Global Sage Era

Chapter 427

Chapter 423 Own Root

In 2178, January 20.

Xu Sheng returned to Qianjing University on the fifth day and the tenth day of school holiday.

After following the old sage and listening and teaching for four days, Xu Sheng calmed down because of the soaring strength in Gensokyo.

Although it was only four days, the amount of good fortune gained by following a true sage far exceeded everyone’s imagination.

Even in the state of being suppressed on Earth, as Xu Sheng’s strength increases, he can feel the infinite aura of the Master beside him.

Even the vastness of the universe is not worth mentioning in front of him.

Even if he had seen the sight of Old Sage taking action, he was still amazed.

Thinking back to the situation in the territory of the Ten Thousand Races, the Master shot the scene at the beginning, maybe because of his duties, he shot casually.

Maybe this kind of behavior has to pay a little attention to the holy realm. After all, it is necessary to take the Minor World out of the sea of ​​the world and cross such a long distance, and in the eyes of the true holy, it may not even be considered consumption, that is, the mind. The degree of a move.

“Cultivation requires a combination of work and rest. You have passed a semester with a high load, even if you will go back to school for two days off every once in a while, but your mental fatigue has not been completely eliminated.”

“Go back, meet people you know, and go back to the city where you were born and raised.”

The words of Old Sage were very peaceful, but when they were spoken, Xu Sheng’s expression was frozen.

Go back to Luyuan?

Do you want to go back?

The answer is naturally.

But how did he tell himself that there is no own relatives there, all he has to do is to practice continuously, to judge the higher peaks of the holy path, and to appreciate the scenery of the holy realm.

But the life of the past eighteen years inevitably appeared in my heart.

Even though he has no blood relatives in that city, his past life has been branded by Lu Yuan.

He is an out-and-out tianlu person.

On January 20, at 5:30 in the afternoon, Xu Sheng stepped out of the gate of Qian University and walked to the station.

It wasn’t until he saw a completely unfamiliar sight in front of him that Xu Sheng suddenly realized that a semester had passed before he really stepped outside the campus.

In the past four months, his route of activity was extremely fixed, and he had not even approached the gate.

“Who allowed me to be allowed to enter the extraterritorial battlefield in advance.”

Xu Sheng smiled helplessly. After being allowed to enter the battlefield outside the territory so early, the transfer secret realm completely replaced outside the school.

To be honest, the architecture of the earth is just like that. Compared to the technological civilizations that have been seen in memory, there is no merit.

If we take the earth civilization we encountered before as an example, the earth is now only the technological level of the second-level civilization.

Due to the particularity of the earth, there is no need to develop science and technology. After all, no one is willing to abandon the hope of sanctification to live in an alien.

Without the need for external expansion, there will naturally be no technological progress.

As a result, the current transportation is still airplanes and high-speed rail, which are considered low in the second-level civilization.

But it was enough, creating a large stable rear.

Sages, even semi-sages, have nothing to enjoy. They don’t have much demand for the environment of Life. All they need is to live on the earth.

Just like the fairy gods in myths and legends, even if they all walked out of the micro-end, they eventually opened up the own realm and lived in the own realm.

Sages looked very open, and Xu Sheng also looked very open.

It was in this very opening that Xu Sheng’s high-speed rail gradually approached Luyuan City.

At this moment, a very clear timid mood appeared in Xu Sheng’s heart.

Feeling closer to hometown is more timid.

No matter what he always said to himself in his heart, at this time he really felt a kind of throbbing from the soul after returning to Shengyang own city after a four-month absence.

“I’m still returning home, isn’t it?”

Xu Sheng laughed at himself. After the protagonists in those novels have achieved certain achievements or have great strength, after returning to their hometown, they will always be praised by the stars.

According to their standards, I should also be considered in line.

But Xu Sheng didn’t look forward to it very much. One is that the current earth culture doesn’t pay much attention to these things. After all, everyone is a person who has seen the world. People of different levels, what kind of things have they never seen in their past experience?

“Attention, all passengers, Luyuan Station is here.”

When Xu Sheng’s thoughts were constantly flying, the sound of the train’s warning sounded. Xu Sheng discovered that the speed of the high-speed rail had slowed down somehow, and the surrounding scene had become like a high-speed rail station.

Xu Sheng followed the crowd out of the subway.

The strength of most people in the same industry is relatively ordinary.

For many middle-aged people in their 30s and 40s, the degree of understanding of the law fluctuates by only a few percentage points.

This is the ‘general public’ on earth today, but there is no doubt that these people also have a Minor World. Even if they have their own work to do during the day, they are still cultivating this own world.

Even at their current age, the law comprehension is only a few percentage points, but their upward path is still not closed. As long as they persist, their strength can still be improved, and there is still the possibility of advanced holy realm.

Although this possible probability is too low, as long as there is, it is better than zero.

When a middle-aged man in a suit came over and saw Xu Sheng, he subconsciously glanced twice.

“How do you feel that he is stronger than me, but my understanding of the law is already 25%, he can surpass me at this age, is it a student of the top universities?”

The strength of the middle-aged in a suit is already considered good among the general public, and if such strength is placed in the world, it can also be moisturized in certain areas.

But he still stays on the earth. On the one hand, he has his own relatives and friends, but more because as long as he is on the earth, he still has hope. If he abandons the earth and settles in other regions, then the final advancement may also be possible. Will slowly lock up.

Xu Sheng felt that the middle-aged man in this suit had a lot of himself, and when he passed by, he smiled at the other party.

The middle-aged man in the suit froze for a while, but also smiled back.

Walking towards his’home’ position, Xu Sheng’s originally melancholy face suddenly became cheerful.

What a wonderful world.

What a nice person.

What a great city.

What if I don’t have relatives in this city, here is my own root!

There seemed to be something clear in his heart, and Xu Sheng’s steps also became firm and powerful at the same time, no longer hesitating!

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