Xu Sheng.

As for Xu Sheng, there is no need to give a special assessment. He has been in the world for so long. Apart from some basic knowledge that is not as good as his sophomore year, he hasn’t bid farewell to his sophomore year in all aspects. His strength has been at the forefront of his sophomore year.

“It’s Xu Sheng.”

“Xu Sheng is back.”

“It seems that it has been half a month.”

“He seems to have become a lot stronger, and it makes me feel so changed.”

Naturally, Xu Sheng received a lot of attention from the way to the cafeteria and during the meal.

Many people looked at him secretly and found that he now feels completely different from before.

How can students whose strength is just over 2% perceive the strength of a “strong man” with a law comprehension of more than 35%?

In their sense, the only thing left is the feeling of being strong.

The feeling Xu Sheng gave them was nothing compared to those of the juniors.

Wait… Junior?

Many people who realize this have their eyes widened.

Isn’t Xu Sheng’s previous strength still some distance from his junior year, how come he is almost the same as his junior year now?

Could it be that his Ascension this time has caught up?


Although they had such speculation in their hearts, they couldn’t believe it at all.

It is incredible enough to catch up with the freshman year of the sophomore year. If you are catching up with the junior year, it would be too scary…

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