Global Sage Era

Chapter 429

Chapter 425 I’m Not Alone

At nine o’clock in the evening, Xu Sheng returned home.

“Sure enough, being with Lin Rui is the most comfortable. Although Xiao Feng didn’t say anything, he still wanted to surpass me in his heart.”

Walking to the sofa and sitting down, Xu Sheng recalled his experience today, with an unconscious smile on his face.

He still didn’t think much.

But I felt that something different from usual was born in my heart.

Past life, current life, fantasy.

In just a few minutes, countless images appeared in his mind.

Although the experience in Gensokyo didn’t shake his consciousness much, that period of experience was completely absorbed by him and became his wealth.

But now, these memories are intertwined with the real reality, and seem to be in conflict.

“Everything has a price.”

Xu Sheng had anticipated this scene a long time ago. It was like drinking. Many spirits might not feel good at first, but after a while, the stamina was amazing.

In any case, his Ascension this time is too big. Before in the endless return to the market, he was suppressed by the experience of the heart and didn’t show it, but now back on earth, there is not much. When something happened, it began to have an impact on his spirit.

But at the time of the shock, a sense of fit from the bloodline was to eliminate the strength of the shock.

Especially after returning to Luyuan, everything he saw along the way touched his heart.

The law he understands is protection.

He grew up in this city, and Lu Yuan guarded Own so much, and all the stable scenes he saw right now made him want to guard.

The sun rose, and the night passed.

When the sun rose the next day, Xu Sheng also walked out of the maintenance cabin.

Today is the twenty-ninth of the twelfth lunar month, and the Chinese New Year will be tomorrow.

Xu Sheng didn’t tell anyone about returning to Luyuan, and Su Linrui knew that he was back now.

A person has become accustomed to the New Year. He plans to go out today to buy the stickers used for the New Year, and then buy some food.

As for cooking…In Gensokyo’s experience, there were people who were chefs. Although I don’t know how to work, I have a lot of theoretical knowledge.

But when he got everything ready and ready to go out, he received a message.

[Are you back for the New Year? 】——Lu Yuan.

After seeing this news, Xu Sheng laughed.

【is back. 】

Naturally, there was a period of being slandered afterwards. Lu Yuan didn’t tell himself when he came back, whether he should not be regarded as a friend.

Xu Sheng repeatedly apologized. This is indeed an own problem. He arrived home the night before. At that time, he felt it was too late and didn’t tell him. He planned to say it yesterday.

But I was with Su Linrui the whole day yesterday, and I had forgotten when I came back tonight because of my heart surge.

But despite saying that, Lu Yuan is not in Luyuan. He will go home for the New Year, and will not come back until the seventh day.

There is a pity in Xu Sheng’s heart. The two of them undoubtedly missed it. He was going to go back on the fourth day of the junior high. This time he came back to Luyuan, and he gave own leave for a week.

The rest of the time must hurry to go to the endless experience in the ruins.

The contact with Lu Yuan was not over yet, and I received another message from Cheng Chuxue.

He also kept in touch with Cheng Chuxue. Every time he came back from the Endless Guixu, he would talk a few words. This time it seemed like an appointment with Lu Yuan, and a message was sent from his front and back feet.

It took half an hour to chat with Lu Yuan and Cheng Chuxue.

Then the chat between the two of them hadn’t ended yet, and news from the third person came, this time it was Deng Huan.

The first class in this class who had conflicts with him, but now the words in the chat are very polite, and the content of the inquiry is similar, asking if he has come back from school.

Everyone knows that Xu Sheng is an orphan, so if he does not come back to celebrate the New Year, it is a very understandable thing.

“Why are they all together?”

It’s okay to chat with one or two, and if all three of them respond, Xu Sheng feels a little rushed.

But the more hurried things are still to come. In the following time, the students from small to large began to send messages. In addition, there are those who tested together after the second model, and then those in the champion class.

Suddenly, Xu Sheng was a little dazed.

What’s the situation?

Obviously, there was no one in contact with me yesterday, but today they all rushed together.

Later, Xu Sheng even received messages from Xiao Sihai, the principal of the Third Middle School, and Xie Hong, the boss.

Xiao Sihai asked about the situation. Xie Hong directly invited Xu Sheng to her house for the New Year. He said that there was no one in the house, so he could join in the fun.

At first, Xu Sheng didn’t feel much, but it was a coincidence that everyone chose to ask him now.

But gradually, a kind of warmth rose from the bottom of his heart.

He suddenly discovered that there were so many people caring about themselves and caring about themselves.

It turns out that Luyuan has so many people he knows.

“It seems that I had some problems with my thinking before.”

Xu Sheng began to reflect. He thought it would be useful to return to Luyuan. After all, there are no relatives and no particularly good friends here.

But the facts prove that I know many people here.

Deng Huan also asked him. After the year, a classmate reunion asked him if he wanted to participate. Xu Sheng had to say that he was leaving in the third year of the junior high. I was afraid that I didn’t have time to participate. The second day.

[Everyone knows that your time is precious, saying that as long as you are willing to show your face and participate, the time can be yours]

Now that it’s all here, what else can Xu Sheng say?

Naturally, he knew in his heart that the accommodation of his classmates was brought about by his current strength.

If he was the original Xu Sheng, no one would pay attention to him.

But there is no need to invite people like this.

In this world, except for parents, no one will treat you well without asking everything.

Even Xu Sheng himself didn’t become friends with those ordinary talents.

Except for the classmate reunion, Xie Hong, the head teacher, had to agree.

Compared to celebrating the New Year alone, there are naturally more people and more lively.

Xu Sheng was still very grateful to the old class. Although he hadn’t paid much attention to himself in the previous two years, he did not treat himself differently from beginning to end.

This is already very rare. In classes other than the third class, the class teacher basically ignores the students who are behind, and they are in a laissez-faire state.

And Xu Sheng, if he is not serious, he will be directly criticized by Xie Hong.

Not to mention that when the equivalence of everything was turned on, the second model got good results, and Xie Hong rewarded Bodhi directly to himself.

After changing the original plan, Xu Sheng bought some gifts.

The credit rewards given by Qianjing University have never been used until now. It is easy for him to buy some gifts.

New Year’s Thirty, ten thirteen in the morning.

Xu Sheng carried large and small bags of things and knocked on the door of Xie Hong’s house.

Xie Hong saw Xu Sheng carrying so many things, and said a little strangely: “Everyone said that you just need to open your mouth. You have to carry these things. When you go back, you will carry them all to me. I don’t want one.”

Xu Sheng carried the things into them, and smiled: “I won’t carry it away if I carry it, you just throw it away, or I will carry it away.”

“You kid.” Xie Hong slapped Xu Sheng on the shoulder.

“This is Xu Sheng, isn’t it? Oh, really energetic.”

Xie Hong’s husband came to say hello, and there was a little girl standing next to him, who was about ten years old.

“What are you doing, called Big Brother.”

Xie Hong couldn’t help but say something when she saw her daughter standing stupidly.

The little girl was a little timid, obviously a little scared, but she still shouted obediently, “Big Brother is good.”

“It’s okay with you.” Xu Sheng rubbed her head, and then brought the gift prepared in advance to her. “This is for you. See if you like it.”

The little girl’s eyes lit up suddenly. After looking at her mother’s expression, she opened the gift box happily after she was sure that she was okay. After seeing the gift inside, she liked it very much.

“This girl.” Xie Hong shook his head with a smile.

The man was smiling at first, but after inadvertently feeling Xu Sheng’s current strength, he couldn’t help being stunned.

He felt it again with some disbelief, and after making sure that he didn’t feel wrong, he couldn’t help but breathe in a cold breath.

Anyway, as long as it is the first time I see Xu Sheng, or after seeing him again after a long absence, the probability of inhaling air-conditioning is extremely high.

“Your current law comprehension has exceeded 30%?”

The man couldn’t help asking, he himself is also a holy realm, and can be considered to be able to calm down on weekdays, but at this time, he can’t make it!

Xie Hong who was on the side was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly felt some of Xu Sheng’s breath. After realizing that her husband had made no mistake, she no longer knew what words to use to describe her feelings at this time.

“Well, I just surpassed it not long ago.”

Xu Sheng replied neither humble nor arrogant. He had anticipated the appearance of this scene before he came, so he dealt with it calmly.

“I have heard that your comprehension of the law exceeds 10% before, and I already thought it was incredible at that time, but how long did you pass 30%, how did you practice this kid?” Xie Hong passed by I have been concerned about Xu Sheng’s growth for several months, and will send Xu Sheng a message to ask him about his current situation every few months, but she never expected that this second semester has not started, and his understanding of the law has exceeded 30%.

Xie Hong had good grades at the beginning, but when she graduated, her understanding of the law was only 34%, only slightly higher than Xu Sheng.

“Compared with you, my college days seem to have been in vain…but you can have your current strength, and I am also happy for you.” Xie Hong felt in his heart, Xu Sheng seemed to be completely reborn in the past six months.

“Okay, stop standing at the door, go in and sit down and talk.”

“Yes, yes, sit down and talk.”

Xu Sheng smiled and walked in behind him.

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